They took the car keys from President Biden!


They've left the bombs in Trump's hands: In the case of President Biden, it was fairly easy for the press corps to identify the apparent problem. 

It looked like a type of problem which everyone had seen before, if only in classic films like Driving Miss Daisy or Under Golden Pond.

It looked like a type of "senility" or possibly "dementia." It looked like the type of problem which—as everyone persistently said—makes you take the keys away from an aging parent.

President Biden's apparent affliction seemed fairly easy to name. In the case of former president Trump. it has been much harder for our journalists to name his apparent or possible affliction.

The gentleman makes crazy statements with regularity, like the ones we noted yesterday afternoon. That said, he seems to be full of energy—and yes, he actually can complete sentences. He does so much of the time. 

Bowing to an ancient prohibition, our news orgs agreed that no one should discuss the possibility of some sort of severe mental illness. And so our major scribes—they aren't always especially sharp, and they aren't overwhelmingly honest—decided to brand Trump a LIAR and pretty much leave it at that.

That leaves us with a ranting person offering rants like the ones we mentioned yesterday. Also, it leaves us with a major, highly intelligent journalist writing am essay like the one Anne Applebaum just offered.

Applebaum is a very important journalist and author. She watched Trump's convention address, and she said she found it baffling. 

Eventually, he "digressed into pure gibberish," she says in her piece for The Atlantic. Here are the two examples she cited, exactly as they appear in The Atlantic, major typo and all:

They’re coming from prisons. They’re coming from jails. They’re coming from mental institutions and insane asylums. I—you know the press is always on because I say this. Has anyone seen The Silence of the Lambs? The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’d love to have you for dinner. That’s insane asylums. They’re emptying out their insane asylums. And terrorists at numbers that we’ve never seen before. Bad things are going to happen.


In Venezuela, Caracas, high crime, high crime. Caracas, Venezuela, really a dangerous place. But not anymore, because in Venezuela, crime is down 72 percent. In fact, if they would ever in this election, I hate to even say that, we will have our next Republican convention in Venezuela because it will be safe. Our cities, our cities will be so unsafe, we won’t be able—we will not be able to have it there.

Applebaum described those excerpts as "pure gibberish." We can't really say we know why.

We aren't vouching for the accuracy of those presentations, which occurred shortly past the one-hour mark in one brief part of Trump's endless address. 

We aren't vouching for those presentations. As far as we know, Trump was making a set of (highly familiar) claims which are basically bogus.

Fact-checkers have widely stated that the picture he was painting there simply isn't accurate. But that doesn't mean that the statements are gibberish. They're part of a perfectly coherent set of claims which the candidate makes all the time—a perfectly coherent set of claims which seem to be grossly inaccurate.

What is Trump claiming in those excerpts? He's saying that governments in countries like Venezuela are emptying out their prisons and sending their criminals here.

Also, he's saying that governments are emptying their "insane asylums" and sending those people here. He's even supplying statistics about the drop in crime which has allegedly happened in countries like Venezuela. 

Alas! Fact-checkers have routinely said that his claims are unfounded and / or simply inaccurate. They've said that his statistics seem to have been made up. 

That said, it's easy to see what the gent is claiming. Why would someone as sharp as Applebaum describe those presentations as "gibberish?"

Before we proceed any further, at least three typos lurk in Applebaum's two examples. Here's what Trump actually said in that second example:

In fact, if they [the Democrats] would ever WIN this election—I hate to even say that—we will have our next Republican convention in Venezuela because it will be safe. 

Candidate Trump said "win," not "in." You can see that at the 67-minute mark of the C-Span videotape of his speech

As presented in The Atlantic, that second example didn't seem to make sense.  After correcting the typo, Trump's (very familiar) statement strikes us as easy to follow. The first example in The Atlantic also includes at least two typos, as you can see at the C-Span video's 65-minute mark.

That's amazingly sloppy work on the part of The Atlantic. Moving right along:

Presumably, Trump's statement about holding the next convention in Caracas wasn't mean to be taken literally. In fact, you can hear the audience laughing at several familiar parts of those two presentations.

Adjusting for such considerations, Trump was painting a familiar if inaccurate picture. He was claiming that our nation is being overrun by gangs of criminals and psychiatric patients who are being shipped here from foreign lands.

Why did those presentations strike Applebaum as "gibberish?" We have no idea. But beyond that, there lurks a larger question:

Is there something wrong in Donald Trump's head? If so, what is it?

Way back in 2017, Dr. Bandy C. Lee, a Yale psychiatrist, edited a best-selling book which carried this ominous title:

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President 

Rightly or wrongly, the medical specialists who contributed essays to the book claimed that Trump was, or seemed to be, (severely) mentally ill, in a way which was said to be dangerous. With the book's publication, the inevitable happened:

Major news orgs agreed that such claims must never be discussed. 

The book was therefore disappeared. Later, our journalists were willing to discuss President Biden's possible "dementia," as was completely appropriate. But they've never been willing to discuss the (fairly obvious and tragic) possibility outlined in Dr. Lee's best-selling book.

Instead, they settled for calling him a LIAR. Also, at a fairly recent point, they began saying that Trump was exhibiting the same signs that had become apparent with President Biden. As they struggled to make that case, they ignored the larger, more obvious problem.

Our journalist settled for calling him a LIAR. But what if it's worse than that? 

Applebaum watched his convention address and called those excerpts "pure gibberish." We don't know why such a prominent and intelligent person would settle for that diagnosis.

It's easy to see what Trump was saying in the excerpts Appelbaum offered. But why was Trump making those overwrought claim—and why does he persistently make claims which are even crazier?

Applebaum's guild has never been willing to puzzle that out. They've been willing to take the car keys from Biden while leaving the bombs in Trump's hands! 


  1. Kevin looks at the second quarter.

  2. Chinese and Russian military aircraft have flown in the Air Defense Identification Zone around Alaska.

  3. This idea that Trump is seriously mentally ill, and that the MSM is derelict on not focusing on this issue (instead of calling him a liar) is an ongoing howl from the daily howler. There is this book edited by Bandy Lee (who taught a non-paying course, at Yale and who was not renewed and unsuccessfully sued Yale) with 37 psychiatrists opining that Trump was indeed mentally nuts, is oft cited by the blogger. Several of the blogger's followers have expressed skepticism that it would have any beneficial effect if the MSM somehow took up the blogger's call, and started interviewing these shrinks, and in general stopped calling Trump a liar for the often fact-averse, even crazy statements he constantly makes. Apparently Trump's serious mental illness didn't stop him from being elected president in 2016, and being nominated in 2020 and 2024 (in which year he may win again - ugh). The blogger has never addressed the comments suggesting that if the MSM acted on the blogger's advice, it is unlikely that would somehow turn the tide against the disturbed pol. Has the blogger ever considered that there may be shrinks who disagree with Bandy Lee and trump's estranged niece? Has he considered that opinions of shrinks (and the blogger himself) who have never met Trump might be of limited value? Has he considered that Trump's unorthodox style seems to work - he did get elected after all, no an easy thing to do, and may be on the verge of achieving that goal again? TDH doesn't engage with his posters, unlike Kevin Drum. Instead of repeating the same thing over and over again, I think it would help if he considered the counter-arguments.

    1. Kevin’s commenters are smarter.

    2. 5:21. Do not confuse Republicans , who are contemplating jumping off buildings, with facts.

    3. AC/MA, your description of Bandy Lee's position at Yale and her dispute with the university is incorrect. Here is more background info about it:,Violence%20and%20Health%20Study%20Group.

      Beyond that, Somerby always uses the phrase "carefully selected" when he demands that specialists evaluate Trump. He has never explained what he means by that, but it does seem to acknowledge that there is controversy over Trump's diagnosis. Ronny Jackson might be considered a carefully selected physician in Trump's world.

      Have you considered that Trump may be a pawn of Putin and Russian oligarchs, carefully selected to run for the presidency while they manipulated the election in his favor? Would that make Trump "effective" in any way except recruiting foreign backers? Was Trump really elected or did Comey sabotage Hillary Clinton using media coverage? Trump came nowhere near to winning the popular vote in 2016, much less 2020.

    4. An increasing number of Americans want Trump to drop out, going from 50% a couple of months ago, to now 57% (this was even before Biden dropped out).

      This trend is bad for Trump, and suggests that Americans are viewing Trump as an unhappy and disturbed person that is unfit to be president.

    5. anon 5:48, according to Wikipedia, "in 2020 Yale University failed to renew Lee's voluntary medical faculty position." she sued Yale for breach of contract and breach of the implied warranty of good faith & fair dealing - and her complaint was dismissed by the Court (via summary judgment, I believe). She appealed and lost the appeal. I don't see how i was incorrect. Aside from that, I wonder if your last paragraph is a joke. I'm aware of zero evidence that Trump was carefully chosen by Putin and Russian oligarchs. Trump was effective in getting elected - it's a fact. Whether he was "effective" as POTUS is a matter of opinion, depending on what you mean by the word "effective." Under our system, one can get elected without getting a majority of the popular vote. Many other factors contributed to Clinton's loss, not just Comey. There can be more than one 'but for' factor that could account for her loss.

  4. Any evaluation of Trump’s sanity should include actions as well as words. His actions have been rational and unusually effective.

    Trump’s claims are exaggerations. So what? Many Biden clams are exaggerations. Anne and Bob are exaggerating when they say Trump is nuts.

    “Fact-checkers” are often unreliable. Most lean Democrat in their choice of what to check and the standards they use.

    1. Facts have a Democrat bias.

    2. Trump's actions are not sane either, and certainly not effective. Look how he behaved in court, provoking the judge when it was against his self-interest to do so. Who sleeps through a nominating convention when he is being named the Republican nominee? That is abnormal behavior and not at all '

    3. IF you mean effectively helped Russia, KSA, China, North Korea, Hungary, and the Taliban would agree with you for once DIC.

    4. KSA = Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

    5. Trump LIED and continues to this day to LIE about the results of the 2020 election. It was literally defined as the BIG LIE. No one is allowed in his circle who will tell the truth about the 2020 election. They get banned from the party and will never hold a position in his administration. Those are all actions of a madman.

      Further, Trump took actions to try to overturn the election. He acted on his BIG LIE. He has been indicted with multiple felonies for those actions and only for the corrupt Supreme Court, the country would be learning all the illegal actions he took to try to steal the election.

      I don't know what the fuck is wrong with DiC. "Effective", asshole? Effectively tearing this country apart for the past 4 years.

    6. DiC is a troll, a lonely person looking to soothe their emotional discomfort by baiting and triggering others.

      Engaging with DiC is only enabling his worst traits, which seems cruel and unethical.

    7. Trump was particularly effective in promoting the deaths of many thousands of individuals during Covid .

  5. Biden does not have dementia or senility. He is just old, but he is aging normally. Dementia and senility are abnormal conditions. Not all old people get them. It is a libel every time Somerby repeats this baseless accusation about Biden's cognitive abilities.

    I have said here repeatedly that I do not believe Trump should be diagnosed via the internet or TV clips or his rally speeches. He needs to be diagnosed by a qualified doctor (not Ronny Jackson). If and when that happens, it will be OK to start calling Trump crazy. Meanwhile, we should be focused on the nonsense contained in Trump's speeches, the fact that he lies all the time and that he makes no sense when he speaks. That is sufficient to consider him unqualified to be president, without diagnosing him with any mental illness (and no, personality disorders like narcissism or sociopathy are not a form of mental illness).

    Somerby is embarrassing himself again with these essays. It doesn't help those of us who want to see Trump lose the election when someone like Somerby calls him derogatory names that those who truly understand mental illness would not use out of consideration for those who genuinely suffer from such disorders.

  6. I'm a gen X, Democrat male voter at the presidential and downticket levels forever but can't do it again. I have a family with two sons, happy, and don't recognize the Democratic party now. Not a Trump hater, so it's going to be Trump. No one could have told me I would be here ten years ago but Kamala Harris is a catastrophe and I've felt increasingly embarrassed to admit to being a Democrat anyway.

    1. I’d also be embarrassed to admit that you’re a Democrat.

    2. You should perhaps do some research and reading about Kamala Harris before making a hasty decision like this. She is nothing like the way Republicans have been portraying her.

    3. You’re making progress, 7:30PM. Now learn to say “Democrat party”.

    4. I just think the weird orange hair plug, weird Project 2025, and the weird totalitarians will be so much better than some smiling libtard black lady, speaking as a lifelong Democrat of course.

    5. Say what you will about Harris but her nomination for president lacked democratic legitimacy. She has never received one single vote from an actual, normal Democratic voter. Her nomination was engineered by elite party insiders who represent an unaccountable neoliberal aristocracy that has abandoned democratic voter choice in all three of the last elections.

    6. She got her job through DEI, instead of by raping someone, like a normal Republican politician.

    7. Say what you will about Trump but he was nominated by real voters in a fair primary election. Had there been a fair primary, Biden’s weakness would have been made apparent months ago. Had there been debates, Biden’s vulnerability in that format would have been unmistakable. But the current Democratic Party is undemocratic and lacks a genuine voice for real voters. Kamala Harris has glaring flaws as a candidate and no record of earning votes outside of California. But a cabal of hideously wealthy and out-of-touch party elites have nominated her and any dissent from peon Democratic voters will not be allowed. So, let's please not call the Democratic Party democratic. It ain't.

    8. 4:40,

      Voters are voting with their wallets for Kamala.

    9. Fair enough, 4:40. She's not my first choice. The Donna Braziles of the party should be summarily jettisoned IMO. We don't live in a democracy. Remind me of the last election Trump won the popular vote.

    10. 6:41 So we agree Harris's nomination lacks democratic legitimacy and subverted the traditional primary process of being elected by a a majority of votes after a public campaign.

      You can't deny that fact. All you can and will do is deflect it with toxic, conversation-ending cliches and accusations that Democratic Party supporters are famous for and engage in chronically and habitually.

      You support a party that is not democratic. That will never change.

    11. 9:03 Glad to see we agree the Democratic Party is run by a machine of insiders that subvert their voter's wishes. The difference between Harris and Trump is that Harris never received even one vote.

    12. 9:05,
      Sending you thoughts and prayers.

    13. Buck your thoughts, but I do appreciate your prayers.

    14. 10:00 AM,
      It's literally the least I could do.

    15. Wait until 9:08 finds out Bob deletes posts critical of Republican voters.
      Expect to have your ears blown out by their silence, when they do.

    16. 9:08,
      Please don't drink the baby with Trump's bathwater.

    17. God hears the prayers of Republicans.

    18. 9:05,
      I haven't seen you this upset since that time black people's votes were counted in the 2020 Presidential election.

    19. Harris's "nomination" shows the Democratic Party's abandoning of voter choice and perpetuating of an unaccountable neoliberal aristocracy. They have decided to continue to subvert substantive political engagement for accusations of racism forgetting laid off machinists in decaying Rust Belt cities are not particularly moved by being told that they need to vote for the Democrat or else they’re racist.

    20. Get new material, guys. Get new material. You’re gonna need it.

    21. Using accusations of racism to squash legitimate, substantive political engagement about a party that subverted the traditional primary process and nominated someone that received no votes makes you look weak and like you don’t have a positive agenda that you can use to persuade people.

    22. The party of voter suppression says what?

    23. 10:29,
      I too, feel we'll miss out on some good laughs about Biden beating Trump in a landslide AGAIN, like he did in 2020.
      Tough break. We'll just have to find happiness in a black women crushing him in the election (since his snowflake ass already bailed on debating Harris).

    24. 10:29, guess what, the Democratic Party is a private organization, just like the Republican Party, and the nominating process in the D party is definitely more democratic than the rules in the R party which ended up nominating Trump in 2016. LOL

    25. 10:57, we all know the Republican is averse to rich elders. LOL!!!

    26. If Kamala gets the most votes in November, will she be democratically legitimate?

    27. Harris's nomination was not democratic. Members of the Democratic party didn't have a chance to vote for her or not. The Democratic Party is a private organization that didn't bother with a nominating process at all. A private organization controls who will run for president, not the voters. This is our situation for the last three presidential elections.

      The Democratic party has been taken over by insiders that shut out the will of the people who support them. So we have to assume they will run the country the same way, catering to the will and desires of insiders over the will of the people. Given this, why should people without Daddy issues be excited by the Democratic Party?

    28. 9:05 I voted for Harris already to be second in command. Look who you presumptively will be voting for. You are all pure bullshit about the Democratic process when your favored candidate and his cronies tried to overthrow an election. Pathetic trolling; absolutely no self awareness. Harris and her running mate will crush the two far right wing candidates that your flawed primary process left you with.

    29. "why should people without Daddy issues be excited by the Democratic Party?" Cause we don't want a bunch of weirdo fascist's having the "freedom" to fuck around with our lives? Seems like pretty good reasons to me. Repubs have all transformed into fucking goobers and weirdos all in on controlling lives they don't like. Trump Orange paint face hair plug flag humper preaching the end of America for 12 years with a 6th grade vocabulary. MTG - where to begin? Boebert the public dick puller. Gym Jordan, OK with boys getting raped by men. Tuberville, Johnson - so stupid wonder how they figure out how to breath. Vance, couch pillow fucker. Really R's, please quit huffing the glue. And mind your own business, you weirdos.

    30. The Republican version of democracy involves putting 7 or so candidates up on stage to duke it out in a shouting match and letting the moderates in the room split their votes so that the extreme right candidate and his circa 25% block of voters ultimately wins the nomination.

  7. It ain't that Trump is senile or lying. He just is dumb as a rock. As you can see above, he does not know the difference between an insane asylum and legally seeking asylum.

  8. JD Vance did not perform an unnatural act with a couch.

  9. Well, they did find eyeliner on the Naugahyde, if you know what I mean. JD needs to get in front of this growing scandal if he wants to get over the hump.

    1. Ottomans are lining-up all over to give their accounts of Vance coming on to them.

  10. Bandy Lee also recommends prosecution of Trump:

    “Holding Trump accountable for his criminal behavior, from Lee’s vantage point, could act as an antidote of sorts to the violent sentiments of his supporters. “I have found that once gang leaders are taken into custody, their followers soon stop believing in the delusions that they had all shared,” she says. “And their behavior often returns to normal.” To those who worry that his prosecution could lead to an uptick in violence, Lee counters that “doing nothing would be much more damaging to the country in the long run.”

    “The Psychiatrist Who Warned Us That Donald Trump Would Unleash Violence Was Absolutely Right”


    “He will have no limit, which is why I have actively advocated for removal and accountability, including prosecution. “

    “The ‘Shared Psychosis’ of Donald Trump and His Loyalists”

    But when any liberal or anyone in “blue media” suggests this approach, Somerby excoriates them for pursuing a political vendetta.

    Perhaps Somerby should consider the totality of what the expert doctor is saying.

    1. Good points, but do not ignore Somerby's main grievance having to do with word choices like "lie" and "gibberish".

      Somerby is a very serious...clown.

  11. Right, but that's a decision that the voters will make. I can ubderstand Trump being the way he is. What I can't understand is why people, who would never tolerate this kind of behavior in their kids, support him.

    1. Anyone who isn't a bigot, or isn't perfectly fine with bigotry, left the Republican Party more than two dozen years ago.
      I can do this all day, Bob.

    2. Correct. They're electing him, because he gives them the bigotry they crave.

    3. They elect him to protect their kid from whatever TF Democrats have turned into, not to be their kid.

      I don't know a single straight man voting for Kamala Harris.

    4. It;'s not just straight men, 10:45.
      Men, in general, are far too emotional to be given something as important as voting rights.

    5. I’m a straight man. I plan to vote for Kamala.

    6. 10:45, the question is, who is going to protect us from trump?
      Straight man here also voting for Harris. Now you know two.

    7. 10:45 - Democrats want to protect their kids from a convicted felon, out on bail in three jurisdictions, an adjudicated rapist, a serial fraudster with over $500M in fines. A guy who cheated on all three wives, the last with a porn star and a Playboy Bunny. A guy who has embraced the worst elements of his party, so old and stupid he will turn the country over to fascist zealots. It is truly sad and fucking scary that the Republican party has no adults in charge and couldn't find the strength to dump this immoral idiot even after a coup attempt. Shame on all you all.

  12. 10:45. That's interesting. She is polling dead even with Trump. You can hang out with whomever you want but clearly that doesn't include many straight men. Not that there is anything wrong with that, mind you.

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