Brzezinski describes what she saw on Fox!

MONDAY, JUNE 10, 2024

Then describes Biden and Trump: Around here, it's a fairly depressing time to survey this nation's discourse.

This morning, Mika Brzezinski did an unusual thing on Morning Joe. She said she had watched a segment on an unnamed Fox News program—presumably, over the weekend. 

She told Katty Kay what she had seen. Rather plainly, she was appalled:

BRZEZINSKI (6/10/24): On Fox News, I watched a segment about whether or not Trump would be a dictator. And after running a number of soundbites of people concerned about things he has said, because he promises to do things that are like acts committed by a dictator, or even says he will be one, and then some person on the right who says, "There's no proof he ever said it. He didn't say it", then a sound bite of Sean Hannity asking him, "Would you be a dictator?", and Trump not answering the question, and then the host saying, "There, it's settled. He's not going to be a dictator. We'll be right back."

That's what she said she saw on Fox. To watch her presentation, you can start by clicking here.

On the one hand, it was a (tiny) step in the right direction when Mika said this. Morning Joe included, major news orgs in Blue America make little attempt to report what happens on Fox News Channel programs. 

At this site, we regard this as a major dereliction of journalistic duty. We've been complaining about this problem for more than twenty years.

On the one hand, this was a tiny step in the right direction. On the other hand, Mika didn't name the program in question, not did she play any videotape of the misleading segment in question. 

In all honesty, she could have been describing a large number of Fox News Channel program. They almost all present the "dictator" question in some version of the manner described! 

The demagoguery—the selective presentation—is endless over there. Yesterday, we ourselves were newly impressed by the fact that there is absolutely zero limit to the number of people on Fox shows who are eager to join in.

On the other hand:

Fox hosts play tape of Joe and Mika on a daily basis. There's no reason why Mika couldn't at least have named the program she was criticizing.

Quite probably, she may have been one of the people whose soundbites were aired, then dismissed and mocked, on the Fox News program!  Also, remarkably, she went on to say this:

BRZEZINSKI (continuing directly): I have to say it, because so many people are influenced by what they watch on Fox News, and they're not giving a clear picture. Yet, moving forward, is it not clear, the picture? 

Am I crazy? Because I have eyes. and I see one person who doesn't seem at all sane, who loves dictators and wants to be one, and another who's getting a little older but, quite frankly, doing quite well on the world stage under pretty tough circumstances, answering questions on his own with no teleprompter and sounding just fine, thank you.

At that point, Katty Kay completely agreed, in line with the rules of the game. Meanwhile, ponder this:

She has to say it, because Fox News isn't giving a clear picture and its viewers are being influenced? 

On what meat doth this co-host feed to be offering this observation at this late date, with no specific names being named and with no videotape offered?

Beyond that, riddle us this:

No, Brzezinki isn't crazy. But in our view, the contrast she drew between Candidates Trump and Biden seems to have emerged from some alternate universe. 

As a general matter, we agree with her (colloquial) description of Candidate Trump as someone who "doesn't seem at all sane." In our universe, that would be a reason to have carefully selected medical specialists on Morning Joe to discuss the possibility that serious clinical mental health issues may be at play in this year's White House campaign.

Beyond that, good God! Her portrait of the clear speaking, competent Candidate Biden seems to come straight outta LalaLand.

"Am I crazy?" Mika asked—and the answer is no, she isn't. But her portrait of Biden at Normandy is hard to square with the discomfiting tales of various pieces of tape. 

Up to a point, we all see what we're inclined to see. That said, tens of millions of voters are concerned by what they think they see when they watch President Biden—and many of those people live in Bue America, or in our struggling nation's purple regions.

We ourselves think he's plainly diminished, and we think it's a point of real concern, both politically and on the merits. 

"Am I crazy?" Mika asked. We're going to say the answer is no, but we're not entirely sure what she's been looking at when she describes President Biden, who frequently seems to be struggling.

Regarding the endless gong-show behavior on Fox, we'll offer this advice:

Name the programs you're talking about! Also, play the actual videotape. Many people don't know how bad it actually is Over There.

Then again, there's our own cable channel, where everyone agrees to agree with what Mika said. We're whistling past a dangerous state of affairs. At this point, it's completely unclear how this terrible story will end.


  1. It's the same story Karl Marx told you over a century ago. Whether Fox or MSNBC, you can't trust corporations.
    And you certainly can't trust one in the "news" business, because reporting the news isn't their business. Their business is profitability.

    1. The main business of ALL businesses is profitability. That leaves you in a world where you cannot trust anyone for anything. That is no way to live.

    2. All businesses have to compete in a regulated market. News media has moved from a business expense to a profit center around the time the requirement to provide time to both sides of a story were removed. The result is the media swamp we now live in.

    3. All businesses do not exist to merely make a profit, this is an astoundingly ignorant claim.

  2. "tens of millions of voters are concerned by what they think they see when they watch President Biden"

    Our Host complains that Mika didn't name the Fox show she described--and then her tells us this? Shouldn't we know what bits of video are so concerning?

  3. It concerns me when Biden is campaigning on what to do if the boat you are on has a very big battery and it sinks. Should you stay near the batteries current or should you go over to the three sharks? Is Biden getting nuttier by the day?

    Checks notes, nevermind, that was Trump. He says stupid shit all the time so who cares?

    1. My very conservative brother called me this morning to tell me he could not believe what a lunatic trump looked like yesterday and he will be voting for Biden this time.

    2. Will he vote for biden instead of Trump? Are you sure?

    3. No, he will be voting for Biden, not trump.

    4. Wait, are you saying he won't be voting for biden? I though you said he will be voting for Trump.

    5. Does he have a bidet in his bathroom?

  4. My uncle was eaten by cannibals. Vladimir Putin was my handler 40 years ago. Somerby is an ass.

    I am Corby.

    1. Your brain was eaten by cannabis.

  5. NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS and others of the same ilk act as the propaganda arm of the Democrat party and leftist causes. People go to Fox News to escape from force fed monolithic propaganda, like they went to Rush Limbaugh in yester years. They don’t care if it is crude and makes fun of sacred shibboleths. Cut them some slack.

    1. Those ilky people are icky.

    2. It's the Democratic Party you weirdo.

    3. @4:53: Yes, "Reality has a liberal bias."

  6. Bob appears concerned that liberal media are underestimating Trump's appeal, because they focus too much on his (numerous) negatives. They tend to miss all the positives that lead many reasonable people to vote for him. Because they fail to properly diagnose Trump and his supporters, they do an inadequate job of appealing to his followers.

    Thus, many liberals tend to see the world as very black and white. Because they don't understand the valid reasons for supporting Trump, they imagine that all Trump supporters must be monsters -- a "basket of deplorables," in Hillary's words.

    1. I see you as thoroughly gray, David.

    2. Main reason I support Trump is I hate election ads and if Trump is elected there will be no more Presidential elections. And Dave is an insurrectionist loving ass.

    3. Any supposed "positives" of a 2nd Trump term are infinitely outweighed by the negatives.

  7. "We ourselves think he's plainly diminished, and we think it's a point of real concern, both politically and on the merits. "

    It would be nice if Somerby's ideal candidate were running, but that person isn't on the ballot. His choice is between Biden and Trump. If he picks Trump, he needs to have his head examined, immediately, by a carefully selected mental health professional such as Bandy Lee. The only choice for sane individuals is Biden, no matter how old Biden looks.

    If Biden is unable to fulfill the requirements of his job at any point after the inauguration, Kamala Harris will take over for him. That is how our system works.

    We do not get to moan and groan and put a crazy person like Trump into office simply because Somerby doesn't like Biden's looks and could perhaps beat him at pickleball (Somerby is elderly too, remember). Biden IS doing the job right now. The full job. That is enough to demonstrate that however diminished he might be compared to his self at age 65 (or whenever), he is doing fine today (and yesterday, and the day before that), so this concern trolling about his diminished capacity is coming across as shilling for Trump. And that calls Somerby's capacity into question because no sane person can possibly vote for Trump when he was such a screwup 4 years ago and hasn't gotten any better.

    Those are the choices. And a vote for any 3rd party candidate is a vote for Trump.

  8. On this topic, Simon Rosenberg (Hopium Chronicles) says this:

    "The Choice, The Contrast, Joe Biden Is A Good President - I’ve been thinking a lot this weekend about something I wrote to you about the other day - the idea of establishing a clear contrast in the election. It’s something I’ve been referring to as “the choice.” Central to my theory of 2024 is that regardless of where polling is today once the Biden campaign was able to bring “the choice” to voters in the battlegrounds Biden would gain and we would win as we’ve been winning in election after election across the US since Dobbs. It’s why I think commentators who’ve dismissed our persistent winning and overperformance since Dobbs are missing what may be the central dynamic in American politics today - that MAGA is just too ugly to win, and MAGA 2024 is far uglier and more dangerous than it was in 2022 or 2020."

    So, Somerby says he doesn't like his choice. Wah wah wah. He still has to make it. If he chooses Trump he will be sorry.

  9. James Lawson has died.

  10. Has Somerby always had a phobia about old people?

    1. Only if over 80. Somerby is fine with Trump being 78.

  11. Things old people do that do not indicate something is wrong with their minds:

    1. Let their mouths hang open. It means they are breathing and has nothing to do with thinking.
    2. Move slowly and carefully. It means they are trying not to fall down, because falls are more seriously for older people whose bones may be fragile and heal more slowly after injury.
    3. Talk more slowly. It means they ARE thinking about what to say before actually saying it. That is often a good thing, especially with oldsters like Trump (who obviously doesn't think about anything he says before speaking).
    4. Avoid fist bumps, fist pumps, youth slang and ridiculous clothing. This is because old people are ridiculed for trying to do what the young do (usually to set themselves off from older people). It is the same principle as never wear a silly hat while campaigning.
    5. Avoid talking about the past unless it is a historical commemoration, such as the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Someone will inevitably accuse the old person of being lost in nostalgia and it is a short step from there to Alzheimer's.

    Somerby has plainly bought into the propaganda being pushed by Fox about how old Biden is compared to Trump (who is not far behind Biden in age). Trump has been looking terrible and flagging in health, snoozing during court, losing it when he must speak without a prompter, but it is Biden who Somerby thinks is too old? Biden's health is much better than Trump's, even when they were both younger. Recall that Trump had to ride in a cart because he couldn't walk short distances along with the other world leaders at meetings. Biden released his health info but Trump is hiding something. Perhaps a heart problem or Ozempic abuse.

    I cannot understand why Somerby is concerned about Biden, who is transparent about his health, but not more concerned about a liar like Trump who can keel over at any minute, for all we know, and is neither energetic nor full of stamina.

  12. If you think Biden is more sprightly than Trump, you are delusional. Don't believe your own lying eyes

    1. Biden can ride a bike. Can Trump? Biden can walk up a ramp without having anyone hold his hand. Can Trump? Biden is the normal weight for his height. Is Trump? Not even now, after taking Ozempic for months. Yes, Trump plays golf, but he rides in a golf cart right up onto the green (which is not allowed for regular golfers). So, no walking. And have you seen how he leans on the podium lately? There is more to good health than arm-waving. Biden has an active sex life with a loving wife. Trump and Melania have nearly always had separate bedrooms and these days she spends as little time around him as possible. Biden can speak in intelligible sentences. Trump rambles, makes up nonsense words, and cannot follow a train of thought without a teleprompter. Last week he thought he was in TX instead of AZ. He said he won WI and he said he never called for Hillary Clinton to be locked up. These may not be lies but actual memory failure. In Las Vegas he told his supporters he didn't care about them -- he just wanted their votes. I wouldn't call that mentally sprightly.

    2. When he walks, he swings his right leg as if it's dead weight.

    3. He don't wave his arms, he pretends to play an accordion.

    4. They are not delusional, 6:21 PM. They are bots.

    5. Biden has a wife, they love each other, and they still get it on.

      Trump has not had sex with a woman for years, partly due to his repulsiveness, and partly due to the fact that he physically lacks the ability to engage in sex - something Melania is grateful for.

  13. Nicolle Wallace watched Fox too. Here is what she saw (from Raw Story):

    "The Fox networks once broadcast Donald Trump's speeches live, but it has been a while since the ex-president graced the airwaves in anything that wasn't edited by the network.

    MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace began her show Monday with a clip of some of the confusing statements the ex-president made during his Sunday Las Vegas rally.

    It contrasted with President Joe Biden's campaign airing an ad of world leaders laughing at Trump — though NBC News reporter Vaughn Hillyard argued to Wallace that Trump supporters love the idea of an American leader "giving the finger" to the global establishment like NATO.

    "I don't even think his entire base feels that way," Wallace disagreed.

    But then she focused on Fox's coverage.

    "I think the slow-moving scandal, in my view, is that Fox News isn't broadcasting this anymore. That was not aired in its entirety," Wallace said of the Vegas rally.

    "I actually heard from someone who was watching Fox looking for it. It wasn't on, and they were wondering why. We rolled the tape, and I wonder what you think is going on with Trump."

    Stuart Stevens, the co-founder of the Lincoln Project that unites anti—Trump conservatives, said, "This is just someone you wouldn't want to sit next to on a plane who has no coherent chain of thought.

    "He has no theory of government. As you say, he has no reason to be running other than Donald Trump. This bundle of grievances."

    According to his political expertise, Stevens said, "Biden is going to win this thing easily."

    He anticipates that in the middle of October, Americans will look at Trump rallies and they won't be willing to vote for the same man who rambles on about sharks and batteries.

    "I think Trump is like a guy walking around with a paper bag full of water. It's probably not going to leak that much," Stevens said. "When it goes, it's going to be hell to pay to get it back. I think that's where he's headed.

    "And Fox can try not to show this and hide it. But it's a long time to the election and a lot of people are going to start paying attention that aren't paying attention now. And I think it's going to be impossible to hide the difference."

    1. From the Fox News defamation case, we learned that many of the people at Fox News secretly despise Trump.

    2. I secretly despise Trump.

  14. The comedic genius of Donald J. Trump is on full display, in multiple clips, showing him waving to nonexistent crowds. Imagine the mindset behind those moments. "Mr. President, when you exit the plane you'll notice an empty runway on your right. We need you to wave to the empty runway."

    Hilarious that someone would do that. A pretend crowd that is cropped out of the video, except when, by mistake, it isn't. Revealing a guy waving at empty space, knowing that it is a completely phoney moment, and that his supporters are best served by being lied to on that level.


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  16. @bobsomerby,
    Before Gutfeld positioned himself as the class clown on Fox, you may want to take a look at his surprisingly sane response to the Jan. 6 riot [if you haven't already seen it]:

    Thanks for your continued efforts,

