CONSENSUS: Citizens say the darnedest things!

MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2024

Large nations require consensus: Sunday morning, at 7 a.m., C-Span's Washington Journal posed a sensible question to its viewers.

The question was especially sensible under current circumstances. For richer or poorer, for better or worse, the question, presented in a chyron, went exactly like this:


Is the current election the most important ever? At present, people routinely say it is, on both sides of the national aisle.

Puckishly, C-Span's host played videotape throughout the hour in which politicians declared that some particular past campaign was "the most important" ever.

(Actually, most said the election in question was "the most important in our lifetime," or something to that effect.)

The moderator was stretching a bit. But many people really are saying that this year's presidential campaign is the most important ever.

It's being said in Blue America, but in Red America too. Yesterday, so it went as C-Span viewers made phone calls to Washington Journal.

Is this really the most important election ever? Sunday morning's third caller quickly said that it is. The caller then proceeded to say some of the darnedest things.

At times of intense political division, people say and believe such things! For better or worse, as his presentation began, the third caller offered this:

DENNIS FROM HUDSON, INDIANA (6/9/24): Yes, it is the most important election in our history because in another four years under Joe Biden, we will not have a republic...

Say what? If President Biden gets re-elected, we'll no longer have a republic?

Stating the obvious, that resembles what's being said, in Blue America, about the nation's fate if Candidate Trump gets elected. But why did the caller say that? 

Why did the caller say that? His fuller statement started as shown below, with the caller making a wide array of angry, familiar remarks:

DENNIS FROM INDIANA: Yes, it is the most important election in our history because in another four years under Joe Biden, we will not have a republic. 

He's trying to get us in a war with Russia. He's holding back one of our staunchest allies in Israel from finishing a job that is imperative for them to finish. He's destroying our economy. He's letting millions of illegals into this country which are taking the jobs of Americans.

They're talking about this jobs report Friday. What they're not telling you is there are less Americans working in this country today than there were the day that Joe Biden took office. All of the jobs, all of the wealth, he is transferring to the illegals. The man is a pedophile and he needs to be removed from office immediately.

Yes, he even said that! 

According to the angry caller, the current president is trying to start a war with Russia. He's trying to destroy the economy. 

Plus, the president is a pedophile. Let's not forget to say that!

In accord with standard procedure on C-Span, its host didn't challenge any of these remarks. Instead, his exchange with the caller continued in the manner shown:

MODERATOR (continuing directly): But Dennis—Dennis, don't we face issues every four years in this country, or continually in this country?

DENNIS FROM INDIANA: Yes, we do. But this man is trying to take away our Second Amendment rights. He and his administration have tried to take away our First Amendment rights by restricting what people can say on social media. 

This man is a danger to this nation. He is senile and he is a moron. 

In fairness, it seems that no one has eliminated this caller's First Amendment rights. He was allowed to make these claims, without interruption, on C-Span's Washington Journal!

"That's Dennis in Hudson, Indiana," the moderator said at this point, as he ended the call. So it went on C-Span this Sunday morning, at 7:09 a.m.

In truth, the caller had offered an array of familiar remarks. To cite one major enterprise, his assessments are commonly offered on the Fox News Channel, except for the remarkable claim about pedophilia. 

On Fox, that claim is only made, in disguised fashion, on that channel's most disordered show, the primetime Gutfeld! program. On that program, the host and his guests will slide that claim in, though only in disguised form.

That C-Span caller was full of assertions. As you may know, American discourse frequently sounds like that at the present time. 

Just a guess! Conversations of this general type have occurred in every election campaign in American history. That said:

Not long ago, you had to go to a corner bar, on a very bad night, to hear someone spouting in some such way. Or you had to send away in the mail, seeking literature from some relatively invisible organization

Today, you can hear conversations like that at "news" and propaganda sites all around the clock. At C-Span, the moderator made no attempt to fact-check the welter of claims which were advanced in this call. 

In truth, any such attempt would almost surely have been useless. For example, the claim about American jobs involves a level of complexity which lies well beyond the reach of our journalistic powers. 

(Kevin Drum has addressed this emerging claim in this fairly complex post. We first heard this general claim being advanced several months ago on—what else?—the Gutfeld! program. All the new jobs are going to immigrants, the program's host has declared.)

At present, our American discourse is built upon the promulgation of such angry, uncheckable claims. In this instance, the caller was just a regular citizen calling in from Indiana—but people are paid very large salaries by very large "news orgs" to make similar angry claims.

It used to be hard to hear such rants. Today, they're hard to avoid—though we'll also tell you this:

The caller's claim about the border wasn't completely nuts. Also, it isn't crazy to suggest that President Biden may seem to be diminished in some significant way.

That said, American discourse is currently built on The Crazy. It's also built on that entity's near cousins—on The Highly Selective, on The Flatly Inaccurate and on The Baldly Misleading. 

(Also, on The Highly Irrelevant—on the "Yes, But Please Look Over Here.")

That C-Span caller's claims came from Red America. In our view, the discourse in our own Blue America often runs on shaky claims too, producing a type of Red and Blue Babel.

Can a large modern nation really function this way? Once again, we'll suggest that the answer is no.

Large modern nations can't expect to function without a degree of consensus. We refer to some degree of consensus about basic facts. We also refer to some degree of consensus about who a citizen can trust for reasonably accurate information and for reasonably sensible analysis.

Today, our nation benefits from no such consensus.  We'll revisit this problem all week long as the phone calls to C-Span roll in. 

Tomorrow: What C-Span's next caller said


  1. Red America is trying to take Hunter Biden's gun rights away.
    How many Right-wing accusations are confessions?
    All of them, Katie.


  2. "Yes, he even said that!"

    Well, yes, I've seen plenty of charts (outside of the state-run media, obviously) demonstrating that the American-born segment keeps losing jobs under the current regime. This doesn't mean, of course that all the jobs go to illegals, as there are also legal immigrants and work-visa holders, but hey, close enough. One can understand why DENNIS FROM HUDSON, INDIANA might feel betrayed.

    Here is one example:

    "Compared to the fourth quarter of 2019, right before COVID-19 hit, the fourth quarter of 2023 shows 2.7 million more people working.

    Except all those gains are among immigrants.

    The number of immigrants working over this period is up by 2.9 million, while 183,000 fewer US-born Americans are working.

    Put simply, compared to 2019, all the net job growth has gone to immigrants."

    So, there.

    1. We need to stop putting lazy Americans in competition with smart, hard-working immigrants when it comes to jobs.
      Biden is not the Coddler in Chief to lazy Americans that the media portrays him.

    2. Those employers of 2.9 million illegals need a HUGE tax break pronto. And Donald Trump is just the guy to give it to them, no questions asked.

    3. It doesn't go back to 2019 and it contradicts the NY Post story?

      I know Soros' trained monkeys are dumb, but, sadly, you sound completely brain-dead.

    4. Soros should hire immigrants to post on Somerby's site. They are smarter, and work harder than lazy Americans.

    5. Is Soros hiring Americans through some kind of Affirmative Action program? Is it based on quotas?

    6. Somerby's characterization of Drum's short look into the subject is misleading, it is straightforward and strongly indicates that the caller's claim is false.

      Furthermore, 9:53's point is misleading, at best.

      In reality, foreign born unemployment has increased significantly from 2019, from 3.1 to 3.6%.

      The percentage of foreign born workers has increased since 2019, but that is due to an enormous drop during Covid, when borders were closed; it is not due to any new cultural or political trend.

      In fact, during Trump's reign, the percent of foreign born workers increased from 16.9 to 17.4%, roughly about the same amount as under Biden.

      2018 had an increase of foreign born workers at 3% versus native born at .7%.

      2022 had a higher increase of native born workers at 1%, than every Trump year except for 2019 which only matched the same rate.

      The percent of foreign born workers has been on a long-term upward trend since the late 90s. Aside from the Covid-borne bounce, the biggest increases were under W Bush and Trump. This is because this trend is in part a result of neoliberal policies that prioritize corporate profits over labor concerns. If anything, Biden has worked to reverse that trend.

      Immigrants are the backbone and lifeforce to our economy and society. Republicans give immigrants a hard time because they are an easy way to juice their voter base, yet Republicans are primarily responsible for their circumstances; Republicans endorse our meddling in other countries that create the motivation for immigrants to flee their homeland; Republicans work hard to block minimum wages or wage increases in general; Republicans give greedy corporations handouts and welfare while ignoring labor.

      Trump lost 35k manufacturing jobs, Biden has brought back 170k+ manufacturing jobs.

      Trump and the Republicans are pro corporations and anti-worker, whereas Biden is our most pro labor president in modern times.

    7. Quaker in a BasementJune 10, 2024 at 4:52 PM

      If all the job growth is going to immigrants, where are all the unemployed native-born Americans? Isn't the unemployment rate for Americans at a long-term low point?

      Here's something obvious that isn't being mentioned here: the US has an aging population. We've seen a surge in retirements over the past 10 years and that surge will continue for several years more. The labor participation rate among Americans is falling because we're getting old, not because foreign-born workers are squeezing us out.

    8. From the NYPost's opinion piece:
      "Reducing illegal immigration and allowing wages to rise for jobs performed by those without a college degree would help coax Americans back to work."

      It would also create another wave of inflation we could blame on any Democrats in the vicinity.

    9. You should write that opinion writer a strongly-worded letter.

  3. "The caller's claim about the border wasn't completely nuts. Also, it isn't crazy to suggest that President Biden may seem to be diminished in some significant way."

    Somerby is willing to call Dennis in Indiana's remarks crazy, except for the ones he agrees with. He decries the lack of fact-checking on C-Span, but does none himself. He just says it is too complicated.

    Is Biden "diminished in some significant way"? You wouldn't think so by looking at his performance as president. By nearly all measures, he is doing a fine job. So the right wing manufactures fake video of him sitting in an imaginary chair (that happens to be real) and says he is pooping his pants. And Somerby acquires the vague notion that because Biden is old (no one denies that) he must be incapacitated. Even though there is nothing in his performance as president to support that idea. But evidence is too complicated, Somerby says.

    Kevin Drum does his best to check claims that Somerby calls uncheckable. There are others working hard at that same task. You don't have to read all of their explanations, just the bottom line, but Somerby should go through the motions of looking up and seeing whether immigrants are taking everyone's jobs (Hint: they are not).

    And if you aren't going to do that, then you have two choices: blue and red. If you are a red voter, you get to stand in the heat while your convicted felon rapist candidate says he doesn't care about you, just your vote, and you can buy a red hat on the way out. If you are a blue voter, you get to see your president shake hands with world leaders and speak with respect about our war heroes while he tries to force Netanyahu to participate in a cease fire.

    Such a difficult choice, Somerby says.

  4. If you are a right wing voter, you need to connect the dots between that edited video of Biden sitting down (not pooping his pants) being circulated on the right, and the demand that Garland turn over the interview tape the FBI made when searching for classified documents at Biden's home. A transcript of that tape has already been provided but the Republicans are demanding the actual tape.

    Why do they want it? So that they can edit it and produce more memes to circulate suggesting that Biden is too senile to be president. They can use every stutter and pause to portray Biden as incompetent. Or perhaps they hope to find some golden moment they can use to suggest that Biden didn't fully cooperate with the FBI, which will let them "whatabout" Biden at Trump's upcoming classified documents trial -- despite the fact that Trump actively hid documents, while Biden didn't realize he had any still.

    It is all a massive game of gotcha, being played by the Republicans to put Trump back into an office he is unfit to hold. But Somerby ignores the larger issues and focuses in on "Biden is too old" and "immigrants are taking our jobs" (even though no immigrant has ever threatened to take any job Somerby has held).

    Somerby talks about reason but he doesn't demonstrate it. His knee jerk reasons for opposing Biden are emotional and exacerbated by propaganda from the right. Instead of analyzing his beliefs, he assumes they are valid and repeats talking points as if they were true. We have a very low unemployment rate and great job creation stats, with businesses trying to find workers instead of turning away job seekers, but Somerby is sure it is true that immigrants are taking our jobs. And Biden is too old -- because just look at the guy.

    Too many people will make their voting decisions in the same manner as Somerby. Listening to idiots on call-in shows and mocking elderly people (except Nana, because that would be unkind). Our job as blue voters is not to agree with them (as Somerby does today), but to show them that (1) a candidate is not one person, but a team, (2) a campaign needs a coherent platform and plans, (3) both candidates have results from previous terms to compare, (4) your concerns matter and should be discussed by whoever you support for president, (5) both candidates are old but what matters is their performance, (6) it matters when a candidate breaks the law because the job of president is to uphold the laws and our constitution, not own the libs or kick ass.

    1. Agree, and well said, thank you.


    "Woman Sentenced to Month in Prison Over Theft of Ashley Biden’s Diary

    Aimee Harris sold the diary to Project Veritas, a right-wing group, in what prosecutors said was a brazen plot to damage Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the 2020 election." [NY Times]

    Project Veritas then manufactured a passage to suggest that Joe Biden had molested his daughter, which then justified calling Biden a pedophile. This has been circulating on the right for a long time. It is as fake as the video of Biden supposedly sitting down in an imaginary chair.

    The right has no restraint when it comes to this stuff. And right wing voters gobble it up as if it were all true (see Cecelia for an example). How do you fight this? Not the way Somerby does today, where he picks out the few statements he agrees with, calls them no crazy, and thereby validates Dennis in Indiana's entire call. And Somerby spends no time at all debunking anything said by the right, except to all it crazy. Why not talk about the crimes of Project Veritas and the woman who stole the diary? I found that info in a google search that took about a minute, including the criminal charges but also the various right wing sources who have been promoting the story.

    This is disinformation. It is propaganda. Somerby laps it up and asks for more. He is, himself, the prototypical Fox viewer who spends his time viewing pernicious lies without making any effort to find out what is true. Somerby says a modern nation cannot function this way. But then he spreads the shit himself. Why wouldn't he devote some of his abundant spare time to counteracting this shit on behalf of Biden? The left doesn't do this stuff. This is how the right plays politics and it is as ugly as it gets. The left doesn't.

    1. Donald Trump's outright contempt for Republican voters is something the media could learn from.

    2. The way media currently operates, it is way more profitable to cater to and coddle Republican/right wing grievances and attack Progressives, than to engage in actual journalism.

    3. So, you're not aware of the inappropriate showers controversy? Never heard of it? Or you have heard of it, and blocked it from your (alleged) consciousness, as required from any good liberal?

    4. I'm not aware of that story, probably because I read liberal media like Murdoch's Wall Street Journal and Jeff Bezos' Washington Post.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Yes, see me for the utterly inexplicable lie that Biden is old and it shows…. and that right wing bastion Snopes confirmed the showering with dad story via a letter that Ashley Biden wrote to a judge.

      What are these “lies” as compared to ten paragraphs of assertions that we should all take as gospel from people who can’t reason their way out of a paper bag

    7. That so-called controversy circulated only on the right. Democrats who have heard of it know that Biden's diary was stolen and that Project Veritas produces fake videos and reports, and that the likelihood of the president doing anything like that is so small as to be non-existent, and Democrats are more likely to have heard Ashley Biden's side of things.

    8. “…and that the likelihood of the president doing anything like that is so small as to be non-existent, and Democrats are more likely to have heard Ashley Biden's side of things.”

      Aristotle had nothing on anonymices.

    9. Commenters here have acknowledged that Biden is old. He wasn't accused of being old -- he was accused of sitting in imaginary chairs and pooping himself, neither of which is true. Republicans are being accused of editing a video to embarrass Biden. They clearly did that -- look at the original clip, in which Biden and Macron and their wives ALL sit in those real chairs at the same time, to listen to a speech together.

      As to the shower story, here is Snopes saying there is no evidence to support it. The stuff Cecelia is citing verifies the existence of the diary, not the purported contents:

    10. Notice the way Cecelia believes (or pretends to believe) all of this fake disinformation from right wing sources, while she links to it and spreads it herself. Any thought that she might be a real person and not a right wing operative should be gone with this evidence of her energetic attempts to smear Biden (on a platform that Somerby provides).

      It is her right to say any crappy thing she wants here, but you don't have to believe her or even believe she is a credible commenter and not a right wing shill.

    11. Anonymouse 11:37am, a particular quote was what Snopes disputed as being authentic. There is no evidence that Ashley Biden uttered those exact words. Read on to what Snooes says that Ashley DID write.

      “We previously published detailed coverage about rumors of the existence of a diary that allegedly belonged to Ashley Biden. A reproduction of the purported diary was leaked online by the right-wing blog National File in October 2020, just one month ahead of the U.S. presidential election. Although the evidence that the diary and its alleged contents were authentic was largely circumstantial for a time, Ashley Biden herself finally confirmed its authenticity in a April 8, 2024, letter to the judge overseeing the sentencing of one of the people convicted of stealing the diary.

      Moreover, the leaked diary, which Ashley Biden had kept while she was recovering from addiction, does contain a page on which she ruminated on the possible reasons she felt "hyper-sexualized" at a young age. In addition to feeling uncomfortable at the house of a certain family she knew and "having sex with friends @ a young age," she wrote of "showers w/my dad (probably not appropriate)."

      However, we skimmed through all 112 pages of the PDF file and found nothing resembling the quote "I [am] so afraid of him coming in the shower with me that I've waited until late at night to take a shower." It does not exist in the document.”

    12. So, voices inside your head tell you that inappropriate showers did not happen? And that you need to act outraged every time inappropriate showers are mentioned? Do I get it right? Is that it?

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Anonymouse 11:47am, the video of Biden seemingly searching for his chair was first seen on Twitter, not Fox News. There were jokes that sprang from the footage about Biden searching for a nonexistent chair because he was pooped, but evidently he was searching for an existing one…

      You’re a clown.

    15. If the other quotes do not exist, why would anyone assume the ruminations do either? The contents have not been verified by snopes or anyone else.

    16. It wasn't blatant enough to convict Biden so the right wing disinformation manufacturers enhanced it with an explicit lie.


      A diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley Biden, describes showers taken with her father when she was a child as "probably not appropriate."

      About this rating
      Note: On April 29, 2024, Snopes changed the rating of this fact check from "Unproven" to "True" based on testimony provided by Ashley Biden. In an April 8 letter to a New York judge requesting jail time for one of the two people convicted of stealing her diary, Biden wrote "I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online."’

    18. This is absolutely disgusting and reprehensible on the part of Cecelia.

      In the letter to the NY Times addressing the issue, here is what Ashley said:

      "Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."

      Here is Ashley, talking about her dad, who she supports and calls her "best friend":

      "Dad is so empathetic and has the ability to recognize pain, to feel others' pain, and to comfort. It's also made family his number one. We have a rule still, today, that no matter where Dad is, no matter what meeting he's in, if one of the kids call, you have to get him out."

      “I grew up with Dad kind of always – I always saw him work with the other side of the aisle. Now, since (former President Donald) Trump, I’m sorry, but this is just a whole disgusting ballgame. It is like nothing I’ve ever seen because he gave air to hate. And it’s always been there, right? But it was not as visible as it is today.”

      Of course, Cecelia will happily misinterpret Ashley's private diary, and then incongruously ignore Ashley's words about Trump.

      Trump is famous for being open about his attraction to his daughter, as well his ex wife accusing him of rape, along with nearly 30 other women accusing Trump of sexual assault, and in fact Trump was recently found liable for sexual assault.

      Cecelia, you are not merely a clown, you are a cretin.

    19. The letter was to a judge, and then printed by the NY Times.

      Furthermore, it is clear that what Ashley is referring to is in the context of her having been molested by someone else, which Biden was unaware of. Parents bathing with their young kids is a pretty common and innocuous occurrence.

      It is disgusting that someone would take Ashley's trauma and weaponize it to falsely attack Biden.

    20. Cecelia is more than a cretin or clown. She is a shit. She and Somerby deserve each other.

    21. Anonymouse 12:14pm, Ashley loves her father. That’s a fairly common response even from children and adult children who have been abused.

      You can take this up with Snopes. I didn’t make the determination to take Ashley’s remark from being “unsubstantiated” to “true”. Snopes did that after seeing the letter that Ashley had written to the judge.

      Just as no one lied about or made Pres. Biden dazedly start searching for the seat of a chair (that was evidently right behind him ) so he could inappropriately sit while everyone else was standing.

      You’re a clown.

    22. Anonymouse 12:21pm, so now you’re taking it from me lying about all of this, to it being normal for dads to shower with their young daughters.

      Aristotlette, you owe me an apology.

    23. Cecelia you made the claim that Ashley was connecting her hyper sexualization to showers with her dad, but that is not what Ashley claimed, and in fact Ashley has claimed just the opposite. Worse, you continue to suggest that Ashley has been abused by Biden.

      Therefore, what you did was reprehensible and disgusting.

      You are a cretin.

    24. Concerning this issue Ashley has addressed cretins like Cecelia:

      "Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."

    25. Corby, is your real name Ashley? You seem to be taking this extremely personally.

    26. Anonymouse 12:42pm, according to Snopes Ashley bemoaned her sexualization at a young age and she ventured that the showers with her dad were inappropriate.

      Perhaps she thought these occasions were inappropriate because Pres Biden used Ashley’s perfumed girl soap while showering with her or that he failed to extend his pinky finger outwardly when adjusting the shower nozzle.

      Shower etiquette is hard. Alas… we may never know what Ashley was truly thinking when she wrote those remarks.

    27. According to Snopes, Ashley said that her diary has been grossly misinterpreted in order to falsely accuse and defame her dad.

      Cecelia weaponizing Ashley's trauma to falsely suggest Biden of abusing his kid, is about as low as one can get.

    28. Anonymouse 1:01pm, I understand why you want to minimize the decision Snopes made wherein THEY rescinded their first judgment on this, but they rescinded it. You linked to them repeatedly until you finally read what they wrote.

    29. The quote in 12:47 PM doesn't mention her dad.
      Why are you lying, 1:01 PM?

    30. I did not link to Snopes, I did point out how gross you, and now your compatriot, are for weaponizing Ashley's trauma.

      Ashley addressed this to the judge, pointing out how people like Cecelia are grossly misinterpreting her private diary and lobbing false accusations against the people she loves, ie her dad.

      Ashley has gone on record with how much she admires her dad and how he has always treated her well, which Cecelia then twisted into a false suggestion that Biden abused his daughter.

      Misinterpreting and misusing someone's trauma in attempt to score points in a debate, is repugnant.

      You are both cretins.

    31. Snopes is left-leaning, so their evaluation of the diary is even stronger.


    32. It's good everyone's aware of the inappropriate showers controversy now.

      We all are very upset about those inappropriate showers. Also, numerous child-sniffing incidents.

    33. Snopes is right leaning, and they did not offer a direct evaluation of the diary, although they did put their thumb on the scale, similar to the ghouls here.

    34. Anonymices 1:26pm, it’s not the first time and it won’t be last time that informing you of information is tantamount to weaponizing it.

    35. Informing us of information?

  6. Somerby has no way of knowing whether Dennis in Indiana is a citizen or not. C-Span does not vet its callers. He could be a troll on an Eastern European troll farm for all we know. Look how much free publicity those callers get! And Somerby gives Dennis some more exposure.

    For all we know, there may not be any Democratic callers to that show at all. Somerby doesn't quote them. Anyone is allowed to call in on any line, and Republicans clearly use both the Republican and the Independent lines. Why not the Democratic one too? Perhaps that is why Somerby the liberal never has anything to quote from the Democratic callers.

  7. One way to ask what the most issues in this election are is to pretend we're historians looking back from some time in the future, say 20 years. What issues will look most important then?

    First of all, it won't be Biden's senility or Trump's craziness. Electing either man will mean his team carries on the policies of his party. We've already seen this. So, what will look most important 20 years from now?
    1. Open border. Unlimited immigration will change the nature of the country
    2. Deficit. Trump was terrible. Biden was even worse. A financial collapse is coming eventually.
    3. Spread of nuclear weapons to dictators. When Iran gets the bomb the world will change in unpredictable and horrifying ways. Will either President stop Iran's bomb?

    1. 2. Whether compared historically, or with other industrialized nations, taxes in the USA are extremely low. This is what is causing our deficit to explode.
      I don't see either party doing much to lower the deficit.

    2. Yes, Trump's team would do most of the governing, but Trump has exhausted the relatively sane Republicans and has only the dregs of his party remaining to serve in his administration. They are much worse than the more mainstream Republicans from 2017, truly the extremists this time around.

      In terms of historical perspective, immigration has waxed and waned across time and won't be important. It is a fact of American policy to accept immigrants and they have tended to strengthen us, as is evidenced by the way the other immigration booms are now regarded by historians. Short of a major recession (which we now have controls in place to deal with, as was shown by our pandemic recovery), economic ups and downs are not important. Nuts have been predicting financial collapses forever -- mostly to sell gold to rubes. Our deficit is better than most other nations and not the problems right wingers screech about.

      The spread of nuclear weapons to dictators has already occurred. It is mainly a problem when dictators get world dominance ambitions. Our foreign policy is aimed at controlling the actions of dictators. Does David understand what is happening in the transition of power in Iran? He doesn't appear to. And David doesn't mention space as an emerging aspect of war. Other countries are now launching rockets and traveling to the moon. I think the transition to space by more nations will be important to historians. But look how David never mentions global warming! Climate change is going to have far greater impact on our society in the coming time period than weaponry. How would someone like Trump deal with climate change when he doesn't understand it and thinks EVs are causing shark attacks and whales are being killed by windmills?

      Presidents serve for 4-8 years. Both Trump and Biden are limited to 4 years. How much damage could Trump do in 4 years compared to Biden? A lot more, in my opinion. Look how they each handled covid, for example. Trump is blamed for the 70% of deaths considered unnecessary by those looking retrospectively at the pandemic in the US. And Biden is credited for our soft landing financially. Which of the two has EARNED the right to continue for another term. Hint: Not Trump, who is a convicted felon, rapist, economic moron who will increase inflation, and has no clue how to deal with anyone internationally except Putin, to whom he bows.

    3. Unlimited immigration will change the nature of the country

      Just as it changed with the welcome arrival of your immigrant parents.

    4. @11:52 Trump didn't increase inflation. It was only 1.6% when he left office IIRC

    5. Inflation went up more under Trump than previous years, and the 7% inflation in 2021 was due to Trump mishandling the pandemic. Biden has brought Trump's inflation down, cutting it in half already.

    6. The US has been the dominant power in the world since the end of WW2, but there's no guarantee that this this will continue. Russia is a nuclear armed dictatorship. They're in the process of gobbling up chunks of Ukraine and threatening other nearby countries. China is a nuclear dictatorship. They're threatening to gobble up Taiwan. If Iran goes nuclear, what will happen in the middle east? A world dominated by China, Russia and Iran will be not be as nice as today's world.

    7. @DiC:
      "2. Deficit. Trump was terrible. Biden was even worse."

      Come again?

    8. Trump has said that he doesn't think the US should be the World's babysitter (peacekeeper, nanny, or whatever). He doesn't want us to be involved globally. That is a huge joke given that Trump has always been Putin's puppet, carried out Russian policy as president, and aided Russia's agenda by standing by while Putin appropriated the Crimea and infiltrated Ukraine in preparation for annexing it. He was buddy-buddy with China during his last term, praising their dictator while dismantling US participation is Asia-Pacific treaties. So I just do not see Trump as the solution to rising tensions among the world's bad actors. You forgot to mention Kim Jong Un, another Trump bestie. You have made a strong argument for voting for Biden.

    9. Trump's mother and father were German immigrants. Trump's first wife, Ivana, was an immigrant. So was his current wife, Melania, who brought her parents over shortly after marrying Donald. For someone who wants to control immigration, Trump seems to have a lot of personal connections to them. Oligarchs buy his condos and float his loans and supply the money laundered through his failed businesses. The Saudis are making Jared and Ivanka rich.

      Are you sure you want to vote for someone who is obviously using the issue of immigration to evoke bigotry among supporters but doesn't really care where anyone comes from, as long as he can grift off it or benefit personally in some way?

    10. Trump is not against legal immigration. He is against uncontrolled, illegal immigration. There is not contradiction.

    11. QiB - Trump's total deficit was bigger than Biden's. Furthermore, covid was arguably a valid excuse for the enormous 2020 deficit. The current huge deficit during a period of peace and prosperity is frightening. Biden's attitude toward spending is unfortunate. E.g., casually "forgiving" $8 billion of student loans means adding $8 billion to the deficit.

    12. Trump has also limited legal immigration. He is against all immigration.

    13. David,
      Call me when the deficit gets so big, we no longer pay Defense Department Entitlements.

    14. "The current huge deficit during a period of peace and prosperity is frightening."

      Peace and prosperity? I though Biden had gotten us into a recession and several wars. That's what I heard on Fox.

    15. ""forgiving" $8 billion of student loans means adding $8 billion to the deficit."

      Not if you offset it with taxes and tax enforcement.
      The deficit "problem" is caused by lack of revenue.

  8. Jean-Philippe Allard has died.

    1. A lot of people have died.

      Singling one out is disrespectful to everyone else.

    2. Anonymouse 12:30pm, if this isn’t the quintessential anonymouse power-play chide/shame maneuver, it’s the PERFECT parody of it.

    3. 1:21 I see you are triggered, I hope you are able to cope.

    4. It's reminiscent of criticizing someone who does a good deed because s/he didn't do it sooner

    5. Trump lowered taxes, but only for the ultra wealthy.

      He should have lowered everyone's taxes but for the ultra wealthy, and he should have done it sooner.

    6. DiC: Like grousing that countries that erect Holocaust memorials like "dead Jews"?

    7. Farewell, JP.

  9. I would like to shower with Cecelia, and to hypersexualize her.

    1. I would prefer to shower with David, and hypersexualize him.

    2. You realize that David is older than Biden?

    3. Showers are fun for all ages.

  10. To be fair, I know Cecelia, he is a distant cousin of mine.

    Cecelia has a daughter, just like Biden, but when Cecelia took showers with his daughter it was not innocent like in Biden's case. There was abuse, which is why Cecelia's daughter is no longer in contact him.

    1. Anonymouse 1:30pm, was that before or after you raped Thrace thrice?

    2. Your projection is noted.

      Cecelia, you got away with rape, you should be in prison, but you did lose your daughter, who will have nothing to do with you.

      And now you joke about it as if it is so funny that you molested your own kid, and apparently a neighbor's kid too.

    3. Anonymouse 1:45pm, speaking of rape, you got screwed by blue media. “Seldom is heard a discouraging word.” Now that’s funny.

    4. Now that you have been exposed Cecelia, your squirming and coping is a sad site to behold.

    5. Anonymouse 1:54pm, yours’ is a delightful sight.

  11. Trump will have his probation interview Monday.

  12. I used to live next door to Cecelia, and they came over to my house when I was a kid and molested me. It was horrible, went on for awhile, until my family moved away. I have healed as much as one can, but their horrible stench, I can never get out of my head.

    1. Anonymouse 1:38pm, send that one to Snoops, not Snopes.

    2. Hahahahahaha it is so funny that you are a child abuser, hahaha!

    3. Anonymouse 1:45pm, so you decided not to go with your “it’s common for parents to bathe with their children” argument, huh?

    4. We bathe with our parents AND our children. It strengthens the bonds between the kids and their grandparents.

    5. Ashley Biden's diary (kept as a requirement of adult drug/alcohol rehab) is an example of hyperpoliticizing things that are personal and not public.

  13. Trump is cognitive:

    1. @2:37 - Even Trump's enemies in the media figured out that he exaggerates for effect (sometimes for comic effect) when he speaks extemporaneously.

    2. It's not exaggeration, it's incoherence.

    3. Yeah, he's a million fucking laughs, Dickhead in Cal.

    4. In one episode of the funniest TV comedy series of all time, Sibyl Fawlty complains that the radio is playing "noise". Basil responds that it's "Brahms' Fourth Noise."

      Just as Sybil was unable to appreciate Brahms's musical genius @3:14 and @3:01 are unable to appreciate Trump's comedic genius. they have my sympathy. They're lives are poorer for missing out on the humor.

    5. It is mean to laugh at someone who is not trying to be funny but just can't help himself.

    6. Comedic genius?

      You mean like when he's yammering about people throwing cans of tuna? Or is it when he calls women "fat pigs"?

    7. A comedian who's talking extemporaneously for hours on end is going to try some jokes that don't work. Yes, you can find lot's of dumb things and offensive things in Trump's brilliant monologues.

      I've watched bits of Trump rallies on Youtube. The audience is cheerful and friendly and upbeat. They're laughing a lot. They appreciate and get pleasure out of Trump's humor.

    8. He's not a comedian, you jackass. He's a real estate developer fraud from Queens, NY.

    9. Yes, I've seen Trump's crowds laugh at his imitation of Biden as an old man, or the disabled reporter he mocked. He seems to have captured the mean-spirited hostility of his audience but is this really something that good decent people laugh at? When he is making jokes, he reveals the depravity of both his party and himself, and his audience to the extent that they eat that shit up. Like the Hillary nutcracker. Was that really funny? Or the Fuck Your Feelings t-shirts sold as humor.

      Maybe Trump could have competed with Gutfeld for a spot at Fox, but I wouldn't vote for Gutfeld either.

      Standup comedians craft their routines, refining them and memorizing them. They don't perform them extemporaneously. Trump doesn't either, since he comes out with the same tired "bits" whenever his teleprompter breaks. No one with half a brain would call his monologues "brilliant." They are awful, stupid, full of lies, cruel, and meant to appeal to the worst instincts of his supporters. And they do that. But praising Trump as a comedian is like calling Hitler a brilliant speaker. He and Trump were both adept at manipulating cretins by playing to their worst sides. That isn't a skill. It is depravity, for all concerned.

      Anyone can get a laugh with misogyny, racism, some crude sexual references. That is why Somerby despises Gutfeld. What he does is too easy. Comedians call it working blue and they do not respect anyone who does that and that only. Trump offers his audiences nothing but validation of their bad behavior, permission to be their worst selves.

      Is that who YOU want to be, David?

    10. @7:34 You're in Basket of Deplorables country. I think your reasoning goes something like this
      1. Trump's crowds are happy and laughing and good-natured.
      2. You don't find Trump funny
      3. Therefore, the people laughing must be cruel, depraved cretins.

      But, half the country supports Trump. That leads to an invalid conclusion:
      4. Half the country are cruel, depraved cretins.

      BTW, aside from your sense of humor, another reason for your invalid conclusion may be that you haven't attended or watched an entire Trump rally. I suspect your sources cherry-pick Trump's offensive and dumb comments.

    11. Are you sure 4 is invalid?

    12. Trump rapes women to get laughs from Republican voters, is something I expected, but I wasn't sure would ever be confirmed.

    13. 4. Half the country are cruel, depraved cretins.

      You prove it every day.

  14. The most important US election was in 1788.

    1. Others include 1868, where black men could vote for the first time, and 1920, where women voted for the first time.

    2. 1860 where the election of a Republican led to the end of slavery.

    3. Holy shit, Dickhead in Cal. You mean Lincoln was a Republican? Are you sure about that?

    4. "Even as Lincoln took office in March 1861, Confederate forces threatened the federal-held Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. On April 12, after Lincoln ordered a fleet to resupply Sumter, Confederate artillery fired the first shots of the Civil War."

      Slavery wasn't ended as the result of an election. The war started because of the threatened end of slavery, not because of the election itself (it wasn't on the ballot) or anything any Republican did, since they hadn't taken office yet.

    5. Ft Sumter was a United States Army base. Some traitors attacked it. After a long, hard fight, the traitors were defeated.

    6. Exactly. It had nothing to do with the election of 1860.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. The Southern states knew that slavery was the issue in 1860. That's why they seceded when Lincoln won. If Breckenridge had won the 1860 election, slavery would have continued.

    9. The North should have turned the South into its parking lot after the Civil War.


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