PROPHECY: Gutfeld delivers the latest threat!

FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2024

The rage of the sick angry child: The latest implied threat was delivered, just last evening, on the Gutfeld! program.

We refer to implied threats against Dr. Fauci. As we noted yesterday, a silly chimp name named Jesse Watters performed the first of these behaviors on Tuesday afternoon's edition of the gong-show "news program, "The Five.

Are we merely imagining this fellow's performance as a type of threat? By clicking here, you can see the performance yourself. 

As we noted yesterday, the silliest hireling in all of Fox News pounded his right fist into his left palm as he staged his performance. As he engaged in this braindead gesture, he suggested what should be done to the killer Fauci:

WATTERS (6/18/24): They're treating this guy like royalty. He should be really [SMACK] put the screws to.

So said a failing nation's silliest child, smacking his fist into his palm as a type of braindead suggestion.

So it went with the vacuous Watters! Last night, a certain termagant seemed to accept the Implied Threat to Fauci Challenge.

It happened in the first two minutes of his primetime "cable news" program. By way of establishing cultural context, we'll included the closing line of the termagant's previous comment:

GUTFELD (6/20/24): ...There's no better word than "feces." It's my mantra when I meditate.

In a recent interview, Dr. Anthony Fauci fears that someone could kill him. 

Here's some advice, Fauci: Just stay home.

After a delayed applause break, the termagant aimed his middle finger directly at the camera. This would help other disordered minds know that the termagant really meant what he had just said.

In fairness, this impressive middle-finger salute was pixilated by the termagant's owners. His next bit of commentary started like this:

GUTFELD (continuing directly): In Ohio, a defense attorney has been reinstated after being penalized for pooping in a Pringles can...

This is the way this idiot's tiny mind actually functions. Consider:

In the first two minutes of last night's show, he made references to President Biden's embalming fluid (and to his hearse), but also to Dr. Rachel Levine's panties and to Rep. Jerrold Nadler's balls.

His nightly joke about Nancy Pelosi's face would come at 10:05. For the record, the termagant is 59 years old (!), and he hails from a sunny land.

This is the way this overwrought fellow functions. He works under cover of darkness:

No one wants to tangle with the Fox News Channel! For that reason, this garbage can is opened each night, on a prime time "cable news" program, without a word of notice from the more civilized people who remain behind the high walls of our own Blue nation and of their own professional guild.

We'd score the termagant's presentation last night as a type of implied threat. Somewhere, some other disordered being may see what Watters and Gutfeld have done, and that person will consider the possibility of engaging in some additional act.

Over on Blue America's channel, the children pump our own tribe's propaganda, aimed directly at us. For forty years, we Blues have been too unintelligent to understand the way this game is played—the way this destructive game has actually worked.

"This whole court is out of order," Al Pacino once said.

The same is true of the "national discourse" which underlies the functioning of the realm we refer to as "our democracy." 

That whole clownish discourse has been out of order for decades, but our corporate pundits won't tell us that. 

Some of them may not understand that fact. But also, they're very well paid.

Back at the dawn of the west, a furious band had spent ten years laying siege to Troy. As our first great poem of war begins, the rage of Agamemnon, lord of men, triggers the rage of Achilles.

It was all about who owned which women. The violence proceeded from there.

The rage of the termagant was on full display on last night's "comedy program." 

(Clownishly, it was so described last night by Kat Timpf. It's always possible that she doesn't know better.) 

The rage of the termagant was on full display. Over on the other channel, the pundits crouched behind high walls, like the more civilized residents of Troy.

In Book Six, before he returns to the battle, Hector engages in a memorable scene with Andromache, his generous wife. For purposes of today's discussion, the scene begins right here:

At that, Hector spun and rushed from his house,
back by the same way down the wide, well-paved streets
throughout the city until he reached the Scaean Gates,
the last point he would pass to gain the field of battle.
There his warm, generous wife came running up to meet him,
Andromache the daughter of gallant-hearted Eetion

who had lived below Mount Placos rich with timber,
in Thebe below the peaks, and ruled Cilida's people.
His daughter had married Hector helmed in bronze.
She joined him now, and following in her steps
a servant holding the boy against her breast,

in the first flush of life, only a baby,
Hector's son, the darling of his eyes
and radiant as a star.

Hector is joined by his generous wife, but also by their darling son, "radiant as a star.". 

Hector tells Andromache why he has to return to the fighting. After that, we encounter one of the most famous scenes in all of western literature:

In the same breath, shining Hector reached down
for his son—but the boy recoiled,
cringing against his nurse's full breast,
screaming out at the sight of his own father,

terrified by the flashing bronze, the horsehair crest, 
the great ridge of the helmet nodding, bristling terror—
so it struck his eyes. And his loving father laughed,
his mother laughed as well, and glorious Hector,
quickly lifting the helmet from his head,
set it down on the ground,
fiery in the sunlight,
and raising his son he kissed him, tossed him in his arms,
lifting a prayer to Zeus and the other deathless gods:
"Zeus, all you immortals! Grant this boy, my son,
may be like me, first in glory among the Trojans,
strong and brave like me, and rule all Troy in power
and one day let them say, 'He is a better man than his father'
when he comes home from battle bearing the bloody gear
of the mortal enemy he has killed in war—
a joy to his mother's heart."
So Hector prayed
and placed his son in the arms of his loving wife.

Andromache pressed the child to her scented breast,
smiling through her tears. Her husband noticed,
and filled with pity now, Hector stroked her gently,
trying to reassure her,
repeating her name...

Civilized values, decency, exist behind Troy's famous walls. 

Hector and his generous wife are able to share a laugh as they delight in their darling child. Hector is filled with pity for his generous wife.

Civilized values exist inside Troy, but the warrior ethic prevails. When Hector prays to the deathless gods, he prays that this baby boy will become a joy to his mother by coming home with the bloody gear of the people he's killed in battle.

We still haven't shown you the most telling part of this extended scene. We refer to the passage in which Hector offers one additional prophecy:

It isn't just that "sacred Troy must die." In yet another accurate prophecy, Hector tells Andromache, in rich detail, what her personal fate will be when that disaster occurs.

The sexual politics which rules the Iliad is deeply entrenched within our nation today. The sheer stupidity of our own Blue America's recent conduct is an artefact of that politics.

We had to hear Stormy tell her story before we could know how to vote! The Achaeans wanted to get Helen back, and we had to hear about that!

We had to hear Stormy tell her story! When a population has agreed to descend to that level of stupidity, can any good outcome result?

"The day will come when sacred Troy must die," Hector said. "Priam must die and all his people with him."

When we awoke last Saturday morning, we were thinking of those sacred lines. A great deal remains to be said about the rhyming which may be lurking inside those famous lines.

Next week, though, we finally have it. Next week, it happens:



  1. Gutfield's joke about Biden's embalming fluid are the smartest, most well-thought-out economic ideas the Right has ever had. They make supply-side look like supply-side.

    1. "Online work has been a blessing! I've been able to earn a steady income, all while working from home. It's not a myth—it's my reality!"

      "Ready to boost your income? Dive into our exclusive offers by clicking here!"................

  2. The is media criticism:

  3. Why does Somerby never mention Karen McDougal?

    1. Somerby is more comfortable with short-term, transactional relationships; longer relationships that potentially involve mutual respect make Somerby queasy and so he would prefer it not be part of his discourse.

      Somerby: Hit it and quit it!

    2. Not sure he hits it.

  4. Trump was upset at Jimmy Fallon, so he referred to him as the host(ess) of his late night show. The idea that the worst thing you can call a man is feminine is not just a form of homophobia, but also a way to disparage women. What, after all, is inherently bad about being female?

    Somerby does the same thing when he repeatedly refers to Gutfeld as a termagant. The definition of the word is "a a harsh-tempered or overbearing woman". And no, Somerby is not using an alternate historical definition involving deities. His obvious reference is to Gutfeld's scolding tone, which evokes the shrewish woman meaning. Is it OK for Somerby to call Gutfeld a word reserved for describing women? Would it be OK if he called Gutfeld a p*ssy or a c*nt? No, because these words are insults to women in general and not Gutfeld specifically.

    This has been explained before, yet Somerby persists. That makes his intended insult to women deliberate, not an accidental unfamiliarity with a definition. Somerby is doing this on purpose, as a kind of twofer. It is ugly and reflect poorly on Somerby, but most of us are already aware of how he feels about women, from his discussions of Stormy Daniels, who he has always called a grifter (because she got taken advantage of by Trump).

    Maybe Somerby is so old now that he thinks he can say whatever he wants. If so, that suggests a creeping senility that should be worrisome for his family and anyone else who cares about him. In that way, he is much like Trump, whose violation of norms daily proves he is unfit to be elected president or for anything other than being a laughing stock and pathetic figure.

    I don't like Gutfeld, but my solution is to skip watching him. Somerby can and should do the same. We don't need to hear his garbage repeated and amplified here every day. If Somerby truly disliked Gutfeld and disagreed with right wing propaganda, he wouldn't keep giving it pride of place in his blog every day. And if Somerby were any kind of liberal, he wouldn't keep deliberately insulting women while pretending it is only Gutfeld he is name-calling and not the 50% of the population that is female.

    1. Spot on, and the amplification you speak of is an obvious and cynical ploy on Somerby's part.

    2. "Maybe Somerby is so old now that he thinks he can say whatever he wants. If so, that suggests a creeping senility"

      Just stop it with the ageism.

    3. Senility is typically a function of age, pointing that out is not any form of oppression, it is merely a descriptive statement.

    4. The "But it's true!" defense, used for all stereotyping statements.

    5. Go ahead and prove that senility is not typically a function of age, otherwise you are just pissing in the wind.

    6. You can criticize Somerby on the merits without resorting to ageist insults. If he's wrong, he's wrong. You don't have to say, "He's wrong, so he must be senile." I wouldn't say "You're wrong, so you must be a woman." You'd be insulted. And I find it insulting for you to suggest that Somerby is wrong because he's old.

    7. Loss of frontal lobe functioning, which affects judgment and decision making, is part of cognitive decline (aka senility). It is fair to wonder what is happening to Somerby's brain when he engages in behavior that reflects poor judgment. Saying "you're wrong so you might have brain damage due to your advanced age" is an appropriate statement and not a stereotype. People should be saying that about Trump, based on his symptoms. And they should not be saying it about Biden, because Biden lacks such symptoms.

      Somerby is not just wrong. He is saying outrageous things that are out of touch with reality and making statements that make no sense, much like Trump does. Maybe he is doing that because he is repeating right wing talking points (they frequently make little sense either). Or maybe he is off the deep end these days because he has cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer's or some other form of dementia. Perhaps his family already knows.

      We can all see that Somerby is saying goofy things. The disagreement is about the explanation. But early onset Alzheimer's can affect people in their 40s and 50s, so it is not particularly ageist to suggest something is wrong with Somerby's thinking.

    8. So you defend your patent ageism by telling us that Somerby is brain-damaged. You're a piece of work.

    9. Something is wrong with Somerby compared to 10 years ago. Do the comparison yourself. Should I assume his computer keyboard is broken? I’m not saying all or most old people are demented. Just Somerby.

  5. "For the record, the termagant is 59 years old (!), and he hails from a sunny land."

    What difference does this info make?

  6. Helen was the cause of the Trojan War in the Iliad.

    Helen was a woman.

    Stormy Daniels … is also a woman.

    Republicans and Democrats are at war with each other, just like the Greeks and the Trojans.

    Hence, as the above airtight logic demonstrates, the Democrats will lose in November, just like Troy. Because Helen. And Stormy Daniels.

    It’s so obvious.

    1. Is Andromache supposed to be Melania? That doesn't work for me -- where is the generosity?

    2. Republicans and Democrats are at war with each other over equality; Repubs prefer to have a few elites rule over the rest of us mudsills.

      Us mudsills outnumber Repubs, so they use corrupt tactics like emotional manipulation, gerrymandering, and voter suppression.

  7. Donald’s behavior with Stormy
    Is not an important fact for me

    1. What about Karen McDougal?

    2. Trump slept with sexy
      Karen McDougal
      I can’t afford her
      I am just too frugal

    3. It matters to some people, David. Why shouldn’t voters hear about it?

    4. @10:23 - Trump’s misbehavior is not being censored, unlike Hunter Biden’s laptop and its contents.

    5. Don't be silly. The hush money was used to censor Trump's behavior, which is why he was tried and convicted. Meanwhile, the Russians gave Giuliani disinformation to plant on Biden's laptop, once it fell into his hands. Unlike Trump, Biden was not charged or convicted of anything related to that laptop.

    6. Trump was not charged with or convicted of paying hush money.

    7. He was charged with falsifying business records to cover up the hush money payments made to conceal his affair with Stormy Daniels before the election. It was to suppress negative info from voters. The second crimes were interfering with the election, failure to report donations to his campaign, and tax fraud (because he concealed the reimbursements to Cohen as legal expenses). Payment of hush money was central to the crimes he committed while meddling in the 2016 election.

    8. David, the information is out now, but it was suppressed during the 2016 election. It might have mattered then. Duh.

    9. Trump's behavior with Stormy is not important to Dems, what is important is Trump's corruption and illegalities.

      Trump's behavior should matter to many Republican voters, since they claim that social norms relating to the family and religion are important to them; however, it clearly is not important to them, they are being phony about that, they have no integrity, they are obsessed with dominance and care about little else.

    10. We should put David’s jealous reaction to Trump’s rapey ways in context of his years of indignation over Bill Clinton’s (wildly exaggerated) sexual misbehavior.

    11. DiC: This laptop?

      "Bannon was involved in discussions about publicizing other materials from the laptop, sources said. Bannon boasted in a September 28 interview for a Dutch news show that he had 'the hard drive of Hunter Biden.' About a week later, Bannon, along with Guo, described the material to another Guo ally involved in promoting it. 'Bannon said they were planning to make a big deal out of it and the whole world would know,' this person, who agreed to talk about the effort on the condition of anonymity, said. 'His feeling was that this would impact the election.'"

  8. "We'd score the termagant's presentation last night as a type of implied threat. Somewhere, some other disordered being may see what Watters and Gutfeld have done, and that person will consider the possibility of engaging in some additional act."

    I doubt that comedians are going to set off the crazed lone gunmen who commit right wing atrocities as mass shooters. Guns do that and the fever swamp they inhabit on the internet eggs them on, but Trump has made more threats and incited more violence than Gutfeld with his poop jokes.

    I'm glad Somerby is finally noticing that the right incites political violence, but Gutfeld is not the chief instigator. When Somerby reserves this revelation for the people he dislikes most, he really does make it seem like a trivial, personally motivated complaint, instead of a broader social problem in which the right suggests it is OK to solve problems using violence. It seems to me that Gutfeld is participating in that culture, not forming it the way Trump does. And Somerby has never joined the left in criticizing the way Trump calls for violence and his Proud Boys step up.

    1. Trump's obnoxious "Proud Boys stand back and stand by" likely played a significant role in Trump losing the election.

    2. I find what happened to Andromache and Hector's explanation to her of what would occur to be a kind of implied threat against women too. So is Somerby's criticism of Stormy Daniels and his equating of Helen and Stormy (and Andromache). He is hinting that if men were to become warriors then women would be in deep shit because babies would be thrown from the walls of Troy once again. And Somerby is the one saying that history rhymes (suggesting this might all repeat).

      How is that helpful in today's political climate?

  9. "Hector is filled with pity for his generous wife."

    I'll bet it was self-pity. He didn't do anything to lessen his wife's suffering. Does it matter whether she was generous or not?

    There have been interesting analyses of the way the suffering of female characters is used in films. Until recently, women were never heroines but always victims. They scream, run away, are battered, open the wrong door and let the birds in, are killed by slashers, and male audiences get off on what is done to them. Much as the readers of the Iliad are thrilled by what is done to the women in The Iliad. Today there are female heroes and women fight back. Sometimes men are killed and do the suffering. That is a major change in the "sexual politics" that Somerby seems to be oblivious to. When a wife is generous and the son is cute, doesn't that heighten the rage toward the guys on the beach and justify Hector in his actions? But The Iliad is fiction and Hector's wife (who Somerby doesn't care enough to name) is just a character. Stormy Daniels is real and our culture is no longer a throw-back to previous male-dominated societies.

    Some analysts are seeing Trump's rise and the right wing's drastic swing to the right as a backlash to social progress. If so, those of us who have benefitted from that progress (women, minorities) are not going to allow the rollback of our freedom. Men need to understand that, because Trump is going down in flames in November, largely because women can vote and do not want to be forced into the tradwife role by cretins like Somerby and Gutfeld.

  10. "It isn't just that "sacred Troy must die." In yet another accurate prophecy, Hector tells Andromache, in rich detail, what her personal fate will be when that disaster occurs."

    Is that kind to Andromache? Is this how he repays her generosity? Or is this how Homer rubs it in that the women are going to SUFFER? There is a bent kind of man who enjoys women's suffering. There is a thread in Christianity that says women were made to suffer because Eve ate that apple. What kind of good decent person enjoys the suffering (in fiction or reality) of another person? A sadist. Sexual sadism motivates many serial killers. But the thread in "entertainment" that presents women's suffering for men's pleasure is at the root of violence toward women. Men feel taller and more masculine when a woman is made to cower in fear.

    Somerby's neglect of that thread in The Iliad does not reflect well on him. Is it any wonder that the goons in the white supremacist movement also luv works like this? Equating this ugly shit with reality by claiming it is history when it merely reflects self-serving male fantasies is wrong and Somerby should be ashamed that his unexamined subconscious ambivalence toward women leads him to admire such work. He would do better to go off and tan his balls than do promote fantasies conflated with reality, which can encourage men to behave badly toward women in real life.

    1. It is silly to talk about an accurate prophecy in a work of fiction where everything that happens is written by an author. The prophecy wasn't "accurate" but was written as accurate by Homer, who not only killed off Troy but also Andromache -- for entertainment.

    2. 10:35 - That's a take I haven't seen before: Somerby should tan his balls rather than promote sexual sadism.

    3. 10:35 and 10:36 do a good job in pointing out Somerby's nonsense, and this invariably leads to a fanboy coming along to heroically defend Somerby, their damsel in distress, weak as that defense might be.

    4. This adds to the list: Somerby is a racist, sexist, treasonous, corrupt, paid, deceitful, right-wing propagandist and pretend liberal who promotes sexual sadism. Did I leave anything out?

      Oh, and he must be a pretty good author because the people who believe all these things about him keep reading him day after day after day. Go figure.

    5. Yes, I did leave something out! He's old and senile, too!

    6. Pp, tell us, when you are able, what Helen has to do with Stormy Daniels.

    7. PP, you expressing awareness of the criticisms of Somerby (without substantively discussing the criticism) is a weak defense of Somerby.

      We get that you adore Somerby and are uncomfortable with him being critiqued; you'll just have to learn how to cope with your emotions.

    8. Oh, you want a defense? Let's take the argument in the post at hand.

      The argument: Somerby relates how Hector told Andromache that she'll become a sexual slave. This tale by Homer shows that Homer was a sexual sadist. Somerby neglects to point out that Homer was a sexual sadist, so he is promoting sexual sadism himself.

      You don't see any wild leaps of logic here? That maybe the accusation that Somerby is promoting sexual sadism might be just a tad overwrought?

    9. Anonymouse 10:35am, have you considered getting help for whatever has happened to you?

    10. PP, Somerby is explicitly equating the so-called sexual politics of Troy with today's sexual politics, referring to Stormy Daniels. It isn't Somerby's critics doing this, it is Somerby himself.

      Somerby adores Homer and the Iliad and does not critique it, which is a kind of endorsement given how warped the Iliad is, judged by today's standards, which are different in many respects. Given how frequently Somerby repeats excerpts from Homer that focus on acts that most people would consider sadistic, how can Somerby promote this stuff?

      I don't find it overwrought at all, but YOU calling it overwrought is not a defense against an argument you seem to have capably summarized.

    11. If Somerby were ever to read his comments, he might see how this Homer-worship is coming across. I doubt he would rethink his reaction to Homer (because PP and Cecelia won't even do that), but he should understand how he looks to women and to feminists and to those who abhor violence.

    12. Anonymous 6:08pm, guilty.

      I enjoy Somerby’s blog. I particularly enjoy his forays into Homer. Bob’s anxiety (grief, really) that we are a type of Troy, causes me to mourn too.

      Why don’t you find a blog that you appreciate.

    13. I want Cecelia’s booty.

    14. Cecelia is cognitive, which is more than I can say for David.

    15. If Somerby were grieving he would say so. Please don't attribute emotions to him that he has not expressed.

      I don't appreciate Homer. I have every right to say so here in blog comments.

    16. This is way too bonkers for me. Go ahead, believe that Hector was sadistically torturing his wife sexually by predicting the consequences of losing the war. And believe that Somerby is promoting sexual sadism merely by describing this passage from the Iliad.

      And I'll believe that you're a nutcase. (Oh, and by the way, I'm a feminist who abhors violence.)

    17. Homerophobia is a symptom of brain dysfunction.

    18. I’m not a feminist, but I dig Andromache.

    19. PP Hector was not real. The sadism was for a circle of men sitting and listening to someone recite the poem. Somerby picked that excerpt. You tell me why.

      If you abhor violence why are you OK with what Somerby has been doing with the Iliad?

    20. I mean, really - go ahead! Believe that Somerby is promoting sexual sadism by describing scenes in the Iliad. I don't believe that, and I don't think any rational person would. But that's me. You be you.

    21. So, you’ve got nothing.

    22. If you can't see that Somerby does not promote "sexual sadism" merely by describing a bittersweet scene from the Iliad, then you're right - I've got nothing for you.

    23. We don’t know that Homer existed. We don’t know that Jesus existed historically.

    24. There is nothing “sweet” about that scene. Your use of the term bittersweet is offensive. The violence is horrific.

  11. Hypocrisy runs rampant on the right:

    "Lauren Boebert went on Steve Bannon's podcast shortly before he has to report to federal prison, and complained about declining morals in this country.

    Boebert, who was kicked out of a theater full of children while groping and being groped by her date, then gave security the middle finger on the way out, said that she would welcome Colorado following Louisiana's lead by requiring the 10 Commandments to be posted in school classrooms:

    "This is something we need all throughout our nation ... because we need morals back in our nation, back in our schools. If there's anything we are going to present in front of our children, it should be the word of God. Because this is the one truth that is never going to change and never going to leave them. This isn't some woke fad of the day that you can get cancelled for believing in 10 years from now."

    She then had something to say about adultery, despite worshipping serial adulterer Donald Trump:

    "I don't think it's bad to teach children that adultery is something you should not do."

    Boebert wasn't just groping her date. She was also vaping and taking pictures of the actors on stage (which is forbidden in most theaters). She was laughing raucously and refused to stop vaping when a pregnant woman in the row behind her objected, causing the woman's husband to go find a security member in the lobby. Then she lied about what she had been doing, until confronted with a security video that showed her entire behavior.

    Too bad lying isn't one of the ten commandments. Exhorting others to life sin-free lives does not excuse one's own bad behavior. It just makes someone like Boebert sound foolish, but that was already true, so I guess she had nothing to lose.

    Trump's damage to our nation is to have convinced a whole bunch of people that it is OK to break rules, laws, norms and traditions with impunity, because nothing bad will happen to you. That may be true for the wealthy, but it is not true for silly people like Lauren Boebert, who may lose her House seat because of her ongoing stupidity.

    1. "Trump's damage to our nation is to have convinced a whole bunch of people that it is OK to break rules, laws, norms and traditions with impunity"

      I pretty much agree. Trump had a bad effect on the nation's morals. Clinton also brought down the moral fiber of America by getting away with his adultery with Monica and his perjury. Biden did his share by getting away with obvious influence peddling.

      At this point, we have almost no moral expectations of our President. We're so polarized that we vote for whoever is on our side.

    2. Clinton didn't get away with his perjury -- he lost his law license. Biden has not been shown by any evidence to have engaged in any influence peddling whatsoever. Accusations must be supported by evidence in order to be considered true.

      I have high expectations for Biden and any future presidents. Because Biden has shown himself to be fit for the presidency, I will vote for him again. Trump is not only immoral but also a crook and possibly treasonous (depending on what he did with the classified documents he stole and how he colluded with Putin). I have high expectations -- that is one of the reasons I am on HIS side.

    3. Joe Biden and obvious influence peddling. Show us your data that doe not involve a Russian asset.

    4. "...we have almost no moral expectations..." you certainly do not, others have ethics and morality as part of their makeup in choosing leaders. The large majority of administration appointees under Trump have stated publicly that he is unfit for office and they will not vote for him, but the opinion of an octogenarian retired actuary supercedes those who worked most closely with him and almost uniformly declare him unfit.

    5. The Republicans spent years and millions of dollars investigating Biden and all they found out was that their star witness is a Russian asset who has now been charged for his illegal actions.

    6. "Biden did his share by getting away with obvious influence peddling."


    7. @11:53 -to add to your accurate Trump description, he was also a shitty President.

    8. As usual, it's nothing but crickets when DIC is called out to justify the garbage he typically brings to this comment section.

  12. Laurence Gluck has died.

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  14. I voted for President Trump, and I’m proud of the great things he did for our country. But now I know that he zoomed a porn star, so I’ll never vote for him again. This November, I’m going to vote for Joe Biden.

    1. It is quite a record to be proud of isn’t it?

      The complete border wall that Mexico paid for.
      The fantastic new healthcare system, replacement for Obamacare, that he spearheaded and built.
      The massive tax cuts for big corporations and the wealthy, ballooning the national debt by trillions upon trillions.
      The record number of days on the golf course.

      I could go on of course. With a record like that, why would you let a little thing like being unfaithful to his wife and new mother of his latest child, having affairs with a porn star AND a playboy model, affect your vote? The way he treats the oath to his wife has no bearing on the way he treats other oaths in his life, like the one to the constitution. Come on be reasonable.

    2. Poor reasoning, correct conclusion.

    3. I too am an embarrassed Trump voter, his conviction has opened my eyes to how corrupt Trump is and how willing he is to break the law for his personal benefit.

      I too will now be voting for Biden.

      The polls indicate I am part of an increasing trend.

    4. @12:29 The border and the deficit are two issues that favor Trump. As you say, Trump failed to build a complete border wall, but he deserves credit for trying and making a lot of progress. It was Dem opposition that prevented the wall from being complete. And, bottom line, Trump did a better job than his predecessors at keeping illegal immigrants out; Biden did a much worse job than his predecessors.

      You correctly point out that Trump's deficits were terrible. But, Biden's were much worse.

    5. "You correctly point out that Trump's deficits were terrible. But, Biden's were much worse."


    6. @6:23 PM - Demonstrably no.

    7. QiB - I am disappointed. You are usually accurate. You often correct my errors, which I appreciate.

      However, the deficits in 2017 - 2020 (Billions) add up to $5562. The deficits in 2021 - 2024 (Billions) add up to $7732.
      Note that I included $1.9 trillion for 2024, the figure that was just reported this week.

    8. BTW Trump's huge 2020 deficit and Biden's huge 2021 deficit can perhaps be excused because of covid. Shutdowns reduced tax income to the government and spending on economic stimuli was perhaps appropriate.

      However, the current year deficit of nearly $2 trillion is frightening. This deficit is occurring during a period of low unemployment and good economic expansion, when the US is at peace, and covid no longer a factor. Imagine what the deficit will look like when the next recession hits! Without some some radical changes in spending and tax collection, future deficits are apt to be even higher than $2 trillion.

      P.S. to @6:34 and QiB -- where did you hear that Biden's deficits were lower than Trump's? Who is reporting this inaccuracy?

    9. obviously we need to raise taxes on the wealthy and Trump’s tariff plan is crazy, plus we cannot afford to renew Trump’s tax cuts

    10. DiC:

      Fiscal year 2021 began 1 October 2020 and ran through September 30 2021. Tax policy and spending budgets for the year were set before it began. The 2021 deficit belongs to Trump, not Biden.

      You want to excuse the budget impact of the Covid pandemic? Then all bets are off. You can't simply leave out the parts of the effect that matter to your guy. The impact of the pandemic didn't end in 2020 or 2021. It hasn't ended yet.

    11. QiB - good point about the definition of a fiscal year. However, Biden was President for 71% of the 2021 fiscal year, so that deficit is mostly on him.

      It's too facile to say that taxes and spending are "set" in advance. Spending can be substantially controlled, up or down, by a President at any point. E.g., the current year deficit just increased by an enormous $400 billion or around 25% in just the last 3 months. That was because of Biden's recent spending.

      Just as a President can piss away money, a President can find ways to save money. There are lots of ways that a President can spend less money if he wants to. Also Biden could have also tried to raise taxes.

      Anyhow, you have answered my question. Your sources can report that Trump's deficits were higher by blaming Trump for a fiscal year during which Biden was President 71% of the time. And, by ignoring the problems caused by the worst of the covid epidemic.

      BTW even with your dubious allocation of deficit, Biden doesn't come out a whole lot better than Trump. Adding around $2 trillion for each of 2024 and 2025 fiscal years, The 2022 - 2025 deficit would be $7060 billion. The 2018 - 2021 deficit was $7667.

    12. It is common practice for economists, knowing that policy changes and their subsequent effects do not take place instantaneous with the transfer of power, to assign responsibility for the first year's economy in a new administration to the prior one. This makes sense to anyone but those who believe that a new president can flip a switch on January 5 that has an immediate effect.

    13. Unamused -- Biden was indeed able to spend a great deal or money almost instantaneously after taking office. wikipedia says
      "The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, also called the COVID-19 Stimulus Package or American Rescue Plan, is a US$1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the 117th United States Congress and signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, 2021, to speed up the country's recovery from the economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and recession."

      Since it was Biden's decision, not Trump's, to add $1.9 trillion to the 2021 FY deficit, I think it's fair to attribute most or all the 2021 fiscal year deficit to Biden.

    14. Trump signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations act on December 27, 2020, a bipartisan bill providing 2.3 trillion in spending. Earlier in the year another 2.2 trillion dollars in spending was appropriated. This money was intended to stave off a recession. Economists indicated that the bill was signed into law too late to have any significant effect on on the economy during the first half of 2021, but would influence the economy the second half of the year. So Trump and congress, four days before the start of 2021, signed into law 2.3 trillion dollars of federal spending which took place in late 2021. Are you going to blame that on Biden?

    15. unamused - Thanks for the data. I'm trying to figure out which President is responsible for how much spending in FY 2021. I'm not sure I understand all your numbers. You say the original budget passed under Pres Trump in Dec 2020 called for spending $2.3 trillion. Am I right to assume that was supposed to represent the entire spending for FY 2021.

      Then you mention another $2.2 trillion passed "early in the year". Am I right to assume that you mean that the $2.2 trillion passed early in 2021. Am I right to assume Biden was President when the $2.2 trillion was added to the budget?

      Actual spending for FY 2021 was $6.810 trillion and receipts were $4.046 trillion..

      If they had stuck to Trump's budget, FY 2021 would apparently have been a surplus, rather than a huge deficit. It would appear that $4.5 trillion of
      spending was added by President Biden after the original Trump budget.

      I am not sure I'm interpreting all these figures correctly. I would welcome clarification.

    16. "Biden was President for 71% of the 2021 fiscal year, so that deficit is mostly on him."

      Right. He's up there signing the checks day after day.

      The federal government is not a day-to-day operation.

    17. No. Trump signed off on 2.2 trillion in spending earlier in 2020. Then on December 27, 2020 he signed off on another 2.3 trillion in spending. That money was not spent in the following 4 days. It was spent during Biden's term. As was, in all likelihood, some of the earlier 2.2 trillion. That is precisely why the spending during the first year of a president's term cannot be attributed to his or his congress's policies.

    18. Anyhow, you have answered my question. Your sources can report that Trump's deficits were higher by blaming Trump for a fiscal year during which Biden was President 71% of the time.

      Right, and you, DiC, go to sources who feed you bullshit which you slop up with a shovel.

      The point here is it really doesn't matter to DiC whether Unamused is right and he is wrong. It is convenient for him to misrepresent the deficits under Trump vs Biden to try to justify his unjustifiable support for that abomination trump, but if DiC is proven wrong it won't change his opinion one iota.

    19. David in Cal,
      The deficit is nothing a return to the 90% top income tax rate can't handle.

  15. The Supreme Court voted 8-1 to uphold a federal law that infringes the right of domestic abusers to keep and bear arms. Clarence Thomas bravely stood alone to defend our constitutional, God-given rights.

    1. If Ginni was your wife, you'd do the same.

    2. This is particularly important to women. Men are typically bigger and stronger. They don’t need arms to dominate women. But women do need arms to defend themselves.

    3. Don't be ridiculous. Women aren't going to shoot the fathers of their children, especially not if he is drunk or on drugs or suicidal. Perhaps they should but women tend to have compassion and not to believe that their man will actually hurt them (until it happens). The idea that family arguments should be arbitrated by firearms is ludicrous.

      For example, if men are bigger and stronger and a woman owns a gun to protect herself from a man, what is to prevent him from taking that gun away from her and turning it on her, now in a rage because she dared to oppose him? And if women can own guns, so can men, but they again have the advantage because (1) they are more aggressive, (2) they are more violent, and (3) men have faster reaction times and thus are faster on the trigger than women.

      David should find out something about the realities of domestic violence before making fatuous suggestions are women arming themselves.

    4. @5:57 -- Some men who attack women are not members of their household.

  16. Homer was a misogynist. Cancel him.

    1. Just don’t read him

    2. No, because then other people will read him.

    3. We have a first ammendment right to freedom of speech, even kooky or ugly speech. Preventing other people from reading him violates that freedom for all of us. Better to educate people so they are protected from the worst garbage.

      While we're at it, why do you suppose Trump's supporters enjoy chanting "bullshit" at his rallies?

    4. Self-loathing.

    5. The first amendment is over-rated. The Iliad must go. And the Odyssey with it.

      No more Homer!

    6. No problem reading them like fairy tales, not real.

    7. Running the nation based on what Homer Simpson thinks, is no more insane than running the nation based on what religious people think.

    8. Anonymouse 12:00am, tell that to Apollo.

  17. Note: Bob’s defense of Gutfeld yesterday was wrong on the facts.

  18. Rittenhouse chased and taunted Rosenbaum for some time before Rosenbaum tossed an empty plastic bag vaguely in his direction, at which point Rittenhouse turned on Rosenbaum and killed him in cold blood, there is raw footage of this on Youtube.

    Humans do not naturally behave the way Rittenhouse does, he is a traumatized and wounded person who needs treatment and to be quarantined from society, not money.

  19. Sociopaths are born not made, and they aren not the way they are due to trauma.

  20. Andromache lives:

  21. oh good hello to you friends at biggerprofit09! I have waiting for you and friends to post again for system. I wait with hope for you. For this system I have schwantz grow also? I have small schwantz. thx.

  22. Why do you spend time on anything from Fox?

  23. Andromache became the concubine of the man who threw her son off the city wall.

    How could she let him to live?

  24. Hector was a loser. Andromache didn't want his child. She wanted better children from the winner, Neoptolemus.

  25. Anonymouse 11:51am, on the contrary, with that mentality she’d be devastated that she wasn't picked by Diomedes.

  26. If she could have traded up to Diomedes, she would have been glad to do so.

  27. Fair enough. There’s really no other explanation for why Neptolemus lived another week.

  28. A real person, Olympias, was the daughter of a real person named Neoptolemus, who claimed ancestry from the mythological Neoptolemus and Andromache.

    Olympias was the mother of Alexander the Great. So, combining myth with fact, Andromache, accepting concubinage, became the ancestress of a mighty conqueror.

    By the way, Alexander's conquests spread the Greek language, so that the New Testament was written in it.

  29. Thank you for that very interesting info, Anonymouse 8:17pm. If I had been Andromache and had known what eas ahead, I’’m sure that I could not have spared Neoptolemus.

  30. So, Cecelia, you would have prevented the New Testament.

  31. Anonymouse 9:58pm, God always has a Plan B.
