Ways we earned our way out: This is a story of human discernment—a quality which is often in short supply. More specifically, this is a story concerning the ways we Blues have earned our way out.
You'll note that the key word there is plural. The key word there is "ways."
Human discernment being what it is, we humans are routinely inclined to search for the simplest possible explanation for whatever it is we're trying to explain at some particular point in time. And so it has tended to go as we the people of Blue America have tried to explain why we lost the 2024 presidential election.
(Admittedly, we lost by a bit less than 1.5 points. Among the workers on the Fox News Channel, that's now described as "a landslide.")
Four years earlier, in 2020, we won the presidential election, in that case by roughly 4.5 points. In short, our story goes like this, if only in part:
Over the course of the past four years, we Blues went from +4.5 percentage points to -1.5 percentage points.
On balance, we lost something like six percentage points over the course of four years. And so, an obvious question arises, ripe for explanation:
How did we manage to lose those votes over the course of four years?
How did we manage to lose those votes? Throughout the week, that will be one of our basic questions. But we'll also be asking such questions as these:
Why was the election that close back in 2020? Why didn't we win in 2020 by even more than 4.5 points?
Stated a slightly different way:
Considering the candidate we were running against, why didn't we win that election by a much larger margin?
In short, how did we manage to lose potential votes in the years—indeed, in the five or six decades—before our win in 2020? How have we managed to drive away potential voters over these many long years?
This week, we're finally going to list some of the obvious ways we Blues have managed to earn our way out. We'll be listing some of the ways we earned our way out in the past four years, but also over a longer span of time, dating all the way back to the 1960s.
Briefly, let's be less polite. We're going to list some of the blindingly obvious ways we Blues have managed to throw away votes—and there won't be just one way we did that. As with the Reds, so too with us Blues:
We Blues have managed to drive away voters in a wide assortment of ways.
We've burned away votes in various ways. That said, human discernment can sometimes be quite limited. Among us Blues, as among the Reds, there exists a constant impulse to seek the one lone "answer" to a question—in this case, to seek the one lone explanation for our (rather narrow) defeat in this year's White House race.
We're inclined to present some lone explanation, but we didn't shed potential vote in only one way! Through our incessant human bungling, we Blues have managed to shed potential votes through a wide array of self-defeating behaviors.
That brings us to a starting point for this week's reports. We refer to a recent "news analysis" piece in the New York Times, and to Kevin Drum's reaction to that piece.
Here are the reports in question. with the Times report going first:
How the Democrats Lost the Working Class
The theory seemed sound: Stabilize financial markets, support the poor and promote a more secure, integrated world. But blue-collar workers were left behind.
To peruse that analysis piece, click here. This was the start of Kevin's rebuttal:
The working class story is about culture, not economic anxiety
In the New York Times today, Jonathan Weisman tells the story—well, a story—of how Democrats lost the white working class. It's all about economic anxiety.
Maybe so, but even Weisman himself acknowledges the obvious:
It started in 1968 with "hardhats for Nixon." This was long before de-industrialization. It was all about Vietnam and the counterculture...
Kevin's response continues from there. To peruse it, just click this.
In his essay for the Times, Weisman attempts to explain why the Democratic Party has lost votes among "working class" voters (variously defined) over the course of (however many) years.
As we noted yesterday, Weisman goes all the way back to 1964 to track—or perhaps to pretend to track—the loss of those "working class" votes. At the start of his response, Drum says this shedding of working class votes dates to 1968.
In recent years, there's no question! As we noted yesterday, Democratic Party candidates have plainly lost "working class" votes over the course of the past five White House elections.
In 2008, Candidate Obama won something like 53 percent of such votes, according to (imperfect) exit polls. In last year's election, Candidate Harris won something like 43 percent of those votes.
As such, the loss of working class votes helps explain—is clearly part of—last year's (narrow) defeat. So how did we lose those votes over the course of those sixteen years?
Plainly, that's a decent question. But now, please notice this:
The headline on Kevin's post seems to suggest that there is only one explanation for the loss of those votes. The headline seems to say that we lost those votes for reasons of culture, not for reasons of economics.
That's what the headline seems to suggest. Inevitably, Blue American commenters quickly stepped in, in some cases dumbing things down to the ground.
As we humans are inclined to do, some of those commenters offered single, sweeping explanations for the loss of those votes. That said, Kevin ended his post with this passage:
The working class story is about culture, not economic anxiety
So I continue to have problems with the economic anxiety story. I'm not dead set against it, since financial anxiety can manifest itself in lots of different ways. Still, the bulk of the evidence really seems to point much more toward cultural issues than economic ones.
Kevin seems to be saying that there might be more than one reason for the loss of those working class votes. "Economic anxiety" could be part of what happened, he seems to say—but so could "cultural issues," which he thinks mattered more.
In closing, full disclosure:
According to the Cook Report, 155.2 million people voted in last year's election. Just over 77.3 million people voted for Candidate Trump.
Candidate Trump was elected by a very large number of people. Also this:
Given the way our exit polls slice and dice the electorate, 27% of this year's voters reported having income of less than $50,000. Also, 57% of this year's voters didn't have a college degree.
Given the ways we slice and dice, those are the numbers analysts may use to define the "working class." Tens of millions of different people are involved—and no, they aren't all the very same person!
They aren't all the same person! Some have to ride their bikes to the grocery story because they can't afford to put gas in their cars. Many others don't have to do that.
They aren't all the same! But in comment threads throughout Blue America, we Blues frequently march off in search of simplification. Along the way, through our rude and undiscerning behavior, we may even play a role in the eternal practice of driving away potential votes.
We insult Others in sweeping ways; we say extremely dumb things. This is the eternal road to perdition, and it's one of the ways we Blues have managed to earn our way out over the course of the past sixty years.
It started with Nixon, Kevin says. We'd say that's basically accurate. It also includes the wide array of stupid things we Blues routinely insisted on doing and saying during the past four years.
There's no cure for human, the experts all say. All this week, we'll try to answer a very important question:
Through our lack of perfect discernment, how did we Blues manage to shed potential votes to such an extent that we actually managed to lose to a guy like Donald J. Trump?
The Donald squeaked out a narrow win. How did we endlessly self-impressed Blues manage to help him do that?
There's more than one answer to that question! In our view, a lot of potential votes were shed in a lot of avoidable ways—and yes, it goes back to the 1960s. We ourselves were physically present on the day it started!
Tomorrow: President Biden
ReplyDelete"Over the course of the past four years, we Blues went from +4.5 percentage points to -1.5 percentage points. "
I wouldn't trust that "+4.5 percentage points" story, Bob. Everyone knows that the 2020 election was rigged.
So, it's not that horrible, really. In 2020 it probably was pretty much the same as in 2024.
Sure thing Soros-bot. Whatever Soros tells you must be truth.
DeleteEvery Soros-bot knows the 2020 election was rigged. Just like they know Trump is Satan.
Delete"Everyone knows that the 2020 election was rigged."
DeleteThat's what the Deep State wants you to believe.
Weirdo Mao shows the main reason Trump won: disinformation (with misinformation not far behind). And have you seen? Trump is bringing the Big Lie up more and more since he won in November. One example:
My guess: he'll place his stooges like Kash Patel in key places, and then they'll "find" "evidence" "proving" the Big Lie. Musk and his algorithms will help spread the word.
It’s certainly a big part of it, Mike. I just can’t quite figure out what aspect of “Democrats say dumb things” actually contributed to Trump’s win. Somerby seems to feel it’s a/the reason, although in a non-quantifiable ie not directly provable way.
DeleteCongrats on setting your alarm and getting up early enough to participate in discussion this morning, Mike. It is sometimes difficult to wake up before the commenters on the Eastern European troll farms because of the time difference there. How early did Somerby get up in order to have his essay ready to go this morning, or did he perhaps write it yesterday or during his bout with insomnia in the wee hours?
DeleteIs Albania in Eastern Europe? My Soros-bots farm is in Albania.
DeleteOnly the right wing out-sources troll jobs. Putin likes to keep tabs on his political workers by having them nearby, so they can switch to interfering in UK and European elections at a moment's notice.
DeleteReferences to Soros are anti-semitic allusions to a global Jewish conspiracy. When you see them here, you can tell immediately that it is a white supremacist alt-right conspiracy theory being advanced.
Normal people regard Soros as a philanthropist who has support many worthwhile causes beyond his political donations to Democratic candidates.
Conservatives divide immigrants into good and bad categories. Musk, despite being batshit crazy, is a good immigrant because he came from the white part of South Africa. Soros is from Hungary, one of the countries Putin thinks "got away from the Soviet Union" and thus on Putin's shit list. Republicans take orders from Putin, so of course Soros is one of their targets, aside from donating to the ACLU.
Personally, as a Soros-bot in good standing, I was thrilled when Mr. Soros received a medal the other day.
DeleteHe certainly deserves it, for funding this great Albanian Soros-bot farm.
Delete"References to Soros are anti-semitic allusions to a global Jewish conspiracy."
Your gaslighting won't work, Mr. Soros: we all know you were a Nazi collaborator, for years.
Soros was a child when the Nazis were active in Germany. He did not support the Nazis, even as a teen. He and his family were Jews who disguised their identity in Budapest until after the war. He moved to London in 1947 at the age of 17.
Very clever of the Dems to steal the election in 2020 but not prior, and not in 2024.
DeleteMakes perfect sense.
It's about economics, Bob. Republican voters are sick and tired of non-whites being part of the economy.
ReplyDelete“ We insult Others in sweeping ways; we say extremely dumb things. ”
ReplyDeleteWould be nice if Somerby provided examples from democratic politicians of this purported behavior that he seems to think is so pervasive.
Meanwhile, the right wing has constructed a massive anti-Democrat and anti-liberal media and political machine that spews out not just factual stuff, but outright lies. The New Orleans truck murderer is a perfect example. I was talking to a right wing friend who just yesterday stated that that driver crossed the border from Mexico and two days later plowed into a crowd in New Orleans, and shame on Biden. I corrected her. She gets her news from right wing sources who lie to her. Whatever democrats’ problems are or might be, you have to understand the monumental task of countering unrelenting propaganda that doesn’t balk at shameless lying.
If our media had at least half as much contempt for Republican voters that Trump has for them, this wouldn't be a problem.
DeleteThey hear what they want to hear and go to places that will tell them such. An acquaintance a few years ago told me that Boston Children's Hospital was performing sex change operations on fetuses in utero. I politely told him that was impossible, later finding out that the hospital staff had required greater security from threats against them for this nonsense. Repercussions for this propaganda are rare.
DeleteWe don't need "sex change" operations on fetuses to recognize Democrat child abuse. Drugging to block puberty for children "in the wrong body" by these mentally deranged weirdos and perverts is enough.
DeleteMeanwhile, Ivanka had surgery to change the shape of her nose (not pretty enough) while a teenager. She too felt she was in the wrong body and her daddy had it changed for her.
DeleteThank you, 10:27, for illustrating the way the right wing propaganda machine functions, even inhabiting an obscure blog like this one.
Delete“Thanks for identifying the trans community as democrats.” Says Bruce Jenner. Dumbass.
Delete“ We insult Others in sweeping ways; we say extremely dumb things. ”
ReplyDeleteJust like Kamala Harris insulting the Others by reaching out to Others/Republicans and asking for their votes. It’s certainly a novel way of insulting them, I must say.
Also, the implicit value of “Others” somehow in Somerby-speak meaning “white working class” in some vague way, it was also a novel way of insulting “them” when she appealed to union workers and asked for their votes.
Fuck the white working class. We just lost the election due to identity politics.
DeleteAtttacking immigrants is identity politics too.
DeleteThe problem for Harris was only the honest businesspeople voted for her.
ReplyDeleteWe watched the film Venom last night and it was amazing the resemblance between the villain Blake and Elon Musk (both while a human and an alien). Given how long ago that movie was made, what did they know about Musk's presidential ambitions that they were able to portray that character so accurately?
DeleteDefending mass rape of white girls by Muslims in the UK isn't going to help "the blues."
ReplyDeleteThe right wing disinformation machine makes its presence known even at an obscure blog like TDH, thanks to 10:25. It’s unrelenting. Every single day, Republicans and their allies wake up with the aim of finding the next thing to attack libs/Democrats, and it doesn’t even need to be true. The Democrats do not do this, perhaps they should, but anyone who thinks they do is a fool.
DeleteThis horrifying story has been known for many years, but it has received little coverage in the US media. It’s still not getting the attention it deserves. I think most Americans are not aware of it. I’d love to see Bob analyze the media (non)coverage,
DeleteThis goes back decades and the authorities at the time said that race was not an issue in either the victims or the perpetrators. The right wing, at the time, was trying to make this a Muslim issue but non-Muslims were the majority among both victims and sex abusers. This appears to have been an attempt to manufacture anti-immigrant (Pakistani) hatred out of a series of crimes that was being investigated and prosecuted by authorities.
DiC happily plays his part in the right wing disinformation machine. He’s certainly at the right blog, apparently.
DeleteWeird how Republican voters are just fine with all the Trump rapes/assaults, though. Huh.
DeleteThe amount of raping men do to innocent women is woefully under-discussed in our media.
DeleteAt 11:46AM - "DiC happily lies."
"This week, we're finally going to list some of the obvious ways we Blues have managed to earn our way out. "
ReplyDeleteSomerby goes from describing the number of votes we lost by, to saying that we "earned" our way out, as if it were our fault that we lost by that number of votes.
At least some portion of the votes that went to Trump were due to mechanical things, such as ballots not being provided to every household to mail in, as in 2020 (due to covid). Some portion were lost due to vote suppression such as closing polling places and the way Republicans called in bomb threats that causes some largely minority polling places to be closed on election day. Those were not "earned out" as Somerby suggests.
They may not have made the difference in the election, but they also were not earned out.
In my case, I voted for Harris, but my preferred candidate, the one I voted FOR in the primary, was Biden. I had no choice in whether he ran or not. He was earned out by the NY Times and Nancy Pelosi and George Clooney. Yes, at least two of those three are Democrats, but the meddling in the election at the last minute surely must be part of the story, and I didn't earn out anything when my candidate was removed from the ballot by behind-the-scenes pressure. Will Somerby mention that cause? I doubt it, since he was part of making that happen. Just as he also stoked the anti-Israel feeling in those blue wall states that resulted in some number of Democrats failing to vote for Harris due to Biden's policy on Israel and perceived lack of support for both the Palestinians and the pro-Palestinian activists. Somerby is not going to talk about that this week.
Somerby says, vaguely, that we Blues say stupid things. He gives no examples today, but in a world where everyone, regardless of political persuasion, says stupid things from time to time, Somerby needs to close that loop and show us how our stupid things were any stupider than theirs, stupid enough to cause us to lose those 6.5 percentage points (that itself was a particularly stupid bit of reasoning on Somerby's part, given the fluctuations in the voting population over time and his arbitrary starting point in 2020 when counting votes).
ReplyDeleteAnd apparently the magnitude of stupidity doesn't matter, just the repetition of stupid things, over and over. The huge stupidity of saying Haitians were eating pets should have outweighed Harris's stupidity in talking about "joy" (although I don't find that stupid at all) or her absence of statements about the border (which is pretty much all Somerby complained about -- why did he not point out the stupidity of Blue statements BEFORE the election). Do windmills cause whale deaths? Not so much. Are schools doing sex change operations? Of course not. Did Biden open the borders. Nope. Is America a hellhole? Not by any objective measure. Are Democrats Communists? No. How many stupid things would the Republicans have to say before they would earn their way out? And why do they get away with saying so many more stupid things without losing votes to us?
Somerby needs to explain THAT, because it obviously isn't the stupid things WE have said that caused us to lose. There is a lot more to it than that, and the stupidity of what Somerby said today, about the stupid things we said that earned our way out, is itself something that needs to be explained. Why did Somerby's own stupidity not cause us to lose -- I think it did, but perhaps the prominence of the stupidity matters too. Somerby is a fart in the wind of stupidity on the right, but why didn't Taylor Swift's smart endorsement not swing the election to Harris? Will Somerby talk about that?
I think we will find that there was massive cheating during the 2024 election. Otherwise, how could a last minute infusion of billionaire dollars make any difference at all? We only found out about the 2016 cheating by Trump long after the election. It may be the same with 2024, but meanwhile we are stuck with Trump. That means there is little point in "analyzing" what Democrats said stupidly to offset the Republican stupidity. Instead, we must figure out how to cope with whatever Trump does, which means anticipating and devising strategies. That is what real Democrats are talking about right now. None of us are trying to figure out where our votes went. It is too late for that. Only Somerby is obsessing over our stupidity, like Somerby is. That's perhaps because none of us is so stupid as to believe that a lying, demented old felon was a more desirable president than Kamala Harris. Only Somerby would advance a stupidity like that, one that puts the lie to the idea that we earned anything about what happened during the past election.
Given the lack of details, it sounds like Somerby just likes to call Democrats stupid. If you were in your late 70s, in declining health, with only a pear tree to contemplate, you might enjoy spending your days calling Democrats stupid too. The main question is why he switched from calling Republicans stupid to calling Democrats stupid, back in 2015. Was it as a favor to Rob Schneider or did someone step on his foot in the subway?
DeleteSome questions just can't be answered. This may be one of them. Someone who thinks the Democrats lost the election to Trump because they said stupider things than Trump needs to have his head examined. Regularly.
Well said.
ReplyDeleteI've been a terrible girl. Terrible girl! You know why.
But my supplies of de-licious word-sal-ads are end-less! End-less, I tell ya! Somerby is an arse.
I am Cor-by.
The only word salad here is yours, 11:27.
DeleteYou can't talk about culture and the working class without acknowledging that these are the people least likely to vote for a black woman, Democrat or not. Kevin Drum and Bob Somerby share ignorance when it comes to gender politics. Somerby specifically dislikes women, but Drum mainly ignores them, in all of his analyses. He gets chastised for that in comments every time he does it. In this discussion, Drum does it again.
ReplyDeleteHispanics fled the Democrats because their culture, in particular, includes machismo, rules about what it means to be manly which include subordination of women. Trump's campaign included a strong appeal to bro culture in the US and that appealed to more black and Hispanic men (not right wing women) and won them a larger share of that vote than in elections without that focus.
This isn't rocket science, except to assholes like Somerby who will not examine the impact of sexism as a possible explanation for an obvious shift toward Republicans in response to their obvious campaign to reassert traditional gender roles.
This makes way more sense than some tortured pseudo-economic argument about financial anxiety during the best economy in a very long time. The mistake on the left was not anything stupid that was said, but putting a black woman on the ticket to run a last-minute campaign in the face of huge sexism on the right and a backlash against women's rights. The men joined together on the right to keep women down.
Harris ran an excellent campaign and didn't say anything notably stupid, but she lost, just as Hillary (one of the most competent and qualified candidates of any sex to run for president) could not win against Trump's cheating and misogyny.
Pretending there was something else at work, as Somerby keeps doing, is an insult to us all. We are not stupid enough to believe his stupid statements today.
Your "money shot" is the 2nd paragraph.
DeleteThis comment is full of the same flaws it criticizes. I hope it is intended to be a parody of an ignorant commenter.
Delete2024 was a low turnout election for Dems. Exit poll percentages do not convey much meaning, certainly not of the type Drum is suggesting, when the raw numbers are significantly different.
ReplyDeleteSomerby prefers to pretend things like sexism and racism are not significant, so he pushes a false and murky narrative blaming Dems for engaging in insulting rhetoric, yet provides no substantiation, and the evidence suggests more the former circumstance - sexism and racism.
These bloggers are not sincere with their analyses, they are just pushing their agendas, looking for emotional comfort, or financial benefit, or both.
Are the non-college-educated more susceptible to propaganda than college-educated voters? It’s worth asking. But Somerby would rather just claim that “we” blues insult them, and that’s why we lost their vote.
ReplyDeleteThe Right hates when you tell the truth about them.
ReplyDeleteMore good analysis by Kevin.
Trump's contempt for Republican voters is something all great Americans should emulate.
DeleteNobody thought Trump would really fully implement sweeping tariffs. It was his usual hyperbole. Trump's statement served a valuable function of putting the US in a stronger negotiating position.
DeleteIt was genius of Trump, because Republican voters know nothing (and don't care at all about) economics.
Delete"Trump's statement served a valuable function of putting the US in a stronger negotiating position."
DeleteCite? And not your usual Daily Caller/Gateway Pundit/Daily Stormer regurgitation please.
@1:56 -- That statement is a conclusion based on what I know about negotiating. My training included a suggestion of starting with a preposterous one-sided offer. You are free to disagree.
DeleteDid Trump do this intentionally? I think so. He's a master negotiator.
Actually, Trump’s bluster puts us in a weaker position, as other countries laugh at us for electing a clownish criminal; the only folks getting fooled are the Republican voters.
DeleteA clever 10-year old could out-negotiate Trump. Tell him how smart he is, and he'll hand you the Grand Canyon.
DeleteTrump certainly knows how to get what he wants from Republican voters while giving them nothing.
DeleteDiC is so smart about negotiations. Everybody knows the best way to bluff in poker is by turning over all your cards and telling everyone you're really bluffing.
DeleteThe best thing is to always bluff. Be known as a bluffer. You’ll win every pot.
Delete5:11, exactly. You want people like DiC to understand that you're only bluffing when you bullshit non-stop. Works every time.
Delete"He's a master negotiator." There are about 5,000 Taliban who would like you to think so. What rubbish. Trump was a master at stiffing vendors and putting people out of business by declaring bankruptcy before he lied himself into the presidency. With the help of Putin.
DeleteTrump is a masturbator, who masturbates to old photos of lynchings.
DeleteKevin is on a roll:
Republicans think it is OK to behave badly:
ReplyDelete“ The husband of a GOP Senator was trashed Monday after he was seen live on TV refusing to shake the hand of Vice President Kamala Harris.
Bruce Fischer, husband of GOP Sen. Deb Fischer (NE), snubbed Harris after she swore in his wife. She had shaken the senator's hand, and then reached to greet her husband, but the latter refused the gesture.”
These are not good decent people.
Perhaps we should tell Republican voters they aren't bigots.
ReplyDeleteThey love Trump when he lies to them. Maybe they'll like us for doing the same.