President Biden could win re-election!

TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2024

Also, though, there's this: In his latest analysis for New York magazine, Ed Kilgore offers this gloomy thought:

"All in all, the path to a second Biden term is dangerously narrow."

In Kilgore's view, Biden is so far behind in three Sun Belt states—Georgia, Arizona and Nevada—that he'll have to sweep three Rust Belt states—Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin—to squeeze out a narrow win in the electoral college.

That could be true. But there's also this:

If Trump is found guilty in the Gotham trial, that could conceivably damage his electoral standing. (Or then again, maybe not!)

For ourselves, we're sorry the Gotham case was ever brought. We think the society should discourage money-grubbers with exciting stories to tell (and to sell) from inserting themselves into the middle of our White House elections. 

We don't think we should be punishing the candidates who get targeted by such people. We expect to discuss the history of this sort of thing next week.

That said, the NDA with Stormy Daniels was all about who was (allegedly) zoomin' who. In the end, we humans care a great deal about matters like that, and in the end we actually care about virtually nothing else.

It's human nature! Our thought leaders will pretend to talk about policy matters—until some such event comes along and relieves them of such duties.

At any rate, it's certainly possible that President Biden could win re-election. But then again, there's this:

At first, we assumed that Mediaite's Charlie Nash must be misstating in some peculiar way. At the start of this report, he said the White House had explicitly corrected nine misstatements by President Biden in its official transcript of a recent speech:

‘Irrectionists’: White House Issues 9 Brutal Corrections to Biden’s NAACP Speech

The White House made nine corrections to a speech delivered by President Joe Biden to the NAACP on Sunday, including a line where Biden falsely claimed to have been vice president during the pandemic and a line where he referred to insurrectionists as “irrectionists.”

In the official transcript of the speech, the White House crossed out nine words where Biden made both factual and pronunciation errors.

Biden made his first mistake at the very beginning of the speech, when he told a story about former President Barack Obama dispatching him to Detroit during the “pandemic.” However, Biden went to the Motor City to meet with representatives from an auto industry hit hard by the recession. In the transcript, the White House crossed out “pandemic” and corrected it with “recession.”

Mere moments later, Biden told the NAACP he was “humbled to receive this organization.” In the transcript, the White House crossed out “organization” and corrected it with “award.”

Nash continues from there. We thought he must be misstating, in some peculiar way, when he said the White House had explicitly "crossed out nine words where Biden made...errors," and had then written in what the president should have said.

That sounded weird and unlikely. But when we looked at the official White House transcript, this is what we saw:

Remarks by President Biden at a Campaign Event | Detroit, MI

THE PRESIDENT: Hello, Detroit.  My name is Joe Biden, and I’m a lifetime member of the NAACP.  (Applause.)  

As a matter of fact, the first organization I ever joined was the NAACP.  Didn’t get to vote until you were 21 in those days, but I got involved in civil rights when I was 15. 

And, folks, look, I want to thank Reverend Anthony for that introduction.  I tell you what, I measure the significance of an award based on the character and the consequence of those organizations bestowing it. 

And I love Detroit for three reasons.  Number one, my dad was an automobile manager.  Detroit put food on our table every night.  (Applause.)  Oh, not a joke.  Not a joke. 

And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic [recession], and what happened was Barack said to me, “Go to Detroit and help fix it.”  

Well, poor mayor, he spent more time with me than he ever thought he was going to have to.  (Laughter.)  God love you.


THE PRESIDENT:  Folks, I’m humbled to receive this organization [award], which defines the character and consequence of what we do.  

Charlie Nash hadn't been misstating. Charlie Nash had it right!

Stating the obvious, Barack Obama wasn't president during the pandemic. Also, everybody makes mistakes—but has any White House ever done anything like this before?

Has any White House ever done any such thing? In the official transcript of this speech, the White House has recorded the president's misstatements, warts and all. 

They've then put strike marks though the erroneous content. They've then added what the president should have said.

Everybody makes mistakes. We're recording this because it seems so strange, so much like a troubling harbinger.

Especially thanks to the Gotham trial, President Biden could win re-election. Then again, we were struck by what seemed to be the weirdness of this.

Who knows? Perhaps this sort of thing has been done a million times before...


  1. Huh. Sounds like good decent people inside the deep state are gently hinting to Dear Leader that he may want to quit now. My advice: to close the deal, they probably should buy a coupla hundred of certain abstract paintings at $500k each.

    1. The Deep-State wants Biden out. That's going to disappoint a lot of folks on the Right, who pretend they hate the Deep State.

    2. Anonymouse 3:09pm, nah. We’ll settle for your newly minted opinion that they exist.

    3. The foreign-policy arm of the Deep State is known as the Blob. The Obama administration gave it that name.

      The Blob is the source of stories condemning Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Blob supports Israel’s crimes, and in this aspect of policy, Biden agrees.

    4. Who made the error? The speechwriter in writing the speech or Biden in reading the speech?

    5. It seems like Biden was improving.

    6. It seems like Biden was improvising.

  2. Any case brought against Donald Trump will always be impossible to understand ( ah, if you say so), impossible to prove (how do you know which documents he took deserve to be classified) or just plain wrong ( GOOD people don’t like to see others go to jail). Whoever Trump steals from or sexually abuses will just have to keep their mouths shut in Bob’s world.
    His piety is thick with moral rot.
    Let’s take a moment to consider Bob’s verbal tick “we.” He is ever resistant to “I” believe this nonsense I’m trying to pass off.

  3. Quaker in a BasementMay 21, 2024 at 3:38 PM

    "We think the society should discourage money-grubbers with exciting stories to tell (and to sell) from inserting themselves into the middle of our White House elections."

    Tell it to the Wall Street Journal. You'll recall that the whole Stormy Daniels tale began when Cohen got wind that the Journal was thinking about publishing her account. That's when Cohen stepped in an "bought the rights" to her story.

    If we want society to discourage people from telling tawdry tales, maybe we need candidates who haven't led tawdry lives.

    1. Today, a tawdry con man (or con woman) has a better chance of being elected President. Trump laughs at the personal criticism, even though much of it is true. OHOH a moral candidate, like Sen Cruz, gets just as much personal criticism, even though in his case it's not true.

    2. "Today, a tawdry con man (or con woman) has a better chance of being elected President if they run as a Republican."

      Corrected for accuracy.

    3. @7:17 A non-tawdry President would not have gotten blow jobs from a subordinate in the Oval Office. It took a skilled con man to keep his job after the Monica Lewinsky scandal became public.

    4. "A moral person like Ted Cruz..." Gotta wonder how much morality Ted Cruz's father would find in a son who endorses the same person who falsely implicated him in the assassination of JFK. Is it possible to have morality absent anything vaguely resembling a backbone? Jesus Christ, Trump implicated his father on a national stage in the Kennedy assassination and that's ok with Ted.

  4. “ In the end, we humans care a great deal about matters like that, and in the end we actually care about virtually nothing else.”

    Fuck you.

    1. Republicans care about bigotry and white supremacy, only. Everything else is negotiable.

    2. I care about zoomin’. Please don’t tell Mr Soros, because he’s a policy wonk.

    3. President Biden gave a truly evil commencement speech at Morehouse College. Instead of encouraging these graduates to aim high for success, he discouraged them by exaggerating the level of racial difficulties.

      Biden's thesis gave a false picture of reality. Yes, the murder of George Floyd was horrible. But, enormous numbers of blacks are benefiting from non-discrimination laws and from racial preferences in hiring and promotions. The world is full of opportunity for these Morehouse graduates. Discouraging their ambitions is a sin.

    4. "However, when one is emotional about a particular issue, it's easy to slip into black-white reasoning. 'You're with us or you're against us.'"

      Or so I've been told.

    5. "I know what we can do. Together, we’re capable of building a democracy worthy of our dreams; a future where every — even more of your brothers and sisters can follow their dreams; a boundless future where your legacies lift us up t- — so those who follow; a bigger, brighter future that proves the American Dream is big enough for everyone to succeed."

      Yeah. Totally discouraging.

    6. "What we can do"? "Together, we're capable"? "worthy of our dreams in the future? How about pointing out that blacks can achieve their dreams in the America of right now?

      A commencement speech is supposed to be about the graduates. A campaign speech is about how the speaker will make things better. Biden gave a campaign speech, not a commencement speech.

    7. The KC Chiefs kicker gave a commencement speech, which awkwardly veered too much into Karl Marx territory, but he was correct. Businesses don't pay Fathers nearly enough to raise a family one one salary.

    8. That’s a creative interpretation of Butker’s speech.

    9. Butker actually began by praising a career, before saying how motherhood and home-making were better for many women. He didn't say careers were wrong or that women shouldn't have careers.

      So, why were his comments controversial?

    10. His mom had a career. She was a clinical medical physicist at Emory.

      The silliest thing in his speech was his fondness for the Traditional Latin Mass, which had been replaced with vernacular Masses, which people can understand, before he was born. So he didn’t grow up with this thing that he claims is traditional. And he didn’t explain why God prefers to be worshipped in the language of Caesar Augustus.

    11. There is nothing controversial about noting businesses stiff labor. Try raising a family on one salary. Good luck.

    12. "That’s a creative interpretation of Butker’s speech."
      That's because I listened to him. What do you think you heard?

    13. Biden called for a ceasefire in Gaza at the Morehouse speech. That's pretty big news.

    14. "an immediate ceasefire".

      Obviously, that was total bullshit.

    15. 9:38,
      How's the BDS coming?

    16. @DiC:
      "How about pointing out that blacks can achieve their dreams in the America of right now?"

      New graduates are just beginning their lives as adults. Thus, commencement speeches are typically about the future.

      I hope you're not hinting that black people today aren't forced to navigate their way through a biased and unfair society. That might be embarrassing for you.

    17. 9:46 what is BDS?

      Isn't it extraordinary that Biden called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza at that commencement speech? Why are people not talking about it? Obviously he wasn't serious about it. Right?

    18. Sorry I meant TDS — Trump derangement syndrome.

    19. Qib: Biden's speech was rooted in the idea that the Morehouse graduates today have to navigate their way through a biased and unfair society. And that they are entering a world where white supremacy and extremist forces threaten their freedoms and opportunities. And that democracy is a trail of broken promises that leave their communities behind so it's natural for them to wonder if democracy works for them.

    20. Dave - how do you feel about Biden calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza at that commencement speech? Isn't that wild?

    21. President Biden told Morehouse graduates, “it’s natural to wonder if democracy you hear about actually works for you.”

      President Obama told the Morehouse class of 2013, “your generation is uniquely poised for success unlike any generation of African-Americans that came before.”

    22. QiB – My view of the problems of blacks in today’s society would require a lot of words. I’ll try to summarize, by starting with the black members of my family. My incredible cousin Blanche was a Professor of English, wrote two books, and then became a physician, all while raising three children in a suburban house. She may have benefited from affirmative action when she got into medical school, Or, maybe not. Her son’s race may have helped him get into Princeton. In any event, he made his own success. He has a nice family and a good job in computers. Lizzy, an author who Bob mentioned here some time ago, was helped by her race in one way. The New York Times policy required that books by black authors be reviews by black reviewers. So. Lizzy was chosen to write some reviews.

      How were they harmed by their race? At one point, Blanche had a SOB superior who disliked her and gave her problems. This person may have been motivated by racism. Lizzy’s younger sister was harmed by peer pressure from fellow black students for “acting white.” This was bigger problem for her than for her siblings.

      Generalizing more broadly requires more guesswork. I have no doubt that blacks have a big advantage in being hired, getting into college, and being promoted. OTOH blacks no doubt run into racists.

    23. @10:32 A cease fire amounts to a permanent war. Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. A cease fire means nothing to them Note that the horrors of Oct 7 took place during a supposed cease fire. Given that reality, another fake cease fire is ridiculous. What's the use of a cease fire if one party will violate it whenever they feel like it?

      Netanyahu made a nice speech in English a few days ago outlining the steps needed for a real permanent peace. The first, and most obvious step, is the total defeat of Hamas. I hope he gets a chance to implement his ideas. Otherwise, I'm afraid that war between Israel and the Palestinians will go on forever.

    24. BTW @10:32, nearly 70% of the humanitarian aid that arrived in Gaza via the new US-built pier (which cost $320 million) was stolen on Saturday.

      Biden and Blinken should not be telling Israel what to do. They simply do not have the necessary knowledge and expertise. They're demands are not reality-based.

    25. Given the obvious advantages bestowed upon blacks for advancement in today's culture it's no wonder why so many whites in the US grow up wishing they were born black. That is the fictional and ludicrous society that DIC constructs here. To say nothing about the labeling of a commencement speech that acknowledges racial disparities as evil.

    26. unamused -Yes, for much of our history, being black was a terrible disadvantage. But times have changed.

      Consider my cousin Lizzy. Being mixed race, she could have chosen to be regarded as white, but she made a specific decision to proclaim herself black. Elizabeth Warren found it to be an advantage to be regarded as Native American.

      Barack Obama was elected President with relatively little relevant experience. His race was an advantage. It helped him get elected. The current VP owes her position to her race. Senator Scott is on Trump's short list for VP because he's black.

      It's 2024. President Obama had it right, in 2013, when he told the Morehouse grads, “your generation is uniquely poised for success unlike any generation of African-Americans that came before.”

    27. Republicans are going to suppress the votes of white people? Let's get right on that.

    28. David,
      And don't forget that snowflakes on the Right throwing a childish temper tantrum at the United States Capitol is owed to black people, whose votes were counted in the 2020 Presidential election, just because of their race.
      Lucky ducks!

    29. Wow - David - I did not know that about the aid that was stolen on Saturday. It was the Netanyahu government that stole it I guess. Who else even could have? Maybe Israeli settlers? That's really something.

      The thing with is with Biden and Blinken is that they are paying for it. So I guess they think they have a say. Maybe the Netanyahu government can just pretend to listen to them and pretend they care so the $ keeps flowing but then just ignore their dumb asses.

      But I don't know man. Reality-based? The Netanyahu government is attempting the total elimination of Hamas with tactics that guarantee Hamas' growth. Hamas is a criminal terrorist group, there are ways to eliminate them, but going in in a way that produces a lot of brutal civilian casualties is more likely to increase the number of Hamas terrorists than produce a capitulation. The US knows this from experience. You kill one and you create 10 more kind of thing.

      Civilian harm from U.S. strikes
      can fuel the very terrorism these strikes are meant to
      address, impede counterterrorism assistance from
      our allies and partners, tarnish the reputation of the
      United States as a leader on human rights,3 and set
      a dangerous precedent for other nations to follow.4
      "As General Stanley McChrystal (Ret.) said, “We
      must avoid the trap of winning tactical victories—but
      suffering strategic defeats—by causing civilian
      casualties or excessive damage and thus alienating
      the people.”5 General McChrystal has noted that
      “[t]he resentment created [by lethal strikes] is much
      greater than the average American appreciates.”6" ...
      According to studies,
      “civilian harm and the liberal use of airstrikes led
      to increases in insurgent violence” in
      Afghanistan.11 As one study found, “avoiding
      civilian casualties in Afghanistan is a strategic
      necessity that saves American lives.”12

      Biden and Blinken may not be reality based but the Netanyahu government isn't making a very strong case that they are either. What would the realistic timeline be for the total elimination of Hamas? 50 years?? Seriously? What number would you give it? 5 years? The reality is it's impossible with these tactics. The world doesn't work that way.

      The way you get rid of Hamas is suffocate them financially by freezing their foreign bank accounts.

      The whole situation is very, very sad and awful.


    31. @DiC
      "The first, and most obvious step, is the total defeat of Hamas."

      No one ever describes how we'll know when we get there.

    32. President Biden gave a truly evil commencement speech at Morehouse College.

      President Biden is a master of persuasion. See, he got you talking about his remarks. He's a genius.

    33. It’s fun to insult David, but sometimes his opinions are based on experience.

    34. "Biden and Blinken should not be telling Israel what to do. They simply do not have the necessary knowledge and expertise. They're demands are not reality" I glossed over this choice piece of nonsense. Netanyahu's own generals, in having to retake territory they had previously controlled, are now questioning Netanyahu's tactics. General Petraeus, interviewed by Jake Tapper on Sunday labeled the current approach inconsistent with success based upon his experience with the Sunnis in Iraq. The Israelis have been told all along the way by experienced military that the sheer brute force approach they are using is wrongheaded. But DIC cheerleads a corrupt far right wing politician with little support from his own people whose efforts include using this war to remain in power.

    35. It couldn't be more obvious that the Netanyahu government is making the same mistakes we did after 9/11 ... going through a self-destructive spasm of nationalism and bloodlust that it will come to regret.

    36. 10:42 yes but worse than that, insofar as the US was able to convince adversarial parties that the rebuilding of war torn areas was to be undertaken -and was- and that the Sunni interests were best served by conciliation. This is harder to do after dropping many hundreds of 2,000 lb bombs and without any plan for the Palestinians to embrace, of course, because they are only interested in driving them off the land.

  5. Bob checked the Henny Youngman box (clever!) but he has nothing else to say about this strange story of Justice Alito. In a way I agree with him: yes it sure looks like wife blaming, and yes, Mrs. Alito may be as far gone as the corrupt Mrs. Thomas, but that's hardly the whole story, or the real problem here. Is the press getting the general story right? I don't think Bob is willing to go into it. Because one thing seems beyond dispute: one of Bob's good (and very powerful) friends and neighbors was flying the American Flag upside down. Until Bob can find someway around that, we are stuck with "take my traitor, please!"

  6. Meanwhile, Kevin is wide awake.

    Trump gave classified documents to one of his flunkies so she could scan them into her personal computer.

    1. When Putin yells "Jump!", Trump asks "How high?'

  7. Ian Millhiser lokks at Samuel Alito’s jurisprudence:

  8. Lokks should be looks.

  9. Somerby's view of Trump's criminal trial:

  10. Operation 38:

    Re-engage agent Fanny Blofart

    1. Don't forget about the Nanny with the Big Fat Fanny! And don't tell me that you don't remember her.

    2. The only Nanny I know is the Nanny State. The one the Right is always begging to solve their grievance of the day.

  11. "We think the society should discourage money-grubbers with exciting stories to tell (and to sell) from inserting themselves into the middle of our White House elections."

    If there is anything Bob and the Right hate, it's money-grubbers near the White House.
    Bob is putting in Alito-level effort here, folks, but you get what you pay for.
