More postcards from the garbage can!


This is your "public discourse:" With apologies, we're going to take you back, once again, to the current cutting edge of the societal garbage can.

We refer, of course, to the Fox News Channel's nightly Gutfeld! program. 

Last night, the angriest little chimp in the world started things off with a few minutes of his usual angry "jokes."  (Full disclosure: As we've noted in the past, this under-developed, angry child is 59 years old!)

Last night, the chimp in question started the program with two minutes of jokes. Joke 3 went exactly like this:

GUTFELD (7/9/24): According to Fox News Digital, during a meeting with his national finance committee, Biden told people to stop questioning him. 

That was after someone asked, "Why are you pooping on the rug?"


At Fox, that represents standard fare for a prime time nightly "news" program. Jokes 5 and 6 went like this:

GUTFELD: Whoopi Goldberg said she didn't care if Biden pooped his pants, she'd still vote for him. 

Who knew that when Joe said, "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black," he meant his underpants?


Terrible. You like the poop jokes!


GUTFELD: Today, congressional House Democrats held closed-door meetings focused on Biden's viability as a candidate...Reporter Jake Sherman said that one attendee said that the meeting felt like a funeral.

True! People were crying. Others were paying their last respects. And soon, Hunter would be trying to bang the widow.



Yeah! You don't get this [BLEEP] on Special Report!

Thankfully, no—you don't! At least, you don't get that [BLEEP] on that conventional news program yet.

Last night, the program became truly astonishing when the termagant devoted an entire segment to Whoopi Goldberg's bizarre remarks concerning the frequency with which she says she poops her pants.  

Anthropologically, it remains hard to believe that Fox can assemble collections of people so stunted that they're willing to serve on this stunted man's nightly panels. (Also, that people like Goldberg serve as the stars of this nation's "mainstream" discussion shows.)

We'll sketch out the problem again:

The "jokes" we've transcribed are now standard fare on a nightly, prime time program on our nation's most-watched "news channel." It's the virulent anger of the program's stunted host which stands out, night after night.

Once again, we'll state the obvious—this is the latest example of the ancient angry revolt from below. An early example:

Professor Knox described the Iliad as a siege of the highly civilized city of Troy conducted by an army of rage-filled men who only wanted the city's destruction. In the passage shown below, Knox describes the inevitable result, after Achilles has slaughtered Hector and dragged his body through the dust before the high walls of Troy.

After Achilles' slaughter of Hector, Troy's mighty walls were finally breached. In this passage, Professor Knox describes what happens as the angry revolt from below is finally able to exercise its will:

The whole poem has been moving toward this duel between the two champions, but there has never been any doubt about the outcome. The husband and father, the beloved protector of his people, the man who stands for the civilized values of the rich city, its social and religious institutions, will go down to defeat at the hands of this man who has no family, who in a private quarrel has caused the death of many of his own fellow soldiers, who now in a private quarrel thinks only of revenge...And the death of Hector seals the fate of Troy; it will fall to the Achaeans, to become the pattern for all time of the death of a city. 

The images of that night assault—the blazing palaces, the blood running in the streets, old Priam butchered at the altar, Cassandra raped in the temple, Hector's baby son thrown from the battlements, his wife Andromache dragged off to slavery—all this, foreshadowed in the Iliad, will be stamped indelibly on the consciousness of the Greeks throughout their history, immortalized in lyric poetry, in tragedy, on temple pediments and painted vases, to reinforce the stern lesson of Homer's presentation of the war: that no civilization, no matter how rich, no matter how refined, can long survive once it loses the power to meet force with equal or superior force.

The Fox News Channel's angry termagant spews his venom each night from below. 

The flimsy walls protecting our own Blue America may soon be leveled. In our view, no one can really say that we Blues haven't managed to earn out way out—for example, by the way our own highly refined "news orgs" ignore the ugly venom spewed by the termagant and his ever-changing gaggle of stooges on the Fox News Channel each night.

That night assault came to Troy from below. So too with the termagant's fury, with this little chimp's ugly rage. 

Go ahead—click those links! Fox opens this garbage can every night. Just offstage, Watters smirks.


  1. "Once again, we'll state the obvious—this is the latest example of the ancient angry revolt from below. "

    Huh? Once again, Bob? I don't remember you making such a meaningful comment before. Usually, you're whining and complaining about individual performers, like Mr. Gutfeld, while paying no attention to the underlying socioeconomic conditions.

    Well, I'm glad you're finally getting it.

    1. Yeah Bob, unwarrantedly self-impressed and condescending Monaco Mao is so pleased to see his grasshopper finally starting to catch up to where Mao has been for a long time now. You're so slow compared to Monaco Mao, what with his razor sharp insights like "the 2020 election was stolen, because Dinesh D'Souza," and "Trump and Putin are actually the GOOD guys." You'll figure it out eventually, Bob. Keep your chin up, grasshopper. We can't all be so brilliant like Mao.


    2. Why Bob Somerby does exhibit occasional enlightened moments, the perpetually triggered resident idiot-moonbats are forever firmly rooted in their idiotic "good guys - bad guys" paradigm.

      Good. The world still makes sense.

    3. Monaco Mao pretends he doesn't have his own "good guys - bad guys" paradigm, even as he defends Trump and criticizes anyone who opposes him. We are all working from our own good/bad paradigm, the only question is whose is more accurate and who applies their principles more consistently. Everything Monaco Mao rails against (lies, propaganda, corruption, censorship, state controlled media, violence, imperialism, etc.) is present to a much greater extent on the Trump/Putin side of things, and yet he never has a negative thing to say about either one.

  2. Except the “blue” news orgs ain’t blue.

    1. He knows that. Without conflation and mind-numbing repetition, he's got nothin'.

    2. Mind-numbing repetition, thy name is Bob.

  3. I generally agree with Bob that Gutfeld's jokes are dumb and offensive and not funny. However, I did like the joke about Whoopi, because her statement was so risible:

    "I don't care if he's pooped his pants, I don't care if he can't put a sentence together...I have poopy days all the time. I step in so much poo, you can't even imagine."

  4. These laughs are coming from people who think it is OK to shout "bullshit" in a church (after Trump said he wouldn't say it because there were children present).

    Gutfeld says: "Terrible. You like the poop jokes!"

    Freud said that people laugh at the things that give them a sense of anxiety. That Trump Republicans seem to find poop jokes funny suggest they are stuck in Freud's Anal Stage. That is the stage for people who are greedy, acquisitive and lack empathy (won't share with others). The term Anal-Retentive is applied to people stuck in that stage, who hoard and are tight-fisted and Scrooge-like, who collect things they do not need and cannot use.

    Because that does tend to characterize a lot of Republicans perhaps that explains the appeal of poop jokes to Trump's audiences. And like Trump and Gutfeld, these are people who think their own shit doesn't smell. Recall that the idiots who broke into the Capitol smeared their own feces on the walls of that historic building, among other forms of wanton destruction.

    It is fair to say that Republicans truly are the shitty party, and proud of it.

    1. Freud was a jerk.

    2. He only ever said nice things about you...

    3. Freud spread malicious rumors about me.

    4. There are more fun stages to be stuck in. That's why I don't understand Republicans. It does explain their attitudes towards sex -- they never made it that far in psycho-social adjustment.

      Who on earth is mean-spirited enough to be against recreational sex? They probably don't like eating fine food either.

    5. Yes, they do like fine food.

    6. So, they just don't want to share any with poor people then.

    7. Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins.

      "For example, the book of Proverbs warns against gluttony, saying "Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat" (Proverbs 23:20). It also says, "Put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony" (Proverbs 23:2). Another reason for its condemnation is that the wealthy gorging themselves may leave the needy hungry. "

  5. "It's the virulent anger of the program's stunted host which stands out, night after night.

    Once again, we'll state the obvious—this is the latest example of the ancient angry revolt from below."

    Gutfeld makes an estimated $7 million per year and just signed a multi-year contract extension. How exactly does he represent the common man or any kind of revolt from below? Celebrity entertainers are part of the elite, not the grassroots. Even as a child, Gutfeld was not poor, according to Somerby's description.

    But it fits Somerby's narrative to portray him as such, just as it fits Somerby's narrative to warp the Iliad to fit his preferred story line. The guys on the beach were not poor either -- they had enough money to support themselves for 10 years while taking their boats to a foreign land on a revenge quest. Poor in that time period didn't do such things. And there is no evidence the guys in the boats didn't have castles like Troy back home.

    So this is a ridiculous fabrication on Somerby's part. Given how infrequently he ever talks about income inequality and similar injustices, I don't think he really cares about the anger of poor people this time either.

    How can the fall of Troy be indelibly stamped in the psyches of Greeks ever after if Iliad is a fictional poem written at least 400 years after Troy disappeared, spoken of only in legends? I can understand if it were stamped in the psyches of any remaining Trojans, because they lost. Somerby seems to be using the Iliad as a blank slate to project his own messages on. The story itself is annoying.

  6. Gutfeld is a very forward-thinking guy if he is willing to be a termagant, breaking gender boundaries while talking about poop. Perhaps he is doing it on behalf of fish-wives and shrews everywhere, who do not have a voice but are angry about their lots in life. I think I have been underestimating him.

  7. Calling humans chimps has generally been the territory of racial bigots. Somerby calls Gutfeld a chimp without him being brown-skinned or even having a tail. They used to call George W. Bush (who looked like Alfred E. Neuman) a chimp but that was because of his ears. I haven't watched Gutfeld and don't plan to anytime soon (no matter how attractive Somerby makes him sound), but does he look like a chimp or is he overly tan?

    Is Somerby trying to hint that 59 is too old to be a standup comedian? If not, why mention his age? Maybe Somerby is hinting that Trump must be youngish, since Trump can still remain on his feet for an hour or so before having to ride in a golf cart, which is almost like being a standup, right?

    1. Chimps don't have tails.

    2. Can't argue with science.

    3. anon 7:06, TDH apparently thinks that a 59 year old is too old to be making poop jokes.

  8. "Go ahead—click those links! Fox opens this garbage can every night."

    Here we see the method in Somerby's madness. The whole of point of this repetitive rant is to attract random readers to watch Gutfeld, after which they will be gaslit by Fox and become MAGA cretins. If only one person clicks the links, it will have been worth paying Somerby whatever he earns by selling out democracy.

    1. Anonymouse 7:08pm, Gutfeld is so insidious that anonymices must routinely watch public health videos with titles such as Felled By Gutfeld and “Tyrus Lust”.

    2. There are studies showing that people get radicalized and become MAGAs by watching Fox News.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Anonymouse 7:52pm, that’s why they put out the public health videos for suggestible anonymices.

      They don’t want you or Corby to start styling your hair like Kat Timpf or buying mountains of Balance of Nature capsules.

    5. Backwards. You're a moron first. THEN you watch Fox News.

    6. I don’t watch any tv news. I prefer reading news and commentary than hearing it. Less aggravating.

      I see video excerpts of all news show on X.and the internet in general.

  9. Gutfeld's poop joke refers to a risible statement made by Whoopi:

    "I don't care if he's pooped his pants, I don't care if he can't put a sentence together....I have poopy days all the time. I step in so much poo, you can't even imagine."

    1. She meant that metaphorically.

    2. That just means she walks her dog in a neighborhood where they don't provide poop bags for dog-walkers. That is probably true for most of the great unwashed.

    3. Anonymouse 7:27pm, Whoppi hasn’t walked a dog or encountered dog pop since The Color Purple.

    4. And you know this how?

    5. I've never encountered dog pop. I've enjoyed Barq's root beer, though.

    6. Not only did Cecelia say dog pop, she also said Whoppi. I am an astute observer.

  10. Gutfield is a heel. And I know from heels.

  11. Someone who cannot appreciate an occasional poop joke must not have much of a sense of humor. Maybe that is why Somerby didn't succeed in his own comedy career.

  12. "More postcards from the garbage can!"

    Postcards from the Edge was the name of an autobiography written by Carrie Fisher, later made into a movie that she starred in. Now she has passed away, so her work has become Somerby's to steal (without attribution). Or perhaps Somerby is channeling Oscar the Grouch, again without attribution.

    Stealing other people's ideas is not a form of creativity.

    1. Carrie Fisher died years ago, but Liza Minelli is still alive.

  13. Brutal. Do not get in the way of professional leftists.

    1. I learned how to do a link, and you can, too.

    2. More siloing:

      Peter Hasson
      Editor @FreeBeacon
      . Former Fox News sr editor. Author of The Manipulators.

    3. It’s Chuck Todd from NBC News speaking on his podcast called “Toddcast”.

      Hanson tweeted it to the whole of X and I linked it to the whole of TDH.

      You can’t get more non-silo than that. You would have never heard about it.

      You're welcome.

    4. I feel sorry for farm animals eating silage.

    5. They’d rather you feel sorry eating them.

    6. Animals ate my uncle.


    What causes loud farts?
    Several factors contribute to the loudness of a fart:

    Gas volume – The more intestinal gas there is, the louder the fart.
    Gas pressure – Higher pressure translates to louder volume when released.
    Anal sphincter tension – Tighter sphincters amplify fart volume.
    Velocity – Faster expulsion = louder fart.
    The perfect storm of high volume, high pressure, tight sphincter, and high velocity is what creates an epic fart blast. Certain foods are notorious for inducing gassy, loud farts including beans, dairy products, high fiber foods, artificial sweeteners, and carbonated beverages.

    Fart acoustics
    When it comes to the science of farts, acoustic properties are important. Here are some key aspects that affect a fart’s sound:

    Frequency – The pitch of a fart relates to its frequency. Lower frequencies produce deeper sounds.
    Resonance – The shape of the rectum and bowel determines resonance and harmonic quality.
    Reverberation – Hard, reflective surfaces amplify fart reverb and sustain.
    Volume – As mentioned, gas quantity and pressure create louder volumes.
    In essence, an ideal fart acoustically would contain lots of low-frequency, resonant gas released into a reverberant environment – like a tiled bathroom. This maximizes potential loudness.

    The world’s loudest farts
    Now let’s look at some of the most legendary and record-setting farts ever documented:

    Blue Angel’s 178 decibel fart
    In 1999, a British nurse named Joanne Webber produced a fart measured at an astounding 178 decibels – as loud as a jet engine at take-off! This was accomplished with expert control of sphincter tension and gas velocity. A world record that remains unbroken over 20 years later.

    Mr. Methane’s 163 decibel fart
    Professional farter Mr. Methane has built a career on his voluminous flatulence. In 2009, one of his farts registered an impressive 163 decibels. That’s louder than a chainsaw or police siren – and enough to cause physical pain at close range.

    Chris Chittick’s 160 decibel fart
    In 2016, a 46-year-old Welshman named Chris Chittick farted on the set of Guinness World Records at an ear-splitting 160 decibels. That’s equivalent to a loud thunderclap or train horn. The fart was induced by drinking 3 liters of beer.

    Farter Decibel Reading Comparison Sounds
    Blue Angel 178 dB Jet engine at take-off
    Mr. Methane 163 dB Chainsaw, police siren
    Chris Chittick 160 dB Thunderclap, train horn
    Other notable loud farts
    While the above represent the loudest farts officially recorded, there are plenty of other epic tales of eye-watering flatulence.

    The IX Indoor Meeting fart
    In 1995 at a major indoor track event in Switzerland, a fart occurred so loud that spectators thought a trackside loudspeaker had blown. The fart has been estimated at over 100 decibels – about the volume of a chainsaw. The woman responsible was never identified.

    The interpreters’ fart

    1. The IX Indoor Meeting fart
      In 1995 at a major indoor track event in Switzerland, a fart occurred so loud that spectators thought a trackside loudspeaker had blown. The fart has been estimated at over 100 decibels – about the volume of a chainsaw. The woman responsible was never identified.

    2. Trump's farts are the smartest, most well-thought-out economic idea a Republican has ever come up with. It makes supply-side economics look like supply-side economics.

    3. Keep sniffing and learning, Soros' trained monkey.

    4. Good Morning Mr. Sarcasm and Performative Irony!!! The same troll doing the same tired jokes in the same tired meme formats. How old will you be before you stop sending juvenile, sarcastic zingers that deflect attention from issues uncomfortable to you?

    5. I’m not a real person. I’m a bot.

    6. Yeah. Policing comment threads with anons and without moderation probably isn't a rational endeavor.
