FRIENDS: Long ago, Aphrodite intervened to save a favorite!


Last Saturday, "our lord and savior" did: It's an ancient, extremely human way of understanding the universe. 

In the western world's first poem of war, this understanding is given voice in the poem's first dozen lines:

Rage—Goddess. sing the rage of Peleus' son Achilles,
murderous, doomed, that cost the Achaeans countless losses,
hurling down to the House of Death so many sturdy souls.
great fighters' souls, but made their bodies carrion,
feasts for the dogs and birds,
and the will of Zeus was moving toward its end.
Begin, Muse, when the two first broke and clashed,
Agamemnon lord of men and brilliant Achilles.
What god drove them to fight with such a fury?
Apollo the son of Zeus and Leto.
Incensed at the king 
he swept a fatal plague through the army—men were dying
and all because Agamemnon spurned Apollo's priest...

In those, the poem's opening lines, we see the basic shape of this familiar portrait:

The gods on Olympus are intervening in the affairs of the mortals below. Apollo, the son of Zeus and Leto, incensed by Agamemnon's behavior, has sent a plague through the Achaeans' camp. 

Men are dying in the plague this god has sent, and all because Agamemnon has spurned Apollo's priest. 

Eventually, this will help explain the rage of Achilles, which will cost the Achaeans countless losses in the wider siege of Troy. In the shorter term, many men were dying from the plague which Apollo had sent—but inevitably, "the will of Zeus was moving toward its end."

As any reader of the Iliad will see, the poem reports that there were many gods on the slopes of Olympus. Today, experts largely believe that these gods never existed. 

That said:

Within the poem, the various gods interact with the humans in endless ways. Then as now, the various gods may intercede to save the lives of their favorites, as in this early example:

Paris is the feckless Trojan prince who has stolen Helen's affections and brought her back to Troy. In Book 3, after ten years of war, he agrees to engage in individual combat with the Achaean prince Menelaus, Helen's previous husband. 

As for Helen, she will be consigned to marriage with whoever wins the duel. So went the sexual politics of that earlier day.

Trojans and Achaeans alike pray that this duel will bring an end to this endless siege of Troy. But just as Paris seems doomed to defeat, one of the immortal goddesses swoops in and offers protection:

Lunging at Paris, he grabbed his horsehair crest,
swung him round, started to drag him into Argive lines
and now the braided chin strap holding his helmet tight
was gouging his soft throat—Paris was choking, strangling. 
Now he'd have hauled him off and won undying glory
but Aphrodite, Zeus's daughter quick to the mark,
snapped the rawhide strap, cut from a bludgeoned ox,
and the helmet came off empty in Menelaus' fist.
Whirling it round the fighter sent it flying
into his Argives scrambling fast to retrieve it—
back at his man he sprang, enraged with brazen spear,
mad for the kill but Aphrodite snatched Paris away,
easy work for a god, wrapped him in swirls of mist
and set him down in his bedroom filled with scent.
Then off she went herself to summon Helen...

Aphrodite, daughter of Zeus, intervenes to save her favorite. She whisks him away to his scented bedroom, where he's soon engaged in the pleasures of love with Helen, radiance of woman.

In this ancient poem, the gods are constantly interceding in the affairs of the humans. This seems to be the way the generations who composed and listened to this poem understood the cosmos.

It was also true that royal status, among the humans, was directly conferred by the will of the gods. For example, among the various Achaean kings, why was Agamemnon "lord of men," despite his endless meltdowns? 

It's because he held the royal scepter! In this passage, generations of Greeks learned the chronology which lay behind the royal status of Agamemnon (Atrides):

King Agamemnon
rose to his feet, raising high in hand the scepter
Hephaestus made with all his strength and skill.
Hephaestus gave it to Cronus' son, Father Zeus
and Zeus gave it to Hermes, the giant-killing Guide
and Hermes gave it to Pelops. that fine charioteer,
Pelops gave it to Atreus, marshal of fighting men,
who died and passed it on to Thyestes rich in flocks
and he in turn bestowed it on Agamemnon, to bear on high
as he ruled his many islands and lorded mainland Argos.
Now, leaning his weight upon that kingly scepter
Atrides declared his will to all Achaea's armies...

The scepter had been fashioned by Hephaestus, one of the gods. Hephaestus had passed it on to Zeus, and eventually it was passed to Agamemnon, affording him the ultimate royal status. 

Through this chronology, Agamemnon was understood to be the ruler authorized by the will of the gods. 

These are ancient, extremely human ways of picturing the structure of the universe. The gods intercede in our behaviors here on Earth. Meanwhile, our human monarchs enjoy the divine right of kings.

This picture stretches back through the annals of time. This understanding seems to be deeply bred in the bone.  That brings us to a front-page report in today's New York Times. 

The report was prepared by Bender et al. Below, we'll offer one complaint about their report.

That said, their report starts like this, front-page headline included:

After Saturday, Trump’s Devotees See ‘God’s Protection’

For Donald J. Trump’s most devoted supporters, the bullet that nicked his ear and came within inches of ending his life was only further proof that a higher power is looking out for him.

“I don’t see this as luck,” said the Rev. Nathaniel Thomas, a Republican National Convention delegate and a pastor from the Washington, D.C., area. “I see this as God’s protection.”

After he spent decades pursuing riches, fame and power, Mr. Trump’s life has been far from pious. Yet he has drawn a committed core of followers—many in Milwaukee this week for his nominating convention—who view him as handpicked by God for a second term in the White House.

These supporters are less likely to explicitly compare him to Jesus and instead view him as the latest example of a morally flawed Old Testament hero, like Cyrus or David, who was ordained by the heavens to lead profound missions of good versus evil. Their passion for Mr. Trump...appears to be reaching new heights after the assassination attempt on Saturday.

Stating the obvious, people are free to believe such things. At this point, it seems to be clear that many people do.

For those who don't believe such things, there's no way to prove that these beliefs are untrue. 

Within the modern context, religious faith is a part of this belief—and religious faith and religious belief are widespread among us humans all across the globe.

Religious belief is quite widespread, and it always have been. Stating the obvious, there's nothing "wrong" with religious belief, until such time as there may be, or until such time as there is.

We ourselves don't hold religious beliefs, but many people do. Religious belief lay at the heart of Dr. King's historic ministry. Religious belief has always been a large part of the human world.

As Bender et al. report, a new type of religious conviction seems to have emerged from last Saturday's assassination attempt. As they continue, the Times reporters start calling the roll of this legion of believers:

“God protected President Trump,” Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, who had been one of Mr. Trump’s top running mate contenders, posted on social media after the shooting.

Speaker Mike Johnson said Mr. Trump’s survival was “miraculous,” a sign of God’s work that he compared to George Washington staying alive during the Revolutionary War. Franklin Graham, the evangelical leader, said on Fox News that “God’s hand of protection” was on Mr. Trump.

Stephen K. Bannon, who was Mr. Trump’s chief strategist in the White House, said that Mr. Trump was protected by “the armor of God.” Mr. Bannon is serving a four-month prison sentence after being found guilty of being in contempt of Congress and reacted to the shooting in an interview with The National Pulse, a conservative outlet.

Those armor-of-God themes were threaded through a prayer vigil on Sunday in Milwaukee organized by Turning Point Action, a conservative activist group.

“God protected President Trump,” Senator Rubio has said. Speaker Johnson agrees, as does Franklin Graham.

God shielded Candidate Trump from Saturday's apparent attempt! There's little doubt that this belief has been given wide voice in the aftermath of that near-miss. 

This belief has even been voiced on Fox, we're told in today's report—voiced there by the Rev. Graham. That represents our one complaint about today's report. 

In fact, this belief has been widely and aggressively voiced on the Fox News Channel—voiced there in remarkably sectarian fashion by an array of Red America's favorite reporters and friends.

In particular, we refer to the three co-hosts of Fox & Friends Weekend. As we've noted in the past several days, they were joined last Sunday morning by two co-hosts from the weekday Fox & Friends program.

That made five friends in all! As it turned out, those additional two co-hosts were perhaps "on loan from God." But they were very much on loan from the regular weekday program,

Tomorrow, we're going to show you some of what was said on Sunday morning's program. For the record, there's nothing "wrong" with what these friends said, unless you think there is.

Opinions will differ about the journalistic correctness of what the five friends said and did. But of one thing, there can be little doubt:

The climate is changing, but so is the world, when major stars of our nation's most-watched "news channel" present the news in the way this quintet did.

There's nothing wrong with religious belief, unless you think there is. That said, we think the conduct in question represents a type of journalistic departure that it ought to be recorded.

As usual, the New York Times ran and hid from that task in this morning's report. Its reporters didn't report the journalistic behavior we'll report tomorrow.

Long ago and far away, Aphrodite saved the life of a favorite. Last weekend, "our lord and savior did," according to these Fox friends.

Tomorrow: Opinions will differ about the wisdom of reporting the news in this manner


  1. Bill Viola and James B Sikking have died.

    1. Neither raped 13 yo Katie Johnson, like Trump did.

    2. If Trump committed his rapes, while not being a bigot, you would have never heard of him.

    3. True, in the US a woman is raped every 6 minutes, a child every 9 minutes, mostly by someone they know, mostly by male Whites, but they are rarely identified or adjudicated like Trump.

      We have heard of the "Epstein Rat Pack": Dershowitz, Pinker, Gates, Trump, Clinton et al, and many do seem to engage in some form of bigotry.

    4. Guilt by association.

    5. Perhaps, although there are credible and direct accusations against Trump and Dershowitz.

      Interestingly, they all fall on the right wing spectrum.

    6. Pinker, Gates, and Clinton are on the right?


  2. "For those who don't believe such things, there's no way to prove that these beliefs are untrue."

    Yes. Just like for people who do believe such things there's no way to prove that your beliefs are untrue. The incompleteness theorem, remember?

    These kinds of beliefs just aren't "true" or "untrue". They aren't factual claims, but mere intuitions.

    1. Hilarious!

      Thank you, thank you for the morning chuckle.

    2. One might wonder why god was fine with the fire fighter's death from being shot by the same shooter. Perhaps god redirected the bullet that would have done Trump in so that it would hit the fire fighter. Maybe not, who can understand god's mysterious ways (other than Marco Rubio, Mike Johnson & the fox morning five, perhaps).

    3. God saved Trump by curving Satan's bullet. The firefighter just was in its way. Wrong place, wrong time, nothing personal.

    4. If you believe in God, you believe that death occurs naturally (that’s different from death from natural circumstances) but, in some cases God directly intervenes in saving a life according to his purposes.

      You aren’t beholden by anyone to believe any damn thing about God that you don’t believe, however, if you describe the beliefs of others, you are beholden to strive for some accuracy.

    5. If we can say anything, it is probable that Trump is destined for that lake of fire.

    6. 2:36 what is this gibberish?

    7. Gibberish is Cecelia’s native language.

    8. Cecilia, I wonder how anyone, religious or not, has any idea what God's purpose is. The bible? Is part of believing in "god" that you have the belief that "in some cases God directly intervenes in saving a life according to his [or its] purpose"? Does having that belief enable the believer to determine when God decides to save someone's life according to his purpose; and how do you know, if in fact God saved Trump's life, his purpose wasn't to punish humanity?

    9. God is a hoax.

    10. 4:03:

      And you will be his first customer.

      Still following the myth that the orange abomination is a good businessman? You do realize the Apprentice was a reality TV show and he was an actor on it, right.?

  3. "Stating the obvious, people are free to believe such things. At this point, it seems to be clear that many people do."
    "US President Joe Biden has said only the "Lord Almighty" could convince him to end his bid for re-election, as he sat for a rare primetime interview in an effort to calm Democratic concern over his candidacy."

    1. Joe goes to church every week.

    2. Also directly communicates with the Lord Almighty, apparently.

    3. Those kinds of delusional beliefs are protected by the First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution.

    4. Yeah, Somerby is just phoning it in today, as he often does.

    5. Somerby makes Clarence Thomas look like a hard worker, who puts the effort in.

    6. David in Cal likes Thomas, because he finally found a black man lazier than himself.

    7. No one, he is White.

    8. David is neither white nor black.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Somerby is phoning it in? Is lazy? You guys are nuts. A thoroughly enjoyable post today from Somerby. And look at the length of it and the obvious care that went into it. It whisks you back into a foreign world of religious superstition, and then zooms you forward thousands of year and shows you that essentially the same irrationality permeates the present moment. Btw, it should be pointed out how ironic, how stunning it is that a man (Trump) who is the polar opposite of how Jesus gets portrayed by evangelicals, who knows nothing of the Bible or Christianity, who has mocked Christian belief in private is fawned over by so many Christians. Contrary to what Christians might claim, the greatest story ever told isn't the gospel story; it's the story of how a serial criminal, likely rapist, pathological liar, obvious con man and fraudster, sociopath, sadistic, vengeful, utterly self-serving, buffoonish wanna-be tyrant, who could very possibly destroy the world's greatest and oldest democracy, got tens of millions of Christians to follow him. You couldn't make up such a fantastical story.

    11. Btw, contrary to what Somerby and everyone else apparently assumes, yes you can prove religious beliefs to be false. You just have to have an intellectually honest audience. Traditional Christianity, for example, is internally inconsistent and inconsistent with science. One of the countless inconsistencies just occurred to me recently. (And believe me, this is just the tippy tip of the iceberg.) Christians will sometimes try to justify the doctrine of eternal hell (which among other things involves separation from God) by saying God is so holy he can't be in the presence of sin. But at the same time, God is claimed to be omni-present. And if you want a religious claim that is inconsistent with science, how about the fact that the overwhelming evidence shows that the sun was formed long before the earth, and yet Genesis claims the earth was created before the sun. Do Christians have answers for those? Of course! They'll come up with an "answer" for anything to hold onto to their house of cards. Are they good answers? Nigga pleez. For more fun, check out this video on a small sample of the many contradictions in the Bible:

    12. The"religion" of Christians is bigotry.

  4. Thomas Crooks, a White male Republican gun enthusiast that had Trump signs in his yard, has died.

    1. If Crooks was part of a staged setup to fake an assassination attempt on Trump, wouldn’t they have gotten Crooks to remove the Trump signs and to change his political party?

    2. Crooks may have felt Trump was putting his life in danger, so he tried to use his 2nd Amendment rights to protect himself.

    3. Remember, Cecelia has great instincts in these matters. Recall how she instinctively recognized there was something mighty fishy about the attack on Pelosi's husband. LOL

    4. Anonymouse 12:02pm, that’s a possible motive for a *real attempt to kill Trump.

    5. Anonymouse 12:11pm, still do.

    6. That a girl, Cec, never let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory. And you get to feel aggrieved also, so it's a win win for you.

    7. 12;12,
      I'm not so sure. That would make the Secret Service guilty of killing Crooks for exercising his civil rights.
      Have you seen anything about upcoming charges against the Secret Service agents?

    8. 11:58 there is little evidence to indicate that it was staged, and that is not what 11:41 is suggesting, so you are strawmaning.

      There is evidence that indicates Crooks was a Republican and a gun nut, and he may have fallen prey to extremist right wing rhetoric, for example, earlier this year Alex Jones discussed the merits of assassinating Trump.

    9. Anonymouse 12:15pm, why would I feel “aggrieved” about still having questions about the Pelosi attack? I have a few questions about the Kennedy assassination too.

    10. Because the "deep state" is hiding the truth from you, Cecelia.

    11. Anonymouse 12:18pm, that’s is not implausible, however, what should happen now is a full investigation into the Secret Service’s handling of an attack that harmed people who never signed up for that sort of risk.

    12. Anonymouse 12:38pm, “trust, but verify ” is half wrong.

    13. Lee Oswald acted alone.

    14. Jack Ruby acted alone, too.

    15. The only assassin I don’t question as having acting alone is Hinckley,

    16. Whether Crooks acted alone or not, he was a White male Republican gun nut, which has robbed Trump of a potentially triumphant moment, and instead made Trump look like a buffoon in clown drag.

      Trump avoided getting shot in the head, only to shoot himself in the foot.

    17. Leon Czolgosz acted alone.

    18. Brutus and Cassius did not act alone.

    19. Anonymouse 12:38pm, I expect the Deep State to hide things, that’s why they’re the Deep State.

    20. 12:42,

      You're so clever. And how will you be verifying the attack on Mr. Pelosi? I believe the maggot nut who attacked Pelosi has already been convicted, so he's a bit anxious awaiting the results of your investigation, you assclown .

    21. The Deep State is hiding Cecelia's good faith arguments.

    22. Anonymouse 1:40pm, and you’re so angry because you’re tyrannical. I didn’t justify the attack on Pelosi. It was a brutal shocking assault.

    23. Anonymouse 1:52pm, well, the Deep State would merely guffaw are you.

    24. As a deep-state troll, I ask: et tu, Guiteau?

    25. Anonymouse 2:10pm, you’re not Deep State
      and you don’t strike me as being a troll.

    26. But I strike you as being an anonymouse. By the way, Adolf Hitler acted alone in assassinating himself.

    27. @2:22 PM,
      I've seen different accounts of that event, actually. But of course no one can know for sure.

    28. Anonymouse 2:22pm, you are an anonymouse by choice.

    29. 1:57:

      You didn't answer my fucking question, lady. Looks like you wrote a check your nasty mouth can't cash, eh? You don't have any idea what the fuck you meant by verifying the near murder of Mr. Pelosi, do you?

      Come on now, maggot girl, an old man brutally attacked by a maggot nut hunting the Speaker of the House. That's pure comedy gold to your felonious candidate and his depraved worshipers like you and DiC.

    30. Cecelia is a man.

    31. Forget the fainting couch towelettes.

      Go soak your head.

    32. Yeah. It didn't seem possible for idiot-moonbats to become any more unhinged, but here it is.

      Must be an unfortunate side-effect of "climate change".

    33. The climate is not changing. The globe is not warming.

    34. The Republican Party is not getting any less bigoted.

  5. A failed real estate investor from Queens chose a Cincinnati suburbanite to be his Vice Presidential candidate.

    1. I think Peter Thiel had something to do with the VP choice also.

      In further news, maggots are no longer concerned with the owner of Twitter removing obvious Russian disinformation from the posts.
      They are now happy that the owner of X has pledged $45000000 per month to support the orange abomination and they couldn't give two shits if he using the social media app to promote a fascist.

    2. Great move by Trump. Now he can also get the vote of people who want to make women second-class citizens, to go with the voters who he already had, who want to make women second-class citizens.
      Fun with Republican math.

    3. Also it will be great to have a treasonous bastard VP willing to surrender Ukraine to Uncle Vlad, to complement the treasonous President who wants to abandon NATO.

  6. As a Republican that voted for Trump twice, but has decided to switch my vote to Biden - and I am hearing this a fair amount from my Republican friends, I think the assassination attempt was horrible, including the tragic death of a man protecting his family, but it has not changed my evolving distrust of Trump, particularly with the nasty way he has responded by trying to capitalize politically from it while ignoring the dead and wounded.

    1. He didn’t ignore the dead. He had a lengthy conversation with the widow.

    2. The widow refused to talk to President Biden.

    3. Well, it's hard to tell a woman how awesome you are in a brief discussion.

    4. When will he be calling his own victims, DiC? To apologize to Ruby Freeman and all the families of that Walmart in El Paso?

    5. Anonymouse 12:39pm, but that will never stop men from trying.

    6. Hey David, when will you felonious presidential nominee call the Capitol Police victims of his attempt to steal the election in 2020? Has he had any lengthy conversations with any of them? I just wonder cause the motherfucker is promising to pardon the perpetrators. That's something you can get behind ain't it, dickhead in Cal.

    7. Hillary, you must go through ten damp cloths on your forehead a day.

    8. Oh look, Cec is doing her mother hen routine to protect Dickhead in Cal. Nice, Cec. I never noticed how Dickhead in Cal is so depraved he can't even answer my questions.

    9. DIC, that is false. Trump spoke briefly with the widow, and that is as far as his involvement went.

    10. Hillary, anonymices are generally petulant eternal teenagers, stomping their feet and cursing, completely unable handle an alternate viewpoint.

      You wear a coat made from the hide of Dalmatians. You’re a Disney drama queen. Now go on..soak your head.

    11. Reportedly, Trump will also attend the victim's funeral.

    12. DinkyCal - he was shamed into it. Otherwise, he could care less. Sorry to burst your bubble.

      @5:20 PM - deadrat still not returning your calls?

    13. Cecelia,'
      The Dems are in lock-step and can't handle alternative viewpoints.
      Republicans, OTOH, each did their own research and chose a rapist to be their Presidential nominee.

  7. The Democrats tried to infringe the right of twenty-year-olds to bear arms, but God has given us constitution-supporting appeal judges.

  8. Obviously, I believe these beliefs are true, and can take those who have them at their word. That there is any factual basis in truth to support them is obviously not true, and the burden of truth there is on the other side.

  9. Aphrodite liked Paris because he said she was more beautiful than Hera and Athena.
