Who the heck is J.D. Vance?


Also, what's in a word? Last night, Usha Vance introduced her husband, J. D. Vance, at the Republican National Convention.

We were struck by one part of her short introduction. More specifically, we were struck her inclusion of one particular word:

USHA VANCE (7/17/26): I met J. D. in law school when he was fresh out of Ohio State, which he attended with the support of the G.I. Bill. 

We were friends first, because, I mean, who wouldn't want to be friends with J. D.? 

He was then, as now, the most interesting person I knew—a working-class guy who had overcome childhood traumas that I could barely fathom to end up at Yale Law School.

A tough Marine who had served in Iraq, but whose idea of a good time was playing with puppies and watching the movie "Babe."


The most determined person I knew with one overriding ambition, to become a husband and a father, and to build the kind of tightknit family that he had longed for as a child.

We were struck by her reference to her husband's childhood "traumas." We recalled a bit of the puzzlement we felt when we speed-read Hillbilly Elegy, back when it first came out.

The book contained striking portraits of many of the major figure in Vance's life during his childhood and adolescence. The only portrait which seemed to be missing was a portrait of the young Vance himself.

What was he like as a 10-year-old child? What was he like in high school?

It seemed to us that such questions went unanswered and unexplored in Vance's best-selling book. Among an assortment of others, his mother and grandmother were sharply described. Vance himself seemed to be missing.

Something else is true about Hillbilly Elegy. The book describes a childhood and an adolescence which were filled with bad behavior by some of the people charged with care of the young person in question. We refer especially to Vance's mother, who was drug-addicted at the time, and to the various men with whom she was linked by romance and by marriage.

It would hardly be surprising to learn that this childhood and adolescence was indeed marked by trauma. Also this:

By the norms of high-end American politics, the man who emerged from that tumultuous youth has behaved in unusual ways over the past dozen years.

What can there be in a word? That one word in Usha Vance's introduction took our thoughts in many directions. For today, we'll offer this:

In some cases, the price to be paid for childhood abuse or neglect will be paid later on, somewhere down the road.

Her husband's childhood involved traumas (plural), we were told last night—childhood traumas of a type Usha Vance "can barely fathom." 

Remembering the song by Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee—we were in high school when we bought the album!—we'll quickly recommend a world of pity for the motherless child. 

We'll recommend pity for the lost child. That said:

In his public life, if not in his family life, the adult who emerged from those traumas has turned out to be dismissively angry in recent years and has been quite erratic. Sometimes the wages of neglect emerge a ways down the road. 


  1. Current Vegas odds Biden will become president: 6%

    1. That's because his odds of being nominated are only 25% now.

    2. A slice of toast has a better chance.

    3. Excellent work from Rachel Maddow, explaining the absurdity of where we are:


    4. Odds that there is a Republican voter who cares about something other than bigotry and white supremacy: 0%.

  2. Usha Vance is a pagan.

  3. Usha Vance's parents and Melania should be the first to be deported back to where they came from to show how committed Republicans are to mass deportation of dirty foreigners.

    1. Not sure about Melania, but Usha came here legally.

    2. Melania came here and worked while on a tourist visa. That is illegal and grounds for deportation but Trump hired an immigration lawyer to obtain a "genius" visa for her, pretending she was a super-model who spoke a half dozen languages and had a degree in architecture, none of which is true. Strings get pulled for beautiful women who are the girlfriends of billionaires (or even pseudo-billionaires). She then brought her parents over to the US.

      Usha Vance was born in San Diego. That makes her a citizen, although Trump is working to eliminate birthright citizenship. Her parents were legal immigrants at the time.

    3. When your husband is a rapist, they let you get away with it.

  4. God sent Donald Trump to give us fentanyl.

  5. Bob Newhart has died.

  6. Love the subtle dooming and vilification of neglected children who come from sloppy traumatic backgrounds.

    1. No. Not "neglected children." A single, neglected child.

    2. Don't forget about those other lost boys, Tucker Carlson and Greg Gutfeld.


  7. Adults who emerged from those traumas are not eligible to become Presidents or VPs. It's in the Constitution. They needs a formal deprogramming. Somerby is not a liberal.

    I am Corby.

  8. Who knew that Bob is the “childhood trauma” anonymouse?

  9. Jim Jordan has announced that the Secret Service protecting had "limited resources." What limits could properly be placed on protecting Trump?

    1. If Republicans would stop making death threats against everyone, there would be fewer people to be protected.

  10. I’m doing an experiment. I’ll publish two comments about Cecelia. Let’s see if they get deleted.

  11. Cecelia is a Zionist.

  12. Cecelia is a z-word.

  13. Both comments are still there.

  14. According to Drum: "If Trump wins, maybe it will give Democrats some time sit back and think seriously about why so many people refuse to vote for them even when the alternative is Donald Trump."

    This echoes what Somerby has been saying for quite some time. Maybe we Blues should take the time to think about why so many people prefer to vote for someone like a buffoonish conman rather than for our candidates.

    1. PP, look what happened in the midterms. No one should be cocksure as to chances of your “buffoonish conman”.

    2. Cocksure is part of his job here.

    3. CC - More than any presidential election ever, I have absolutely no idea what will happen this election, i.e., November to January.

    4. "We’re dishonest and lazy and nobody likes us." "We would be better off if we were better able to see the ways our conduct resembles theirs."

    5. That everyone, except those who vote for Trump, will have a lot to answer for if he is elected in November, is something Drum, Somerby, and the media have been saying for a while now.

  15. Let’s try it with Biden.

  16. Biden is a Zionist.

  17. Biden is a z-word.

  18. Now let’s try it with a link.

  19. Two days ago, I tried that, and it got deleted, three times.

  20. It’s still there, so I won’t bother with “z-word”. I don’t know what’s different today.

  21. I thought it was some kind of spam control system. Now I guess not. Maybe Bob deleted the comments manually.

  22. Z-word anonymouse, Somerby (or someone who can control his blog) often deletes my comments. I do a less caustic rewrite and occasionally that approach is successful.

    My guess is that it depends on how much Bob is paying attention to the comments or how much foolishness he can stomach on any given day.

  23. It isn't right to assume that someone automatically experienced traumas simply because their parents were alcoholic or drug addicts or because they were poor. Children in such circumstances can have dramatically different experiences because of their personalities, the presence of some protective figure in their lives, or because their parents took some effort to keep them from being neglected. Foster parents, grandparents, neighbors, older children can all be protective in otherwise difficult circumstances. Some kids find refuge in school or church, some run away and manage to fend for themselves. The details matter.

    I find it annoying when Somerby suggests that one word, trauma(s), can explain anything about an asshole like Vance. He had to have some special help to be as ugly a person as he is now. Meanwhile, most other children survive the divorce of their parents without becoming Tucker Carlson, and Somerby never did say what happenef to Gutfeld -- just hints. And don't get me started in Bill Maher.

  24. Somerby feels very sorry for himself because his father died when he was young. I think he identifies with these other miscreants and their traumas. Children with more character try to overcome their unfortunate experiences and make something of themselves, instead of devoting their lives to seeking revenge (even subconsciously).

  25. Into each life some rain must fall. It is how we deal with it that makes us who we are.

  26. “ Children with more character…”
    The coven is just adorable, is it not?

    Thanks ladies for busting any notion that Bob is the “childhood trauma” witch.

    1. I don't understand a word of this. Who is a witch? Somerby? He is male and witches are female. Who are the ladies? The only one claiming to be female here is Cecelia, but she doesn't seem to be talking about herself?

    2. It doesn't matter what Cecelia types as long as the words pagan and coven appear somewhere in it.

    3. Anonymices 8:52pm, stop playing stupid, you’re too actually stupid to pull that off.

    4. Cecelia, on the other hand, was born to play stupid.

  27. I had a happy childhood, with loving parents and siblings. I went to good midd-class schools. And yet I grew up to be an anonymouse troll. Life is unpredictable.

  28. Horrific bomb blast in Tel Aviv.

    1. There have been many horrific bomb blasts in Gaza.

    2. As one of Israel's biggest allies, the U.S. needs to send them a huge shipment of thoughts and prayers.

  29. Would like to have been there when they booked last night's speakers.
    " OK, I think we've got the Depends crowd covered, but we're falling kind of short here on the youth vote"
    " Yeah, you think we can find someone under 40 who can relate?"
    " Relate? Absolutely. Got just the right chick. First she's a looker. Second, she's not that bright. But third and most importantly, both her parents are behind bars for bank fraud."
    " They're gonna love this hottie. How relatable. There won't be a dry eye in the house. And to top it off, they all know her daddy's a closeted queen. How much more Republican can you get?"

  30. A Seattle cop has been fired for laughing about the death of Jaahnavi Kandula, who was struck by a police car. Ms Kandula was from Andhra Pradesh, the same Indian state as Usha Vance’s parents.

  31. Somerby is beyond stupid here c

  32. Behind every hard-working man, is a sugar daddy, like Peter Thiel or Leonard Leo.

    1. Why not give the VP slot to Thiel and cut out the middle man?

  33. J.D. Vance is what you get when you crossbreed an asshole and a bad beard.

    1. There’s nothing wrong with JD’s beard.

    2. The illegal immigration crisis is a hoax.

    3. The Republican Party is a hoax.

    4. JD Vance: VP choice of the self - proclaimed unifier.

    5. Is the person that spray paints Trump's hair and applies the orange goop to his face; the same one who applies J.D.'s eyeliner?

  34. Thomas Crooks died shooting the shit.

  35. What's up with Vance? Political ambition, no morals or ethics, just like the man who picked him.
