OU BOUM: What the Fox friends actually said!

FRIDAY, MARCH 21, 2025

Running on morally empty: Starting very early on Tuesday morning, we advanced a basic precept:

The key word is "alleged."

Over the weekend, the Stumblebums had frogmarched hundreds of people off to a Central American gulag. The people in question were "alleged gang members," major news orgs now said.

They key word there was "alleged!" That was especially true given the medieval nature of the gulag into which these people had been shipped.

On what basis could an actual gang member be "deported" in this unconventional way? Like much of the upper-end press, we've sidestepped that question this week.

We've focused instead on a different question:

What if some of the alleged gang members are actually no such thing?

What if some of the deportees aren't killers or rapists or monsters? Could that possibly even be true of most of the deportees?

What if it was true of only one of these people? Given the endless errors committed by the Stumblebums in question, the possible problem was obvious—unless you were one of the vacuous people employed by Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott, then paraded before the nation each morning on the "cable news" gong-show known as Fox & Friends.

Last Tuesday morning, bright and early, the quartet of friends were clucking about the removals. In that morning's brief report, we described it as the most morally vacuous conversation ever staged on the planet.

Today, we'll show you what was said. First, though, we want to discuss the power of the word "alleged."

It happened last night on the PBS NewsHour. Three hours later, the phenomenon jumped to The Rachel Maddow Show.

Lawyers had begun to claim that some of the alleged gang members weren't actual gang members. Despite that claim, there they now sit, down there in the gulag. 

For the record, "sworn declarations" may not be accurate—but, quite often, they are! On the PBS NewsHour, here what Amna Nawaz and Laura Barron-Lopez now said:

NAWAZ (3/20/25): ...The administration has already deported some 200 migrants to El Salvador. They claim that they were all members of a violent gang, Tren de Aragua.

Family members and lawyers have since been coming out and saying these men are not all gang members, they were wrongfully arrested and deported. What are we learning?

BARRON-LOPEZ: So we have new sworn declarations that were made overnight to the court. And in one of those, a lawyer representing one of the Venezuelan nationals who was deported to El Salvador provided information about this Venezuelan national.

And so this Venezuelan migrant is Jerce Reyes Barrios. He's a 26-year-old professional soccer player and coach. He protested the authoritarian rule of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela. And then he fled Venezuela in early 2024 after being tortured with electric shock.

And he legally applied for asylum and entered the U.S. and then was detained as his case, his asylum case was playing out. But his lawyers said that the government accused him of being a member of Tren de Aragua based on two things.

First, an arm tattoo—quote—"of a crown sitting atop a soccer ball with a rosary and the word dios." In reality, he chose this tattoo because it is similar to the logo for his favorite soccer team, Real Madrid. 

The second thing that DHS points to is a photo of Mr. Reyes Barrios on social media of him making a hand gesture that the DHS alleges is proof of gang membership. And his lawyer said that—quote—"In fact, the gesture is a common one that means 'I love you' in sign language and is commonly used as a rock 'n' roll symbol."

His lawyer also added that his legal counsel as well as his family have lost all contact with him and have no information about his condition.

In our view, Baron-Lopez should have said "allegedly" at several points as she reported what legal counsel had said.

At any rate, Barrios is now in the gulag, from which he may never return. He is indeed an alleged gang member. But in the absence of anything like due process, what is the actual truth?

The Stumblebums say they based their assessment on a pair of somewhat flimsy grounds. We Americans are supposed to follow Frost's ancient precept:

Trust us, the Voices said.

That said, should we trust the Voices in question? At present, they're best known for their endless errors, but also for their frequent ludicrous claims.

Have some, perhaps many, of the deportees been swept up in their latest mistake? On Tuesday morning's Fox & Friends, the children made it very clear:

Over here, on the Fox News Channel, we don't care about questions like that.

The children—the friends—made that quite clear. This morning, we're saying their names:

Fox & Friends co-hosts: March 18, 2025
Lawrence Jones: regular co-host, Fox & Friends
Steve Doocy: regular co-host, Fox & Friends
Ainsley Earhardt: regular co-host, Fox & Friends
Brian Kilmeade: regular co-host, Fox & Friends

On Tuesday morning, there they sat! They sat on the type of tuffet routinely selected by the storebought and by the morally vacuous.  

In the end, it may not be their actual fault that they're morally vacuous. But right there, at 6:15 a.m., this was the first thing the flyweights said concerning these "deportations:"

EARHARDT (6/18/25): Back here at home, there are 261 illegal MS-13 gang members, some MS-13 ringleaders—Donald Trump is calling them "terrorists" because many of them don't have America's best interests in mind. And they're here illegally. 

So he puts them on planes, he sends them to El Salvador, and in the middle of those flights, a judge says, "No, you have to stop, you have to turn those planes around." And Donald Trump says, "Well, they're not in American air space any more, so it's too little, too late."

That's how the childishness started. In the short term, a bit of clatter noted the fact that the ACLU had tried to stop these flights. But at 6:17, Kilmeade brought the eternal note of sadness in.

In this case, that eternal note of sadness was, in fact, the obvious sound of an ad hominem attack—and of corporate propaganda:

KILMEADE: Remember who this judge is. He's an Obama-appointed judge who...allowed Carter Page to be surveilled illegally. He basically got a slap on the wrist.

Remember also, this judge has got a wife who is a radical leftist—Hillary Clinton, huge Hillary Clinton supporter. He seems to be an activist judge, and he seems to be getting really ahead of himself on how much weight he actually carries in terms of foreign policy with America. 

Here's our press secretary yesterday:

LEAVITT (videotape): These are heinous monsters, rapists, murderers, kidnappers, sexual assaulters, predators who have no right to be in this country and they must be held accountable...

You may be getting the picture. For the record, what if one (or more) of these heinous monsters aren't heinous monsters at all? Also, if you've been granted the right to apply for asylum, is it true that you "have no right to be in this country?"

Leavitt was poisoning the well against any thought that any of the deportees could have been wrongly shipped off to the gulag. In turn, Kilmeade was poisoning the well against the work of this activist judge.

The judge has a radical activist wife. Also, Hillary Clinton!!!!! (For the record, the judge was initially named to the bench by President George W. Bush.) 

This is the way children like these guarantee the millions of dollars they get paid by their corporate owners. Along the way, no one mentioned the presence of the possibly troubling word "alleged" in news reports about the wat these 261 people had been disappeared into a brutal gulag. 

None of the children mentioned that word—but sure enough! Right on cue, at 6:19, Earnhardt piped up with this:

JONES: So, it's one thing to object to a few people on the plane. But to say that all of the planes, full of MS-13, Tren de Aragua, that have been—

EARHART: Why would you be upset about that?

JONES: Why would you say, "Bring those planes back to this country?" It just doesn't make any sense!

Uh-oh! Jones had almost suggested the possibility that some of the people on the planes might not be actual gang members—might be on the planes by mistake.

Innocent people were possibly being frogmarched away to a gulag! "Why would [someone] be upset about that?" the perpetually compliant Earhardt now thoughtfully asked. 

(We think we're capturing Earhardt's meaning based on the full context.)

"Why would [someone] be upset about that?" This question provided the framework for what was coming next. 

What was coming next was this. Instantly, Kilmeade went there:

KILMEADE: So here's my question. We've got to get more of these guys out. We cut a great deal with El Salvador. They know how to lock and hold brutal prisoners, right? We saw that whole system.

Six million bucks? You can't go wrong! So this is a deal that Marco Rubio helped cut. It's awesome.

Down in El Salvador, a strongman was only charging us $6 million (per year) for the use of his gulag. 

"You can't go wrong" at that price, Kilmeade said. The strongman gave us a wonderful price! At that price, this was an awesome deal!

As the conversation continued, "due process" was briefly mentioned once, then was quickly discarded. Jones thundered as he constantly does, playing the role of the loudmouth. 

Endless complications were cited. Before long, he and Earhardt were saying this about the 1798 law which was tangled up in the legal brouhaha:

JONES: When you think about it, Ainsley, it's common sense. We don't see anything about the Constitution being too old.

EARHARDT: Is it an act of war? Are we in the middle of a war? Who cares? These guys are the worst of the worst. Get them out of the country! Most Americans would agree with that.

Earnhardt persistently presents herself as a South Carolina Christian. That said, is it possible that innocent people had been frogmarched away?

 "Who cares?" she thoughtfully said. "These guys are the worst of the worst," she said. But what if some of them aren't?

And so it went, this Tuesday morning, among Suzanne Scott's employees.

We can't transcribe their full conversation. Assuming you can make the Internet Archive work, you can see the whole thing by clicking the links we've offered above, then by clicking some more. 

At any rate, the strongman had given us a good price! But also, Who actually cares?

This morally vacuous pabulum is slipped into Red America's oatmeal for four hours every morning. The friends are paid millions of dollars to say these things—but in full fairness, in the end, this is most likely all they have.

That said, also this:

Last Friday night, at the end of the show, Jeffrey Goldberg made a somewhat strange statement. 

He hosts the PBS program, Washington Week. He's editor of The Atlantic. The gent is thoroughly sharp.

As the program ended, Goldberg said this. But who was he talking about?

GOLDBERG (3/14/25): Unfortunately, we need to leave it there for now, but I'm sure we're going to be revisiting these questions again. I want to thank our panelists for joining us and our viewers as well.

For more on what ketamine does to the human brain, and I'm not saying whose brain, please visit theatlantic.com.

I'm Jeffrey Goldberg. Good night from Washington.

Ketamine hadn't been mentioned during the program. What in the world was he talking about, and why was he being so coy?

This afternoon: "He was somebody's darling..."

Tomorrow: The Ketamine Kid


  1. Observing this right wing vanity blog wither away is not unamusing.

  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh


    Sipping fresh Musk tears in the morning is a great way to start the day!

    1. ewwwwwwww

      Musk has herpes, best to stay away from any of his fluids, they are all infected with a potpourri of nasty germs.

  3. Jeffrey Goldberg lost all credibility when he was a cheerleader for the Iraq War.

    Goldberg blows in the wind, along with most pundits.

    Times change, which is one of the greatest insights of all times, but bad character, borne from wounds in formative years, rarely heal.

    1. "Jeffrey Goldberg lost all credibility when he was a cheerleader for the Iraq War."

      Plus he was an actual Zionist thug in Palestine.

  4. Due process, schmue schmocess.

    Trump campaigned on throwing out the Constitution, what's with the surprise?

    1. Due process, schmue process. One sch is enough.

    2. Way to SCHool them!


  5. "What if some of the alleged gang members are actually no such thing?"

    Then they are a collateral damage in the course of protecting the US -- protecting you, Bob Somerby -- from invasion or predatory incursion of Venezuelan gangbangers.

    Say 'thank you Mr. President' and get back to watching Fox News.

    1. I'd like to make you collateral damage, Boris, but life is a total shitshow for you already, licking Putin's boots for a couple rubles and a can of sardines every day. What's a ruble worth now, anyway?

    2. Due process of law is a fundamental American value, but obviously not one that you share.


    3. You Soros-bot wouldn't know a fundamental American value if it hit you in the face.

    4. Says the sad lost soul shivering in a windowless bunker in the bowels of Russia.

      Sure, sure, 11:36.

    5. That the federal government cannot deprive a person of liberty without providing due process of law is a value enshrined in the Bill of Rights. I'm a supporter. How about you, 11:36?

    6. Yesterday this was discussed with one resident Soros-bot named "Ilya". I posted this link:
      According to this link, Saint Obama murdered 3,797 people in drone strikes. Including US citizens. Without any "due process" bullshit whatsoever.

      I'll tell you this, Soros-bot: when Saint Obama, 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, spends his first year in a federal prison, I'll agree with you that "due process" is a real thing. Okay?

    7. So you're explicitly telling us you don't believe in the value of due process of law. OK, then, I say you're unAmerican.

    8. 1:14's logical fallacy is breathtaking.

      Trump does bad thing: Good! I like Trump.

      Obama does bad thing: Bad! I don't like Obama.

      This is aside from the fact that non residents are not covered by due process, and that Obama had no intention of harming the innocent, whereas with Trump, the harm is intentional, cruelty is the point. Duh.

      What a moron 1:14 is.

    9. Granted, Trump is a habitual liar, but even Trump's Presidential administration says the Venezuelan "gang members" they deported, have no interest in defunding the police. Unlike David in Cal.

    10. Anon@1:14,
      As I explained: Trump is conducting drone strikes on Yemen as well -- and that's not to justify what any previous administration has done.
      That aside, the conversation was about kidnapping people; specifically, kidnapping people from the US soil. Now, Trump is suggesting that we do the same with US citizens.


    11. Oddly, none of you Soros-bots seemed upset about whoever ran the Biden administration perpetrating genocide in Palestine.

      Obviously, to you, murdering tens of thousands of women and children just because they are native Palestinian Arabs is nothing compared to deporting a few of your soulmates, foreign gangbangers.

    12. 1:23,
      Everyone already knows foreigners are better than American citizens by a country mile.
      What's your point?

  6. Somerby's buyer's remorse over Trump is....TRULY DELECTABLE!

    1. Ugh, I just emptied my bowels as I read this.

    2. More Republican voters created by 4:22.

  7. Somerby, thumb, scale.

    Rinse and repeat.

    1. Ignorance aint gonna manufacture itself.

    2. Somerby continues his quest to normalize capitulation.

    3. Trump continues his quest to normalize sexual predators.

    4. These comments continue the quest to make us all pass out from bordeom.

  8. Thank you, President (FILL IN THE BLANK)!

    Thank you for:

    -giving us the freedom to be as racist as we wanna be
    -giving us the freedom to be as sexist as we wanna be
    -giving us the freedom to be as xenophobic as we wanna be
    -the inflation that hurts us but hurts people of color more
    -the coming recession that hurts us but hurts people of color more

  9. Putin, on the phone with Trump: Ok Trump, ok. I promise, I will not bomb any power stations, I know you want a big slice of that pie.

    Putin, after hanging up with Trump: Bomb power stations in Ukraine immediately, and throw in some hospitals too.

    1. Trump is a menace to society.



  10. That judge's decision limiting DOGE's audits of Social Security is wrong, because it's the Executive Branch auditing itself. It might make sense if the government was investigating some outside party. It might make sense if the Executive Branch were auditing some other branch. But, the Executive Branch can review its own work.

    From a Constitutional POV it's the President checking his own work. The Executive Branch is vested in the President. The President is responsible for paying out SS benefits. He selects people to carry out his duty to pay SS benefits. Similarly the President selects the people in DOGE to audit his subordinates in the SS Administration.

    An analogy: Suppose you hired a cleaning lady to clean your house. After she finished, you hired someone else to see if the house is clean enough. Could a judge legally restrict you or your designee from looking to see if the house is clean enough?

    1. Checking his work? Who the fuck do you think you're fooling, Dickhead? He fired all the IG's.

    2. He aint doing a fucking audit, Dickhead. Who the fuck do you think you're fooling.

    3. DiC, pretty sure for at least a few more months we still have three branches of Government, not one. Jesus, lord have mercy, are you an ever loving fascist prick or what?

    4. Anon@3:20

      How are the actions done by DOGE affecting in any way the other two branches?

    5. Congress authorizes the funding and staffing the unelected non-governmental department doggie employees are taking funds and staffing away from. And when it comes to SS, what fraud and waste have they found? None is what I see documented, and a whole bunch of nonsense I see claimed. Claims repeated by the demented felon in front of congress (as documented here) even after fully debunked. Where the fuck are the receipts? Why do folks applaud this naked corruption?

    6. I agreed with @3:20 that "we still have three branches of Government." And SS is in the Executive Branch, so it's controlled by the President, not the Judicial Branch.

    7. Social Security is controlled by statutes, passed by Congress and signed into law by the president, you fucking fascist freak.

    8. "And SS is in the Executive Branch, so it's controlled by the President, not the Judicial Branch."

      So does that mean the Judicial Branch can't make rulings related to Social Security, you ignorant waste of space?

  11. Trump fired our Inspector Generals and shut down the GAO, the entities that investigate government agencies like the SSA, and replaced them with an unelected bureaucrat who has massive contracts with the government and therefore massive conflicts of interest, without any approval or consent from Congress, without any background check or security clearance, and gave them access to all our private data and the ability to unilaterally alter Congressionally approved government payments and divert taxpayer dollars to a private slush fund.

    What is so wrong with that?


    1. DOGE and the IJ's are boing the same job, The President replaced some unelected bureaucrats that he chose with some other unelect4edbureaucrats that he chose.

    2. 11:57 listed way more issues than "unelected"and detailed some differences between normal and safe government audits vs the DOGE power grab, you chose to ignore all that, making your comment ignorant, and therefore irrelevant.

      If you can come up with a coherent and credible counterpoint made in good faith, then others can respond and help you understand the circumstances better, but more than likely you are simply operating in bad faith.

    3. orange chickenshit illegally fired the IGs illegally tried to replace them. FIFY

    4. @12:17 - I'll try again. It's legal argument. The President has the legal authority to fire the AGs. He has the legal authority to designate some other people to check other Executive Branch activities.

      You're arguing that the IG's did a better job than DOGE will do. You might be right, for all I know. But, this is not some local judge's decision. Legally and Constitutionally it's the President's decision.

    5. 12:34 no you are wrong on asserting that these actions by Trump are legal.

      Furthermore, merely being "legal" does not counter the charges that what Trump is doing is corrupt.

      You continue to argue in bad faith.

      Try harder.

    6. @2:44, you said "what Trump is doing is corrupt." What are you talking about? Are you saying that Trump personally makes money by firing the IGs or by hiring DOGE?

    7. DOGE is both a power grab and a money grab, corrupt in both senses.

      This is trivially obvious, as obvious as 1:25's bad faith.

    8. Wait....what? DiC engaging in bad faith arguments?

      Who knew?

    9. "this is not some local judge's decision. Legally and Constitutionally it's the President's decision."

      Local judge? Where are these cases being heard, iMunicipal Court? Are they wedged in between parking meter violations?

      These are federal district judges, idiot. And since you know nothing about constitutional law, could you please do everyone a favor and just shut up?

    10. "The President replaced some unelected bureaucrats that he chose with some other unelected bureaucrats that he chose."

      Right, but no IG ever put out a report mistaking millions for billions. The IG's are professionals, not teen doofuses who no nothing beyond programming code.

    11. We'll know when DOGE finds government waste and fraud, because there will be hundreds of thousands of photos of Right-wingers on their hands and knees begging Colin Kaepernick for forgiveness.
      Until then, it's nothing but typical Right-wing bullshit.

    12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    13. @4:16 these are federal DISTRICT judges. They each have a district. Yet they somehow have the power to control policy in the whole country. Recall the judge who ordered the Tren de Agua plane to turn around and come back. He thought he had worldwide power.

    14. A district court judge stopped Biden’s loan forgiveness. Did you object then?

    15. "(the judge) thought he had worldwide power."

      That's the knee-jerk, no-think framing that you heard on Fox News.

      But the real answer to why he ordeedr them to turn around and come back is because he ordered them not to take off in the first place, nimrod.


    16. A district court judge stopped Biden’s loan forgiveness. Did you object then?”

      DiC won’t answer this. He was perfectly happy for Biden to be reined in by the courts. With magats, the principle isn’t “the law binds everyone”; the principle is “the law binds Democrats but not Republicans, especially Trump.”

    17. "A district court judge stopped Biden’s loan forgiveness. Did you object then?”

      I asked DiC the same thing half a dozen times at least, and he avoids the question. Then he comes back as though no one had tried to answer his question and repeats the same shit that he hears on Fox or whatever right-wing site he chooses to listen to.

      Apparently, Dickhead in Cal believes all these Federal District Judges who have been handed the messy job of dealing with Trump's unconstitutional fascist acts just don't understand the Constitution as well as a retired actuary is his mid 80's at least does.

      As the staff cuts at the Social Security Administration leave monthly benefit payments to tens of millions of Americans up in the air — alarming former SSA leaders on both sides of the aisle — Howard Lutnick, the Secretary of Commerce, doesn't think you should be complaining if your check doesn't show up.

      "Let's say Social Security didn't send out their checks this month — my mother-in-law, who's 94, she wouldn't call and complain. She just wouldn't," Lutnick told All-In Podcast hosts David Friedberg and Chamath Palihapitiya on Thursday. "She'd think something got messed up, and she'll get it next month."

      This is the crew the orange chickenshit put in charge now to protect our SS after looking the American people straight in the eye multiple times and declaring he will not touch SS. And Dickheads like David in Cal will defend it all the way to hell.

    18. Trump Admin Threatens to Shut Down Social Security Over DOGE Ruling

      And if the judge doesn't change his ruling, Sir Elon of the Nazis will hold his breath until he turns purple.

    19. Elect a clown
      Get a circus.

  12. Eric Trump has joined the board of a Japanese company.

    Oh, the irony!

    1. Typical of Republicans, lacking integrity is a feature, not a bug.

    2. Per Newt Gingrich the biggest crime of the century was Hunter repaying dad $7,000 for a truck. The Orange Felon mid least Peace dude collecting $3.6 Billion from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and UAE was just doing business.

    3. The only reason the mainstream media reports what Newt Gingrich says, is they don't want to be the ones who miss out, if and when Gingrich says something in good faith, just in case that ever happens.


  13. Idiot-Democrats foaming at the mouth is the best confirmation that everything is fine, and we're on the right track.

    1. Says the 12:18 moron whose mouth is covered with a mixture of Putin's ejaculation, poop, and boot shine.

  14. Ukraine recently hit a huge Russian military base deep in Russia, which resulted in a massive explosion, since it housed a large cache of Russia's missiles.

    Russia's largest oil refinery is still burning from the attack last weekend, and the gas pipeline to Hungary that Ukraine destroyed remains out of commission.

    Ukraine hits military and non civilian targets, whereas Russia targets Ukraine's hospitals and schools.

  15. Trump lifts sanctions from scam crypto company that has been found guilty of laundering money for North Korea and other criminal enterprises.

    Who knew?

  16. The situation is what it is because of what Biden did – 4 years of total lawlessness at the border. Was there ever going to be a limit with Biden? What if 100m people came through the Southern border every year? Was he willing to double the population of USA in one term?

    What Trump is doing is a necessary correction. Your leftist heart bleeds because some of them are not Rapists and Murderers, just Rapists. Normal citizens don’t care.

    1. Checks notes..., you are an imbecile.

    2. Is anyone else getting sick and tired of Fortune 1000 companies hiring illegal immigrants, just because they are smarter, and harder workers, than the drugged-up, lazy white people this country produces?

  17. Too many trolls here. It isn’t worth the time any more.

  18. The recent surge in border crossings, which ended in 2024, started under Trump, prior to Covid. Covid stopped all immigration, creating pent up demand for immigration.

    The surge was mostly due to Trump's bad foreign policies that create dumpster fires in other countries so people have to flee, as well as our need for cheap labor.

    Biden immediately, in his first 100 days, set about correcting this Trump debacle, evoking howls from Republicans - "you are doing too much on immigration", they exclaimed. It was all over the news.

    First Biden reversed Trump's inhumane policies towards immigrants, then he strengthened our border, and finally he started working with other countries to reduce the number of immigrants.

    Later, Biden and the Dems worked out a "compromise" with Republicans, giving them pretty much all they wanted on immigration, but Trump stepped in and stopped the bill because he thought it would harm his chances of re election.

    Immigrants are the lifeblood and backbone of our country, they contribute billions every year to our revenues, and they have much lower crime rates than native citizens.

    Republicans do not care about immigrants in real life, they only recognize they can weaponize the issue to their advantage. They haul out the issue every election cycle like clockwork.

    Republican leaders are desperate to stay in power because most of them are corrupt and engage in criminality including rampant sexual assaults; they need to stay in power to avoid having to face personal responsibility for their corruption and crimes.

  19. Border crossings historically follow job openings. Ya think even a moron MAGA cultist could figure that out. But no. Simply cannot deal with logic.

    1. @3:29 - logic is good but data and facts are better. There has been little change in job openings since Trump took office, but illegal immigration is down something like 95 per cent.

    2. I knew this whole story about DOGE firing people from their jobs was bullshit.
      What kind of RINO doesn't love big government?

    3. It was down before Trump took office. Deporting random tourists, green card holders & political targets is tyranny not border control.

  20. Another indicator the economy is going to shit under I Love Tariffs Bigly.

  21. This is from the NY Times today:
    President Trump escalated his threats against people who vandalize Tesla cars, musing in a social media post on Friday that those convicted of damaging or destroying the vehicles — including U.S. citizens — could be sent to notorious prison complexes in El Salvador.
    As I have mentioned in this blog, the gap between kidnapping and disappearing "illegal aliens" and US citizens is not as great as some may think.

    1. More one-sided, Right-wing viewpoints reported by the NY Times.
      Where's the report about the people replying to Trump by telling him to shove his nonsense up his ass?

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