FAILS: CNN said Biden made nine bogus claims!


The challenger Trump made way, way more, CNN also said: As we noted yesterday, E. J. Dionne—to his credit—has copped to an "epic fail."

His confession may have been a but puckish, but he confessed nonetheless. 

As we noted yesterday, the epic fail to which he copped involved a column in the Washington Post. The column appeared on June 23, four days before the June 27 Biden-Trump debate.

In that column, Dionne made the prediction shown below. In his most recent column, he now calls this prediction an epic fail.

Below, you see the failed prediction from Dionne's June 23 column:

Forget conventional wisdom. Trump needs the debate more than Biden


Debates are not about everyone watching. Many will absorb it the way I took in the glorious Boston Celtics playoff run: as partisans rooting unreservedly for victory, cheering every great moment and worrying about every mistake.

To the extent that partisans matter at all, they are likely to be Democrats who need constant hand-holding and reassurance that Biden can prevail. This, along with the 78-year-old Trump’s months-long denigration of Biden’s capacities at age 81, sets a low bar for Biden’s performance. Given his success at other big moments, such as his State of the Union addresses, he is likely to meet or surpass it.

Dionne predicted that President Biden would likely meet or surpass expectations at the June 27 debate. Plainly, that didn't happen. 

Yesterday, he puckishly copped. His referred to that prediction as an "epic fail." 

Predicting the future is hard! That said, we also noted an important point in yesterday's report. We said that. as Dionne continued in that original column, he raised this important point:

...This, along with the 78-year-old Trump’s months-long denigration of Biden’s capacities at age 81, sets a low bar for Biden’s performance. Given his success at other big moments, such as his State of the Union addresses, he is likely to meet or surpass it.

But there is a trap here for Biden, too: Because the “age issue” has been raised relentlessly against him, the media have a tendency to overlook or downplay Trump’s many moments of incoherence and even lunacy. Biden and his lieutenants must turn this side-by-side performance into an opportunity to have the two men judged by the same standards.

Dionne may have offered a bungled prediction, but he also offered a somewhat prescient warning:

As the great debate approached, he said "the media" have a tendency to downplay the incoherence—indeed, to downplay the lunacy—of Candidate Donald J. Trump. He seemed to say that the two candidates, post-debate, wouldn't be judged by the same standards. 

That was a type of prediction too. In that case, did Dionne get it right?

For today, we're going to build a certain framework around that important question. We're going to look at what Daniel Dale said in the aftermath of that debate.

Daniel Dale is CNN's long-standing resident fact checker. Few people dispute the claim that President Biden's performance that night was extremely poor—but what about the performance of Candidate Donald J. Trump?

Dale and his team quickly swing into action. For starters, this is part of what Dale and his team reported that very night:

Trump made more than 30 false claims during CNN’s presidential debate—far more than Biden

Both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump made false and misleading claims during CNN’s presidential debate on Thursday—but Trump did so far more than Biden, just like in their debates in 2020.

Trump made more than 30 false claims at the Thursday debate. They included numerous claims that CNN and others have already debunked during the current presidential campaign or prior.


Biden made at least nine false or misleading claims in the debate...

So said the CNN team.  For the record, we compliment Dale and his team for eschewing the fraught term, "lies." (More on that journalistic / political issue as the week proceeds.)

So said Dale and the CNN team! There is, of course, no such thing as a perfect fact check. A different team of fact checkers might have generated a different census of the evening's bogus claims.

That said, Dale's team seemed to be saying that it hadn't even been close. Candidate Trump had murdered sleep in a way which dwarfed the bungles of President Biden. 

It hadn't even been close! To give you a better idea of what we mean, here's some of the text from the CNN team which we omitted above:

Trump made more than 30 false claims during CNN’s presidential debate—far more than Biden

Both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump made false and misleading claims during CNN’s presidential debate on Thursday – but Trump did so far more than Biden, just like in their debates in 2020.

Trump made more than 30 false claims at the Thursday debate. They included numerous claims that CNN and others have already debunked during the current presidential campaign or prior.

Trump’s repeat falsehoods included his assertions that some Democratic-led states allow babies to be executed after birth, that every legal scholar and everybody in general wanted Roe v. Wade overturned, that there were no terror attacks during his presidency, that Iran didn’t fund terror groups during his presidency, that the US has provided more aid to Ukraine than Europe has, that Biden for years referred to Black people as “super predators,” that Biden is planning to quadruple people’s taxes, that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi turned down 10,000 National Guard troops for the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, that Americans don’t pay the cost of his tariffs on China and other countries, that Europe accepts no American cars, that he is the president who got the Veterans Choice program through Congress, and that fraud marred the results of the 2020 election.

Trump also added some new false claims, such as his assertions that the US currently has its biggest budget deficit and its biggest trade deficit with China. Both records actually occurred under Trump.

Biden made at least nine false or misleading claims in the debate. He used false numbers while describing two of his key Medicare policies, falsely claimed that no US troops had been killed on his watch, repeated his usual misleading figure about billionaires’ tax rates, baselessly claimed that Trump wants to eliminate Social Security, falsely said that the unemployment rate was 15% when he took office, inaccurately said that the Border Patrol union had endorsed him before clarifying that he was talking about agents’ support for the border bill he had backed, and exaggerated Trump’s 2020 comments about the possibility of treating Covid-19 by injecting disinfectant.

For the record, Dale's team failed to mention at least one additional claim by President Biden—a long-standing claim we would have included in that list.

Our assessment? Based on that presentation, President Biden couldn't be given a stellar grade with respect to this particular metric. That said, Candidate Trump had spent the evening in the dumpster, which starts with a capital D. 

At best, Candidate Trump could have been given a gentleman's D for his effort that evening. More likely, he should have been given an F—an F for epic fail.

Briefly, let's repeat:

Daniel Dale's team is not infallible. No collection of humans is.

A different journalistic team might have scored this matter differently. It's also true that this metric—How many false or misleading statements?—is only one way of scoring a presidential candidate's performance in a debate.

That said, Dale has been at this task a long time. In their report for CNN, his team includes links to a large number of previous fact checks—detailed fact checks about many of the claims which were scored as misleading or false.

In CNN's scorecard concerning this metric, the debate hadn't even been close. And yet, the vast preponderance of press corps attention has gone to President Biden's performance—to President Biden's "bad night."

Does this mean that E. J. Dionne actually called his shot? He has now described his one prediction as an "epic fail." Had his other prediction—his warning about a double standard within "the media"—possibly been right on the mark?

In this morning's New York Times, Paul Krugman starts his new column with an assessment which tends to validate Dionne's original warning. 

He also calls for President Biden to step aside as a candidate for re-election! Wisely or otherwise, headline included, his column starts like this:

Please, Mr. President, Do the Right Thing

Here are three true things about President Biden: He has done an excellent job as president. He has been ludicrously mistreated—his every verbal or physical stumble dissected and analyzed to a degree far beyond any scrutiny applied to the incoherent torrent of lies and vileness routinely issuing from Donald Trump. And he should step aside as his party’s nominee for president, probably in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris.

In his column, Krugman is calling for President Biden to step aside as a candidate. He also seems to be saying that a major double standard has been applied to the performances by these candidates at that disastrous debate.

Dionne copped to an epic fail. We'll add this unfortunate point:

Over at least the past thirty years, "epic fails" have been one of the distinguishing characteristics of our upper-end, mainstream press corps.

Dionne says that he himself staged an epic fail in his June 23 column. By almost everyone's account, so did President Biden at that fateful debate.

That said, Candidate Trump has been generating epic fails for a very long time now. As we'll start to note tomorrow, some of his fails are so bizarre that they're hard to categorize and critique. 

These fails by Trump have taken us well beyond the poor powers of our mainstream press. That said, the gentleman's fails have been general, and they've routinely been epic.

Epic fails are no longer unusual within our flailing culture. In our view, the first fifteen minutes of today's Fox & Friends was a pseudo-journalistic disgrace. Beyond that, the standard collection of useful idiots were screeching on Gutfeld! last night, with "the little chimp" screeching the loudest as he leaped about the stage,

Then too, there's the possible collection of fails which we ourselves have possibly authored over the past sixty years. We refer to those of us who live over here, inside the towering walls of the sacred Troy of our own Blue America.

We Americans! Our discourse has been full of fails. Some of those fails have been epic.

Tomorrow: A taxonomy of Candidate Trump's endless array of misstatements


  1. Jane McAlevey has died.

    1. At least she was not raped by Trump.

    2. As far as we know.

    3. Goodbye, Jane.

    4. Jane, apologies if you were raped by Trump, at least you have good company, it is a thing he likes to do, if re-elected he will call it an "official act".

      What a guy!

  2. From Meidas Touch via NY Times:

    "In a twist that's certain to surprise the pundits, America's "left behind" counties—former manufacturing hubs and distressed regions—have experienced a significant economic resurgence. According to a report by the Economic Innovation Group, these areas have added jobs and businesses at their fastest rate since the Clinton administration, defying trends and rebounding strongly from the pandemic recession. John Lettieri, president of the Economic Innovation Group, remarked, “This is the kind of thing that we couldn’t have even dreamed about five or six years ago.”...

    "A key factor in this resurgence has been the boom in new businesses. For example, Bay County, Michigan, which lost 8 percent of its business establishments from 2009 to 2016, has since gained 12 percent in the past three years. The pandemic appears to have disrupted long-standing patterns of urbanization, with some people moving from major cities to less expensive areas where they have started new businesses or taken advantage of remote work opportunities.

    Additionally, government pandemic assistance, such as direct checks and forgivable loans, has played a crucial role in this recovery. Many individuals and businesses used these funds to save and invest, creating jobs and economic activity in previously struggling areas. This remarkable turnaround offers a beacon of hope for other distressed regions seeking to revive their local economies."

    In other words, it has been Biden's handling of the covid recovery that has resulted in this renewal and growth in previously distressed areas of the country.

    But Somerby is focused on the debate still, and he gives Trump a gentleman's D instead of an F for all of his lying. This is why Somerby makes me sick.

    1. Anonymouse 9:34am, I feel bad for Pres. Biden. I CAN imagine being in his shoes and trying to defend myself in front of the entire world.

      None of us are getting younger. All of us could experience the solitary dismay, embarrassment, and hurt from such talk from family, friends, and others.

      I feel angst for my Democratic friends, family, online frienemies, people on tv, and Bob and other commenters here.

      I don’t feel sorry for strident, dogmatic, militant, and malevolent anonymices. They’re an operation and a pitiful one at that.. If Biden is replaced, the hounds of hell are going to be after Trump over his mental acuity. The media will be on it in all the ways Bob has wanted them to be on it, and then some. That’s to be expected.

      Awful Anonymices only cared about knifing Bob. That’s all they’re suited for. They’re the superfluous, angry, tyrannical little b/rats of the internet.

      Cry harder.

    2. Dear Cecelia, I'm your friend, not your "frenemy", even when I disagree with you. I appreciate your empathy for President Biden.

    3. The hounds of hell should be all over Trump for many things, including his acuity but also his batshit craziness (narcissism, bigotry, sociopathy, lying and cheating and grifting) and his sexual abuse of women.

      I see anonymous comments here on a variety of subjects, not just attacking Somerby. They are often the most substantive and interesting comments. In contrast, those of you with nyms are mainly right wing shills who defend Somerby, attack other commenters and tell lies (especially David in Cal). The idea that anonymous commenters only attack Somerby is an example of such a lie.

    4. Cecelia, no one here expects that you would ever vote for Biden, so your pretend empathy comes across as performative and even trying to rub-it-in to those here who do support Biden. That is mean spirited and kind of ugly.

    5. Anonymouse 1:19pm, what a darn shame. Im kicking myself.

      You know it sounds as though you’re the type of person who can only feel some level of regret if it’s on behalf of someone who’s helpful to you.

      I specifically stated that I’m enjoying the wrath and outrage of anonymices who now find themselves hamstrung by their own devices.

    6. And this is a purely incoherent comment. Why are you even here if you cannot or will not communicate with others?

    7. Trump raped a 13 year old, along with his ex wife, Carroll, etc.

      Even Thomas Sowell says Trump is unfit to be president.

      This is why we see this ugliness from the right, their candidate, who they feel compelled to support, is a horrible monster that wrecked our country during his reign, while the incumbent has dramatically improved the country.

    8. Ha, the "censors" deleted my comment pointing out that Trump has engaged in criminal activity, including with those that are quite young.

      Somerby not only reads the comments, he has a few sock puppets here as well.

    9. The smug ugliness seen by right wing/fanboy commenters is a manifestation of their wounded psyches.

    10. anon 2:05, seems your characterization might well apply more to yourself.

    11. anon 9:34, TDH makes you sick, but that doesn't stop you from your important mission of reading his posts every day and meticulously finding fault with virtually his every word, no matter what (albeit from a warped perspective). You deserve some type of medal.

    12. How do you know who an anon is and how often they are here? You don’t.

    13. I'm here to learn the Right-wing grievance of the day. Somerby always delivers.

  3. From Biden's last physical exam:

    "The results of this year's exam were detailed in my 28 February letter: 'An extremely detailed neurological exam was again reassuring in that there were no findings which would be consistent with any cerebellar or other central neurological disorder, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's…'"

    The report goes on to say that the president is fit to perform the duties of the presidency.

    1. Yes, but did it say he was the most fit person ever? That distinction belongs to just one man!

  4. Somerby is running a media criticism site. But he's an old man who is forgetful, and may be going senile. That's probably the reason he forgot to criticize the media for running over 200 articles in the last week speculating about Biden's cognition, and none about Trump's gigantic raping women issue.

    1. Today there are finally some news articles speculating about why Trump has been out of the public eye since the debate, now 9 days. They are asking why no one cares why Trump has disappeared when they would be all over Biden with speculations about his health, if Biden similar left the public view for that long.

      Has Trump had a stroke or heart attack? Does he have covid again? What is wrong with Trump? Is he fit to continue his campaign, and if so, why isn't he appearing in public? He has been doing nothing except playing golf every day. -- maybe that is how he thinks one demonstrates a fitness for office?

    2. Maybe heat stroke?


  5. "We Americans! Our discourse has been full of fails."

    No, Bob, not "we Americans".

    It's just that your nauseating Democrat team is full of shit, and its endless idiotic lies are starting to catch up with it.

    That's what's happening now. Pass the popcorn.

    1. Somerby claims to be liberal but he doesn't behave that way, so it is probably wrong to lump Somerby in with other Democrats, and he certainly his no "team" other than his imaginary analysts. You may be chewing off your own foot with this trolling, because Somerby is clearly one of yours, not ours.

    2. I think 'Trump 2024: Endless Idiotic Lies' makes a great slogan.

    3. Trump 2024: Endless Idiotic Lies

    4. "I love the poorly educated." - Trump

      see 9:42 for an example.

    5. anon 9:50, 9:42 knows a liberal when he sees one; you don't. He's not very happy with them, though other than claiming that they are "nauseating' and "full of shit" with "endless idiotic lies" he doesn't provide any specifics for his apparently strongly held beliefs on the subject. TDH is a 'liberal', for what it's worth. Your type of accusation to the contrary is just so dumb.

    6. Liberal is as liberal does. The Squad and Elizabeth Warren are sticking with Biden. They are liberals. Somerby is sticking with Trump.

    7. They should consider running Warren.

    8. Warren supports Biden.

  6. Somerby's own epic fail occurred yesterday when he again asserted that Trump never tried to exceed his time limit and never had his microphone shut off during the debate. He further accused a journalist of lying about that, when it is Somerby who is mistaken. Somerby can and should go back and watch the debate before accusing other people of things they didn't fail at. Not only did Trump have his mic shut off (for ignoring the end of his segment and continuing to yell when it was not his turn), but he also tried to interrupt Biden while Biden was speaking during his turn.

    Somerby should not be casting stones at others when he won't cop to his own fails. This one is as verifiable as the time Somerby insisted the MS schools had not really increased their reading scores but were reporting based on a new retention policy, when that policy had already been in place for decades and was shown by a study (cited by mh) showing retention could not have accounted for the increase. He never has retracted those wrong statements.

    People are fallible, but that includes Somerby. Crowing over the mistakes of others is a particularly ugly look for someone like Somerby who won't read his comments and thus never gets feedback about his own errors. He takes that to mean that he can say false things repeatedly (with impunity) but he doesn't get a bye just because he refuses to listen to other people. I give Somerby an F for yesterday and today's essays.

    1. Bob Somerby reads the comments. He keep's disappearing mine when I call him and his Republican Party the bigots they are.

    2. Some of mine have disappeared too.

    3. Anonymouse 9:58am, he disappears my comments too, often when I’m defending him. It can be annoying, but “our host” is truly our host. We’re at his place.

    4. i don't think Bob deletes our comments. I suspect a bug in Blogspot.

    5. Anything is possible. Could be or could not be. Are you betting on could be or just talking to see your own name on a screen? You do realize that "could be" doesn't mean "is"? So you have said exactly nothing.

    6. Anonymices, here you are wanting to intimidate me with not-so- subtle threats.

      You prove your critics right.

    7. If you were intimidated, you wouldn't keep bugging people all the time. Let people alone.

    8. Anonymouse 4:22pm, this is a comment board. What do you mean “let people alone”?

      You don’t leave people alone. You respond to them and to Bob. You respond daily to all your contrarians in a highly critical fashion.

    9. This is a discussion group, so discuss something. Don’t harrass other comments by picking on their name, after nagging others to choose a nym.

    10. Anonymouse 7:05pm, that wasn’t anything like harassment. This is just you, on the clock, engaging in chiding based upon any lame pretext.

    11. Talk about lame. Liverat is clever. Referring to liver is stupid.

    12. In the future, everyone will have 15 minutes of anonymity.

    13. I’d give Cecelia fifteen minutes of my best effort.

  7. Somerby is a senile old coot, who keeps forgetting to criticize the media for their over 200 articles in the last week about Biden's cognition, and none about Trump being a rapist.

    1. Since the debate, there are several news reports identifying politicians urging President Biden to resign. Is there ANY news reports doing the same in support of him remaining in the race?

      I haven't seen any.

    2. The Philadelphia Inquirer has been supporting Biden. Some are pointing out that this seems to be a schism along class lines, with the media calling for Biden to resign while grassroots organizations (unions, black organizations) are defending Biden. Some editorials are calling for Biden to reassure voters, not for him to step down.

    3. New AARP poll of Wisconsin, taken after debate.

      Trump: 44 (+6pts)
      Biden: 38
      RFK: 9

    4. Two new Morning Consult polls of Wisconsin, taken after the debate.

      Biden: 47


      Biden: 41
      Trump: 39
      RFK jr (RFK is dead): 10

    5. Biden was up high single digits this time of the year in 2020, but won with 51.3%

      George HW Bush was down about 20 points this time of the year in '88, but won in the end.

      Polls are never particularly accurate or informative, and certainly not at this point in the campaign.

    6. Easy to say that now that Trump is starting to run behind.

    7. To clarify, by "run" you mean campaign for election; Trump has not run in years and if he were to run, he would likely cause an earthquake.

  8. From CNN via RawStory:

    "Lonely, sexless straight men have become a larger force in the White nationalist movement.

    That's according to Ellee Reeve, author of the book "Black Pill: How I Witnessed the Darkest Corners of the Internet Come to Life, Poison Society, and Capture American Politics."

    Reeve talked with CNN's Jake Tapper on Monday to discuss her findings, saying straight men who struggle to find a romantic partner can be drawn to alt-right communities.

    "That's a big entryway into this," she said. "A big entry point is, 'Why won't women be with me?'"

    The so-called "new white nationalist movement" is highly influenced by "incel" culture, she said, referring to men who are involuntarily celibate.

    "It means that feminism has doomed them to be virgins forever because in the natural order of things, less attractive women would marry them," said Reeve. "But now, these days, they don't have to do that."

    Reeve said she talked to an "old-school" former Neo-nazi and skinhead who was "shocked" by the alt-right movement of the 2010s.

    His reasoning: misogyny.

    "He'd seen himself as a protector of white women from people of color, but now there are all these white nationalists joking about beating up on women and how they deserve to be abused," Reeve said."

    At times, Somerby seems to fit some of these descriptions, especially when he decides to attack someone like Stormy Daniels or Chanel Miller or Rachel Maddow (or Ketanji Brown Jackson or Mika or Nicole Wallace or some hapless junior journalist who is invariably female).

    Men do not seem to recognize the threat posed specifically to women by the alt right and Trump's Project 2025 and his alliance with Christian Nationalism. That's because being forced to become a tradwife with no means of support except marrying someone because of the way forced birth interferes with education and careers is not going to affect men as much as it will affect women.

    Right wing men are already complaining because women don't want to date them, but why would a woman want to be with a man who thinks she should be a second-class citizen under the law, and who is working hard to make her one?

    This underestimation of the importance of this election for women is causing the polls to overestimate Trump's support. Women will not vote for their own enslavement and that is going to overcome this campaign against Biden based on his age. He may be 100 and senile but women will not willingly go back into cages under a guy like Trump.

    1. While Reeve accusing men of misogyny, her column is an actual instance of misandry. Accusing men of being bad people based on virtually no data.

    2. David in Cal?

      I don't think so.

      More like David incel.

    3. Make your pun more obvious: David inCel

    4. Copy, I like yours even better.

  9. The right has been claiming that Biden has been treated by a neurologist who visited the White House 8 times recently. Today the White House released a memo from Biden's doctor (who is head of the White House Medical Unit) stating that the neurologist was there to treat other people not Biden. The White House Medical Unit treats staff, cabinet members and 1000 members of the military in addition to Biden. Further, he said that Biden was seen by a neurologist only as part of his yearly physical, the results of which were released last Feb and said Biden had no neurological issues (no Parkinson's or other diseases).

    Meanwhile, Trump has never released any of his yearly medical reports and he never made the White House visitor logs public so that journalists could see who was coming and going (the source of the claims that Biden was being seen by a neurologist, when he was not).

    Somerby will not talk about this because it tends to exonerate Biden from claims that he has suffered some recent health-related decline affecting his cognition. Somerby tends to withhold info that doesn't support his own preferred narrative.

    1. uh, 11:54, Nobody needs to make the visitor logs public. White House Visitors Logs are public. They're on the web. That's how Alex Berenson got the information for his original expose.

    2. David, do you ever check your assertions before making them?

      “ Biden rejects Trump's attempt to shield White House visitor logs, including for day of January 6 attack”

      Which contains this:

      “while Trump decided to block the visitor logs from public view on claims about national security, the Biden administration "voluntarily discloses such visitor logs on a monthly basis,"

      You can simply Google “White House visitor logs under Trump”, but you would rather lie.

    3. @1:00 thanks for the link. I didn't know that.

      The article seems to say that Trump attempted to block his visitor logs, but was turned down. I am not sure that's correct. The article strikes me as somewhat ambiguous.

    4. "David, do you ever check your assertions before making them?"

      It bears repeating that his next good-faith comment will be his first.

    5. David isn't lying. He's just not as cognitive as he used to be. I've noticed a sad decline in the past year.

    6. Trump attempted to block his visitor logs from public and succeeded. It has been tradition for presidents to make such logs public, across past Republican and Democratic administrations. Trump's violation of this tradition is one of several such departures and was noted when he first made the decision, not just when info has been important to some other event, such as 1/6 or concerns about Trump's own health while president.

      Trump perhaps blocked the logs because they were inconvenient to him during the firing of Flynn when he had Devin Nunes sneaking into the White House.

    7. Welcome to the DiC merry-go-round in the comments. Soon he will be telling us it was clever and wise for Trump to block the visitor logs from the public after first claiming the visitor logs are always public. Either way for DiC, it don't fucking matter. Trump is his guy.

      Washington, D.C., April 14, 2017 – The Trump White House announced today it would no longer disclose the routine visitor logs maintained by the Secret Service and published online by the Obama administration since 2009, and claimed national security and privacy risks.

      “This is a White House lie,” said National Security Archive director Tom Blanton. “There is no national security risk to releasing the visitor logs; we have seven years of nearly 6 million Obama visitors that prove no problem. Privacy was protected there too. What’s really going on is the swamp suits Donald Trump just fine.”

    8. liverodent, what’s the matter with your liver?

    9. "Trump will keep list of White House visitors secret"

    10. Hard to use a nym when others cannot read. Maybe Cecelia wasn't here when deadrat commented but more likely she is deliberately misreading this person's nym to be (1) cute, (2) annoying (3) harrass another commenter, (4) hijack the thread given that the facts don't support David's claims, (5) stupid and annoying.

      Deadrat left when he discovered that Somerby was actually a racial bigot and wasn't worth defending. Liverat is differentiating from the other guy. That may be obvious to everyone except Cecelia.

    11. Cecelia is a man.

    12. @2:22 is differentiating Cecelia from a rodent.

    13. Anonymices, Deadrat never sounded like a flying monkey anonymouse. Live rodent does.

    14. Liverodent has only been here for two comments and you are already on his case. Back off and let someone say what they want.

    15. Cecelia is a primate.

    16. Anonymouse 4:21pm, “back off”? I jokingly asked what was wrong with her liver. I assumed that she’s not your nine-year-old kid.

    17. Stop harrassing other commenters.

    18. Now ask Cecelia what’s wrong with her celia.

  10. Trump ran on MAGA during the primaries, but now he is apparently trying to tack toward the center for the general election. His denial that he is espousing the Project 2025 goals is one indicator of this. Another is the softening of the abortion plank in the Republican Platform coupled with a less harsh attitude toward LGBTQ+ issues. The Republicans have adopted Trump's policies as their platform again this time. That has frustrated pro-life extremists who want a nationwide abortion ban -- Trump prefers to leave abortion to the states (he says).

    We may see the new moderate Trump unveiled when he returns from his seclusion. George W. Bush did this too and some voters considered him more moderate than he was when actually governing, in fact closely similar to Al Gore. That obviously wasn't the case. Trump may be trying to woo independent and undecided voters by pretending to be something he is not.

    We need the press to focus on Trump's newest lies, not Biden's age. Biden will not get any younger, so journalists can safely do their jobs and tell voters about Trump's newest deceptions instead.

  11. Here is another reason to vote against Trump. Why does Somerby not talk about any of this stuff? His essay today seems so trivial compared to the serious consequences of the upcoming election. I am voting FOR Biden because of issues like this one [RawStory]:

    "Former President Donald Trump radically remade the United States Supreme Court when he appointed three right-wing justices who have upended American law by overturning several long-term precedents, most famously the right to an abortion that was established by Roe v. Wade.

    Writing in the New York Times, former attorney Jay Willis has done a rundown of potential Trump Supreme Court picks and has found that many of them appear even "more unhinged" than the Federalist Society-approved judges whom he appointed in his first term.

    As Willis documents, an updated list of prospective Supreme Court appointments "includes Kristen Waggoner, the president of the Alliance Defending Freedom, designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-gay hate group; Morse Tan, the Liberty University law school dean who once opined that abortion since Roe v. Wade 'makes the Holocaust look small by comparison'; and Mark Martin, a former state supreme court justice who is now the dean of a law school in North Carolina that has not yet been approved by the American Bar Association."

    Another prospective Trump justice is Lawrence VanDyke, whom Willis notes has been described in the past by his own colleagues as "arrogant, lazy, an ideologue and lacking in knowledge of the day-to-day practice."

    Willis explains that Trump has actually soured on the Federalist Society after he felt that it wasn't supportive enough of his efforts to illegally remain in power and he's been seeking out even more outlandish options for his second term.

    As for what this could mean for American law, Willis writes that their appointments "would make it even easier to overturn Warren court-era decisions that protect cherished constitutional rights" and he concludes his column by warning that "for all that Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett have done to push the law to the right, Mr. Trump’s next nominees could push it much further."

  12. "A low-level Navy sailor was punished for attempting to access the private medical records of President Joe Biden, the U.S. Navy confirmed on Tuesday.

    According to CBS News, the military will not release the name of the sailor but noted that he is "a junior enlisted sailor serving in the Navy's hospital corps and is based at Fort Belvoir, in Virginia."

    An official said the military health system Genesis was accessed three times on Feb. 23, but "he did not pull up the right Joe Biden."

    ALSO READ: Why I'm sticking with Joe Biden

    "The MHS Genesis system is a secure health system, and at no time was the President's personal information compromised," said Navy Commander Tim Hawkins when contacted by CBS.

    An investigation was launched into the sailor by the Navy Criminal Investigative Service on Feb. 26 when a colleague of the individual reported the incident. The sailor said that he was investigating "out of curiosity." The probe concluded on April 24, the official told CBS.

    The sailor "never reached the president's medical record." In fact, he couldn't have accessed the information because it is restricted."

    Hacking Biden's medical records is consistent with Hur's smear and the House Republicans' frantic efforts to obtain the interview tape and other efforts to portray Biden as unfit due to age. Republicans will do anything to put Trump back in office.

    The Navy guy said he tried to hack Biden's records out of curiosity, but does anyone believe a servicemember would jeopardize his career out of curiosity? Anyone medical knows the HIPAA rules and will have been trained about patient privacy. I think there was likely money or partisanship or both involved for a Navy man to commit treason, which is what spying on the President would be.

    1. The T word gets thrown around loosely these days. This behavior may be criminal, but it isn't treason.

    2. Doesn't that also depend on what the snooper might do with the data?

    3. Why are Republicans so eager to get Biden to drop out of the race?

    4. We want him to stay in the race. We’re just destroying public confidence in him.

  13. The newsletter "Heated" which follows climate news, reports on a study by Carbon Brief:

    "In the scenario Carbon Brief analyzed—which is neither the best case nor worst case scenario—they assumed that a second-term Trump administration would roll back all of Biden’s current climate policies, including the IRA, as Trump has promised. It also assumed that Biden would not put any new climate policies in place in his second term, but would retain the IRA and other new regulations on oil and gas facilities, vehicles, power plants, appliance efficiency, and more.

    The study authors then measured how much more carbon pollution the U.S. would emit without the IRA and Biden’s environmental regulations. Importantly, they found that emissions would decline no matter who is elected; primarily because market forces are driving the transition from fossil fuels to cheaper, cleaner energy.

    So try as he might, Trump can’t stop the energy transition. But he can slow it to a powerful degree. The analysis authors found that the extra 4 billion tons emitted under a Trump administration would offset all of the emissions saved over the past five years by solar power, wind power, nuclear power, electric vehicles, and heat pumps...

    "...The additional 4 billion tons of emissions from a Trump administration would also certainly push warming past the catastrophic 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold, study co-author Simon Evans said.

    “The chances of staying below 1.5 degrees are already extremely limited, to put it politely,” said Evans. So if their analysis about a second-term Trump presidency is correct, Evans said, “If you vote for Trump, then you're voting for the end of any hope of 1.5 degrees.”

    So, if you care about the planet, it is important to vote for Biden and not Trump, and to understand that Biden and Trump are not the same in their climate policies and the damage they might do to our progress toward stabilizing climate change at a livable level (such as 1.5 Celsius).

    1. What's missing from this quote is the temperature difference between Trump's policy and Biden's policy. This is easily shown by the climate models (if you believe the models.) I will venture to guess that the difference in the predicted temperature at year 2100 is negligible less than 1/10 of a degree. The reason is that the rest of the world continues to spew CO2. And, the atmosphere already contains a lot of CO2.

      Bottom line: global warming is inevitable, if you believe the models.


    2. BTW I am dubious about an energy transition, when looked at on a global basis. The demand for energy will continue to rise, especially now due to AI. The switch to electric vehicles doesn't save energy. Some energy must be used to create the electricity.

      So, what I see happening is a greater use of renewables, especially nuclear, AND a continuing use of fossil fuels. The US can reduce our use of coal, but other nations will continue to use coal.

    3. Several strawmen here. No one says EV energy is free. No one says fossil fuel is going away entirely -- the goal is to reduce it to pre-industrial levels. It makes no sense to propose that the US do nothing about global warming simply because some (not even most) other nations will use coal. We are still using coal too. The goal is reduction to a level that can sustain life on our planet.

      The point is that Trump will do nothing except what benefits gas and oil producers and the oil producing nations (Saudis especially). A vote for Trump is a vote to ignore climate change and make our planet hotter, to the point that it will be unlivable for our grandkids. That is crazy, but perhaps no crazier than his other plans for his dictatorship.

      You don't have to buy an EV. Just think before you vote for Trump because you think Biden is too old. And yes, staying home or voting for RFK Jr. IS a vote for Trump.

    4. It was 124 F in Palm Springs last week.

    5. Natural gas is a good transition between coal and renewables like solar and wind; nuclear is not tenable - too many costs, both financial and environmental.

    6. Nuclear is not renewable, but it’s much better than coal or oil.

    7. Policies should be based on reality. Once we accept that we will not prevent global warming, we can devote our resources to adapting so as to cope with it.

    8. That is what the 1.5 Celsius target reresents already.

    9. David in Cal,
      Climate change is nothing a return to the 90% top income tax rate can't handle.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The Paris Accords were to get the rest of the world to commit to meeting the same 1.5 Celsius goal. Trump pulled the US out of that accord, setting back our progress for the four years he was in office. The rest of the world is working on this problem -- for example China is working to dominate the world EV market and making huge progress in a country that has a major population replacing gas-powered cars. You can scoff at such progress, but when the largest country in the world floods its own market with EVs and turns its eyes toward ours, that is going to reduce carbon, even if they are considered 3rd world. Biden has made progress in being a world leader in producing alternative energy technology, so that the US can also compete in selling such products to the rest of the world. It is hard to imagine why Trump and Republicans are against such business ventures, when they are win-win for business and the planet. Can it be because Trump is in debt to gas and oil producers who directly bribed him at that recent fundraising meeting?

    2. This is what happens when a presidential candidate places his own graft ahead of the country's needs. A clear conflict of interest.

    3. @2:41 China’s use of EVs will not reduce CO2 emissions, if the basis for their electric power is coal.

    4. Yes, it will because no gas is being used while driving, but not as much as if they didn’t use coal in manufacture. Energy for charging is produced by wind and solar in China too. China is the largest producer of solar power in the world, also largest producer of solar panels.

    5. @6:59 solar is tiny part of the world’s energy. The largest producer of solar is still a tiny amount. Wind is limited.

    6. See this chart for confirmation

    7. That is no reason not to reduce energy consumption and prevent warming above 1.5 Celsius as much as possible. Every effort helps.

    8. Maybe some day we’ll have fusion.

    9. David, I thought you think Elon Mush is a genius.

  15. "PALM BEACH (The Borowitz Report)—Now in the final stages of choosing a running mate, Donald J. Trump is screening potential picks for any troubling signs of self-esteem, a campaign staffer confirmed on Tuesday.

    “In terms of a total lack of self-worth, Mike Pence set the bar pretty high,” the staffer said. “If he had been willing to violate the Constitution he would’ve been a keeper.”

    According to the staffer, Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio made a fatal error in a recent grilling session when he accidentally used the word “I” in Trump’s presence.

    “That indicated that he might have an identity of his own apart from Trump,” the staffer said. “Sadly, I think J.D.’s toast.”

    As the field narrows, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida appears to be leading in the self-debasement sweepstakes.

    “Trump insulted Rubio relentlessly in 2016 by calling him ‘Little Marco,’ and yet the senator is still desperate to be chosen,” the staffer says. “If he has even a shred of dignity, he’s done an amazing of job hiding it.”

    1. Ha pretty good.

    2. Good one. Another funny parody site, from the other side, is Babylon Bee

    3. I did hear from a neurologist that RFK Jrs memory problems are permanent not transitory because the brain worm caused scarring that doesn’t go away.

    4. There's a bunch of good parodies about Trump voters caring about something other than bigotry and white supremacy. Many people refer to those parody sites as the "mainstream media".

  16. Jim Inhofe has packed his snowballs.

  17. "The US Department of Justice, in conjunction with their counterparts in the Netherlands and Canada, has seized the domains and searched the Twitter (X) social media accounts of a Russian bot operation spreading pro-Putin propaganda.

    A statement from DOJ said that the bot farm was being operated by the Russian state media company RT using AI to spread Russian disinformation in the US on Twitter:

    "The social media bot farm used elements of AI to create fictitious social media profiles — often purporting to belong to individuals in the United States — which the operators then used to promote messages in support of Russian government objectives, according to affidavits unsealed today."

    The statement went on to note that X has suspended all the bot accounts for violating the company's terms of service.

    Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and Deputy AG Lisa Monaco each made the following statements about the operation:

    “With these actions, the Justice Department has disrupted a Russian-government-backed, AI-enabled propaganda campaign to use a bot farm to spread disinformation in the United States and abroad,” said Garland."

    1. Wow. 968 fake accounts. Spreading disinformation to the other 300 million accounts that use the platform every day. Scary.

    2. David and Cecelia are real people.

    3. Add in the retweeting.

    4. "Add in the retweeting."

      If each of those accounts sent out 25 tweets a day and each one of those tweets was retweeted four times, it would be 125,000 tweet views.

      X has approximately 500 million tweets sent per day, which is 5,787 tweets every second​. The number of Tweet views per day is in the billions. So, yes it's VERY scary!! They probably got Americans to believe Joe Biden didn't win the debate! 💅🏻

    5. Not as scary as electing a rapist, who is a sexual predator, for sure.

    6. How many votes do they have to shift? They wouldn’t do it if it didn’t work.

    7. The tell you they do it because it works on you.

    8. They shift shapes, so they can easily shift votes.
