DEMOCRATIZATION: Did Trump commit a verbal glitch?


We'll tell you this afternoon: Did Donald J. Trump commit a "verbal glitch"—a verbal glitch which would have been "obvious to anyone watching?"

So said Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post, in her most recent column. 

This is all part of our flailing society's ongoing process of "democratization." It's part of the functioning of "our democracy," such as it ever has been.

But was there any such verbal glitch? Did some such verbal glitch actually happen?

Needless to say, Acyn is found at the heart of this story! We'll report our incomparable findings—but not till this afternoon.


  1. "This is all part of our flailing society's ongoing process of "democratization." "

    Do you mean the process of getting the state-run media under total control of the Democrat party?

    If that's what you mean by "democratization", then it seems that it's not exactly ongoing, but more like fait accompli.

    1. Thanks for the input Cecelia.

    2. Ha-ha. Just wait till we frogmarch you to a Democrat re-education camp.

    3. You first. Like Saturn, the Revolution devours its children.

    4. We’ll re-educate Saturn. He’ll stop that child abuse.

    5. Trump urged the J6 crowd to devour Pence.

      Just sayin'.

  2. Rachel Maddow did another great show last night, exposing the ongoing republican plot to install election deniers in the various swing state as election officials, and the plan to just refuse certify the results of the election.

    Also, fascinating reporting on the apparent $10 million bribe from Egypt to Trump and how cover-up specialist AG Barr squashed the investigation.

  3. Here’s Trump’s verbal glitch:

    About AOC he said, “She’s got a spark that’s pretty amazing.”

    1. Trump said AOC is "fake" and "She's Evita" (meaning Eva Peron), in that same interview, where Trump looked like he is on death's door btw.

    2. Trump also claimed he warned Joe Crowley's campaign about AOC, but this never happened, Trump just made something up, yet again.

    3. AOC is evita — inevitable.

  4. Tim Walz is the next vice-president of the United States.

  5. If Somerby can quote Gutfeld's political "humor," he can give equal time to Andy Borowitz:

    "PHILADELPHIA (The Borowitz Report)—Responding to Vice President Harris’s choice of Tim Walz as her running mate on Tuesday, Donald J. Trump claimed that the Minnesota governor “was never white before.”

    “I saw him on television many, many times, and, quite frankly, he was never white,” Trump said. “Then, he suddenly became white.”

    Hinting that “there’s something going on,” Trump said that Walz’s “last-minute decision to become white” was “something that should be looked into.”

    Asked what Walz was before he became white, Trump responded, “I think Walz is some kind of a dance. So what is he, white or a dance? I respect either one, but he obviously doesn’t.”

    1. Trump is consistently orange.

    2. Borowitz' "humor here is pretty lame. Perhaps you could set up your own blog to feature the hilarious Borowitz. TDH quotes Gutfield''s "humor" to illustrate the vile depths Fox News has descended into. (Whether TDH is getting overly repetitive focusing on the foul-mouthed multi-millionaire poopoo joke comic/news show host is another question).

    3. Borowitz is much funnier than Gutfeld. If you don't like him, turn your head discreetly and cough.

  6. It is encouraging that Somerby knows who Acyn is, but that suggests he is promoting Republican memes on purpose and not just because he only watches Fox.

    1. He is Senior Digital Editor for Meidas Touch, a left wing news source. He posts on X (twitter). Somerby objects to his compilation of glitches and snidely implies that he doctored the tape to introduce a glitch over the word "tri" which Acyn called "Tryyyy" to show the length of his pause. I doubt he did that because Meidas Touch is more reliable than Somerby admits. It is hard to know which digital media have been altered without the ability to compare to a verified original. Even mainstream media get fooled (witness the NY Times and Washington Post who were fooled by Biden deep fakes). Somerby tends to pick whatever suits his preferred beliefs when analyzing sources these days. He loves C-Span because he used to appear on their shows. Like Trump, Somerby is loyal emotionally to anyone who was ever nice to him, including people like Roseanne Barr and Bill O'Reilly. That isn't exactly informational integrity.

      I find myself wondering whether this valuing of loyalty is part of being a narcissist, or whether it is just because praise and nice treatment feel good and thus reinforce warm feelings towards those who like you. It seems to make narcissists unable to distinguish motivated flattery from friendship, but Trump never reciprocates friendships. He is a taker, not a giver. I see quite a few parallels between Somerby and Trump.

    2. You're an idiot.

    3. I'm not the one who doesn't know who acyn is.

  7. I cannot find any recent article by Rubin and Somerby provides no link. What is he talking about?

    1. Who knows, but Trump routinely glitches multiple times at all his rallies, this is just more of Somerby's backhandedness, putting his thumb on the scale in order to manufacture ignorance.

    2. Somerby backhandedly puts his thumb on the scale to manufacture ignorance! What a contortionist!

    3. I'm trying to visualize Somerby manufacturing ignorance by backhandedly putting his thumb on the scale. What a contortionist!

  8. A lie isn't a glitch.

  9. From Rawstory:

    "Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday sent out an apocalyptic fundraising email about Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz after Vice President Kamala Harris made him her choice to be her running mate.

    Via the Washington Post's Philip Bump, the email began by saying Walz "WOULD BE THE WORST VP IN HISTORY" and then claimed that he would "unleash HELL ON EARTH."

    As if that weren't enough, the email said Walz would "rubber stamp Kamala's GREEN NEW SCAM and light TRILLIONS of dollars on fire."

    In fact, there is no indication that Harris will pursue the "Green New Deal," promoted by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) back in 2020, as many Democrats for now appear happy to campaign on the carbon emissions reduction measures passed in the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act.

    The Trump email further stated that Walz has "already pulled in MILLIONS in dirty cash to buy the White House!"

    It is unclear what this means or what source this purported information about Walz taking "dirty cash" came from.

    Trump is no stranger to apocalyptic rhetoric about his political opponents, as in 2020 he predicted that President Joe Biden would cause the stock market to crash while allowing Antifa activists to riot and pillage the suburban Midwest."

    To my knowledge, the VP does not get approval or veto power over the actions of the president, so "rubber stamp" makes no sense. The VP helps execute the president's policies in whatever way the President directs.

    1. This makes so much sense, a bigot could understand it.
      Someone go out and find me a bigot. I can't make heads or tails out of this thing.

    2. If the reincarnation of a cross between Washington, Lincoln and FDR were chosen by Harris to be her VEEP, he or she too would also be THE WORST VP IN HISTORY.

  10. Trying to make sense of Trump’s hateful gibberish is a never ending challenge.

  11. Trump's not a chameleon, like Harris.
    He's still the same guy who's been wanting to fuck his daughter, since she turned nine.

    1. To be fair to Trump, as far as we know, he resisted sexually assaulting his daughter, although he did go ahead a rape a 13yo that reminded him of his daughter.

      Trump also provided funding to his rape victim, so she could get an abortion in case he impregnated her.

      We've got to see the good in people, really that's the main takeaway here, and is well taught by reading the Homer classics.

    2. Homer honored many bad things, but not child rape. Even he had his limits.

    3. "as far as we know" is doing the heavy-lifting in your response.

    4. Various of the girls treated as possessions by Homer were of an age that we would consider jailbait today. Saying that the practice was common in that time period is no excuse.

    5. Homer was such a perve.

    6. Some day in the future, the age of consent may be raised to twenty-one years. If so, men who have sex with nineteen year old girls are child rapists.

    7. Yes, they would be, according to the law. The reason why we have laws against sex with children is that it is bad for the children involved. Even in Homer's time, it is hard to argue that slave girls were better off due to being enslaved by men.

      The age of consent is generally 18 because when a girl gets pregnant below that age, she often has to quit high school before graduation, which will limit her earning ability for the rest of her life. Men should care about that but they don't seem to.

  12. It’s Walz not Shapiro as VP candidate. Apparently Shapiro has three problems from a Democrat POV

    1. He’s Jewish
    2. Supports Israel
    3. Supports vouchers. Vouchers may be good for blacks, but the teachers’ union opposes vouchers

    1. Democrats have so much animosity towards Jews that they elect many more of them into congress than republicans.

    2. I guess the key word here is 'apparently'.

    3. Is this the same DIC who publicly stated that being anti Netanyahu is antisemitic? So given Shapiro’s stance regarding Netanyahu, why would DIC support the Dems nominating an antisemite?

    4. Vouchers may be good for blacks. They may also be good for funneling public school money to wealthy parents sending their children to private schools with $40 k annual tuitions. See Florida’s voucher plan. Quintessential Republican policy.

    5. Vouchers for Defense!

    6. DIC suggests, without any evidence, that rank and file democrats had a problem with Shapiro because of his religion. So what’s new?

    7. David,
      Is Shapiro the DEI hire, the Right had been rooting for?

    8. David is consistent, even when he is inconsistent. Shapiro was a vocal critic of Netanyahu.

    9. David knows. He just knows Harris’ thinking.

    10. 7:14 The point being this: DIC suggests that Harris would have selected Shapiro if not for antisemitism in the Democratic party, but by DIC's prior statements vis a vis Netanyahu, he would likewise label Shapiro an antisemite, insofar as Shapiro is highly critical of Netanyahu. As usual, DIC is full of shit. He has not explained why Harris bypassed Kelly for Walz. Are we to assume that there is a dominant contingency in the Democratic party that advised against choosing a VP with Irish ancestry? Sources say that Shapiro, in interviews, had questions about how much authority he would have and this seemed excessively aggressive. But to DIC and his victim hood tribe, it is all about antisemitism.

  13. Do not take the bait.



    “Josh Shapiro Annoyed He Got This 'Death To Israel' Neck Tattoo For Nothing”

    1. When did Babylon Bee go woke?

    2. So unfunny, as usual.

  15. Tim's last name is pronounced like "walls".
