The New York Times published a fact-check!

MONDAY, JULY 8, 2024

Was it a bit of a fail? What explains President Biden's performance at the June 27 debate?

We still can't answer that question! Last Friday, the president spoke with George Stephanopoulos for twenty-two minutes about that very topic.

In this morning's print editions, the New York Times published Linda Qiu's fact-check of that high-profile interview. Our question about her fact-check is this:

Was it a bit of a fail?

Was the fact-check a bit of a fail? We ask because of the statements Qiu chose to check—and because of a few of the statements by President Biden which she chose to skip.

Qiu fact-checked six statements in all. At times, she engaged in what we'd describe as quibble-adjacent behavior. As an example of what we mean, this was her first presentation, headline included:

Fact-Checking Biden’s ABC Interview


“After that debate, I did 10 major events in a row, including until 2 o’clock in the morning after the debate. I did events in North Carolina. I did events in — in — in Georgia, did events like this today, large crowds, overwhelming response, no — no — no slipping.”

This is exaggerated. Since the debate on June 27, Mr. Biden has traveled up and down the East Coast and participated in more than a dozen events, according to his public calendar. Whether or not the events can be considered “major” and crowds “large” are matters of opinion, but Mr. Biden did misspeak at several.

Before the interview on Friday, Mr. Biden said of Mr. Trump at a rally in Wisconsin that he would “beat him again in 2020.”

At a Fourth of July barbecue with military members and their families, Mr. Biden referred to Mr. Trump as “one of our former colleagues” before correcting himself.

And at a fund-raising reception in East Hampton, New York, he confused Italy and France when referring to the location of a veterans’ cemetery he recently visited.

In our view, that specific fact-check comes dangerously close to being quibble-adjacent. So too, we'd have to say, were some other presentations by Qiu.

Qiu selected several fuzzy statements by Biden—statements in which the embattled president certainly could have been more clear. There was nothing "wrong" with these presentations by Qiu, but several of her presentations had the flavor of rather thin stew. 

On the other hand, she completely bypassed the strangest factual claim the president made that night. We discussed this claim the very next day. Here is the relevant transcript:

PRESIDENT BIDEN (7/5/24): Well, look. After that debate, I did ten major events in a row, including until 2 in the morning after the debate. I did events in North Carolina. I did events in—in in Georgia, did events like this today, large crowds, overwhelming response, no— no— no slipping. 

And so, I just had a bad night. I don't know why.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And how— How quickly did it come to you that you were having that "bad night?"

PRESIDENT BIDEN: Well, it came to me I was having a bad night when I realized that even when I was answering a question, even though they turned his mic off, he was still shouting. And I— 

I let it distract me. I— I'm not blaming it on that, but I realized that I just wasn't in control.

Say what? At the June 27 debate, was Candidate Trump "still shouting," whether at Biden or into the ether, after his mic was turned off? 

We saw no sign of any such conduct during the split-screen telecast. As far as we know, no one made any such claim until the president did, in this ABC interview, some eight days post-event.

At the Washington Post, Dana Milbank was also puzzled by this claim. In a July 5 column, he included these observations about the president's session with Stephanopoulos: 

Biden’s determination not to give an inch was belied by his delivery: some of the same mouth-agape looks while listening to the question, a couple of meandering answers where he seemed to lose his train of thought. Incredibly, he said he hadn’t re-watched the debate that threatens to sink his candidacy. “I don’t think I did, no,” he said after a pause. He also said he had been distracted during the debate because of Trump’s behavior: “Even when they turned his mic off, he was still shouting.” The debate was broadcast in split screen, which did not show this.

Milbank was puzzled by this claim too. Like many others in the mainstream press, Qiu completely ignored it.

Why did the president make that claim? Is there any evidence that his statement was true?

At the Times, the peculiar claim was completely passed over in favor of some fairly trivial stuff. Aside from Milbank, we don't think we've seen anyone in the mainstream press corps question this strange-seeming statement.

In our view, the woods are lovely, dark and deep—but the judgement and skills of our upper-end press corps are often remarkably limited. Assumptions to the contrary will often lead us astray, however understandable such assumptions may be.

Was the New York Times' fact-check a bit of a fail? We'll be discussing questions like this all through the course of the week.


  1. Trump was still shouting when they turned his mic off. I saw it. Somerby needs to verify his claim by rewatching the debate. He is wrong about this.

    1. That happened maybe once or twice during the entire debate. Biden is making excuses.


  2. Didn't he also say, in that interview, that he is running the world?

    But I see you find it completely unremarkable. Sure. Okay.

    1. Somerby is talking about the debate mechanics, not the content of the statements made by either debater. Of course, the fact-checking of Trump has already shown him to have told a flood of lies. Singling out something to disagree with that Biden said with Stephanopolis is trivial compared to what Trump did in the debate.

      It has frequently been said that the US President is the leader of the free world. If you want to quibble about how Biden phrased that, you are just as bad as Somerby and just as transparent in your allegiance to Trump (or those wishing to push Biden out of the race).

  3. Somerby also perhaps missed the time when Trump tried to interrupt Biden while it was Biden's turn to speak?

    It is fine for Somerby to play this gotcha game with others, but he needs to be absolutely certain his accusations against them are correct. Otherwise, he is no better than the others making baseless accusations and lying about their opponents. We have enough of that going on already.

    I watched the debate closely because I was having trouble understanding what Biden was saying due to his hoarse voice. That's why it was very obvious when Trump's mic was cut off (more than once) and when Trump tried to interrupt Biden. And also the several times where Trump enitrely ignored the questions he was asked in order to say whatever non-responsive thing he wanted. And it was obvious when the moderators re-asked the questions, were again ignored by Trump, and then gave up and asked something else, without admonishing Trump.

    Somerby says it is a lie that this happened. He needs to go back and watch the debate, because that is a false accusation.

  4. Here is another "fact check" from MSNBC:

    "President Joe Biden's surprise call-in to Morning Joe Monday morning shocked Democrats who have been calling on him to step aside from his 2024 reelection campaign.

    Biden spoke for 18 minutes on the MSNBC morning talk show during which he defended the work he does in Washington D.C. while former President Donald Trump was "riding around in a golf cart" at Mar-a-Lago.

    Viewers included Hollywood actor and director Rob Reiner, who backtracked on demands made over the weekend that Biden should end his campaign to ensure the "convicted felon" didn't win.

    "If we see the Joe Biden that appeared on Morning Joe today every day until Nov.5, he’ll be able to shut up people like me who think he should step aside," said Reiner."

  5. Here is some fake news from the right wing:

    "GOP Minnesota Senate candidate Royce White erupted Monday over an image of what appeared to be a news report that megastar singer/songwriter Taylor Swift had endorsed President Joe Biden for re-election.

    The image in question showed a picture of Swift with the banner "TAYLOR SWIFT BACKS BIDEN" and a quote, "Under their leadership, I believe America has a chance to start the healing process it so desperately needs." The image bore a knockoff Biden/Harris 2024 logo and what appeared to be the logo for First Coast News, a local ABC and NBC affiliate in Jacksonville, Florida.

    In reality, the image is fake: while Swift did endorse Biden in 2020, she has not made any candidate endorsement in 2024. But White, a former basketball star and mixed martial artist who allies with former President Donald Trump and disgraced conspiracy theorist webcaster Alex Jones, was outraged nonetheless.

    "Are people really that gullible? Wow!" wrote White on X. "The healing process of sex transitions? #Godspeed."

    This comes after White, who has become notorious for his trolling and even threatening posts on social media, has made a number of bizarre mixups, including posting a map of what he claimed to be crimes in Minneapolis, but was actually a map of free public drinking fountains in the city."

    It isn't clear to me what the right hopes to gain by publishing a fake endorsement by Taylor Swift, unless they hope to make her disavow Biden with a public statement. What is the point of the right creating a story that suckers their own MAGA members?

  6. Poor Democrats and Blue Tribe people. Your choice is down to a senile guy with dementia, and a cackling airhead who if she gets dementia will develop a personality

    1. Yes, this is exactly the kind of comment that would cause me to vote for Trump.

    2. Even if I were to stipulate to your description, I would still feel more sorry for the Republicans.

    3. I don't remember the Republican Party ever having a problem with women being raped.

  7. When I was in management I came to the conclusion that doing my job with integrity meant giving up all power. I couldn't hire someone because s/he was a friend or fire someone I didn't like. My responsibility was to do what I believed was best for the organization.

    I think there's a parallel with news media. Their job is to report without bias of any sort. But, that means giving up power. It's more satisfying to present the news in a way that favors your side. Before the debate, that meant favoring Biden. But, now the goal is to force him out, so the media is biasing their news coverage against him.

  8. There is other fake news circulating. Supposedly Ted Lieu called for Biden to step down on a Democratic group call. Lieu quickly denied even speaking on the call. He is supporting Biden. So who is making up such reports? The media is clearly not confirming leaks, or maybe they are making stuff up?

  9. IMO Biden cannot possibly run. He's pretty far behind in the polls. The liberal media are demanding that he withdraw his candidacy. Donors are holding back

    How can Biden make up the gap? He can't. If he runs, he will have to conduct another debate, which he agreed to. Trump has been demonized to a fair thee well. I don't know what more the Dems can do to make him look bad. Biden can't give an inspirational speech without a teleprompter.

    I predict that once the Dems have decided how handle Biden's withdrawal, he will withdraw. That might mean anointing Harris. Or letting the Convention delegates choose the candidate. Or setting up some structure to simulate a national primary. There's plenty of time to decide before the Dem convention.

    IMO once the Dems replace Biden, they have a very good chance of defeating Trump.

    1. David, Biden is running. The polls are tied nation wide, even after the debate. He has record donations, after the debate. Biden will beat Trump, just like in 2020.

    2. You might be right, @8:59. Time will tell.

    3. Biden will beat Trump, but we will need a whole lot more mules this year.

    4. Suppose the Dems replace Biden and the replacement wins. Trump will have the election tied up in court for the next 50 years.

    5. 2:56,
      You mean, one?

  10. The GOP platform:

    < a href = ““ > click here < /a >

    1. That’s better.

    2. The items on that list are probably poll-tested to be sure that they're popular. As Kevin points, who knows whether Trump can accomplish them? There's been so much dissembling by both parties that the two Platforms may not matter that much.

    3. That's a great copout, DiC.

  11. No person may be aborted:

    click here

    1. You’re getting good at this.

  12. Off topic - Alex Berenson blasts the NY Times for stealing his scoop without attribution. The article was about the visits by a Parkinson’s specialist to the White House

    1. The same physician visited the White House nearly a dozen times while Obama was president. He may have visited during Trump's term, but we won't know since the visitor logs during Trump's term are still secret.

    2. Ah. It's their coke dealer, probably.

    3. Trump's an adderall addict, not a coke addict.
      They say his teeny-tiny hands can't hold the straw.

  13. Operation 43:

    Reengage liaison Fanny Passmore-Gass

  14. A majority of voters have been vocally concerned about Biden's age for the last two years. Biden has a historically low 36% approval rating and has obviously been one of the most unpopular presidents we've ever had. Reports of his cognitive decline were gaslit and shouted down by dishonest members of his administration. People have made clear for years they don't like him and think he is too old. President Biden and his behavior alone is responsible for this problem - not the voters, not the media, not his opponents, not the party and not the elite.

    1. The Republican Presidential nominee is a rapist, and the mot popular Republican politician in decades. But it's silly to think it's because he's a rapist. It's because he's a gigantic bigot.

    2. 6:20,
      Per the media, the only people who won't be at fault if Trump wins the Presidential election are Trump voters.
