COMPLEXITY: We're no longer alone in our search!


Drum says he's confused: All in all, we're most interested in what we saw Nicolle Wallace say—in what we saw her say about the speech by Ken Burns.

Still and all, we've never been happier! As of this morning, it isn't just us:

Kevin Drum has now said that he too is a bit confused. He says he's puzzled about the identity of "the other crime" in the ongoing criminal trial of former president Donald J. Trump. 

At long last, it isn't just us!

Over the years, we've often bounced off some of Kevin's posts because of a way the two of us tend to disagree: 

At this site, we're inclined to say that some high-profile presentation possibly isn't especially clear. Kevin is often inclined to say that it actually is. 

This type of disagreement has involved everything from attempts to explain Einstein-era physics right up to the identity of the criminal charges in the current ongoing trial. 

Sometimes, Kevin has possibly even been right. On other occasions, it has seemed to us that he possibly wasn't.

That said:

This very morning, at long last, we awoke to find that it isn't just us. Headline included, here's the start of Kevin's new post about the ongoing trial:

What is Donald Trump’s “other crime”? Take your pick.

I've just spent the past hour reading half a dozen reports about the closing arguments in Donald Trump's hush money case. And I'm confused.

As you all know, Trump is accused of ordering his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, to pay off Stormy Daniels in order to keep her quiet about an affair they had. This happened during the 2016 campaign. Trump later reimbursed Cohen but recorded the repayment as a "legal expense," which is an illegal falsification of business records.

But it's just a misdemeanor. In order to become a felony, it has to be done in furtherance of another crime. So what exactly is that other crime?

Kevin continues along from there—and yes, he says that he's now confused! 

As everyone knows, for Trump to be guilty of a set of 34 felonies, there has to be some "other crime." But what exactly is that other crime?  Kevin says that, in the half dozen reports he read, he encountered a wide array of different ideas concerning the identity of that "other crime."

Kevin is referring to a very basic part of the legal theory under which Donald J. Trump stands charged. Surprisingly, we actually think that we may understand this basic point better than Kevin currently does.

Mainly, thought, we were thrilled to see that it isn't just us. We were thrilled to see Kevin say that he's a bit confused by the reporting too!

Kevin says that he encountered a wide array of ideas concerning the identity of "the other crime." To our era, it sounded a bit like the parable of the three blind men and the elephant. 

It's an ancient story about the groping of a very large creature. As you can see, the leading authority on the parable nutshells the bromide as shown:

Blind men and an elephant

The parable of the blind men and an elephant is a story of a group of blind men who have never come across an elephant before and who learn and imagine what the elephant is like by touching it. Each blind man feels a different part of the animal's body, but only one part, such as the side or the tusk. They then describe the animal based on their limited experience and their descriptions of the elephant are different from each other. 

In some versions, they come to suspect that the other person is dishonest and they come to blows. 

The moral of the parable is that humans have a tendency to claim absolute truth based on their limited, subjective experience as they ignore other people's limited, subjective experiences which may be equally true. The parable originated in the ancient Indian subcontinent, from where it has been widely diffused.

According to the leading authority, one of the earliest versions of this story "dates to around c. 500 BCE, during the lifetime of the Buddha."

The parable is very old. At any rate, Kevin's account of the six reports brought that old story to mind.

In what way do we think we may understand the factual point in question here—a factual matter which now has Kevin uncertain? 

Thank you for asking! Here goes:

After describing the various ways various press reports have described the "other crime," Kevin ends his post with this:

This is all confusing as hell. What's not clear is whether it's confusing because prosecutors told the jury to pick any old violation and go with it, or because the press reports spend almost no time explaining the prosecution's theory of the case. Stay tuned.

Fair enough! So, what is the prosecution's "theory of the case?" Based on several press reports from earlier months, our understanding would be this:

The prosecution has accused Donald L. Trump of violating three (3) different laws when he (allegedly) falsified those business records.

As we understand it, a juror might conclude that Trump violated any one of those three (3) different laws. A juror might conclude that he violated two of the laws, or even that he violated all three. That said:

According to the prosecution, if Trump violated even one of those three laws, then his alleged crimes get elevated to the status of felonies. Also this:

According to the prosecution, the twelve jurors don't have to agree about which of the laws the defendant violated. As long as each juror finds that he violated any of the laws, the jury can reach a unanimous guilty verdict.

Full disclosure! In a report from The Hill which Kevin quotes, the possible number of "other crimes" has somehow jumped to four! But as long as the jurors all agree that Trump violated at least one of the three (or four) laws in question, the jury can be said to have reached a unanimous verdict—or at least, so the prosecution says, as we understand it.

The jurors don't have to agree on which "other crime" Trump broke? That may seem a little bit strange, based on the general notion that a jury verdict has to be unanimous. But that's our understanding of the prosecution's legal theory, based on some reports from several months back.

At any rate, Kevin encountered a string of reports which identified "the other crime" in a wide array of ways. So it hoes as our "highly educated" national press corps tries to inform the public about an extremely important ongoing news event.

As in the old parable, so too here. Such complexification can lead to confusion, then to various forms of partisan anger. It's a major problem all through our society, one which extends to the current criminal case.

In the end, the legal theory under which Trump stands charged may make perfect sense (or then again, possibly not). But when journalists have so much trouble describing the basics of the legal theory—or when they make so little effort to do so—confusion and anger may result on one side, matched by overblown certainty within the other.

For ourselves, we've found it hard to focus on the complexity of the allegations against Trump in this particular case. We'll describe our overriding view once again:

As a general matter, we think the society should be discouraging people from intruding on presidential elections with pointless but distracting claims about past (consensual) sexual conduct. 

We don't think the society should be punishing candidates who look for otherwise legal ways to keep such people from "telling their stories"—even from sharing the newly-invented creature which is now sometimes described as "their truth."

In our view, the prosecution in this case is seeking to discourage the wrong type of behavior. If the shoe were on the other foot, those of us in Blue America would probably be calling this a "political prosecution" too.

For that reason, we've found it hard to focus on the endless all-day discussions of Donald J. Trump's alleged offenses in this particular matter. At present, we're much more interested in what Ken Burns said at Brandeis on Sunday, May 19.

Yesterday, Nicolle Wallace brought Burns on her two-hour daily program as a stand-alone guest. She swooned about the various things the well-known filmmaker had said.

Burns proceeded to deliver a heartfelt monologue which we'd score as almost completely incomprehensible. Ken Burns ins a good, decent person, but we're all currently living in a type of Babel, and it's hard for us to imagine that this leads to a hood result.

In the next two days, we'll continue to try to explore the complexity of the current legal case. This afternoon, we'll give you a taste of what Wallace and Burns have now said.

Before long, we hope to get to this:

 "I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours."

It was said in the summer of '63. The person who said it had just turned 22. It seems to us, even today, that he had the right idea.

This afternoon: Wallace and Burns


  1. Not to mention that the only evidence that it was Trump's decision to report those payments as legal fees is the testimony of a perjurer with an animus toward Trump. That hardly passes the "beyond a reasonable doubt" test.

    Nevertheless I expect a majority of the jury to vote to convict Trump, because Trump is guilty -- he's guilty of being Donald Trump.

    1. The parody site The Babylon Bee is not that far from reality in reporting
      Judge Instructs Jurors They Need Not Believe Trump Is Guilty To Convict Him

    2. If it were "not that far from reality," it wouldn't be funny.

    3. Quaker in a BasementMay 29, 2024 at 2:15 PM

      I expect that 12 good citizens will adhere to the law and the judge's instructions and do their best to weigh the evidence presented during the trial.

      Having sat on juries several times, that has been my experience.

    4. " the only evidence that it was Trump's decision to report those payments as legal fees is the testimony of a perjurer with an animus toward Trump."

      That and the 34 checks trump signed.

    5. "a perjurer"
      Another one of Trump's "only the best people".

    6. The jury must agree that Trump falsified business records. The jury must agree that he did so in order to promote the election of a person by unlawful means. They do not have to agree on the nature of "unlawful means."

  2. Drum's confusions are well answered in Drum's comment section. Somerby quotes none of that because he is uninterested in understanding but mainly wants to convince readers that this is a politically motivated persecution of Trump. That's what he gets paid for, after all.

    Alkali19 says: "I think this might be clearer from the transcript than from the real time reporting from the courtroom. You might take a look at that."

    netsmith says:

    1. His commenters also rip him for developing these seeming last minute confusions when he had previously understood the case clearly.

  3. Now Somerby has ripped off Bob Dylan's words without crediting him TWICE:

    "Before long, we hope to get to this:

    "I'll let you be in my dream if I can be in yours."
    It was said in the summer of '62. The person who said it was just 21, and it seems to us, even today, that he had the right idea."

    What was Bob Dylan's idea for his own words? Somerby doesn't know and won't tell us, but he implies that Dylan was supporting him when he says Dylan had the right idea. I find that extremely unlikely.


  4. Our shape-shifting Reptiloid Justice is the justiest Justice in the Whole Universe.

    And that's a fact confirmed by thousands of Scientific studies.

    1. There are studies showing that juries are effective.

  5. Is Somerby confused? Is Drum confused?

    Do humans not consider context or others' perspectives?

    Doubtful. Doubtful.


    Somerby and Drum are more likely feigning confusion because it aligns with their predilection towards right wing centrist neoliberal politics. In reality, the case is straightforward and routine. (the jury even only has to find Trump merely intended to commit one of those other crimes)

    Studies show that humans do not behave in the way suggested by these ancient stories Somerby likes to reference.

    Somerby likes to use these stories because they align with his agenda, as opposed to the science.

    Somerby remains ineffective in his goals because he is a poor thinker.

  6. Do not feed the trolls.

    1. Agree, not responding to drooling trolls like DIC or 11:38 is better, and then they will likely fade away.

      Having said that, someone will struggle with resisting and likely respond, sadly.

    2. 11:50 some will have the urge to correct wrongheaded comments, but this is misguided, these folks do not comment in good faith.

      OTOH it can be instructive to yourself and edifying to others by digging into and debunking their nonsense.

      It seems there are two sides to every story.....ah shit! Somerby got to me...jk. Yeah probably better to ignore the trolls.

    3. They won't fade away -- they are being paid. That is their "feed". DO support truth by countering troll misinformation, as often as necessary. The truth is worth defending in a democratic society that depends on informed voters.

    4. Somerby is the biggest troll here.

    5. Do not respond to me.

    6. I'm too busy treading on you.

  7. My stocks of delicious word-salads are unlimited. I sniff my fingers and Somerby's right wing thumb.

    I am Corby.

  8. "We don't think the society should be punishing candidates who look for otherwise legal ways to keep such people from "telling their stories"—even from sharing the newly-invented creature which is now sometimes described as "their truth."

    This is not what has happened in this trial. Trump was not using "otherwise legal" ways of covering up Stormy Daniels' description of her own experiences with Trump. Trump was involved in election fraud and tax fraud. Somerby has never discussed these latter crimes here because he is motivated to exonerate Trump, even his sleazy sex, which he blames entirely on Daniels.

    Here is Donald Trump's "truth": I never slept with Stormy Daniels.

    Here is Stormy Daniels' "truth": I slept with Trump at the Lake Tahoe Golf Tournament in 2006 and here are the details corroborated by various circumstantial evidence, including contemporaneous mention to her friends, a photo of them at the tournament, and a phone call from Trump's own staff about her appearance on The Apprentice.

    Somerby claims to have never heard of suppressed people telling "their truth" after it has been long disappeared from history. It is a real thing and has been for decades now. He claims it is newly invented because he wishes to deride Stormy Daniels' desire to tell what happened to her after Trump's long suppression of that story. The public has no ability to decide for itself whether her story is true or not if they don't ever get to hear it. And it is that way with many of the two-sided events in our nation's history, which is why that term was invented.

    "Oprah Winfrey accepted the Cecil B. DeMille award at the Golden Globes [2017], giving a powerful statement, urging women who have been harassed and abused not to keep silent, stating: “What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.”

    Somerby doesn't like it when abused women come forward and accuse their abusers. That's why he has single-handedly declared the MeToo movement "over". He would like men such as Trump to get away with their misdeeds in the shadows, without any complaints from those noisy women. But had Stormy been able to describe her night with Trump, perhaps he might have lost the 2016 election and we would have had Hillary as president. SHE would have dealt with covid competently and prevent many of those unnecessary deaths. Perhaps the country would never have developed its anti-vax and anti-mask movements and more MAGAs might be alive too. We never got that chance to find out because Trump committed election fraud to suppress her story, at the pivotal moment when his Access Hollywood tape surfaced and voters were considering who to vote for. And while his treatment of Daniels was sleazy but legal, his cover up measures constituted election fraud and were not legal.

    So Trump is being tried in court, as he will be later for his theft of classified documents and his participation in 1/6 and his plot to create fake electors after overturning the 2020 election. All of those acts are illegal too, and Somerby has not discussed them here. Not a coincidence.

    I care about Stormy Daniels' truth because it affected the 2016 election outcome and had so many consequences after Trump took office. Somerby cares about none of that because (1) he dislikes women, especially when they complain about being abused by men, and (2) he is not for Biden and wants Trump to win reelection, as evidenced by his relentless attempts to convince us that Trump did nothing wrong back in 2016 when he committed these frauds and falsified business records to reimburse his goons for rigging the election.

    1. "Stormy Daniels' truth" -- Was she telling the truth when she denied having sex with Trump?

    2. 11:55 well said and agree.

    3. Pied Piper, as you well know, she was strong-armed and paid to sign an NDA and a statement that she did not have sex with Trump. That doesn't make it true and it doesn't make her a liar, due to the coercion. She later went to court to ask a judge to release her from that NDA and prevailed, also winning court costs. That is when she spoke publicly about her sex with Trump. She felt she had the right to tell her story, despite the payment, when it became public knowledge after Cohen disclosed it as part of his plea agreement and conviction.

      Your attempt to portray Daniels as dishonest shows your support for a sleaze like Trump and the equally sleazy Somerby.

    4. Sex with a porn star isn't real sex. It's fake sex.

    5. Sex in a movie performed by a porn star is fictional and in service to the movie's plot, even when the behavior is real and the action is used as porn (a form of entertainment). Car chases in movies really happen too. The chase is part of a fictional plot but the speed and body damage or collisions are real.

      I know men who will not sleep with a woman they do not care about, because the physiological act of sex causes them to feel affection or even love for that woman. If they don't like her to begin with, the sex may result in attachments they don't wish to foster. That is because hormones are released during sex that result in attachment and they don't want to feel warmth or tenderness toward a stranger or person they don't want to be involved with.

      Trump is a narcissist and doesn't seem to form deep attachments toward anyone in his life, including his wife and children. That isn't normal.

    6. "Pied Piper, as you well know, she was strong-armed"

      Actually, I don't know that, and neither do you. Stormy was lawyered-up and shopping her story for money. That doesn't sound like "strong-armed" to me. And no NDA says you have to lie - she did that all on her own, either when she denied or when she admitted having sex with Trump.

    7. “I know men who will not sleep with a woman they do not care about, because the physiological act of sex causes them to feel affection or even love for that woman. If they don't like her to begin with, the sex may result in attachments they don't wish to foster.”

      Anonymous 1:59pm, did he also tell you that he respected you too much to have sex?

    8. "Your attempt to portray Daniels as dishonest shows your support for a sleaze like Trump"

      I'm not "attempting" to prove she's dishonest; I'm proving it. She lied and she admitted lying.

      Guess what? Proving Stormy lied is not equivalent to supporting Trump. He's a scumbag, and she lied. Both can be true in this universe.

    9. "PP: “Pied Piper, as you well know, she was strong-armed"

      Actually, I don't know that, and neither do you.”

      Right you are, but let me add that Stormy navigated the adult porn industry. We are not talking about Carrie Fisher putting on her Princess Leia costume for a Star Wars convention and signing autographs for kids and adult male geeks for a 100 bucks per signature.

      We are talking about someone who knows her away around a very worldly industry. “Strong armed” your keister.

    10. Yet she took the witness stand under oath.
      Can you say the same for the tiny-handed rapist?

    11. Cecelia, as I understand it, Stormy was hired to be a courtesy hostess at one of the holes at the golf tournament sponsored by the porn industry. That's what she was doing the day the foul abomination lured her to his room. Note, out of all the players who attended that golf charity event sponsored by the porn industry, Donal J Chickenshit was the only cretin who managed to get tangled up in this embarrassing mess.

    12. Cecelia, I love you, but I respect you too much to have sex.

    13. I am going to go lay some eggs now. What an asshole Somerby is.

      I am Corby.

    14. Anonymous 3:59pm, I suppose “ I’ll get you a job in The Apprentice” is “lure”, but it’s lure that she bit.

    15. I love David, but I wouldn’t think of sex with him.

    16. Why shouldn't she have done so? She is a business woman not solely an adult film actress, smart, attractive and would do well on TV. Being ambitious is not a crime. But she says that it was Trump who brought up an appearance on his show first. She didn't say anything to him about it. It is Trump who lied and reneged on his promises. But that is what Trump does. It is perhaps her fault for thinking Trump would treat her like a human being.

      It has perhaps been overlooked that Stormy Daniels has a traditional MAGA upbringing in the South, in a poor dysfunctional family, but worked her way up in her field. She may even have been a Trump supporter before the encounter with Trump at that tournament. Or perhaps a non-voter. That isn't a typical Democratic demographic.

    17. Stormy is not attractive.

    18. To each his own.


  9. I earn my feed by spamming Somerby's blog with delicious word-salads. I sniff my fingers. Somerby is no liberal.

    I am Corby.

  10. Rolf-Ernst Breuer and Sue Johnson have died.

  11. We get it, Bob. You feel as if the media hasn't done a great job explaining the charges against Trump in NY State's falsification of business records/ election law violations case against Trump.
    Now, make your argument for why you feel that way.

  12. More substantiation for Stormy's "truth" today:

    "Donald Trump's chief spokesman has lashed out at new revelations about Donald Trump's actions at the celebrity golf tournament he participated in where he met up with adult film star Stormy Daniels and had a brief sexual fling that has come back to haunt him.

    In an interview with the Daily Beast's Jose Pagliery, a celebrity athlete who wished to remain anonymous described the former president boasting about having sex with the porn star the following day and called the former president's follow-up comments "gross."

    According to the Beast report, the athlete stated, "...he was close to Trump and Daniels while they socialized at the 2006 American Century Championship celebrity golf tournament on the Nevada side of Lake Tahoe," and that when he boasted about sleeping with a porn star, everyone knew who he was talking about.

    “It was clear to me and everyone who heard him that he was talking about Stormy,” he said and claimed that Trump "encouraged other celebs to try to have sex with Daniels," comments he called, “crass,” “gross,” and “stupid.”

    “He’d say all these things like, ‘You’ve gotta bang a porn star, it’s incredible,’ and, ‘It added 20 yards to my drive today,’” he recalled.

    The report notes that he has shared the Trump tryst story before and that prosecutors in the Manhattan hush money trial did not reach out to him, with the Beast's Pagliery writing, "His account appears to be the first publicly reported description of Trump telling people he had sex with Daniels around the time Daniels says he did."

    Not that anyone except MAGA diehards and Somerby were believing Trump's denials.

  13. I am a male White Republican and a Trump supporter, but here I will pretend to be a liberal/lawyer/actuary/woman because I get off on triggering liberals who I view as snowflakes in order to hide my own emotional fragility. I am so fucking funny and cool.

    1. You are funny and cool. I enjoyed your comment.

  14. Simon Rosenberg at Hopium Chronicles considers the Biden presidency a succes that should encourage voters to reelect Biden in November:

    "In the last few weeks we’ve gotten repeated confirmation of the success of the Biden Presidency - inflation is down, food prices are down, crime and murder rates are way down, gas prices are down, the flow to the border is down. We’ve had the strongest economic recovery of any advanced economy in the world, the best job market since the 1960s, the lowest uninsured rate in American history, the deficit is trillions less, the Dow has broken 40,000 and all three indices continue to break records, and domestic oil, gas and renewable production continue to be at all time highs leaving America more energy independent than it has been in decades. The Wall Street Journal called the American economy the “envy of the world,” and the Economist just wrote about the underrepresented start up boom America is experiencing right now. Biden’s big three investment bills have dramatically accelerated the energy transition necessary to combat climate change and will be creating opportunities and jobs for our workers for decades to come."

  15. "If the shoe were on the other foot, those of us in Blue America would probably be calling this a "political prosecution" too."

    Actually, Blue America didn't do that after John Edwards was prosecuted for misreporting campaign donations. Hillary just paid her fine and no one accused the right of being political then either. And Blue America sided against Gary Hart when his cheating on his wife and lying to the press about it was revealed. He withdrew from the election because it was clear he wasn't going to be elected with that on his record. This suggests that unlike MAGAs, Blue America cares how its candidates behave and whether they are law-abiding or corrupt.

    As a female person, I prefer that men be discouraged from mistreating women in general, and I would not vote for a presidential candidate who did that. Somerby's mileage apparently varies on that score. He seems to believe that the press, the government, and the campaigns should aid men by covering up their sexual flings. I disagree.

    It is a matter of integrity. Somerone who lacks integrity in their personal relationships is likely to lack it in other domains too, including the presidency. I personally believe that women shouldn't sleep with other women's husbands. Some women are more libertarian and consider that it is the man's business who he sleeps with, and if he says he has no obligations towards his wife, they believe him. But it was Trump who lied about his wife, not Stormy. There are other things she did for a living that I personally would not have done. Those were her choices and her sex positive beliefs were her right. I wouldn't vote for her for president either, but largely because she is unqualified, as is Trump.

    Somerby's desperate attempts to exonerate Trump for his sexual liaison with Stormy Daniels is pathetic because it requires him to ignore all of the other activities Trump engaged in surrounding that behavior. He may have crawled out on his misogynist limb in order to support Trump, except that he has made similar arguments about men's rights to mistreat women with impunity in other contexts, such as when he argued that Brock Turner had the right to sexually assault Chanel Miller because she was passed out. So this is a two-fer. Somerby gets to defend sleazy men against women and hate on Stormy while also advancing Trump's candidacy.

    1. Before you point out Bill Clinton's popularity, note that 50% of the people polled by Gallup didn't consider a blow-job to be sex at all, which may have affected why people didn't consider him a liar. Many people in and out of Blue America disliked the entrapment of the president by asking highly personal question to which the public had no right to know. Many felt that Lewinsky was betrayed by Linda Tripp who secretly recorded her (breaking state law to do so). So that situation is not at all similar to Trump's and was both trivial and a clear Republican effort to attack the sitting president.

    2. I agree. Fellatio isn’t sex. Cunnilingus isn’t, either. Only fucking is sex.

    3. 1:48 is right. I will note that, even though congressional Democrats did not support impeachment of Clinton, they were willing to propose some sort of censure, and urged republicans to stop the impeachment. Even with the entrapment you mentioned, the Democrats were still willing to acknowledge disapproval of Clinton. Again, it points out the differences between Democrats and Republicans.

    4. Anon@1:52

      That's absurd. Do either of those to a child and you will be charged with statutory rape, which is a crime based on having sex with someone.

    5. Anonymouse 1:45pm, that it was “just about sex” was the Democratic mantra on behalf of Pres. Clinton during Starr’s investigation. That was line even though it was really about thwarting the discovery process in the Paula Jones harassment case against Clinton.

      It’s really disgusting that you have accused Bob of condoning rape. Bob said that Brock Turner was drunk as a skunk too during the sexual encounter he had with Chanel Miller and she had been drinking before she arrived at the party.

      It is curious that we should have absolutely no expectation of rational behavior on her part, but a drunken guy has to be utterly aware that she had passed out at some point before or during the act.

      Bob excoriated the university for allowing such parties. What you have claimed is an outright lie and character assassination.

    6. "[Somerby] argued that Brock Turner had the right to sexually assault Chanel Miller because she was passed out"

      This is so ridiculously false. Why can't you make your argument with accurate statements rather than with such absurdities?

    7. True. Somerby was just trying to shame the victim. Ho-hum, that's what she gets for being female.

    8. Pied Piper,
      You've now been caught lying way more than Stormy Daniels. Why should anyone ever believe something you say?

    9. thwarting the discovery process in the Paula Jones harassment case against Clinton.

      The question was ruled immaterial to the phony PJ civil suit. It had nothing to do with her allegation. Thwarted nothing but Beer Bong Brett's prurient interest.

    10. Anonymouse 3:55pm, Paula Jone’s case was still in the discovery process when Clinton’s best friend was taking Lewinsky to a law firm in order to sign a false affidavit. A history of sleeping with female underlyings is ground zero in this sort of case.

    11. Anonymouse 3:40pm, that “logic” is far more apt to be your sentiments than Bob’s. You give no agency to a woman, because she’s a woman. .

    12. "Pied Piper,
      You've now been caught lying way more than Stormy Daniels. Why should anyone ever believe something you say?"

      Just a drive-by hit by a hit-and-hide mouse. Despicable and sad in equal measures.

    13. Paula Jones was found to have no case.

    14. Anonymouse 4:15pm, they settled the case.

    15. Somerby spent days focused on how much Chanel Miller had drunk before going to that frat party, where she drank some more. After several days of that, he said that the President of the University was responsible for allowing drinking among frats, but that if Chanel Miller didn't want to be sexually assaulted, she shouldn't have drunk so much.

      Feminists object to this kind of blame the victim excuse for male misbehavior because there is a double standard involved. A male fraternity member who drinks to the point of passing out will not be raped or sexually abused by anyone. Rape and sexual abuse are against the law (for anyone) and there is no reason why women's drinking behavior should be limited because men do not control their lust (or whatever drives them to rape women).

      The rape is still a rape and Brock Turner was convicted by a jury. It is Somerby who spent many days trying to excuse his behavior and saying that he was too harshly punished (despite the judge's overly lenient sentence, which got him recalled) because Miller shouldn't have made herself an easy target for him.

      Note that Somerby has similarly excused Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot and killed two men and wounded a third, in what he claimed was self defense.

    16. "Note that Somerby has similarly excused Kyle Rittenhouse . . . in what he claimed was self defense."

      You forgot to mention that the jury, after viewing all the evidence, acquitted Rittenhouse, finding that he acted in self defense. Perhaps that detail slipped your mind.

    17. Anonymouse 4:31pm, it would be prudent to not get so drunk that you pass out at frat party or any other venue that involved people who are strangers. Not heeding that advice is fraught with all types of perils other than sexual assault. . Any person offering up the advice that you have the right to get shite-faced vulnerable is NOT a well-intentioned human being let alone a blogboard nitwit,, passive acquaintance, or a friend. And any adult who puts themselves in that circumstance is being beyond foolish and may put themselves and others in danger via their diminished judgment.. That fact does not excuse perpetrators from bad deeds or victims for being fools.

    18. I get it, Cecelia.
      Same reason black people shouldn't live in the USA without a gun.

    19. Anonymouse 7:41pm, and a black person is more likely to be shot by another black person, but in that case it’s the gun’s fault, right?

    20. It doesn’t change Somerby’s vile defense of Rittenhouse.

    21. Anonymouse 10:11pm, I didn’t bring up black people and guns, I merely replied to the anonymouse flying monkey who did.

    22. Guns don't kill people.
      Gun owners kill people.

    23. Leave the poor guns alone. Regulate the gun-owners.

  16. Criminal charges against Scottie Scheffler have been dropped.


  17. We shape-shifting alien Reptiloids, your overlords, we lay eggs.

    Human so-called "sex" means nothing to us. It's pathetic. You are an inferior species.

  18. I don’t know what Kevin said about Einstein, but Bob was completely wrong. Einstein told his readers they’d have to know some mathematics and be prepared to do some work. And then the explanations he offered were clear and correct. He did not write anything like relativity for dummies.

    1. Enthusiastic endorsement by an anon in Somerby's blog means the world to me.

      I am Albert Einstein's Spirit.

    2. You are Albert Einstein's anus.

    3. I am your overlord, shape-shifting alien Reptiloid. I am smarter than 10 of your Alberts., you inferior earthling cockroach.

    4. 4:17,
      Is that something you can prove, or is it like thinking Trump won the 2020 Presidential election?

  19. Trump appeals most to men who are insecure about their masculinity:

    "In their 2020 paper “Precarious Manhood Predicts Support for Aggressive Policies and Politicians,” Sarah H. DiMuccio, a consultant with the Danish firm Mannaz, and Eric D. Knowles, a professor of psychology at N.Y.U., suggested another set of reasons for Trump’s appeal to some men:

    Perhaps more than any politician in recent history, Donald Trump has rooted his political persona in traditional notions of masculinity. As a candidate and as president, Trump presents himself as dominant, unyielding and virile. From threatening foreign nations with attack to alluding favorably to the size of his penis and testosterone levels, the president’s behavior suggests a desire to place his manhood beyond reproach.

    In this light, DiMuccio and Knowles wrote,

    we argue that support for harsh political policies, Trump and the present-day Grand Old Party reflects (in part) the psychology of precarious manhood. On this account, some men harbor doubts about their masculinity, which they, in turn, seek to reaffirm through voting behavior and policy preferences that can be characterized as “politically aggressive.”

    The authors cited research showing that

    laypeople tend to associate the Republican Party with masculinity and the Democratic Party with femininity. Moreover, a content analysis of primary debates in 2012 and 2016 found that Republican candidates utilized more aggressive discourse against their intraparty opponents than did Democrats — with Donald Trump proving to be the most rhetorically aggressive candidate in the history of American presidential debates.

    To test their argument, DiMuccio and Knowles conducted a detailed geographic analysis of internet searches for subjects they determined signal anxiety over masculinity or precarious masculinity. The searches included hair loss, steroids, Viagra and more salacious subjects.

    They then correlated the data with presidential voting in 2008, 2012 and 2016. In the case of the two earlier contests, Obama-McCain and Obama-Romney, there was no strong linkage between presidential voting and the level of precarious masculinity internet searches.

    In the 2016 contest between Trump and Hillary Clinton, however, DiMuccio and Knowles found that “Trump received a higher share of votes in media markets where precarious masculinity-related searches were particularly popular and that this relationship held after adjusting for a range of search-based and demographic covariates.”

    Why did the linkage between presidential voting and precarious masculinity emerge with Trump but not in the previous elections?

    The authors’ answer:

    Trump and the Republican Party he leads appear more consistently aggressive than high-profile G.O.P. politicians of the recent past — including Mitt Romney and John McCain.

    “While the recent ideological evolution of the Republican Party may not have occurred without Trump,” the authors went on to say, it is “likely that these changes will far outlast Trump as a political force. Thus, we believe the link between precarious masculinity and Republican voting will generalize to future elections.”

    1. The confounding of sexual identity with political preference for authoritarian and aggressive candidates may explain why attitudes about how Trump has treated a porn star vary. Some men with precarious manhood use abuse of women to shore up their own sense of masculinity and long for a return to traditional gender roles. The way Trump treated Stormy Daniels reinforces that, for MAGA voters and for Somerby (independent of his support for Trump). Somerby liberal family traditions may be in conflict with a precarious sexual identity that makes Trump's behavior attractive to him. This is, of course, speculation about an individual based on research findings about other men.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Anonymouse 3:06pm, right. Trump treated Stormy Daniels to over 130k to sign a non disclosure arrived, as well as a promise to ask NBC to allow her to appear on The Apprentice. NBC said “nope”.

      Anonymices are so intellectually bankrupt that they can only appeal to the notion that women are utter naïfs, without agency, in order to achieve some sort of politically advantageous result. If the women are a political liability, anonymices morph them into self-serving bitches as they did with Clinton and Ferraro during the presidential election against Obama in 2009.

      It’s sluts and nuts or victims and vixens and nothing in between. It’s an anonymouse clown act all the way down to their burrows

    4. Naïf is masculine. The feminine is naïve.

    5. Anonymouse 4:04pm, women are generally naive in your thinking until it’s politically advantageous for you to say they are not.

    6. Most actual women would identify with Daniels' predicament, having had experiences similar to hers, not in the porn industry but in their dating years. Cecelia supports Somerby and Trump in criticizing Daniels, which suggests that she is either a man pretending to be female or someone lacking in empathy (or both). No one here, to my knowledge, has suggested that Daniels had no agency -- only that Trump didn't treat her very well. Somerby has called her a con and grifter who was out to get rich off Trump, which suggests a lot of agency but a criminal intent. That sounds like a "self-serving bitch" to me, even if Somerby didn't use those words.

      Stormy Daniels was cheated out of dinner and a chance to audition for The Apprentice, subject to coerced sex, her NDA payment was being slow-walked so that Trump could stiff her (but her lawyer objected to that, perhaps to save his own commission), then she was forced to sign an NDA, was defamed by Trump, and now has been subjected to the full MAGA hate treatment, including death threats and family harrassment, and yet she used her agency and testified against Trump.

      She is a strong person who is still not letting herself get pushed around. Somerby mockingly calls her a feminist icon, but I think it is sufficient to say that she was no victim.

      Few women use the word slut or vixen to describe another woman. It is telling that Cecelia does. Many of the derogatory terms used to describe women are invented and used solely by men, which makes them gendered terms. Termagant is one such word. Notice how often Somerby uses it -- to describe Gutfeld, who he dislikes.

    7. Let's not compare Stormy Daniels to Donald Trump. Daniels is a successful businessperson, after all.

    8. The tiny-handed rapist isn't trying to defend himself on social media.
      He's making sure the Republicans, who he holds in the total contempt, will believe any old lie he tells.
      Trump treats all Republicans like chumps. It doesn't matter whether they are Senators, the Speaker of the House, or any moron like Cecelia, AC/ MA, and David in Cal.

    9. It's like when Tucker and Hannity jumped the line to get their COVID vaccines, who telling their Right-wing audience not to get theirs.
      They didn't necessarily want Right-wingers to die from COVID. They just wanted to make sure they could get Right-wingers to die for the cause if they ask them to.

    10. Anonymouse 4:24pm, don’t put yourself forward as a champion of women and then accuse me of being a man because I don’t see women as born victims.

      That particular argument is transparently bogus and more than that, it’s not even an argument. It’s a simpleminded retort that is prefaced upon a sexist stereotype. I used the term slut or nut, vixen or victim because that is essentially the stereotypes that people use against women depending upon whose ox is being gored.

      You’re right there with them on that one, anonymouse 4:24pm. You anre game for that and it’s only way you can play.

      I’d accuse you of having no shame, but it’s more that you don’t have a lick of common sense, discernment, or honesty snd that would still be the case if you possessed two vaginas or two penises.

    11. Certainly, David in Cal would kill his own grandchildren in fealty to Donald Trump. He'd totally want to assure his hero that he's a good soldier, and not a RINO.

    12. Forget his grandchildren. David in Cal will fight to be the first in Trump's cattle car, if Trump gets re-elected.

    13. Cecelia, no one is going to buy you as a feminist.

    14. Cecelia is a woman.

    15. Cecelia is not a feminist.

    16. I never claimed to be a feminist.

    17. 4:24: "No one here, to my knowledge, has suggested that Daniels had no agency"

      Also 4:24: "[Daniels] was forced to sign an NDA"

    18. How does that one act translate to no agency? All men in our country are forced to register for the draft at age 18. Are you all puppets?

    19. Ceccelia was trying to feminist-splain her word salad. We all heard her doing it.

    20. Anonymouse 10:09pm, I’m glad you ate it up.

  20. Yesterday Michael Fanone called Donald Trump an authoritarian with a violence fetish. Then Fanone’s mother was swatted.

    1. I am your overlord, a shape-shifting alien Reptiloid. Do not worry earthling, Michael Fanone and his mother will be richly rewarded. They will receive feed.

    2. Cool. I'll call you "Bill".

    3. "Mother of Jan. 6 officer Michael Fanone swatted after he called Trump 'authoritarian'

      Fanone was abducted by the mob on Jan. 6 and nearly killed when a MAGA-hatted rioter who believed Trump's lies about the 2020 election drove a stun gun into his neck.

      Michael Fanone, a former police officer who was nearly killed by a mob during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, spoke outside the courthouse during closing arguments in Donald Trump's hush money trial Tuesday, calling Trump "an authoritarian" with "a violence fetish."

      Hours later, Fanone's mother was "swatted" at her home in Virginia.

      On Tuesday, a fake "manifesto" attributed to Fanone was sent to a number of email addresses, including some associated with a high school that Fanone attended for a year more than two decades ago. The "manifesto," viewed by NBC News, claimed that the writer had killed their mother and planned to go to the recipient's school Wednesday and shoot more people. It provided Fanone's mother's home address.

  21. There are two major differences between Drum & Somerby:

    1. Drum writes in English. His posts are concise & coherent. Somerby's rambling word salad vomits are written in some unidentified language.

    2. Drum always has a point. Somerby? Not so much.

    1. Somerby’s posts are poorly written, but they’re English, and they’re not word salad.

    2. Why don't the earthlings you speak of use Murkan? I am outraged now.

    3. Murkan is a dialect of English.

    4. If Murkan was good enough for Jesus, it should be good for all you pathetic earthlings too.

    5. 380 million earthlings speak English as a first language, 1.077 billion as a second language.

  22. For whatever reason, the three "other crimes" identified by Kevin Drum are as follows:

    Violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act, otherwise known as FECA

    Falsification of other business records

    Violations of tax laws

    Unfortunately for the prosecution, they did not offer any evidence that the jury could point to any one of those as being the "other crime" that Trump "intended" to commit.

    If there is a hung jury or even God willing an acquittal, the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the entire liberal establishment will be a joy to behold.

    1. There was a ruling by the judge based on motions submitted that the jurors could use any one of the possible crimes as the basis for considering a misdemeanor a felony, and that the jurors did not have to agree unanimously with each other about which additional crime was intended by Trump.

      The instructions to the jury are that the prosecution did not need to have proved that Trump committed any of those crimes -- the additional crime did not need to have been committed or completed or engaged in, but only needed to have been intended by Trump. The instructions distinguished between intent and motive (which alone would be insufficient).

      As explained over at Drum's website, the purpose of the coverup was to prevent evidence of the other crime, so proving the other crime is blocked by the misdemeanors alleged. Intent is sufficient because the evidence needed to prove the other crime was destroyed by the misdemeanor falsification crimes.

    2. Explained in comments not by Drum. Somerby doesn’t know this because he didn’t read Drum’s comments. Somerby should read more & blather less.

    3. The legal theories involve statutes related to falsification of business records, violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA), and conspiracy to promote or prevent the election of a person to public office by unlawful means. The judge presiding over the trial has instructed the jurors on the conclusions they must reach to find Trump guilty, but the legal theories are confusing and rely on questionable assumptions. The jury does not have to agree on which theory has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, which could result in a muddled rationale for conviction.

    4. The jury will have to decide whether Trump is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

  23. Discrimination in Seattle:

  24. With Ukraine facing defeat, America wants to escalate the war and let them attack Russia with their weapons. Should work out great.

  25. Facebook caught an Israeli firm running hundreds of fake accounts that generated praise for Israel's military actions. Experts say getting caught systematically deceiving people shouldn't undermine Israel's credibility.

    1. Anonymouse 9:14pm, and a jury not having to be in agreement as to a specific illustration of criminal intent is a real faith booster too.

    2. Legal experts are saying legal bodies prosecuting their their political opposition for bookkeeping crimes by pretending they are felonies instills faith in the system.

    3. Is fraud even a crime at this point?

    4. If fraud was a crime, Trump would be doing hard time for impersonating a successful businessperson.

    5. Relax 11:35. It could be much worse. Remember, George Floyd was killed by the cops for making a fool out of the U.S. Mint.
