SUNDAY: Dowd says the Democrats did the right thing!


Her language says something different: In her column in today's New York Times, Maureen Dowd seems to say that the Democrats did the right thing.

In fact, she says so explicitly! This is the assessment she offers near the start of her gossipy column:

DOWD (8/18/24): A coterie of powerful Democrats maneuvered behind the scenes to push an incumbent president out of the race.

It wasn’t exactly “Julius Caesar” in Rehoboth Beach. But it was a tectonic shift and, of course, there were going to be serious reverberations. Even though it was the right thing to do, because Joe Biden was not going to be able to campaign, much less serve as president for another four years, in a fully vital way, it was a jaw-dropping putsch.

But at some point, when the polls cratered, Democratic mandarins decided to put the welfare of the party—and the country—ahead of the president’s ego, and stop catering to his self-regarding fantasy that he was the only one who could beat Donald Trump. Also, they all could know that Biden was slowing faster than he and his family and his inner circle were acknowledging.

According to Dowd, the Democrats who helped push President Biden out of this race had "decided to put the welfare of the country ahead of the president’s ego."

"It was the right thing to do," she explicitly says. But in that same sentence—in that same breath—she describes what they did as "a putsch!"

Dispirited citizens, What's in a word? This throwback column by a reawakened, earlier version of Dowd offers an instructive lesson with respect to that age-old question.

For many years, Dowd was a highly influential columnist—a highly influential scribe whose journalistic performance was often perhaps rather poor. In recent years, she has more often been phoning in her column.

She has stopped being the straw which stirs the drink! Today's column involves a return to what Nestor, the seasoned charioteer, once called "the old ways."

As it drags its way along, the gossipy column asks us to wonder about what Michelle Obama might have thought, and may still think, about Hunter Biden's relationship with the late Beau Biden's former wife. 

At one time, this was Dowd's place on the block. In a type of second adolescence, she has returned to that locale today. 

That said, what's in a word? For today, we restrict our lesson to that eternal question—and our lesson starts with the headline stop Dowd's column. Here's what that headline says:

The Dems Are Delighted. But a Coup Is Still a Coup.

Those Democrats didn't just pull off "a putsch"—the headline says they staged "a coup!" In fact, the headline says that two times!

Fellow citizens, what's in a word? With respect to the words in question, those fraught terms, all by themselves, convey an obvious impression.

In her own explicit language, Columnist Dowd says that those Democrats "did the right thing" with respect to President Biden's delusions.  For ourselves, we fully agree with each part of that assessment—but isn't the point of this musing.

Dowd says the Democrats "did the right thing." She also says that the Democrats "put the welfare of the country ahead of the president’s ego,"

That's what Dowd explicitly says—but rather plainly, her dramatic choice of words then contradicts that assessment.  

She says that what they did was a coup—a putsch. Inevitably, those words convey a wholly different picture—and one of those words sits right there, two times, in the headline atop her column.

Why would somebody write that way? Why wouldn't an editor challenge such peculiar double-writing?

Aside from the argument from lack of sharpness, we have no idea. We did decide to do this:

A highly evocative word—"coup"—sits in the column's headline. We can't say for sure who wrote the headline, but we decided to check to see if Dowd herself has used the word in her lengthy, gossip-strewn column.

When we checked, we saw that the word appears two times. Here are its two appearances:

DOWD: Democrat after Democrat who had been close to Biden before conspiring to push him out had to confess to cable anchors that they had not been able to talk to the president, who was sulking in his tent.

Party leaders whitewashed the coup by ornately extolling Biden.


DOWD: Even if the Democrats wanted to put their bad blood in the past, the Nasty Man at the top of the G.O.P. ticket won’t let them forget.

“Kamala wants NOTHING TO DO WITH CROOKED JOE BIDEN,” Trump ranted on Truth Social Thursday. “They are throwing him out on the Monday Night Stage, known as Death Valley. He now HATES Obama and Crazy Nancy more than he hates me! He is an angry man, as he should be. They stole the Presidency from him—‘It was a Coup!’”

Sad! In fact, the highly evocative word appears in the column two times. 

The first time it appears, it's being offered in Dowd's own voice. The second time, it appears in the voice of Candidate Trump, as he stages one of his current trademark rants.

Full disclosure! The notion that those Democrats staged a "coup" is a current Trump talking point. Also, it's being repeated every hour of every day by the message hounds on the Fox News Channel. We'd already seen this message angrily delivered this morning on Fox before we read Dowd's column! 

The claim that those Democrats staged a "coup" is part of current propaganda. Also, it doesn't seem to fit with Dowd's explicit assessment.

In fact, it seems to contradict her explicit assessment. But there it sits in her column's headline—there it sits two times! Many people who don't read the column will see the point affirmed.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep—but even at its highest levels, our mainstream press corps simply isn't amazingly sharp.

Dowd has reverted to gossip today. But dearest darlings, What's in a word? 

Also, as Casey Stengel once asked:

Can anyone here play this game?

A bit of background: If it was the right thing to do, does it really make sense to call it "a coup?" To call it "a putsch?"

Our answer would be an obvious no. Moving right along, we venture back into the past:

During the endless 2016 campaign, Dowd was much friendlier to Candidate Trump than to Candidate Clinton. That strikes us as an unmistakable point.

Along the way, she published a highly peculiar column in which she shared the last few words of the late Beau Biden. In a very strange bit of journalism, her unsourced account of what he had said became the instant source for an otherwise unsourced news report which sat atop the front page of the Sunday New York Times.

(Dowd's unsourced column appeared in that day's print edition. Atop page one, so did the otherwise unsourced "news report!")

Who could possibly have been the source for Dowd's unsourced account? Her unsourced report was highly unflattering to Candidate Clinton—but given the unusual, tragic subject matter, who could have been her source?

For today, we'll assume, perhaps incorrectly, that she actually had a source. By now, we've come to assume that her source may well have been Hunter Biden.

We didn't know about his endless problems and misbehaviors back then. We do know about them today. (For the record, President Biden has explicitly said that he wasn't Dowd's source.)

That mystery continues. In today's column, we see the return of an earlier version of Dowd. Dearest darlings, What did (and does) Michelle Obama possibly think about Hunter Biden's relationship with Beau Biden's former wife?

Also this, dearest darlings! As we negotiate this vale of tears, please riddle us this age-old point:

Dearest darlings! What's in a word?


  1. “Why would somebody write that way? Why wouldn't an editor challenge such peculiar double-writing?“

    1. This is how Somerby writes. He has no editor but himself.

      The phrase “mixed feelings” was created for complex situations.

    2. "In recent years, she has more often been phoning in her column."

      Why would somebody write such a blatant "pot calling the kettle black" projection?

      To be fair, in the wake of Harris' campaign largely proving Somerby's recent main theses to be inaccurate/incoherent, Somerby has been attempting to sort of retcon his notions as more centrist than right.

    3. Out of curiosity, what “recent main theses” have been proven to be “inaccurate”?

    4. I read PP's question, and all I can hear are crickets.

  2. Double inconsequential post.

    Whether forcing Biden out can properly be called coup is inconsequential

    Whether Bob thinks "coup" is a wrong word to choose is inconsequential

    1. What Bob thinks about pretty much anything is inconsequential.

    2. You can’t preserve democracy by overriding it. Calling it “Biden’s ego” is no excuse. Certain Democrats did something wrong that may turn out well, but that doesn’t change that it was wrong.

    3. Yes, of course, if you win some primaries, you are legally mandated to stay in the race no matter what.


    4. Roughly 70% of polled Democrats wanted Biden out. When he originally ran he did so as a transitional president, a platform he reneged on. Republicans have their man; he should be able to run against anybody. If he can't beat a not so smart woman by mispronouncing her name and denigrating her looks maybe he can get a few gullible rubes to believe that she isn't a legitimate contender, but those low lying fruit were always his for the taking. There just won't be enough of them.

    5. 10:31 Sorry you are upset but that was Joe Biden that wrote the resignation letter, so no, you are full of crap, just as if were Trump to write one today your party could not mandate that he continue running. Biden's been seen in public since, is not in shackles and speaks lucidly. He has not made any 911 calls indicating that he has been kidnapped. He's been photographed at the beach. He has free will and no one held a gun go his head. So get over yourself. Dowd has always been a mediocre writer liking to stir things up, as well demonstrated here, and called out by Somerby for it. You've got a mentally unstable codger to vote for and the Dems don't. Good luck.

    6. Dowd is really not fair to the guy out on bail in three jurisdictions, awaiting sentencing in a forth. This is the guy who does the best coups. The biggest coups with the biggest crowds. Kamala's coup / being selected to replace Biden by Democratic electors who will formalize her nomination this week / was nothing in comparison.

    7. Biden was pushed out by donors and press after winning primaries. That isn’t how a democratic system works.

    8. Leaving was Biden's decision. Pressuring him to leave was a tactical decision that broke no rules and that has left smiles on Democratic voters faces.

      What is difficult to understand about this?

      And saying it doesn't matter whether it's called a coup is to say that words don't matter.

      But they do.

    9. 9:00. Donors can do whatever they want with their money. Would you like them to invest in a candidate that had a high probability of losing? It is quite rich of a Trump supporter to complain about the democratic process. LMAO. Incidentally, we do not live in a democracy; otherwise presidential elections would be won by the popular vote. We would not be dealing with ex-president Trump if that were the case.

    10. The correct definition of any word is meaningless to David if it doesn’t suit his twisted purpose of the moment.

  3. The designation of mandarin is on the money. From the media to the civil service legions.

    1. Media like Dowd, perhaps?

    2. Anonymouse 10:52am, that fact has been chronicled here for decades.

    3. Then perhaps her opinions are, shall we say, shit?

    4. Anonymouse 12:00pm, no, she’s capable of making some shrewd observations as to politics and people. She can also undermine the accuracy of her analysis via sheer ill will.

    5. 12:10 that is highly debatable, but if there is some truth there, it is likely in part because, unlike you, she is not a man pretending to be a woman.

      Get help.

    6. How do you know Maureen Dowd isn’t a man pretending to be a woman?

    7. I'm too embarrassed to detail it, I got really drunk one time...

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Anonymouse 1:01pm, I think transwomen are folks who wish they were women for reasons ranging from sexual kinks to gender dysphoria. I certainly never thought that they are people who are inherently incapable of making a point. You’re one harsh anonymouse.

    10. “I'm too embarrassed to detail it, I got really drunk one time...”

      Ahhh, so this is why that anonymouse calls me a man.

      Not in this lifetime, sister…

    11. Some transwomen are intersex, born with anomalous genitalia and DNA, and have chosen to be female in our binary gender classification system.

    12. "Get help."

      If I was going to select a candidate for psychiatric assistance, it would be the person who is obsessed with insisting a commenter's sex is different from what they claim it to be.

    13. What do you think of post-menopausal women, Cecelia? At least we now understand what their only purpose for existence is. Wouldn't you agree, Cec?

    14. Post-menopausal women:

  4. Bob remained silent when the Post started printing Dowd’s Trump voting relatives!
    This kind of bullshit is Dowd’s function, She never had to back up what She said with facts or on the record sources. This garbage will become the rationalization of “liberals” like Bill Maher to stick it to Harris. Mission accomplished, Post.

    1. Anonymouse 11:00pm, not true. Bob has blogged on Dowd’s family members, by name, several times.

      I think the Dowd Family thing was meant to make her less shrill and more relatable. Her personae dimmed regardless. Which is as it should be for her line of work.

    2. There is zero evidence any Dowd has ever had any influence in electoral politics.

    3. Anonymouse 1:02pm, Krugman may have actually swayed people. Otherwise, they’re all there to articulate what one side is feeling or thinking.

    4. 1:11 not bad, you are on the right track, if you proceed like this in the future I will be forced to pay you more respect.

    5. Anonymouse 1:17pm, you should reconsider that. I will never be able to return that treatment. I couldn’t fake it at gunpoint.

    6. I never recall Bob mentioning the Post’s bizarre practice of letting Dowd turn her column over to her idiot family. If that was true why would it not come up here? It’s interesting that you claim he mentioned then “by name” as if there would be some reason to protect their identity. What was the subject matter they were writing about when Bob mentioned them?

    7. I don’t remember the particular subject matter of their columns or why Bob referenced them.. You can do a search in TDH archives.
      I do remember that Bob mentioned these folks by name because that’s the way I learned about this gimmick and remember thinking it and Dowd’s clan were pretty damn lame and contrived as an example of familial political differences.

    8. Dowd is in the NY Times, not the Washington Post.

    9. Thanks for that correction. I guess I have successfully put her out of my mind for awhile.

  5. What does Bob think of the Press ignoring Trump’s new embrace of the ACA?

    1. Occasionally Trump's bullshit is too much for even the "Press".

  6. After all’s said and done, neither David nor Cecelia will vote for Trump.

    1. Anonymouse 1:23pm, rest assured, you will never know one way or the other.

    2. I know that you will not degrade yourself.

  7. I agree with Our Host that Dowd's writing is especially weak and catty.

    However, looking at this year's events from a practical angle, can anyone say that we've seen a healthy, discerning nominating process from either party? Dowdist obsession with personalities and trivialities is now how our political parties choose our future leaders.

    I'm told there was a time when ordinary dirt farmers across the land could intelligently discuss monetary policy. Now our millionaire class debates tampons and speaking glitches.

    When we end up with competent leadership, it will only be by accident.

  8. Can anyone explain what these Trump supporters mean?

    1. You are half way there by identifying them as MAGAs.They would like a sample of Vance's sperm. Presumably they would use it to procreate.

    2. I don’t think Vance has announced that he’s making his sperm available. And women don’t usually express admiration for a man by asking for sperm in a cup.

  9. [^/"``|]`\[~+$%={enopirynnaf} = {ahhhh}]

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  11. Maureen Dowd doesn't write as many columns anymore since Hillary Clinton left public life. This demonstrates what a shallow person she is.
