Can Candidate Harris win this election?

TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2024

Some reasons to harbor some doubts: Can Kamala Haris win this election?

She'll be running against the craziest person ever nominated for the job. But here's what the New York Times' Bret Stephens tells Gail Collins today as part of their weekly Conversation:

Can Kamala Harris Step Up? Asking for a Friend.


Gail: Kamala Harris is [Biden's] vice president who’s served him well and loyally. Not to endorse her would be a real diss. And given the fact that we’re only talking about weeks until the nomination, it’s hard to imagine a rebellion. None of those other talented, qualified Democrats are standout stars who’d be obvious alternatives.

Bret:  You may be right, but if that’s true, I think we can say hello to President Trump right now. Harris is an even weaker candidate than Biden. Not that I’ll vote for Trump, but I don’t think I can vote for her.


I’m happy to vote for a middle-of-the-road, seasoned Democrat, even when I disagree on many issues—that’s why I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 and for Biden in 2020. I could gladly vote for Gretchen Whitmer, Josh Shapiro, Andy Beshear or Wes Moore, among other promising Democratic possibilities. But I won’t vote for just any Democrat at all on the theory that definitionally they’re all better than Trump. I don’t believe that. And I don’t believe that Trump means the end of democracy or civilization or life on Earth. 

Stephens has been anti-Trump, going all the way back. He says he would vote for Whitmer, Shapiro, Beshear or Moore—but he says he won't vote for Harris, and he says there are other anti-Trump voters who think the same way he does.

That doesn't mean that Harris can't win. As we've noted, she'll be running against the most disordered person who ever won a major party's nomination.

That said, the Democratic Party and the media moguls of Blue America have never quite managed to zero in on the apparent madness of this particular candidate.

The upper-class cable stars of our own Blue America have proven to be world-class experts at the ancient task of speaking to no one but themselves. In this case, that means the "dear friends" and "beloved colleagues" with whom they serve in the cable news army, their "favorite reporters and friends."

They focused on trying to LOCK HIM UP, endlessly pimping a Gotham trial which was so shaky that Governor Cuomo recently said the whole darn thing was a con. 

They spoke and thought about nothing else, month after month after month. Vast swaths of the electorate stopped listening to them a long time ago, except when clips of their more-than-occasional lunacies are played on the Fox News Channel for purposes of derision and tribal amusement. 

Meanwhile, Harris will be saddled with certain parts of the Biden legacy. We assume it's absurd to think that she was somehow "the border czar"—that she was somehow responsible for the administration's policies, such as they were, at the southern border.

That said, she was saddled with the claim, or at least with the impression, that she actually was some such potentate. For the reason why this may serve as an anvil around her neck, we recommend Kevin Drum's new post, which appears beneath this headline:

Liberal and conservative myths about illegal immigration

One of Kevin's "liberal myths" is shown below. Candidate Harris is going to have to negotiate this:

Liberal myths

Myth: "Crisis" talk is just conservative scaremongering.

Reality: Illegal immigration has skyrocketed under Joe Biden. Both Obama and Trump averaged about 35,000 migrants per month. Biden has averaged nearly 200,000 per month.

For the record, it wasn't just the much larger numbers; it was also The Silence. As those numbers grew and grew, the situation was widely discussed—except by Blue America's solipsistic media stars and of course by President Biden.

On its face, the situation seemed to be crazy—but the president maintained a silence to rival the silence of God in Bergman's Seventh Seal. That was the president's dereliction, but Candidate Harris will now be forced to explain it.

For the record, the remarkable silence of President Biden extended to other areas of concern. That included widespread concern about the cost of living, as distinct from the current rate of inflation. 

We'll assume that he may have maintained his astonishing silence because it would have been increasingly difficult for him to engage in normal presidential discourse, a problem which finally seemed to become apparent on June 27. Some such possible disability is, of course, no one's "fault."

That said—however that matter is assessed, his silence was vast and deafening. That makes it especially repulsive to read the kind of hagiography churned by Jon Meacham in today's New York Times, where he ladles such foofaw as this:

Joe Biden, My Friend and an American Hero


Mr. Biden has spent a lifetime trying to do right by the nation, and he did so in the most epic of ways when he chose to end his campaign for re-election. His decision is one of the most remarkable acts of leadership in our history, an act of self-sacrifice that places him in the company of George Washington, who also stepped away from the presidency. To put something ahead of one’s immediate desires—to give, rather than to try to take—is perhaps the most difficult thing for any human being to do. And Mr. Biden has done just that.

To be clear: Mr. Biden is my friend, and it has been a privilege to help him when I can. Not because I am a Democrat—I belong to neither party and have voted for both Democrats and Republicans—but because I believe him to be a defender of the Constitution and a public servant of honor and of grace at a time when extreme forces threaten the nation. I do not agree with everything he has done or wanted to do in terms of policy. But I know him to be a good man, a patriot and a president who has met challenges all too similar to those Abraham Lincoln faced.

Did President Biden decide to sacrifice power in the manner of President Washington? Or did he hang on in hiding for months on end, deceiving the public and maintaining a silence until hiding was no longer possible?

We don't know the answer to that—and when people start to lose their mental faculties, they may lose the ability to realize that they've lost their mental faculties. So it went, for example, with Lear.

That said, President Biden only stepped aside when it became fairly clear that he had no other option. That doesn't mean that he's a bad person—it means he's a person person.

It means he's a person person! It doesn't mean that he made some sort of astounding sacrifice, as Washington once did.

We've always liked Meacham for his good sense of humor, but he was a hagiographer for President Bush the elder, and he plays the same role for President Biden now. The silly bad judgment on display in his piece has been widespread across Blue America's journalistic elites, helping bring our flailing nation to this astonishing place.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but we aren't an especially brilliant species, not even Over Here in Blue America, where the children and journalists are all above average and the colleagues are all beloved. Sadly, as our leaders have formed this silly cult, they've dropped that same bomb on The Others.

Will Candidate Harris be able to win this election? She's running again the craziest candidate in American history, so at least there's that.

That said, she doesn't seem to be a giant political talent, in the manner of a Reagan, a Bill Clinton or an Obama. 

As we've noted in the past, almost no one is! We hope she finds her way through, though it sounds like Stephens may have been lost.


  1. "Can Candidate Harris win this election?"

    Anyone can win. But she'll need quite a few mules.

    1. The Republicans have the "asses" vote locked-up.

  2. I told you Somerby would be back to tell us that Harris cannot win. Right on schedule.

    1. Except, of course, that's not what Somerby said at all.

    2. He’s warming up. Today he repeated his previous comment that she is mediocre.

    3. He said she isn’t a giant political talent, PP. Ask him if he feels Trump is a giant political talent.

    4. Trump is a giant political talent.

    5. Thanks, Bob.

    6. It’s amazing that the giant political talent that Trump is lost to sleepy Joe in 2020. Tragic, really. Can’t say if that proves or disproves the notion that Trump is a giant political talent. I’m leaning toward the latter.

  3. "And I don’t believe that Trump means the end of democracy or civilization or life on Earth. "

    No but based on past history he means being unable to go outside, not being able to find toilet paper in the store, getting our mail 2 weeks late, and listening to the Commander in Chief telling us to drink bleach.

  4. Being against Trump doesn't make a conservative anything but a conservative.

  5. "That said, she doesn't seem to be a giant political talent, in the manner of a Reagan, a Bill Clinton or an Obama. "

    Here Somerby attacks Harris, as we knew he would do. She is not strong enough to win, he says, after pushing Biden off the ticket. That was the point of sticking with Biden. He was the stronger candidate. Now Somerby will say Harris to not strong enough, and concern troll about Trump endlessly, while undermining Harris in order to help Trump win. Because that is what Somerby has always done here.

    1. “[Trump is] the craziest candidate in American history.”

      I guess that’s your idea of concern trolling to help Trump win.

    2. But if anyone tries to prosecute Trump, Somerby will excoriate them for pursuing a political vendetta. Anyone calling him a liar will be told to fuck thrnselves by Somerby. So, I’d say the true picture is a bit ambiguous, PP.

    3. So, Anons told us that Somerby’s warning that Biden wasn’t up to the task of campaigning was a right-wing smear - up until the very point that Pelosi, Obama, and the Clintons told Biden to step down because he wasn’t up to the task of campaigning. Now Anons say the reason Somerby calls Trump “crazy” is to help Trump win.

      Somehow, I don’t think the political compass used by Anons points to true north.

    4. Your version of events is a bit lacking, PP.

    5. PP,
      I'll wait for Pelosi, Obama, and Clinton to tell me that Kamala Harris is a mediocre political talent, before I agree that Bob knows anything about politics.

    6. Kamala is more aligned with the Clintons than the 0bamas.

    7. Cecelia,
      What does that mean?

  6. "That said, President Biden only stepped aside when it became fairly clear that he had no other option."

    Of course he had another option. He could have stayed in the race. No one has the right to push a nominee with all of those pledged delegates out of a race.

    Somerby is not grateful to Biden, but he should be. Biden is avoiding conflict within the party by sacrificing his own interests. That is why people are thanking him. There is no way Trump would ever have done such a thing. Somerby's lack of gratitude shows he has had no regard for Biden all along, and tells me that Somerby is not much of a person himself, but we already knew that from his immediate attacks on Biden right after the debate. This is why I distrust everything Somerby says. He is nearly as big a liar as Trump is. An actual liberal would have not only respect for Biden's accomplishments, but some recognition that he has made a gesture for the good of his party and the American people, and that it is right to thank him for that.

    1. This is the Anon who has undertaken the thankless task of telling us who the "actual liberals" are.

    2. Fuck off PP. You contribute nothing here. Let others have their opinions.

    3. I guess it would be difficult to tell whether you have left any worthwhile contributions because, well, you’re an Anon.

    4. You tell what’s worthwhile by reading it, not looking at nyms.

    5. Biden’s career has not been remotely exemplary, honorable, and virtuous. It been a moral and humanitarian disgrace. He has a long record of lying, cheating, and dutifully serving finance capital while pretending to be “Blue Collar Joe” and advancing the bloody US empire.

    6. Only if you listen to right wing lies.

    7. I love rightwing lies. That’s why I’m voting for Donald Trump.

    8. It’s clear that right wingers have to characterize everyone at the scum level of Donald Trump, a true shitbag, In order to justify their worship of him and their self-abasement before him. A classic case of psychological projection if there ever was one.

    9. The Biden administration has:

      + intensified the climate catastrophe.

      + preserved the savage economic insecurity of masses of ordinary Americans living from paycheck to paycheck.

      + swung far to the nativist right on immigration.

      + made no serious effort to stem a horrible eviction crisis.

      + made no serious effort to stop the continuing plague of racist police killings.

      + cost tens of thousands of lives in Ukraine and Palestine.

      + pushed the world closer to nuclear war than it has been in decades.

      + backed horrific genocidal ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

      + appeased a women-hating Christian Fascist Supreme Court on abortion rights and more.

      + failed to prosecute Donald “Take Down the Metal Detectors” Trump in a timely way for trying to overthrow previously normative American bourgeois electoral and rule of law democracy.

      + failed to seriously address the nation on the homegrown white supremacist, sexist, nativist, and fascist menace that stalks and the land.

      + let Amerikaner Trumpism-fascism run rampant without calling it out or making any serious effort to seriously wield government power and mobilize masses against it.

    10. Biden voted against gay marriage. Trump has supported it since the 80s

    11. The Washington Post outed him for concocting a ridiculous tale about his heroic role in honoring a medal-winning U.S. soldier in a war zone as vice president. By the Post’s account, “Biden got the time period, the location, the heroic act, the military branch, and the rank of the recipient wrong as well as his own role in the ceremony.” He was a serial liar.

    12. The Democrats have been going around saying, ‘We’re for the people, we’re for the little guy.’ And all they do is run to Wall Street for money. And the one guy that didn’t, Bernie Sanders, was sabotaged by the Democratic National Committee.

    13. It’s notable that Sanders was a big supporter of Biden.

    14. It's great Biden has been replaced with Harris. He was not up for the job as a vast majority of Americans could plainly see. Harris is a bottomless pit of faults, limitations and drawbacks but she will still be a strong contrast to Trump in many ways. Unlike Biden, she has a chance.

    15. Sanders was unhappy that Biden was forced out.

    16. Our fiery, pseudo-intellectual leftist rattles off a bunch of weasel-worded accusations ("preserved" people's economic insecurity?) against Biden without explaining or supporting them in any way. I guarantee that a full, balanced accounting of any of these issues would very quickly paint a much more ambiguous picture than our fiery leftist paints. But balance and nuance make it harder to be a fiery, self-impressed leftist.

    17. 9:04,
      Thanks for the impressive list, showing that Biden isn't nearly bigoted enough against minorities to receive your precious Presidential vote.

    18. "Mike",
      "Preserved" people's economic insecurity ... of masses of ordinary Americans living from paycheck to paycheck. 65% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Biden preserved that reality. Balance and nuance it out for us so we can all get back to venerating this great man.

    19. C'mon, Joe Manchin at 10:17.
      We saw your preservation skills.

    20. Hahahahahha "We saw your preservation skills." Fucking hilarious!!!! Great one!

  7. "Or did he hang on in hiding for months on end, deceiving the public and maintaining a silence until hiding was no longer possible?"

    Good lord! Somerby doesn't recognize that Biden gave speech after speech trying to reassure the people that he was up to campaigning, which is not "hiding out" and that Biden was genuinely sick in the last few days with a bout of covid.

    Somerby is a huge asshole to characterize things this way. There is no reason to be kicking Biden now that he has stepped aside.

    1. anon 3:25, "Somerby is a huge asshole" - really high class aren't you, for an ex-professor in the field of psychology

    2. AC/MA,
      Being able to play the victim, is something that Right-wingers practically never do 24/7/365.

  8. You want to know what rich donors are like? Even rich democrat donors? They're like this.

  9. “she doesn't seem to be a giant political talent, in the manner of a Reagan, a Bill Clinton or an Obama.”

    The non-mention of Al Gore is noticed.

  10. Does every democratic nominee have to be a “giant political talent?”

    1. No black woman can be a giant political talent, by definition.

    2. Stacey Abrams comes close.

    3. Michelle Obama would beat Trump in a landslide.

    4. According to Somerby.

  11. Jesse Watters says of Harris:

    She didn’t earn this. She inherited it. And Americans aren’t hot on heirs. They like self-made men and women.

    1. Like Biden unherited from Obama.

    2. Similar to Hillary Clinton marrying into it. Of course there would be no way in hell she would have run for president had she not married Bill Clinton and stood by him for years while he stuck his dick into every piece of trailer trash that crossed his path. What a loser that lady was.

    3. It was her goal since college. Women can be ambitious too.

    4. “ Americans aren’t hot on heirs. They like self-made men and women.”

      Donald Trump’s father would like a word…

    5. "Similar to Hillary Clinton...." Harris was elected Attorney General and Senator by Californians before being chosen as VP by Biden. So no, not similar. She had a record of winning elections into public office. She did not marry in to political success.

    6. "They like self-made men and women."
      So true, The 100 Estate Tax rate we currently have is the tell.
      Now, pull Jesse Watters other finger.

    7. Americans aren’t hot on heirs.

      Just ask Rand Paul and Governor Sununu.

  12. No reason has been given here as to why Stephens thinks Harris is a weak candidate. Does Somerby agree, or is it merely important to him that the Democrats satisfy Bret Stephens’ preferences?

  13. “I don’t believe that Trump means the end of democracy”

    Well, David Frum, a conservative who is a clear thinker and articulate writer, thinks otherwise. He said:

    “If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.”

    It’s easier to refuse to vote for Harris and thereby enable the re-election of Trump if your view matches Stephens’ rather than Frum’s.

  14. I’m a leftist, so I support Trump and Vance.


    1. Of course. If you were on the Right, you'd be trying to shoot Trump, like the rest of that ilk.

  15. Bigotry ... or something.

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    Here's how she did it.........................
