The crime rate is up, the crime rate is down!

FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 2024

Two stories for two Americas: Is the crime rate going up as an ongoing part of our "American carnage?"

If your neighbors and friends watch the Fox News Channel, that's what they're frequently told.

Below, we'll link you to one example. For now, we'll recommend the detailed report by Kevin Drum which appears beneath this headline:

Crime is really and truly down in 2024

"Crime is really and truly down." To the extent that anyone's listening, that's what we're told in Blue America—and no, we aren't saying that statement is wrong.

Kevin's report is quite detailed. He starts with a tweet which voices "the current meme on the right." The tweet in question says this:

"Crime is not down. Crime reporting is."

That actually is a current meme on the right, as we'll show you below. For now, we recommend Kevin's report about the way the FBI gathers crime statistics. Among other things, you'll read this:

Crime is really and truly down in 2024


For many years the FBI used a crime-reporting system called SRS. But in 2016, after years of testing, they finally announced that they would switch to a substantially improved system called NIBRS by 2021. And they did. Not every police department was ready on time, but the participation level has been rising every year:

About 71% of all police department now submit crime data via NIBRS. Among the 15 largest cities, all are up and running—including New York City—except for Los Angeles and Jacksonville. Both will complete the transition later this year.

In addition, the FBI allows non-NIBRS agencies to report old-school SRS data, which is reformatted and then used to estimate crime in nonreporting cities. So the total agency coverage of the FBI's dataset is actually about 84%.

Now, the old SRS system had about 95% agency coverage, so the coverage of the current system is still lower than it used to be. However, as you might expect, the statisticians in the Department of Justice are keenly aware of this and spent years developing a set of sophisticated methods to estimate the full total...

As he continues, Kevin explains how those sophisticated methods work. Here is his final assessment:

DRUM (6/14/24): The upshot of all this is (a) participation is growing and nearly all big cities are now on board, and (b) the FBI's model accounts for missing cities and makes up for it. The NIBRS transition in 2021 was pretty messy, but since then the kinks have mostly been worked out and the current data is very reliable. Not perfect, but pretty good. If they say crime is down, then crime is down.

That's what you might hear in Blue America. In Red America, several million citizens watched Jesse Watters Primetime on the Fox News Channel this Wednesday night. 

The silly boy's report on crime came midway through his program. After video slips of urban mayhem, TV's silliest child said this:

WATTERS (6/12/24): Crime is so out of control, looters are back and there's not even a reason to riot...In New York, maniacs with knives are now lunging at cops.

So said TV's silliest boy, speaking to millions of viewers. To watch the entire segment, you can start by clicking here.

At 8:37 p.m., the silly child introduced someone who sounded like a reasonably credentialed guest. The first Q-and-A went like this:

WATTERS: Blatant and outrageous crimes occurring on a daily basis, coast to coast. But Biden is running for re-election, so the FBI is telling you crime is down.

Attorney and retired NYPD Inspector Paul Mauro. Paul, the FBI comes out and says crime is waaaaaay down. Is that true?

MAURO: No. All right, so let's just break it out in a very simple way, just from the get-go.

Mauro proceeded to "break it out" in the manner shown:

MAURO (continuing directly): Forty percent of the nation's police departments don't report up to the FBI with their crime numbers. 

WATTERS: Oh! Ha ha ha.

MAURO: And what a coincidence! Let's do the roll call—New York, L.A., Chicago, Baltimore. Washington, D.C., which is federal itself, they don't report to the FBI.

WATTERS: Ha ha ha ha ha.

MAURO: Consequently, what do they have in common? These are all big, blue cities that have high crime rates, and those numbers are not going into the UCR—that's what they're called—the UCR crime reports.

The segment proceeded from there. Already, we seem to have bumped into several gross contradictions.

We'll have more on this topic tomorrow. Kevin offered a detailed report, Watters brought on the juice.

This is the face of a major American problem. We aren't referring to our nation's crime rate. We're referring to a type of information war Blue America's corporate-paid thought leaders generally choose to ignore.

More on this problem tomorrow. At present, it qualifies as "the problem we all live with."


  1. About Al Sharpton:

  2. Stay on topic. Trump is a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, fined over half a billion in at least 4 fraud cases, a bankrupter of seven companies, a loudmouth constantly lying no-nothing, a self described pussy grabber, a blower up of the deficit, a man who has promised to finally do something in office if re-elected - destroy SS and Medicare so rich people can pay less taxes, end all environmental regulations, and expand abortion restrictions. Who gives a flying fuck about crime reports.

    1. Bob’s topics are doo-doo. He admires Al Sharpton.

  3. DOJ won’t prosecute Merrick Garland for contempt of Congress.

  4. "We're referring to a type of information war Blue America's corporate-paid thought leaders generally choose to ignore."

    Blue America's corporate-paid thought leaders are paid to report news as accurately as they can and that is generally what they do. It is not their job to fact-check, monitor, address or contradict anything on Red America's corporate-paid thought leaders at Fox News, Newsmax, Russia Today, Alex Jones, or any other extremist right wing website, podcast or source. They are only responsible for what they themselves say -- not for what others say over on the right.

    Somerby repeatedly takes the left to task for the sins of the right by pretending that we on the left are supposed to control what the right says. We don't have the power to do that and we are not responsible for their mistakes, lies or other types of inaccuracies.

    But this gives Somerby the excuse to sound relentlessly negative about the left, so-called Blue America (he has stopped calling us a tribe, for some reason). We do the best we can to get the word out. If some people do not want to consume news that contradicts their cherished beliefs and assumptions, that is not on us, it is on them.

    So, the crime rate is not really up but actually is down. You can never convince some people of that and it is a waste of time to try. That is not our fault, it is theirs.

    1. Indeed, there are media organizations dedicated to documenting the failings of corrupt media corps like Fox News, such as Media Matters, and tons of YouTube channels, and even Somerby back in the day.

    2. I'm with Bob on this. Right-wing misinformation is one of the biggest problems we face as a country -- it's the root of most other political evils. And without push back from the largest news orgs, it will continue unabated. Platforms like Media Matters simply aren't prominent enough. It is newsworthy when millions of people are lied to about crucial topics, like who won the 2020 presidential election.

    3. Printing the truth instead of lies IS pushback.

  5. "It is not their job to fact-check, monitor, address or contradict anything on Red America's corporate-paid thought leaders at Fox News, Newsmax, Russia Today, Alex Jones, or any other extremist right wing website, podcast or source."

    And if they tried, they'd never have time to do anything else.

    The right has spent years shouting that legitimate news organizations are "liberal media" and "fake news." If ordinary media outlets--the ones Our Host denotes as "blue"--were to spend time reporting on such an information war, it would simply become one more point of "both sides" contention. The right would simply reply "See? We told you they were liberal!"

    And that would be as far as it would go.

  6. Somerby says "The crime rate is up. The crime rate is down."

    Why not: "The crime rate is down. The crime rate is up."?

    Why does it matter? People tend to read and believe the first part of a sentence more than the last part. If you want people to believe the crime rate is up, say that first. A fair number of people will not process the second part as well, so the negative message will stick, for them. These are propaganda tricks. People notice the statement, not the contradiction or reversal of it.

    1. The crime rate drop this year is on trend to being one of the largest drops in history.

      Yet Somerby muddies the water here, saying he’s not doing something (repeating Republican talking points) before going ahead and doing that very thing.

  7. Crime is down.

  8. Operation 40:

    Debrief agent: Fanny Whistler

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  10. "Kevin offered a detailed report, Watters brought on the juice."

    In vain, Bob. No one will believe Kevin or any other deep state-aligned propagandist anyway. Except for those who already conditioned to believe anything coming out of the deep state.

    It's just too late, Bob. The Others have seen so much deep state bullshit over the last 8 years, that they won't trust any deep state-produced "info" anymore, no matter how many words Kevin or any other deep state proponent say or publish.

    The only useful things we could hear from Kevin&Co. would be regrets and apologies, for the shit they participated in over the last 8 years. But I don't think it's coming.

    1. I took Bob's advice and listened to "the Others". They're a bunch if bigots, just like we thought.

    2. Oh, I get it, 5:54. Sure we will buy your narrative over the data. Even Texas, you know, the border state with all those criminal elements flooding in from Mexico, has declining crime rates. Their data, not FBI data. You are a troll/loser.

    3. We don't call him Weirdo Mao for nothing. He's swallowed the entire Trumpian worldview hook, line and sinker. War is peace. Freedom is slavery.

  11. Maybe more of this will make Bob happy
    (the stuff DiC, Cecelia and their ilk get feverish over):
