A second look at what Arnolt said!


The silence of the lambs: We'll take you back, though only briefly, to the world of Charly Arnolt.

Last night, Arnolt hacked her way through another appearance on the Fox News Channel's Gutfeld! program. We're living in an ugly time. As we noted this morning, the lady said this at one point:

ARNOLT (8/7/24): Really, when you look at the two of them, I mean they are truly just made for each other. You have a cackling, ugly-pants suit-wearing, former mistress alongside a low-key soy beta, and it really just makes that much sense.

The lady was referring to Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. In her description, Harris is a "cackling, ugly pants suit wearing former mistress." Her running-mate is "a low-key soy beta."

A low-key soy beta? As noted, we had to google that description. When we did, this is what came up first:

Soy boy

Soy boy is a pejorative term sometimes used in online communities to describe men perceived to be lacking masculine characteristics. The term bears many similarities and has been compared to the slang terms cuck (derived from cuckold), nu-male and low-T ("low testosterone") – terms sometimes used as insults for male femininity by online communities.

That was the first explanation that came up. This entry also appeared:

SOY BOY BETA CUCK—Classy Novelty Shirt


We began to assume that we were getting the picture! As we noted this morning, this aligns with a great deal of hint-hint-hinting which is currently being churned by the lowest order of Fox News Channel being—by people like Gutfeld and Watters. 

How big a lowlife is Gutfeld? A few weeks ago, he delivered a joke which asked this question—and no, we aren't making this up:

Now that President Biden has dropped out of the White House race, has Jill Biden started f*cking Hunter Biden yet?

Producers BLEEPed his verb of choice. But that's what the lowlife asked—and this sort of thing is standard fare on his prime time "cable news" program.

Back to Arnolt's contribution last night. With respect to that lowlife behavior, we ask a few simple questions:

What can be said of the high-end news orgs which refuse to report, let alone discuss, such persistent behavior? What explains the persistent silence of major orgs like the New York Times?

The Fox News Channel pries the lid off this low-IQ garbage can in prime time every night. The New York Times averts its gaze. So do the heralded stars on MSNBC and CNN.

People like Arnolt and Gutfeld behave this way in front of millions of viewers. Why do the major orgs of Blue America look away—avert their gaze? What explains the silence of these elite, upper-class lambs?

For deep rumination only: Is Jason Zinoman still alive on the planet? 

Zinoman is the New York Times' comedy critic. We think it's silly to have such a critic, but we feel entirely sure that he's a good, decent person.

That said, what keeps this devoted journalist from writing about this alleged "comedy program?" Is he afraid to report what occurs on this "cable news" show? 

Is he afraid to tell us what he thinks about such persistent behavior? To tell us whether he thinks this actually is a "comedy show?"

We live in an extremely ugly, stupid time—but also in a time of major high-end avoidance.


  1. Somerby has been making two observations: First, that Fox is a disgusting propaganda clown show. Second, that mainstream media won't report or analyze this obvious fact.

    Instead of discussing these two observations, commenters here tend to warn us that Somerby's only purpose in criticizing Fox is -- counterintuitively -- to actually promote Fox's right-wing views. Apparently, we gullible liberals will hear Somerby criticizing Fox and somehow internalize Fox's talking points. Like, maybe Hunter really is humping Jill, right?

    1. I, for one, am happy that Somerby now wants the Left to criticize the choices the Right makes.

      Listening to “the Others” was a stroke of genius, thanks to Bob’s readers reporting back to him what the Others were saying.

    2. Glad Bob finally became aware of what we have all known for years. Maybe he should have been watching Jon Stewart dismantle them regularly back in the day.

    3. Yeah, Somerby was just feigning it when he criticized all that stuff during Bill Clinton’s reign, the Bush neocons, the people who went after Obama, and Susan Rice, Madeleine Albright, Hillary’s email investigation, James Comey (who anonymices defended endlessly when Bob voiced distrust of him, until Comey reopened the Hillary matter), and Bob’s belief that Donald Trump is nutso.

      Trump says that it’s really not him they hate with the hate of a thousand weinie roasts, it’s the people who have the temerity to vote in opposition to them.

      Bob doesn’t hate these people. That’s all it took.

    4. Liberals already know that Fox is full of shit. So who is supposed to benefit if the mainstream media reported on Gutfeld’s comedy? Gutfeld’s audience is who needs the truth, but they won’t listen to the mainstream media, so it’s futile. Besides, PP, what is the mainstream media supposed to do? “We contacted Jill Biden’s office to inquire whether she is having sex with Hunter…” It spreads the bs without debunking it, because it’s outright ugly bs comedy/propaganda.

      Besides, PP, there are more important lies told by fox, such as those pertaining to the 2020 election, for which fox was fined almost a billion dollars, and this WAS covered by the media, contradicting Somerby’s assertions.

    5. PP, yesterday one of those anonymices recounted the Willy Brown relationship and other political tropes in order to go after Somerby. At the time, I wondered if she might be double agent wanting to dredge up dirt while pretending to defend Harris.

      I suggest we all keep an eye out for that tactic

    6. And I suggest above that Somerby’s suggestion makes little sense. You are free to debate that point, But you and PP would rather make this personal about anonymous commenters and their “tactics”.

    7. Anonymouse 4:32pm, you’ve made sure that “Bob’s fanboys” do take your put downs personally.

    8. At his press conference today, Donald Trump said he has known Willy Brown a long time.

    9. Anonymouse 4:38pm, yep. Donald Trump wants to remind people of Willy Brown.

    10. Once it was reported back to Somerby that “the Others” have nothing but bigotry, it became okay to criticize their media choices.

    11. This illustrates the extreme double standard applied to Kamala Harris who had a dating relationship with Brown 29 years ago and Trump, who has been adjudicated to be a rapist and sexual abuser, paid hush money to several women, has been accused of assault by 20+ women, is listed among the men accused of having sex with 13 year olds along with Jeffrey Epstein (in depositions in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, she was convicted and is serving 20 years) and talks a lot about how sexually attractive his daught was at young ages (9, 13) and how he'd be dating her if she weren't his daughter (which is very creepy). Willy Brown is nothing compared to Trump's history. Commenters have been pointing out how "nothing" these accusations truly are. Cecelia doesn't seem to be able to understand that comparison.

    12. Trump (who lies whenever he speaks) met Brown at a business meeting. Brown and Trump are not friends or even associates. Trump saying that Brown said terrible things about Kamala Harris is guaranteed to be a lie.

    13. My comment at 4:19 says nothing about Somerby’s character or yours or PP, Cecelia. It is a fair point that I am making.

    14. “ Donald Trump wants to remind people of Willy Brown.”

      Because Donald Trump lives in the gutter and couldn’t care less about real voters and their concerns. And no one thinks Trump looks good by comparison.

    15. Anonymices, Trump wants to dredge up this stuff just as you want to repeat his history and accuse him of something like wanting to bed his daughter.

      When anonymices mention Willy Brown or other things pertaining to Harris’ history or criticism of her, we know that this is an attempt to keep these matters in the spotlight. To air the latest insinuations and quips about her. All this in the guise of calling it out.

      Anonymices must start policing their ranks.

    16. Telling people what Harris and Brown did 30 years ago will allow voters to see how nothing this nothing-burger is. And then they might catch on to Trump's other lies about Democrats.

    17. Once Trump's daughter ratted him out to the FBI for stealing classified documents, it finally dawned on Trump that there is probably no chance she's going to let him fuck her.
      Trump has been in a deep depression since he's come to that realization. What's the point of being President of the United States if your dream girl still isn't going to let you bed her? You can really see how depressed Trump is over the situation, and it explains why he's so low energy.

    18. Cecelia, you are unhinged. Trump is the one bringing this up, just as anti-Harris trolls have brought it up here in comments. We could talk about Trump being multiply accused of sexual misconduct, including in a case where he owes money to E Jean Carroll. That’s the obvious rebuttal to Trump bringing up Harris’ purported consensual relationship decades ago.

    19. Trump stopped wanting to fuck his daughter, when she turned 18 (i.e. got too old for him).

    20. Sexual relations between consenting adults is woke.

    21. Anonymouse 5:59pm, Willie Brown was referenced by an anonymouse yesterday. For no real reason, when there are other more current criticisms of her to address.

      As limited as anonymices are (even with AI), I’m puzzled that you didn't notice that.

    22. Willie Brown is not a woman. He is a man.

    23. Willie be a Black man.

    24. Anonymouse 7:20pm, yet another reference to Willy Brown in order to keep the past Harris-Brown relationship in the public eye.

      Your perfidy is boundless…

  2. These terms soy boy, low-T, cuck, and so on come from incel and gamer subculture on the internet and from misogynist assholes like Andrew Tate. Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, and men who not only hate feminists and women in general but also bash men who reflect back their own self-hatred, have been around for a long time. They were confined to extremist reddit and fringe male groups including white supremacists and domestic terrorists.

    Trump took this mainstream with his appearance on Adin Ross interview, recommended Trump said by his son Barron. Ross is a disciple of Andrew Tate and uses all of the language Gutfeld did, to apply to Democrats and to the Presidential and VP nominees. This is toxic masculinity of the same type as Tucket Carlson promoted. This is another reason why these guys cannot be permitted to impose their views on women in an authoritarian regime.

    It isn't as if the mainstream media has never discussed incel culture before. It has repeatedly published articles about men's problems and the crisis among young men in particular. Trump and his MAGAs have linked that toxic subculture with Republican politics via Fox News. It isn't the mainstream media that has promoted this stuff, but Trump and his buddies, and the media has not ignored it. It becomes a major topic every time some young man with an AR-15 shoots up innocents because he can't get laid and thinks women owe him their attention. The latest one shot at Trump but the right is busy blaming the FBI.

    The strongest predictor of mass shooting is a previous history of violence against women. Someday perhaps the left and the right will take that research finding seriously. Today, Somerby is too busy blaming is favorite targest in the media to think seriously about why Trump's core consists of angry white young men who feel entitled to be treated like kings by any woman they fixate on.

    How does this relate to soy boys and low-T? Incels have decided that the world consists of alpha males who get the best looking women (called Chads) and second-tier substandard men who get the sloppy seconds, leavings. They search for very young girls (who are at their prime because they have no sexual experience yet) because they do not want to compete with or settle for some woman who has already had a boyfriend. Their terms for such women are very ugly. So, they are against age of consent laws. They talk a lot about rape online because they are very angry at the women they think prefer Chads (and often black men) over them. They think this is all based on appearance and that they have lost out on a genetic lottery that is at heart unfair to them. They do not recognize that they should expend effort toward developing a personality or learning how to relate to adult women, nor that women are not preoccupied with looks the way these incels are. They come across as creepy and demanding (entitled) so women naturally avoid them. They believe the government should assign them a concubine or sex slave and that women are only involved with men so that they can get things, such as money or drugs.

    Political extremist groups have learned how to exploit the insecurities of these young men. That is where soy boy (Beta males) and cucks (anyone who doesn't get first chance at the really pretty women) come from. There are unpleasant names for the women too.

    Somerby could have been aware of this (if he isn't now) by doing some reading. It is discussed in all of the mainstream media because it is a serious problem when men are radicalized over sexual beliefs and then go out and shoot people in public places. The incels make heroes of such shooters on their websites. And now Trump is giving it his stamp of approval, both by appearing with Adin Ross and using the language.

    This is a bad development and it is extremely irresponsible of Fox to encourage Gutfeld and others in this behavior.

    1. Anonymouse 5:16pm, the focus for this stuff shifted fromJordan Peterson and others to becoming the subject of a highly popular NIGHTLY political/comedy program.

      If your interest in this was anything other than political tactics you wouldn’t be approaching it in a bored manner while accusing Somerby of trying to boost the show's popularity via his criticizing the media for their inaction.

      This means nothing to you. It’s just one more means of doing a political hit on Bob.

    2. It means nothing to 5:16. Like the way the "border crisis" means nothing to Republicans.

    3. You don't tell me what means something and what means nothing TO ME. I can 100% assure you that this means NOTHING to Somerby.

      This is a perfect storm between MAGAs, incels and white supremacists. It should be concerning to all of us, but I doubt it will affect your vote or Somerby's or any of the fatuous fanboys who think anything goes as long as it helps their cause. The rest of us who are voting for Harris are concerned about the country itself, and even about these disturbed young men, and not just about whether Trump can escape prosecution by living in the White House again.

    4. Anonymouse flying monkey, 5:48pm, you’re getting it. You do your inconsequential limited breed proud.

    5. Someone who cares about young men would be urging them to go to college so they can increase their earning ability, to work on their personalities and avoid toxic male culture embodied by Rogan, Adin Ross (who sniffs chairs), Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, and other women-haters, and to stop blaming others for their own deficiencies. Trump is not going to help them and violence is not going to make girls go out with them, especially if they shoot AT the girls. Somerby himself is something of a woman hater, so that messiage isn't going to come from him. Plus, he also hates college so he isn't going to suggest anyone go there either.

    6. Anonymouse 5:51pm, of course you’re going to launch into a that sort of screed. It’s the only cover you have in your attempt to dredge up and re-air past and current accusations against Harris and company. All those long posts ranting about sordid claims toward Harris, past and present is just a means of informing readers of the latest and reminding them of past accusations .

    7. Cecelia is especially deranged at this point. Better to back away.

    8. Anonymouse 5:55pm, Somerby is a woman hater so he has no right to call out Greg Gutfeld for a misogynistic and purulent nightly show, when you were going after Aden Ross (household name) since you cut your teeth. So you’ll accuse him of trying to popularize their views because that’s what you’re paid to do.

      You are a hired slanderer. Nothing else.

    9. Anonymouse 6:01pm, you’ve spent the past year alerting us to Bob’s plot to assist Greg Gutfeld and Fox News via blogging on those subjects.

      Keep your eyes open for crafty anonymices doing the same as to Harris and Walz.

    10. Just vote for Kamala.

    11. Her blazers need to be shorter and have a higher stance.

    12. Here’s an example:


    13. Since Adin Ross is a household name, you should know that his name is spelled Adin NOT Aden as you spelled it.

    14. Cecelia is off her rocker, but that is distracting from taking this issue of right wing misogyny seriously.

      Republicans tried to start their own dating service because they thought no women would go out with them because they are right wing. Actually women don't like to date men who are undereducated, have no steady employment, have neaderthal attitudes about who gets to boss them around, don't care about women's issues much less their feelings, and want women to do all the housework as well as pay the rent and raise kids. I wonder why women don't want to date right wing guys under those circumstances! And who gets blamed for the lack of women willing to date Republicans? Women.

    15. Adin Ross is quite obviously not a household name.


    16. Anonymouse 7:18, you’ve launched into babbling about conserve men being Neanderthal because you’re angry and want to lash out. Speaking of rocking chairs, go find yours.

    17. You can’t even speak English. No one here listens to you.

    18. I listen to Cecelia. She’s my inspiration. She gives me hope, I’ll live to see the end of Democrat tyranny.

    19. Anonymouse 9:40pm, we won’t.

  3. During his press conference, Trump refused to say how he'd vote on the initiative to overturn the six-week abortion ban in Florida.

    1. He either forgot about it or never heard of it before. His huffing and puffing during "the press conference" answered the question of why he held the damn thing at the scene of the crime. His handlers - who must now number in the dozens - are obviously afraid of an MI or something similar. He's soooooooo freaking OLD!!

    2. Our media isn't concerned with the age or cognitive abilities of Presidential nominees.
      It's always been that way.

  4. When they say "unqualified", they mean "black".

    1. Someone one better tell Walz.

    2. Does Walz think they're being serious?

  5. Trump said in his press conference today that people are coming here from "countries that no one has ever heard of." Can someone here tell me what the names of those countries are?

  6. One step at a time.
    Once the Republicans come up with something they can explain, it can be addressed. Until then, everyone is wasting their time.
    Putting a bunch of scary words in a sentence, and saying Harris and/ or Walz is nothing that can be addressed. Once they figure out what's bothering them, Dems can engage.

  7. Now that we’ve exchanged ideas, we can agree on the conclusion: vote for Kamala.

  8. Republicans can't handle the truth.

  9. Lawrence O’Donnell very good tonight on the media’s pathetic softball treatment of Trump at his press conference where his answers were nothing but word salad.

  10. Trump, Fox, Vance … degenerates and professional liars all.

  11. RFK Jr pulls more votes from Trump than from Harris.

  12. "Critics, including the Trump campaign, claim that the law requires tampons and pads to be supplied in both female and male bathrooms due to transgender boys who may menstruate. However, the law doesn’t specify bathroom locations; it simply ensures that all students who menstruate can access these essential products. The impact primarily benefits girls facing “period poverty,” where they struggle to afford period products".

    If their latest phoney narrative is the beach Republicans choose to die on, so be it.

    1. Anonymouse 12:05am, of course girls are the chief beneficiaries of having tampons in restrooms. That’s because girls menstruate, while boys do not.

    2. You just love mentioning tampons and menstruation, Cecelia. You are one twisted individual.

    3. Anonymouse 1:51am, being conservative and/or believing that men cannot menstruate is not an issue. The ugliness here lies in your persistent harassment and slander of Bob on his blog, and that’s true regardless of how often you tell each other that you are only trying to make the world a better place.

    4. Anonymouse 3:59am, it’s foolish to claim, as an anonymouse recently did, that the absence of a tampon dispenser in a boys' restroom symbolizes the mistreatment of women. This is not a display of empathy, but rather a demand for a radical shift in gender norms. Submit or be labeled a hater. And what a Freudian slip that anonymouse made in saying that failure to provide tampon for guys is cruelty to women.

      You’re not here to discuss or to persuade. You’re here to slander and insult anyone who protests your ideology.

    5. Cecelia,
      That's the Left for you. Always trying to shove their ideology down our throats.
      What next? Forcing 12-year old rape victims to birth their rapists babies?

    6. Anonymouse 8:12am, just to give a bit of perspective, there was a time when nature forced people to have unplanned and unwanted babies regardless of the circumstances of their conception. Contraception prevents that circumstance.

      The vast majority of babies are not conceived via rape and state voters decide on the policy for their states. .

      Your approach does not at all indicate a desire for discussion at all. It’s yet another example of “my way or the highway”.

    7. 8:44,
      It sounds like state voters are the ones who make the choices for their states.
      If that's true, can you tell me what is going on in Georgia, regarding voting?

    8. It turns out, people making collective choices isn't Marxism after all.
      Who knew?

    9. Cecelia 8:04 I am here to provide an antidote to the right wing fallacious claim that dispensers of menstrual products were mandated to be placed in boys restrooms. Your kind likes to erect straw man arguments and use them as a cudgel against your opponents. Doesn’t work here.

    10. The law does not specify where the dispensers are located. Somehow, you freaks turned it into a transgender issue. Nicely played.

    11. Anonymouse 9:08, anyone who understands the definition of a constitutional republic.

    12. Anonymouse 9:26am, the law would apply to anyone who menstruates. That would be transmales, Einstein.

    13. Anonymouse 9:16am, I don’t know if anyone has put a tampon dispenser in boy’s bathrooms. I know that all kids who menstruate MUST be able to obtain these free products. Despite your tales of embarrassment as to period mishaps which we all have have experienced to one point or another…and learned from…from time immemorial (and generally solved by going to the school office secretary) this is the reason why they mandated tampons in bathrooms.

    14. 9:30 You, DIC and some other freak decided to use the law to punch down on transgender people. Maybe the three of you can get a discount on group therapy.

  13. The right wing is out of its collective mind. Just look at DiC and Cecelia. Wow.

  14. Somerby talks about the ugliness of Gutfeld. Well, right here at his blog, he has fans like DiC and Cecelia who traffic in exactly that kind of ugliness. It’s quite ironic.

    1. I am no fan of Gutfeld. On the contrary, I find him repulsive, based on the quotes provided by Bob.

    2. Don't forget to tell us how you are staunchly pro-choice, too, David.

    3. Anonymouse 1:59am, and that “ugliness” is not the ugliness of calling women ugly or fat. It’s simply ascribing to the traditional definition of gender.

      That’s the Anonymouse definition of “discussion”.

    4. I am staunchly pro-choice. Over a lifetime I donated many thousands to Planned Parenthood and NARAL and other pro-choice organizations. My position on abortion is consistent with my
      “Smaller government” positions in other areas .

    5. David is pro-choice. Therefore he votes for Republicans, and for Trump-Vance in particular.

    6. Dickhead in Cal says he supports "Smaller government"? So you agree with Gov. Walz to "mind your own damn business" when it comes to reproductive decisions? You vote for the opposite; you vote to allow religious fanatic rednecks decide for the woman or the girl. Your VP candidate thinks it would be a good idea for states to monitor women's menstrual cycles so they can track any outside state abortions. That's what you fucking vote for, Dickhead.

    7. Dickhead in Cal says to is no fan of Gutfield. Gutfield is just Trump only with a Fox NOOZ cable show.

      The old republican party always had people like Gutfield in their ranks. Good decent republicans like Dickhead in Cal would pander to them and welcome their votes but they would find them somewhat of an embarrassment and try to keep them in the closet so normal America wouldn't notice. That has changed. People like Gutfield have seized control of the Trumplican Party. They are the majority now. Just look at the fucking Trumplican House members. They're all fucking nuts.

      I understand Dickhead in Cal would like to distance himself from his party, but it's a little too late, Dickhead. Donald Fucking Trump.

  15. I like the way members of the Republican Party would require the teenage victim of rape, or the unwitting adoptive parents of the child from that encounter, to raise an individual carrying half the genetic material of a rapist. Nice.

    1. Only until the rapist dies. Then Republicans will put up a statue honoring the rapist, like they did with Robert E. Lee.

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