FAILS: Candidate Biden seemed to exhibit a cognitive fail!

FRIDAY, JULY 12, 2024

Then again, so did Candidate Trump:  Did E.J. Dionne get it right when he offered the warning in question?

He issued his warning four days before the fateful June 27 debate. This was the text of his warning:

DIONNE (6/23/24): Because the “age issue” has been raised relentlessly against [President Biden], the media have a tendency to overlook or downplay Trump’s many moments of incoherence and even lunacy. Biden and his lieutenants must turn this side-by-side performance into an opportunity to have the two men judged by the same standards.

So Dionne wrote, before the debate. Four days later, President Biden's performance was so strange that it has routinely been described as "shocking." 

That brings us to Candidate Trump's performance at the same debate. Has it been judged by a different, less aggressive standard?

We'd have to say yes, it has been.

Was President Biden's performance "shocking?" We'd say that it pretty much was. Two weeks later, it largely remains unexplained. We've seen little effort by mainstream news orgs to consult with medical specialists concerning what might have happened that night.

President Biden's performance was quite strange. Then again, there was Candidate Trump, issuing a stream of groaning misstatements—many of which entered a realm which may seem to take us to a cognitively challenged place.

Trump issued a stream of groaning misstatements that night. As we noted in Tuesday's report, CNN's fact check team instantly summarized matters as shown:

Trump made more than 30 false claims during CNN’s presidential debate—far more than Biden

Both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump made false and misleading claims during CNN’s presidential debate on Thursday–but Trump did so far more than Biden, just like in their debates in 2020.

Trump made more than 30 false claims at the Thursday debate. They included numerous claims that CNN and others have already debunked during the current presidential campaign or prior.


Biden made at least nine false or misleading claims in the debate. 

According to the CNN census, Trump made "more than 30 false claims." Biden made at least nine.

President Biden's physical appearance and apparent confusion qualified as "shocking" that night. But there were two candidates on the stage during that evening's ersatz debate. What about the steady stream of bogus statements issued by Candidate Trump?

CNN issued a long list of misstatements by Trump, with links to previous fact checks. That said, a certain taxonomy may been missing from the detailed fact check. 

With merciful brevity, we would offer this:

Some of Trump's false or misleading claims qualified as misstatements of the fairly typical kind. This would be one example:

TRUMP:  We now have the largest deficit in the history of our country under this guy.

In fact, we don't have the largest deficit in history at this time. That said, that false assertion qualifies as a misstatement of a fairly typical kind. 

At one point in the evening, Candidate Trump even issued a type of throwback misleading claim. This was a standard type of misleading assertion back at the turn of the century:

TRUMP: Now, when we cut the taxes—as an example, the corporate tax was cut down to 21 percent from 39 percent, plus beyond that—we took in more revenue with much less tax.

If you lower the tax rate, you take in more revenue! Sean Hannity used to live off that silly, misleading claim way back in the dim, distant past. Suddenly, Donald J. Trump brought it back!

Some of Trump's misstatements were fairly typical. That said, many others weren't. Example:

One familiar claim by Candidate Trump—the claim that President Biden wants to "quadruple your taxes"—is more than a typical political misstatement. The claim is absurd on such a scale that it qualifies as something more than false or misleading, or as simply inaccurate or wrong.

The statement is so absurd—defies plausibility to such an extent—that it takes us close to the realm which we would describe as "crazy."

So too with other claims by Trump that night—for example, with patently ludicrous claims of this now-familiar type:

TRUMP: Fifty-one years ago, you had Roe v. Wade, and everybody wanted to get it back to the states. Everybody, without exception. Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives, everybody wanted it back. Religious leaders.

And what I did is I put three great Supreme Court justices on the Court, and they happened to vote in favor of killing Roe v. Wade and moving it back to the states. This is something that everybody wanted.

That claim moves us past the realm of mere misstatement. It takes us past the point of mere error into a dumber and stranger land.

So too with these related statements:

TRUMP: As far as the abortion’s concerned, it is now back with the states. The states are voting, and in many cases, they—it’s, frankly, a very liberal decision. In many cases, it’s the opposite.

But they’re voting and it’s bringing it back to the vote of the people, which is what everybody wanted, including the founders, if they knew about this issue, which frankly they didn’t. But they would have—everybody wanted it brought back...

Everybody wanted it brought back and many presidents had tried to get it back. I was the one to do it. And again, this gives it the vote of the people. And that’s where they wanted it. Every legal scholar wanted it that way.

TRUMP: Now, ten years ago or so, they started talking about how many weeks and how many of this—getting into other things. But every legal scholar, throughout the world, the most respected, wanted it brought back to the states. I did that.

Every legal scholar wanted it that way? 

Every legal scholar throughout the world? Even the founders would have wanted that, had they only known?

Every legal scholar in the world wanted Roe returned to the states? That claim is so baldly absurd that it needs to be separated from the realm of mere misstatement.

Many of Candidate Trump's statements this night wandered across the borderline into the realm of the baldly absurd. Then too, we come to the array of self-affirming claims which barely qualify as actual statements at all.

We refer to the types of claims this disordered man delivers in bushel loads when he's out on the stump. These are statements in which he alleges the unparalleled greatness of everything he's ever said or thought or done.

It's a type of greatness no one has ever seen before! Everyone was amazed by his greatness! So we're routinely told:

TRUMP: We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We had never done so well. Every—everybody was amazed by it. Other countries were copying us.

TRUMP:  First of all, our veterans and our soldiers can’t stand this guy. They can’t stand him. They think he’s the worst commander in chief, if that’s what you call him, that we’ve ever had. They can’t stand him. So let’s get that straight.

And they like me more than just about any of them. And that’s based on every single bit of information.

TRUMP:  So, I want absolutely immaculate clean water and I want absolutely clean air, and we had it. We had H2O. We had the best numbers ever. And we did—we were using all forms of energy, all forms, everything. And yet, during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever. And my top environmental people gave me that statistic just before I walked on the stage, actually.

TRUMP:  Jake, we’re doing very well at addiction until the COVID came along. We had the two-and-a-half, almost three years of like nobody’s ever had before, any country in every way

TRUMP:  And if you would see my statements that I made on Twitter at the time, and also my statement that I made in the Rose Garden, you would say it’s one of the strongest statements you’ve ever seen.

TRUMP: All of the things that we’ve done, nobody’s ever—never seen anything like—even from a medical standpoint. 

Nobody's ever seen anything like the astonishing things this amazing leader has accomplished. Routinely, were told that no one had ever seen anything like it before.

Routinely, these self-affirming claims of greatness are based on no discernible or imaginable evidence. 

His top people just gave him the statistic, we are inanely told. His claims are based on every single bit of information!

In fact, these claims are based on no imaginable type of information. As such, they barely qualify as statements at all.

They take us into an unfamiliar realm. They move us past the point of error into a realm which seems to border on something which might be compared to a second cousin to lunacy, to borrow a term from Dionne.

Does this disordered person's cognitive state perhaps come into question as he churns this endless array of emissions? Behind the high walls of the mainstream press, the answer is typically no.

In our view, the reason for that seems to be fairly obvious. It involves an unwise and childish decision which has infected the world of the mainstream press corps and of Blue America's thought leaders.

It involves the enjoyable use of the childish term LIES. 

It happened some time back. In the face of President Trump's endless stream of weird misstatements, the mainstream press corps decided to abandon a long-standing prohibition on the use of that highly fraught term.

In our view, that decision was unwise on the basic merits. The decision has also had the effect of empowering Candidate Trump. 

In our view, that decision drives the dimwitted double standard which is now general within the mainstream press corps. According to that double standard, Candidate Biden seems to exhibit a possible cognitive shortfall—but for all his apparent lunacy, Candidate Trump does not!

Candidate Trump is a LIAR, full stop. We regard this stance by the mainstream press, and by Blue America, as silly, childish, unwise, destructive—as a very large cognitive fail.

"The media have a tendency to overlook Trump's lunacy," Dionne wrote on June 23. Given the strength of the language he used, we'd have to call that a remarkable claim.

We'd call it a remarkable claim! Sadly, we're going to rule that Dionne got it right—and that his colleagues in the press, and in Blue America, have long been caught in their own extremely large, very unhelpful, all-too-human cognitive fail.

Still coming: What's wrong with calling a LIE a LIE? Gene Brabender helps us explain.


  1. David Liederman, Diana Hill, and Maxine Singer have died.

    1. None of these people raped 13 yo Katie Johnson, Trump did that.

      Vote your conscience.

    2. The Republican Party choosing a rapist to be their Presidential nominee is the definition of "on-brand".

  2. If Trump were not running, Biden wouldn't be running either. Biden is making a huge sacrifice to protect our democracy from the threat of Trump and his fascist followers. By doing the job of president beyond this 4 years, he will shorten his lifespan and use his remaining years to serve the country instead of enjoying his family and leisure. And he is doing that because of the threat to our nation, which Somerby barely mentions from day to day here.

    Why does Biden think it must be him? Because no one else polls as well and no one else has been able to attract sufficient support to become the nominee. THAT is a fact that no one attacking Biden has acknowledged. Trump must be stopped and no one else seems to have the power to do that with as much certainty as Biden, especially in light of his stellar track record in this first administration.

    It is time to rally behind Biden to defeat Trump. Anything less is self-destructive of our democracy. Either get behind Biden or start pointing out Trump's manifest liabilities -- and if you cannot do that then shut the fuck up.

    1. That doesn't feel like a very principled political platform.

    2. Why are Republicans so desperate to get Biden to drop out?

    3. We are all scared of his physical and intellectual powers.

    4. They are afraid he will win, and that society will progress, and their White male-centric identity will diminish, causing emotional discomfort, even though their material comfort will improve.

    5. This is so true. You're revealing our deepest secrets!

    6. A lot more people are besides Republicans are desperate to get Biden to drop out. Some of the most stalwart Democrats are desperate to get him to drop out. Because he is too old, in cognitive decline and will probably lose to Trump in a landslide. (Despite that they are even in the polls.)

    7. But all is not lost yet. We will still keep trying, desperately, to get Biden drop out.

    8. Snark is not an effective way of persuading anyone.

      Republicans are desperate for Biden to drop out because he is more likely to defeat Trump than anyone else.

    9. Electoral politics has little to do with persuasion, and mostly to do with motivation.

      However, it is accurate that snark does not work in either case.

    10. Biden is the only one who can defeat Trump. I realized it while watching the debate.

    11. Snark is a natural reaction for right wingers when being triggered by having their misguided notions strongly challenged.

      Let's not blame the victim, or cut off our noses to spite our faces, or throw the baby out with the bathwater.

      Everybody is case study from which we can learn.

    12. 12:20 you are just baiting this guy for your own amusement.

    13. Anonymouse 11:24am, huh? Run him.

    14. Stalwart Democrats are concerned Biden might be too forgetful to claim himself president, anyway, even if he loses the election. Maybe gentle reminders that he's President, and the election doesn't matter if he loses, are called for instead. Perhaps, we can get the Supreme Court justices to put together an explanation of the law to him.

    15. @12:17 If you read the polls, especially the ones after the debate, you will come to the same conclusion.

    16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Biden’s campaign not only deceitfully fed questions to the radio interview he did last week, they requested that the interview be edited before the broadcast aired, a hallmark of authoritarian regimes in authoritarian countries.

    The edits removed two segments from the interview. The station acknowledged that the decision fell short of "journalistic interview standards", which is obvious.

    The two edits, according to the station, were: 1. At time 5:20, the removal of "...and in addition to that, I have more Blacks in my administration than any other president, all other presidents combined, and in major positions, cabinet positions."<.i>

    And at 14:15, in reference to Donald Trump's call for the death penalty for the Central Park Five, the removal of "I don't know if they even call for their hanging or not, but he—but they said convicted of murder."

    1. "a hallmark of authoritarian regimes in authoritarian countries". More bullshit. So much bullshit, it feels like I'm swimming in it. REQUESTING that a media outlet ask you certain questions during an interview is not authoritarian. You might as well say that when a celebrity agrees to do an interview on the condition that the interviewer avoid certain topics, they're behaving like an authoritarian regime. Authoritarian regimes control media by shutting down media that don't tow the line; they control media by imprisoning people and threats of violence.

    2. ....they also control them by finding a way to cut off their revenue, which is what Orban did in Hungary and is something Trump and his enablers have taken note of and might try to do in the U.S.

    3. The complexity of media control in authoritarian regimes is not only by the most extreme measures (e.g., shutting down media, imprisonment, violence). There are more nuanced ways in which media control can manifest, which might include subtler forms of pressure and influence that aren't as extreme but still significant.

      Regardless, the requests by the Biden are a clear attempt to manage the narrative and prevent any potentially damaging or critical information from being disseminated. This represents a form of soft censorship and a gross violation of journalistic ethics.

    4. 7:57,
      You mean promoting tax cuts to the corporations that own the media might also be an act of authoritarian regimes? Asking because the deficit is unsustainable when there is talk about helping the people, but on the other hand my bosses loveTrump's HUGE tax cuts for the corporation and rich.

    5. A republic is not an autocracy or a dictatorship or an oligarchy or a plutocracy or a kleptocracy.

    6. There was no "deceit" about providing questions to anyone ahead of interviews. It would have been wrong to do that before the debate because that was against debate rules, but the only interview rules that exist are those that exist between the interviewer and interviewee, and these vary.

      If an interviewer says come on my show to talk about your recent NATO meeting, is that providing "questions" ahead of time? If the President says, sure I'll come on your show, but I'd like to plug my upcoming rally in your town. The host will ask a question about that rally out of courtesy to the guest.

      This is another manufactured complaint against Biden to try to push him off his ticket. It stinks. The agreement about questions is a courtesy to both hosts and guests who have limited time and want to prepare effectively -- the host too wants a good interview. When Biden stands up and jokes about his age and his gaffes, he isn't trying to pretend to be anything other than what he is. So this idea that he is somehow cheatings is wrong.

    7. Is pretending Republican voters care about something other than bigotry and white supremacy an act of authoritarian regimes?

    8. I am Soros' trained monkey, Christo Nation.
      I confess black people's votes counted rapist snowflake Katie.

    9. 6:32,
      Woke me when it's over.

  4. Replies
    1. With the democratization of media, Republicans are now pivoting to notions like Reagan and Jesus were woke wusses.

    2. Don't forget they hate the current Pope for being kind to all folks, and espousing Christ's values...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


  5. "If you lower the tax rate, you take in more revenue! Sean Hannity used to live off that silly, misleading claim way back in the dim, distant past."

    Seriously? It's perfectly obvious that under certain circumstances a lower tax rate will bring more revenue. And so, why should I read the rest of your denunciations? And yes, everyone with a functioning brain did know that Roe v. Wade was unjustified. Hell, you knew it.

    1. anon 11:05, you are constantly disingenuous. Trump said everyone wanted Roe to be overturned so that abortion rights to be decided by each state. Not even you can come up with a BS defense of that statement. Instead you deflect that "everyone" knew that Roe v Wade was "unjustified." Maybe you think it was "unjustified" and surely a lot of people did too. And surely a lot of those people aren't happy with Trump saying it's fine the way it is now that states can legalize abortion. According to you, all the Supreme Court justices that decided Roe v wade and later reaffirmed it, and everyone else who supported, it didn't have a "functioning brain." I can see the argument that the decision was a stretch, and there is a basis to say it was judicial lawmaking - but that doesn't mean that anyone who doesn't see it that way, doesn't have a "functioning brain." You deflect from the subject at hand - Trump's bizarre claim that there was universal agreement that abortion be returned to the states.

    2. No, it's the fucking Laffer Curve voodoo economics that has resulted in Republican President's exploding the deficit since Raygun. Pumping trillions into the pockets of those who don't need it, and threatening to kill all nice things for the peasants to pay for their yachts. What prompted the incredible economic recovery from the pandemic?, for once Trump and Biden admins pumped billions into the hands of the little people, doing it the proper Keynesian way. Tax cuts for the rich kills economic growth, and explodes the deficit. Unless you are making over about $150K, you really need to stop peddling this nonsense.

    3. I maintain that everyone with a functioning brain knew that it wasn't justified. That it was a hack, a political hack.

      And obviously no good decent person (like yourself or Bob Somerby) would want the supreme court hacking the constitution.

      The two points above I consider uncontroversial, and the rest (that everyone wanted it decided by majorities) follows from them. So, I guess we differ on the definition of "functioning brain"?

    4. 1:30's "Everybody Knows!" method of arguing is very Trumpian. It lets him make assertions without supporting it with any evidence. "Everybody knows," for example, that the 2020 election was rigged!

    5. Yes, some things, plenty of things actually, are obvious to reasonable people, supported by experience and common sense. And yes, they include Roe v. Wade and the 2020 election. They are not assumptions, just like "the sky is blue" is not an assumption.

    6. 2:59 - Does it bother you when you make a statement like "Everybody knows the 2020 election was rigged!" that the statement is not true?

    7. anon 1:57, sure we can disagree. I don't know how many SCOTUS decisions you've ever actually read, Roe v Wade or otherwise. A large number, probably most, SCOTUS decisions aren't unanimous. At the time Roe was issued, there wasn't this groundswell of religious opposition to it, at least not from the Baptists. seems that GOP pols latched onto the issue to get the religious fundamentalist vote. By your logic, the decisions overturning laws limiting birth control or homosexual acts were also wrongly decided. Perhaps you are an expert on constitutional law. But I see the argument that the original Roe decision amounted to judicial legislating, but I disagree to the extent that you claim reasonable minds can't differ on that point. You seem to insist on sticking to disingenuousness when you argue that since the Roe decision was "a hack" to all except the brain dead, it follows that everyone wanted abortions to be left to state law - when that is patently false. What are you, a troll? why so important to defend every absurd thing that comes out of Trump's mouth?

    8. @3:19 PM
      It's similar to Roe v. Wade, as described in 1:57 PM.

      Some people "don't know it" simply because not knowing it is the first commandment in their Democrat bible. Anything that might contradict it they shut out automatically. I don't count these people into "everybody"; it's a special case. Aside from it, everybody knows it wasn't kosher.

    9. @3:35 PM
      I didn't say "to be left to state law"; it could be federal. I believe I said "to majorities".

      My point is, the right to abortion on demand is not in the federal constitution. And I don't think I need to be a scholar to see it.

      I feel that if you insist that it is in the constitution, then you might be a troll. Or can you point to the relevant text in it?

    10. 3:40 - So, it doesn't bother you to say untrue things. OK.

    11. Is that Monaco Mao? Mao gets triggered every time Bob says anything negative about his orange god -- no matter how undeniable, how uncontroversial the negative comment is. Can you imagine someone thinking Trump can say or do no wrong? Talk about being a trained monkey, a brain-washed bot.

    12. Mike, why do you say "Mao"?

    13. The interpretation was that there is a right to privacy in the Constitution that precludes the government from dictating reproductive health treatment of women. It also covers things like what people do sexually in the bedroom, so eliminating such a right has a potentially huge impact on a lot of men as well as women.

  6. America thrived like no other nation in history off the impact of the New Deal and a high top margin tax rate.

    Ignorance is the superpower of right wingers.

  7. Thomas Sowell says Trump is unfit to be president.

    1. Blind pig, broken clock territory.

    2. Thomas Sowell has a low IQ.

  8. Paul Campos discusses Biden’s health.

    1. Michael J Fox has had Parkinson's disease since 1991.

    2. Michael has been treated.

    3. Why wouldn't Biden have been treated if he had Parkinson's? This whole conspiracy theory is ridiculous.

    4. Paul Campos is an idiot. He thinks his doctor friends who have "concerns" after watching Biden on video are more trustworthy than Biden's actual doctors, including a neurologist who has examined him and test him for such diseases and impairment. That's just stupid.

  9. As with Lincoln, Somerby repeatedly misuses and misinterprets Brabender, who was a gentle giant.

  10. Somerby's post today is just further proof that he's paid by Putin to regurgitate right-wing talking points in service of his racist, sexist agenda of manufacturing ignorance and creepily promoting the sexual abuse of young women. And it all started in 2015 - obviously.

    1. Today's essay is a lengthy attempt to excuse Trump's lies as misstatements and incorrect statements and not actual lies. Trump is a lying liar. Somerby will not agree to that, no matter how egregious the lies. I don't know what he thinks he gains by portraying Trump as weird or eccentric instead of a conman, but today's lengthy attempt to excuse Trump's lying is NOT an exoneration of Somerby's own complicity in pushing right wing talking points and memes.

    2. PP,
      More likely, Bob got hooked on WWE, and likes the idea of heel turns.

  11. Many or most of Trump's "lies" are actually exaggerations. They're not literally true, but they point in a direction that he intends. E.g., we don't have the largest deficit ever, but we do have a large deficit. Exaggerating like this is certainly no evidence of mental impairment.

    1. There were a large deficits in 2020-21, but that was a special case, a good excuse. Setting those two years aside, it does look like we're having the largest deficit ever. And with no excuse whatsoever.

    2. Yes, the deficit is frightening. The theory is that we run deficits during problem years, but surpluses during good years. 2024 should be a good year, with the US not at war and covid not a big deal.

    3. I’m afraid of the deficit. So this is no time to bring back the chaotic Trump. I’m voting for Biden.

    4. DiC - Spoken like a true Keynesian!

    5. D in C, are you parting ways with Thomas Sowell on the MAGA candidate?

    6. Accountability is a critical first step in reducing our federal deficit below 7% of GDP. Every federal program should be held to account for performance every year. If not, they should be defunded.

    7. Most of Trump's lies are actual lies. They aren't exaggerations but false claims. A subset of his lies are claims that he didn't say things that we have video of him saying. This is not harmless hyperbole. It is lying.

      Regardless of why Trump tells so many lies, we cannot have a president who lies all the time. Trump is unfit to run on the Republican ticket. The only mystery is why they haven't replaced him yet.

    8. Taxing all earned income the same IS accountability.

    9. The Supreme Court keeps issuing bad opinions. It should be defunded.

    10. No income should be taxed.

    11. Taxing would be okay, perhaps even useful, if the taxpayers were getting something in return.

    12. 2:30,
      Your cries for tainted meat for dinner, and jet planes falling out of the sky is duly noted.

  12. And I agree. We've succeeded in recovering from the COVID recession. Now is the time to cut spending and raise taxes.

    1. Just like Clinton did in the '90's, leading to a budget surplus (that W. Bush the squandered).

    2. DiC - A balanced budget over the business cycle would be ideal. Unfortunately, that just doesn't work politically. When the Dems start to get rid of the deficit, the next time the Repubs get in power they just create a whomping new deficit by cutting taxes for corporations and rich people.

      So, if you're a Dem politician, what's the point of austerity? It makes you unpopular; you'll be voted out; and the Repubs will explode the budget anyway.

    3. Yes, the last time we had a budget surplus was under President Clinton. The poor Democratic schlepp to follow Clinton campaigned on keeping that surplus and talked about the "lockbox". Of course he was mercilessly mocked for being such a killjoy, while his, the Kool Republican guy you would want to have a beer with, campaigned on a giant tax cut, because as he said, the surplus was not the government's money and should be returned to the people. And by "people" he meant giant corporations and his rich friends. The rest of us got trickled on. DiC crawled over hot coals to vote for that Kool guy and he got his tax cut. And right on schedule, when a Dem is in office he whines about the deficit. It is frightening, he says. And in a few months he will crawl over broken glass and hot coals to elect the next guy promising more tax cuts for the MoUs.

    4. Remember - In 2000 we not only got rid of the deficit, we were well on our way to getting rid of the debt entirely. W argued that getting rid of the debt would be bad because - what would we do with the extra money? We couldn't invest it, because that would be socialism and picking winners and losers. So - tax cuts for the rich!

    5. If you want "Just like Clinton did in the '90's", you need another gigantic stock market bubble.

    6. Bill Clinton was another big spending democrat. It was Newt Gingrich and the new Republican congress (based on Contract With America) who reduced the deficit. Clinton reluctantly signed the budget and most House and Senate democrats voted against it. Of course, Bill Clinton took all the credit when it worked. Dems then and the Dems now have an addiction to deficit spending (they just like calling it investment).

    7. 4:04 and 4:56,

      Oh good, thanks for setting me straight. I never realized President Clinton had absolutely nothing to do with the success of his administration's economic policies. Funny how that works.

      Why don't you tackle the real point about how Junior Bush fucked it up with huge gusto.

    8. 4:56 - That is false. Clinton raised taxes, against the vote of every Republican, and with Democratic representatives sacrificing their careers to do so. To pretend that the Republicans did this is a true obscenity.

    9. It was the dot-com boom that led to economic prosperity and increased tax revenues.

    10. DG - so strange that the top 1% fight so hard the past few decades with Dems going up to (about) 39% and Rebumlicans lowering to (about)36%. The big fear if Biden wins is the Rebumlican passed tax law would revert to 39%. (They are already screaming about Biden will raise your taxes, even though Trump's law, and you won't notice unless you make over $150K. Goodness sakes what difference does it make if a few families have more wealth than 50% versus 52% of the world? Kennedy was the first trickle downer going from 90% to 72% for the 1%. Then Ronnie dropped down to 30% and that was too much so they upped it a few times. They squeal like pigs when ending the cap on payroll taxes is brought up. Fuck-em, make them pay up.

    11. Saint Ronnie doubled the payroll tax on working schlepps so they could cut taxes for billionaires.

  13. According to a friend of my younger brother, the $700 is nothing in comparison to the millions he has given to Ukraine. Why? We require it, she replied. Because vs03 we don’t know why, it must be it. We possess citizenship.
    Click the link……………………………………………. GOOGLE WORK
