FRIENDS: The friends gave thanks to "our lord and savior!"


Duly recorded, for history: Long ago and far away, an Olympian intervened to save the life of one of her favorites.

The god in question was Athena, daughter of Zeus. As we noted yesterday, she intervened to save the life of Paris, the feckless Trojan prince who was on the verge of being killed in battle during the tenth year of the Achaeans' siege of Troy.

According to the western world's first great work of literature, Aphrodite whisked him away to his scented bedroom, where he was soon making love with his wife—with Helen, radiance of woman. Or at least, so many generations of Greeks were told as they listened to recitations of the war poem in question.

Today, experts claim that the Olympian gods never existed. Whatever your stance on that matter may be, we all can agree on this:

Last Saturday, a similar story began to spread concerning the apparent assassination attempt aimed at former president Donald J. Trump. 

One of the bullets clipped Trump's ear, drawing blood. It was an extreme near miss—and a story started to spread. As we noted yesterday, the New York Times reported the matter in a front-page report which started like this:

After Saturday, Trump’s Devotees See ‘God’s Protection’

For Donald J. Trump’s most devoted supporters, the bullet that nicked his ear and came within inches of ending his life was only further proof that a higher power is looking out for him.

“I don’t see this as luck,” said the Rev. Nathaniel Thomas, a Republican National Convention delegate and a pastor from the Washington, D.C., area. “I see this as God’s protection.”

Way back during the Late Bronze Age, Aphrodite had saved Paris. Last weekend, God saved former president Trump—extended his protection.

Many people said they believed this claim; there's no way to prove that it's "wrong." That said, a group of journalists on the Fox News Channel took things to the next level.

Today, bowing to the possibility that history will continue to exist, we're going to record some of the things these Fox News employees have said. 

We're referring to the various things that were said on Sunday morning's edition of Fox & Friends Weekend. In our view, the statements in question represent such a break from modern journalistic practice that they ought to be recorded—and high-end orgs like the New York Times simply aren't going to do that.

In our view, the story which follows includes a vast break from modern journalistic tradition. Five Fox journalists were involved in Sunday morning's discussion. The players in question are these

Co-hosts, Fox & Friends Weekend:
Rachel Campos-Duffy
Pete Hegseth
Will Cain

Co-hosts, Fox & Friends (regular weekday edition)
Lawrence B. Jones III
Ainsley Earhardt

The three weekend hosts were all present this day. They were broadcasting from a New York City studio. 

In the wake of Saturday's deadly event, they'd been joined by two of the co-hosts from the weekday Fox & Friends program. Jones and Earhardt were on the ground in Butler, Pa., at the scene of the previous day's events.

With that, we've listed the dramatis personae. Our story begins at 6:11 a.m. as Campos-Duffy throws to Jones, on the ground in Butler.

Campos-Duffy is an enormously warm and cheerful person. Somewhat oddly, she said this:

CAMPOS-DUFFY (7/14/24): Let's go to you, Lawrence. 

When Ronald Reagan was shot, he famously said, "I forgot to duck." In the case of Donald Trump, it's believed, from the video footage, that just his movement, and he missed it by—the bullet missed him by just a millimeter.

You're at the site of what our own medical correspondent, Dr. Siegel, is calling a medical miracle. What are you hearing there on the ground?

It's true! Earlier, Siegel had in fact referred to Trump's near-miss as "a medical miracle."

That was a peculiar turn of phrase. Inevitably, Campos-Duffy cited the peculiar remark—and Jones III, on the ground in Butler, now took things a giant step further:

JONES (continuing directly): I'll say this. We can talk about the medical miracle. We can talk about the duck [by Trump] and the split-second decision. 

But there is no Donald Trump today without Jesus Christ this morning. I mean, we could be having a very different conversation this morning—

CAMPOS-DUFFY: That's right.

JONES: —going over the obituary of the 45th president this morning. And if it wasn't for the grace of God, things could have been different. So I give honor and glory to our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, for protecting the former president. 

There it was, the start of the day's remarkable break from modern journalistic tradition. 

According to Jones, the miracle in question hadn't simply been realized through the grace of God.  Within the traditions of modern American speech, such a statement almost qualifies as secular. 

In his statement, Jones went several levels past that. He now gave honor and glory "to our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, for protecting the former president."

Campos-Duffy seemed to agree with Jones' formulation. As the morning proceeded, she would make the depth of her agreement clear.

Citizens, how about it? Had President Trump been afforded protection by Jesus Christ on the previous evening? 

There's no way to prove that he had! Also, there's no way to prove that he hadn't.

That said, Jones' statement had taken a turn which we would describe as sectarian. It wasn't just "the grace of God," or possibly even "divine providence, " which had allegedly saved the former president.

It was specifically "Jesus Christ, our lord and savior," who had intervened to provide this protection! Or at least, so Jones now said.

Whatever you think of that brand of journalism, it represents a startling break from the past. Through the course of the next three hours, this new paradigm was repeatedly advanced.

At 6:19 a.m., Campos-Duffy played videotape of former Speaker Newt Gingrich. When she did, this is where the discussion went:

CAMPOS-DUFFY: Last night, Newt Gingrich was on Sean Hannity, and here's what—he gives us a great historical perspective. Here's what he had to say about it:

GINGRICH (videotape): ...It was a very intimate moment for millions of Americans. And it was a providential moment. He had turned to look at that big screen, and when he was turned—the bullet would have hit him here [points to the side of his head]. When he turned back, it hit him here [points to his ear].

That's how close he came to being killed. And I think we need to understand that. This was providential, and he reacted appropriately.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: Yeah, it's a miracle!

HEGSETH: Providential.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: It's a miracle. And I told you guys earlier, I'm thinking more people pray over him, literally put their hands over him—there are many pictures of him in the Oval Office, and at many events, where, before then, people will pray over him. 

There is a protective shield over him. There's no question in my mind.

It was a miracle, the co-host said. Many people have prayed over Trump, she said. As a result, there is a protective shield over him. There's no question in her mind!

For the record, no such shield had protected Corey Comperatore that day. As they extended their theme this day, the friends never attempted to explain or discuss this fact.

At any rate, so it had gone, to our surprise, during the 6 o'clock hour. During the 7 o'clock hour, the general notions being developed continued to be fleshed out.

At 7:06 a.m., this exchange occurred:

CAMPOS-DUFFY: ...I know Dana Perino, our friend, said this is a warrior president. I think this is his Braveheart moment.

The strength! I mean, we've been talking all week, you guys, about a president with dementia and weak. And this is proof that age is not the question. 

It is about your strength and your stamina and your courage and boy, do you see that in those moments when he's fighting off those Secret Service agents to show the people that he intends to fight!

HEGSETH: It is indeed historic, and indeed providential, that we are on this couch, on-air this morning, with a former president that is alive...

Hegseth was doubling down on the idea that the near-miss had been "providential." At 7:16, Earhardt, on the ground in Butler, stepped in with this remark:

EARHARDT: You know, y'all brought up the fact that so many people have prayed for Donald Trump. God has really revealed a lot to us over the past few weeks with what's really happening behind closed doors at the White House...

In the midst of a set of absurd complaints from the other friends concerning minor points of real-time press coverage, Earhardt went on and on from there. In the process, she had now expanded the theme of the day:

According to Earhardt, God has been intervening to let us know what's really going on at the White House! 

Later in the hour, Earhardt returned to the day's basic recitation:

EARHARDT: Thankfully, the president turned his head at the right moment. God was protecting him and God was with him.

So it had gone in the 7 o'clock hour. Soon thereafter, at 8:09, the more sectarian part of the story was suddenly back:

HEGSETH: We're right, first and foremost, to thank Jesus Christ, the lord almighty, that Donald Trump is safe


HEGSETH: —and those prayers went out, and to reflect on the historic nature of this. But you quickly move to how in the world did someone get that close with a high-powered rifle?

We were back to pure sectarian—to sectarian all the way down. According to Hegseth, "Jesus Christ, the lord almighty," had intervened to keep Donald Trump safe. 

No one else's God had done that! Hegseth was thanking the specific God recognized within his own particular faith, perhaps within his own particular sect.

Jesus Christ had now been specifically thanked two times. During the 9 o'clock hour, Campos-Duffy got the theme started again:

CAMPOS-DUFFY: There's another amazing picture in this photo. You can see the bullet whizzing past Trump's head where it then grazes his ear. 

I mean, it's just a remarkable photo, and a sign of what so many believe is true about Donald Trump, that he is under a special protection because of the millions of people who have been praying for him and praying to Jesus, praying to angels, praying to the Holy Spirit to put a shield around him. 

We had Dr. Siegel on earlier, and he said this is just almost a 99% impossibility that that bullet did not enter into his head. But for a millimeter of him turning his head, right now we would be sitting on the couch talking about an assassinated former president. It's really miraculous.

Why had the former president been under a special protection? Simple! Because so many people had been praying to Jesus!

(In this case, Campos-Duffy also mentioned angels and the Holy Spirit. That may have made her statement less sectarian, depending on how you score it.)

By 9:30, it was time for Jones III to stage a curtain call. Three hours earlier, it was Jones who had kick-started this unusual "news analysis." Having interviewed a pair of eyewitnesses, the weekday friend now offered this:

JONES: Powerful statement here. Renee, Ron—  As you can see, it's deeply emotional for these folks. 

Renee, this is thirty-two for you? Thirty-two rallies that she's been to! And as I said earlier in the program at the 6 a.m. hour, if it wasn't for the lord Jesus Christ, our lord and savior, we would probably be talking about obituary for the former president of the United States.

Guys, I send it back to you in New York City.

CAMPOS-DUFFY: Thank you, Lawrence.

"Thank you, Lawrence," Campos-Duffy said. And with that, it was accomplished.

Should friends let friends discuss news this way? In the end, that's a matter of judgment.

That's a matter of judgment! But according to this like-minded collection of friends, Donald J. Trump had avoided death thanks to our lord and savior Jesus Christ—thanks to Jesus Christ, the lord almighty. 

This remarkable presentation stretched through four long hours of this major news show. Thanks to our lord and savior, the former president has been furnished with a miraculous protective shield.  

There was no doubt in the one friend's mind, and that friend is a very warm person. Meanwhile:

For whatever reason, Corey Comperatore had not been gifted with any such miraculous aid. Neither had two other attendees who had been critically wounded.

Journalistically, this struck us as a remarkable morning—as a giant break from contemporary practice. You won't read about this in the Times—or anywhere else, as far as that goes.

More thoughts on this topic tomorrow.

Tomorrow: Changes...


  1. "...this struck us as a remarkable morning"

    Interesting. To this commenter, all that chit-chat about prayers and miracles sounds absolutely unremarkable, considering the circumstances.

    Are you sure you're not prejudiced towards this particular media org?

    1. From what Bob, writes ithe coverage sounds over the top for a non-religious show. Bob made the point that they went past the usual trite statements as to divine intervention.

      I also think that part of the annoyance factor for Bob and others is that it involves Trump. If the same things were being said in reference to Pres. Obama being called by God and rescued via divine intervention, it would be more than palatable to most agnostic or atheistic liberals and would probably make them a bit verklempt.

    2. If they were singing hosanna non-stop, that would've been over the top. But that doesn't appear to be the case. To justify his supposed bewilderment, Bob has to bring up secular (by his own admission) turn of phrase with the word "miracle" it.

      So, there were more religious references than Mr. Somerby would like. Okay. But "remarkable"? That's a bit much, imo (again: considering the circumstances).

    3. It does seem to me that among Trump's ardent admirers are fundamentalist Christians who, it seems to me, tend to deify Trump, basically as a savior. As people become exposed more and more to secular reasoning, religious dogmas seem less convincing, or not convincing at all. There's the so-called war against Christians (and Christmas). The anon above takes issue with TDH characterization that the Fox hosts' assertions that God or Jesus intervened io spare Trump's life as "remarkable." whether i was remarkable for new people to be asserting the Jesus intervened here was "remarkable" I suppose it's a matter of opinion, but there is plenty of reason to agree with TDH. I wouldn't have used the word "remarkable;" I'd say it was absurd to claim that Jesus intervened. Though perhaps for me to say that would be politically incorrect and intolerant. My main objection is the deification or canonization of Trump exhibited here and so often elsewhere.

    4. Marjorie Taylor Greene described how, right before the shooting, she witness an angel coming down from heaven that looked like an American flag that saved Donald Trump's life.

      So there you go, what more proof do you need that God hates America.

    5. I don't think they "claimed" that Jesus intervened. It's just a perfectly common colloquialism to describe this kind of event, an incredible stroke of luck, as god's intervention. But okay, ymmv.

    6. To 1:53 it is all perfectly normal. Good to know.

    7. So, you don't think it's normal. But "only the Lord Almighty could convince me to quit" is perfectly normal, right?

    8. Neither is normal, which is why both are being mocked and trashed.

      Per usual, there is a clear difference though, there is an asymmetry, if one cares to puzzle it out, assuming one has a spare couple of brain cells.

      Either way it is good to know where YOU stand because it is oh so important.

    9. What isn't normal -- yes, to me -- is mocking and trashing people for speaking the way they do. Especially when they don't insult anyone, and it's perfectly clear what they mean.

      So, now you know where I stand. You can use it for rubbing both of your brain cells together.


  2. I've read in Axios just now that the Lord Almighty may command Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race as soon as this weekend.

    1. Biden's covid infection is a sign from the Holy Spirit.

    2. No, I don't think covid was the sign. I'm certain that in an important matter like this only a direct intervention of the Lord Almighty would do. Something like what Saint Paul experienced on the road to Damascus.

  3. This is ostensibly a media criticism blog. So here’s my take on the convention coverage yesterday:

    MSNBC was horrible. Their panel consisting of ugly women (like Reid and Maddow) and effeminate beta men kept yammering on and most of of the speeches were not shown.

    Fox was similar in its coverage, but not as bad as MSNBC.

    CNN, surprisingly, did well. The showed the speeches, yammering and commentary was in between speeches and they cut to commercial breaks at appropriate times. Good job CNN!

    1. Commercial breaks are never approptiate.

  4. What did you think of Vance's speech, @11:39? I was disappointed. It was too long and too repetitive. It wasn't entertaining. I was looking forward to the speech being over. Vance came across as arrogant, although that may have been due to nervousness.

    Many observers say Vance adds nothing to Trump's chance of being elected. I hope they're wrong, but Vance's speech makes me fear that they might be right.

    1. I didn't watch JD's speech, but Kevin did. He said JD blamed the Iraq war on Joe Biden and the elites, not George W Bush and the Republicans.

    2. My suggestion to Dickhead in Cal was instantly removed. Don't ever say Mr. Bob doesn't read the comments.

    3. 11:39 here. I was expecting a home run, but the result was disappointing – will give him a B-.
      I heard that Trump picked Vance for the conversion narrative – how he was a Trump hater before but an ardent supporter now. The conversion narrative is meant to provide a template for people to switch to Trump. Unfortunately, I didn’t hear any of that yesterday. The elegy was “Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio” repeated too many times.

    4. Anon12:15: The answer is simple. The Republican party of 2024 is different from that party in 2003. Dems are the warmongers now.

    5. JD's speech was so good I almost forget that Trump tried to kill his previous VP while he was orchestrating an attempt to steal the election and launched an attack on the nation's Capitol Building.

    6. JD's point is this:

      “We are effectively run in this country…by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made. And they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.” - JD Vance

      A very compelling point sure to shore up the electorate.

    7. So Vance thinks our anonymices are running the country. You guys must be so proud.

    8. Vance cries the same MAGA tears you do, were the stakes lower, it would be amusing.

    9. Anonymouse 2:25pm, anyone who is amused and happy will always be out of place and guilty of flippancy in your book. That was Vance’s point about you and he got anonymices right.

    10. Oddly enough, Vance wasn’t talking about commenters at this blog. He meant 83,000,000 liberals, because he is a jackass.

    11. Trump and Vance are anything but amused and happy.

    12. 12:43 "Dems are the warmongers now" proved by Obama pulling out of Iraq, and Biden following Trump/Pompeo's surrender plans to the Taliban? Got it.

    13. In the up is down world of 12:43 supporting Ukraine in resisting the warmonger Putin is … being a warmonger.

    14. Who cares about Taliban. Obama and Biden are setting their aims higher, much higher: nuclear brinkmanship. While getting defeated by a handful of sandals-wearing Houthis.

    15. "While getting defeated by a handful of sandals-wearing Houthis." First off explain who has been defeated? These sandal wearers are provided with weaponry from Putin. So is Iran. Iran gives these weapons to Hamas. Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014, and tried to overtake the capitol in a massive invasion in 2023. Putin has promised once Ukraine is defeated he will continue to invade all of the old U.S.S.R. satellites restoring mother Russia. Putin is aligned with China, North Korea, and Iran. Time for folks to understand the gravity of giving Putin Ukraine (CFtrumps "plan"), and the forever wars Putin has committed his country to.

    16. Almighty Putin. If he is so powerful, wouldn't it make more sense to be friends with him? Or do you, for some unclear reasons, hate him so much that you'd rather die? Better Dead Than Red, again?

    17. Putin is great. He has good relations with China, Iran, and North Korea. So should we.

    18. One thing we’ve learned over the years is that Washington Democrats are ruthless when threatened by a loss of power.

    19. Sure, 7:04. Like how Gore refused to accept the Supreme Court verdict and ruthlessly …. allowed Bush the lesser to take power.

    20. Or how Obama ruthlessly … accepted Hillary’s defeat and graciously welcomed Trump to the White House. You fucks are delusional.

    21. 9:03 Just stuff like the use of superdelegates which has given the party establishment significant control over the nomination process to favor their preferred candidates at the expense of the will of the Democratic voters. Or the strategic ruthlessness in consolidating support behind Joe Biden in 2020 who had finishing fourth in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire and was struggling or not popular in any way at the time. Or even this year changing the primaries significantly, eliminating caucuses, and preventing any serious primary challengers. There's a lot of evidence of Washington Democrats acting ruthless when threatened by a loss of power.

      It maybe hard for you to see with their cock in your mouth all day though.

    22. I'm voting for Trump, because he's going to zero out the Pentagon's budget.

    23. 12:24,
      Relax. Black people and women will bail out the nation's idiocy, and save the USA. Just like they did in 2020.

    24. It's just that the Democratic establishment has been using "superdelegates" to ruthlessly maintain their power at the expense of the will of the people that support them. And they have significantly changed primaries, eliminated caucuses, and prevented any serious primary challengers to their preferred candidate. A commenter above seems to have no understanding that Washington Democrats have been ruthless when threatened by a loss of power over the years. It totally missed them. That may have been because it's hard to see while you have warm, insider Dem cock in your mouth all day, every day. Sucking the corporate Dem cock to fill the void your distant, absent father left in the center of your heart can be blinding. But anyway, we didn't come to save the them, did we? All anyone has to do is observe how insider Dems are running a candidate now a substantial majority of their voters don't want to run. Crazy, right? Anyway, toodles.

  5. Bernice Johnson Raegon, Peter Bustun, and Ruth Hesse have died.

    1. Weirdly, none of those folks raped 13 yo Katie Johnson, like Trump did.

    2. Rape is love.

    3. Rape is an assertion of power and control via violence by an angry person. It has nothing to do with sex or love.

    4. Some rape survivors are devastated. Others emerge from the horror stronger than ever.

  6. These religious wackos always forget that the Antichrist will appear not as an enemy, but as one of their own, a deceiver. In other words, Trump ought to be viewed with alarm by these very people.

    1. Jesus predicted that hyprocrites would follow false prophets.


  7. This is one of the most offensive and bigoted articles I've every seen.

    We understand God has intervened in the lives of man on earth and we believe he intervenes and acts in our lives according to his own will. We recognize an event like this in a man's life is a possible divine intervention, even one intended to draw particular notice as such.

    Everyone will die and an intervening act would not mean that God would remove free will and its consequences from the lives of men, and render us automaton robots that have no ability to choose him. Corey Comparatore had chosen him and we can hope he is now in a better place than here.

    Your childish misunderstanding of how this works is almost as embarrassing as your snide bigotry. At some point we all learn the truth about these matters that only some recognize and some intentionally reject in this life. Praying for you.

    1. Wish that religious wackos would be more circumspect about declaring what is and isn’t true, or what is and isn’t God’s will. Alas, they speak with certainty of God’s purposes, which is blasphemy.

    2. Most would say they "believe" it was divine intervention and stop short of assuming it.

      A close call like that makes them feel more certain of it, people are human, but most do not go as far as to declare it a certainty.

    3. And yet, certainty is exactly what you’re hearing on Fox and at the RNC. It’s beyond disgusting.

    4. Don't pray for me. I got thrown out of Sunday School for protesting that the stories being told were way too stupid to believe. Plus, if so Xtian why hate on gays, transgenders, immigrants, the nice Pope, no fault divorce, women getting abortions, social services, public education, etc. Aren't these God's children and programs to support the disadvantaged that you should be supporting just like Jesus would?

    5. Cory’s widow wouldn’t take a phone call from Biden. If she doesn’t repent, almighty God will judge her.

    6. Precautions during a pandemic are satanic. Vaccines, in particular, are evil.

    7. I got thrown out when I was 5. That was plenty old to figure out the bible - Jewish, Muslim, Christian was written by superstitious men three hundred years after Christ's death; who had no idea how things work. And religious people saying they want to do what Jesus would do, then mock people wearing masks, that protect both the wearer and those around them in crowded areas during a pandemic; are the opposite. You should not judge those masked on the beach, what if those folks are cancer patients or have a similar immunocompromised system. You don't know what others are facing.

    8. The Catholic church schools tolerate skeptical children because they know they will wear them down over time.

    9. It must be in the Bible: thou shalt not mess with god’s holy virus that was sent to cull the herd, randomly. Covid was apparently a mini version of the Flood, where god, in his infinite mercy, wiped out all of humanity except Noah’s family.

    10. God was just erasing a mistake.

  8. "My main objection is the deification or canonization of Trump exhibited here and so often elsewhere."

    No one is canonizing or deifying Trump. A divine intervention does neither of those. God has acted on behalf of some of the most morally reprehensible men for their roles as leaders and they are not assumed to be divine themselves.

    1. Gibberish, unadulterated gibberish. It is meaningless to speculate about God’s purposes, since His will is never knowable or verifiable by any logical or objective means.

    2. God loves Hindus, such as Usha Vance.

    3. I like some of this religious talk. Especially the part about this god of yours having a will that cannot be scrutinized. When shit goes down rest assured that there is an unknowable master plan. By some unknowable entity. That is to be loved. Not signing up for membership in that cult, thank you.

  9. These religious wackos ironically find god’s purpose in those things that comport with their own beliefs, thereby limiting God’s will to that which they already accept. They never imagine for example that perhaps Obama or Biden were chosen by God to lead the US.

    1. This isn't a nonexistent phenomenon but most are open to all possibilities of intervention for reasons we can't know.

    2. Have you ever been in the presence of a right wing Christian? It seems not.

    3. "Most are open to all possibilities of intervention..." except possibly the result of a fair election.

  10. Consider the weeks long campaign by Somerby and other mainstream pundits to undermine Biden and force him out, despite poll numbers not really changing since the debate, and, undoubtedly to the chagrin of these same pundits, not changing despite their hysterical efforts to tank them.

  11. Religious wackos’ reverence for God is very similar to leftist wackos’ reverence for DEI. They both give you a filter that let you see the world you want to see it.

    1. And that is just the same as Somerby's reverence for Ancient Troy and the Olympian Gods. It is all so clear now.

    2. The Republican Party is fundamentally a bundle of loosely tied-together grievances looking for something to break.

    3. 7:09 nicely put

  12. The obvious conclusion is that the head is not a vital organ for Dumpf!

  13. The near miss is said to have changed Trump.I anticipate nothing short of a revival meeting tonight. This will be the pinnacle of this election year for Trump, tonight, after which his campaign better believe in prayer. Because he has picked the most unlikeable and polarizing of far right wing VP candidates, and Biden will be forced out if only by the dried up donor money. After that the press will be targeting Trump's many gaffs, gibberish, and long pauses on the stump, while a substantially younger Democratic candidate without the baggage can remind us of what normal looks like with a party that takes itself more seriously than to consider inviting the daughter of two reality show convicted felons to speak at their convention/clown show.

    1. It is kind of remarkable that nearly a week after the shooting, the media still hasn't asked for an actual medical report of the injury to Trump. It is still not clear if he was actually hit with a piece of the teleprompter which is what was initially reported. If this had been Biden, there would already have been a stampede in the briefing room demanding and explanation and accusations that the president is hiding something. It is hard to understand how he was able to play a round of golf on Saturday morning with no bandage and then appears at the convention with his entire ear covered.

    2. I suspect the worst. One word: Putin.

    3. Occam's Razor says Trump is a lying sack of shit and the media is scared of their own shadow so they wouldn't dare ask the trumpers for any information. It's that simple, trollboy.

    4. 8:00 He hadn't been shot yet on Saturday morning.

    5. He played golf the next morning. And we really don't know if he "got shot".

      Speaking of Putin, noted Putin lickspittle, Tucker Carlson, was given a prime time Thursday night speaking slot at the Trump Family Convention.

    6. It's Putin, I'm telling ya. 100%.
