DEMOCRATIZATION: The name they've been calling Governor Walz!


The Underbelly and Us: We've never spoken to Kevin Drum. We have exchanged the rare email on the rare occasion.

Will his striking work on lead exposure make its way into the history books? We don't know, but we awoke today to his frustration—his frustration about the savage nickname The Underbelly has been dumping on Governor Walz.

"Democratization" can look like this. This is the way NPR's report on the subject begins:

Why Republicans are calling Walz 'Tampon Tim'—and why Democrats embrace it

Republican critics of Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz have given him a new nickname: “Tampon Tim.”

After Vice President Harris announced her pick, Stephen Miller, a former adviser to former President Donald Trump, tweeted, “She actually chose Tampon Tim.” Chaya Raichik, who runs the far-right social media account Libs of TikTok, photoshopped Walz’s face onto a Tampax box.

“Tampon Tim is hands down the best political nickname ever,” tweeted conservative commentator Liz Wheeler. “It’s so… savagely effective. In one word tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about Tim Walz’s dangerous radicalism.”

The moniker refers to a law that Walz, the governor of Minnesota, signed last year, requiring public schools to provide menstrual products—including pads and tampons—to students in 4th through 12th grades.

According to NPR's report, so said "conservative commentator Liz Wheeler." Such people want our nation's discourse to be about derogatory nicknames. They want our discourse to be about "savagely effective" attacks on the scary and dangerous Other.

We'll note that NPR took the safe route in this news report. According to NPR, Walz is being mocked as "Tampon Tim" by his "Republican critics," with the little-known Wheeler offered as the principal case in point.

Cowering in fear or drenched in ignorance, NPR chose to skip past more consequential names from some very large media orgs. We think it's time to start saying their name—-the names of people like Watters and Gutfeld, with paid spear-chuckers like Arnolt and Concha always prepared to join in.

If there were some such thing as terrible people, these would be terrible people. Their recent conduct has Kevin sputtering as he offers this blockquote from an unnamed source:

"No, Tim Walz did not sign a law that requires schools to stock free tampons in boys' restrooms. The law leaves implementation up to individual school districts, and they're free to do as they want. Most districts supply menstrual products only in girls' and gender-neutral restrooms (and the nurse's office)."

Kevin offers this blockquote "just for the record." Quite understandably, he does so after saying that "this [whole discussion] is so stupid I can hardly bring myself to write about it."

We don't blame him for being frustrated to the point of madness. But such assaults have routinely worked in the past, and they could always work once again.

Kevin cites no source for his blockquote, nor can we find one by googling. We'll note again that NPR has failed to say the names of the highly-placed people who have been pushing that claim and that nickname around:

We'll especially note that NPR chose not to say the name of the well-known employer of these high-profile miscreants.

This is a major part of the way our finer orgs have chosen to relate to the "savage" assaults from below. Regarding the Minnesota law which set people like Watters and Gutfeld off, here you see the New York Times' attempt to describe its contents:

Trump Campaign Criticizes Walz for State Law Providing Tampons in Schools 

As part of their effort to portray Tim Walz, the new Democratic vice-presidential candidate, as a far-left liberal, the Trump campaign attacked the Minnesota governor on Tuesday for signing a bill last year that provides access to menstrual products for transgender students.

At issue is broadly inclusive language in the law, which states that products like pads, tampons and other products used for menstruation “must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12.” Republican state lawmakers in Minnesota had tried—and failed—to amend that bill so that it would apply only to “female restrooms,” though some Republicans went on to vote for the final version of the bill.

Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, said in an interview on Tuesday on Fox News that the law, among other policies seen as supportive of transgender rights, was “a threat to women’s health.”

“As a woman, I think there is no greater threat to our health than leaders who support gender-transition surgeries for young minors, who support putting tampons in men’s bathrooms in public schools,” Ms. Leavitt said. “Those are radical policies that Tim Walz supports. He actually signed a bill to do that.”

Possibly displaying good judgment, the Times didn't mention the "savage" nickname which has been flooding the prime time pseudo-discourse at the Fox News Channel. Possibly displaying good judgment, the Times also failed to mention the fairly obvious insinuations—insinuations by that channel's major stars—that Governor Walz is secretly gay gay gay gay gay!

(It's hard to behave more terribly than the way these people behave. The "democratization of media" has helped create the world in which they're now so prominent. That said, it's a world in which the finer news orgs aren't willing to say their names.)

Did Governor Walz "sign a law that requires schools to stock free tampons in boys' restrooms?" That's the specific claim which has been shouted from the rooftops all over the Fox News Channel, with a certain savage nickname added to the mix.

In its report, the Times suggests that the question isn't as simple as Kevin's blockquote says. We leave aside the question of what would actually make sense as a matter of policy. We're merely asking if the claim in question is factually accurate, and if so to what extent.

We've googled around in the past few days trying to answer that question. As usual, it's very much as Mark Twain didn't say:

A savage nickname can get halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.

Sad! The monkeys they pay at the Fox News Channel have been leaping about in their cages, flinging that nickname—and that claim—around and around and around. On Wednesday's Gutfeld!, the reliably savage Charly Arnolt took things one step farther.

On Wednesday's edition of The Five, the essentially respectable Gillian Turner lodged a fruitless request, begging the monkeys to stop. Somehow, she'd been dragooned into a rare guest spot on The Five

Turner essentially cursed her own fate. But the monkeys just kept leaping around, and millions of voters—millions of neighbors and friends—were sitting at home and were watching as the claim, and the nickname, got flung.

No one wants to say their names; democratization put them in place. Upper-class indolence helps them journey along.

Warning! If you google this topic, you'll be hard-pressed to find a clear account of the actual facts of the case. By way of contrast, it's easy to hear the savage nickname, or to hear the sweeping claim the chimps keep advancing on Fox.

It's easy to hear the name-calling! You just have to turn on the Fox News Channel during its prime time hours.

The chimps and the apes have been leaping around, exactly as their types have done down through the annals of time. Thanks to the democratization of media—the invention of "cable news" is one of the fruits of that development—the chimps and the monkeys have much wider access than their counterparts did in the past.

Also, and for better or worse, the finer people at the finer news orgs still won't say their names.

A group of chimps wants to traffic in nicknames. The finer people aren't willing to say their names.

A nickname can get halfway around the world of "cable news" before the truth can get its boots on! And of course, the facts of the case may never emerge. Facts are both boring and hard.

 Mark Twain never made those statements. But he might well have made them today.

Tomorrow: The latest stolen election

In fairness: In fairness, the chimps are being paid millions of dollars to conduct themselves this way. The channel won't tell you how many millions. They could do it, but it would be wrong!


  1. Pushing back against Right-wing bullshit is woke.

    1. I think it helps to you know, read the bill:

      A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school district. For purposes of this section, "menstrual products" means pads, tampons, or other similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle.

      Sounds good to me, but I am not a creeper like DiC.

      So sad the Kamala crash predicted by the usual folks here never happened.

  2. Tim Walz didn't force schools to put tampons in boys' washrooms.

    1. Ever wonder why? It’s because he went to a fancy all boys private school where every student was given a semesters worth of tampons for their menstruating vaginas. They even have tampon spaces where every boy can tend to his vagina in a safe and judgment free way.

    2. I remember when there were vending machines in restrooms, selling combs, mouthwash, and condoms. Yes, even in girls' bathrooms. Girls don't use condoms because they don't have penises, so why were they there? I used to wonder that, as a child. @10:08 seems to be as confused as I was back then by the provision of sundries to both sexes without worrying about who would use them for what.

    3. Ask Walz. Apparently he’s just fine with poor teenage boys having to deal with their horrid and reeking vaginas all by themselves. It speaks volumes about what kind of person he is.

    4. Vaginas are horrid and reeking? Freud called this fear among men "vagina dentata" and it refers to men who are frightened by women's genitalia because of fear of women's power over them. Use of such a phrase speaks volumes about @10:26's psychological issues. Walz is normal. @10:26 is weird and should see a shrink.

    5. Vagina dentata is a term originated long before Freud, missy.

    6. 10:33 I told the freak that in an earlier thread, needs professional help.

    7. Yes, but so are the other myths Freud used to illustrate his theories about modern psychological problems, such as the Oedipus complex.

    8. It represents the power of annihilation, but also the power of life. The term is used to describe women’s fear of their own power and women’s inability to understand the wild side of their natures.

      It doesn’t have anything to do with the epidemic of lower class teenage boy’s pulsating and menstruating vaginas scattered all over Minnesota’s public institutions.

    9. Minnesota is thriving.

    10. In a man, vagina dentata refers to castration fears. It is clear that you fear that men would be lessened in their power by the existence of a vending machine in their bathrooms. Ask yourself whether that is a realistic fear.

      The ickiest part of this campaign of yours (@10:44) is that you clearly sit around imagining that teen girls have pulsating menstruating vaginas. That kind of fantasy life is extremely weird. Women are more than their private parts and when we fantasize we aren't thinking about men's pulsating body parts or their defecating anuses or anything like that. YOU are the weird one here. And this isn't the appropriate forum for you to air your weird thoughts. Isn't there a place where kooks like you can meet and share tampons or whatever you do?

    11. I have spoken of nothing but boy’s vaginas and the cyclical, swirling mess that overtakes them and that Walz could care less about.

    12. The mere fact that you automatically think about women during a discussion of boy’s vagina shows how phobic you are.

    13. As a cis male I can attest to the fact that we consider vaginas to be the greatest gift from the gods, and therefore worthy of worship.

      Do not fear the vagina, it gives one a reason to live, to go out and be productive or creative.

      Those that fear vaginas are ones who have little experience with them, and that is sad.

      Vaginas are precious and need proper care.

      Walz is a real man who knows what is important and cares about it.

    14. A person with a vagina can identify with male or female gender, or can be androgynous, gender fluid, intersex, trans, or undecided. Confining all people to a binary set a birth is not congruent with reality or biology as experienced by real people. But your approach does lock schools into having separate bathrooms for kids, which is twice as expensive, results in bullying, and teaches kids to separate men and women into separate worlds that are harmful to both. Segregation of boys from girls results in some of the toxic masculinity and involuntary celibacy because boys don't learn how to relate to girls when they are kept separate like that. No one has a girls bathroom and a boys bathroom in their homes and things work out fine -- except for you, of course.

    15. Is this NOT the scenario?

      “At issue is broadly inclusive language in the law, which states that products like pads, tampons and other products used for menstruation “must (my bold) be available to all menstruating students in restrooms regularly used by students (my bold) in grades 4 to 12.” Republican state lawmakers in Minnesota had tried—and failed—to amend that bill so that it would apply only to “female restrooms,” though some Republicans went on to vote for the final version of the bill.

    16. Would menstruating transboys not apply?

    17. And school gyms and locker rooms. What about members of the varsity football team who may have a menstruating vagina on the night of the big game? Walz seems to care not one whit about them or the undulating mess between their legs.

    18. Misogynist asshole.

    19. Cecelia, a man pretending to be woman, feels compelled to weigh in, such is his right.

      Good to know where you stand, Cecelia, we were all wondering, waiting on pins and needles.

      Thank you for sharing.

    20. anon 12:46 - this is an example of why I called you an idiot the other day - your deranged evidence-free and nasty repetition of the allegation that Cecilia is a "man." I suppose it's a free for all and anyone can say anything no matter how bizarre anonymously. it's repugnant .

    21. It is indeed repugnant that Cecelia can falsely claim to be a woman, that you can falsely claim to be a lawyer and not a right winger.

      There is no evidence to support these ridiculous claims, and you are hoping we are suckers that would fall for believing such nonsense.

      Btw, when you post things on the internet, you are not as anonymous as you might think.

      Addtl btw, I am very hurt being called an idiot by you, and I find your tone quite aggressive and intimidating. I am literally shaking in fear and reevaluating my entire life and worldviews.

    22. How about by me, idiot?

    23. "varsity football team who may have a menstruating vagina on the night of the big game" There are a number of female varsity kickers you weirdo.

    24. Yes, there are a number of female varsity kickers. But we are not speaking about them. They have tampons. We are talking about young, male kickers, linebackers, safeties, lineman, and quarterbacks, who, as young men getting ready to engage in violent sport,, have nothing at all to accommodate their menstruating vaginas.

    25. And does Walz care? Does Harris? Do they care about boys vaginas? No, they do not. And the deeper people look into it, the further the Harris campaign will sink.

    26. Anonymouse 12:46pm, you’re welcome , wench. Now kindly move on to that guy over there.

    27. Anonymouse 1:45pm, on a blogboard where people express their thoughts, there’s no evidence that you’re a sentient human being. That’s saying something.

    28. 4:04,

      you left out the running backs.

    29. How about the refs? They deserve some consideration. There’s no sport without officials enforcing the rules.

    30. Now that we know Cecelia's opinion, I can't wait to get Newt Gingrich's.

  3. "Will his striking work on lead exposure make its way into the history books?"

    Drum reported on research done by others but did not do research on lead himself. The others who developed that theory deserve to be in the history books, not Drum who popularized the theory.

    1. Drum deserves to be remembered for his extensive reporting, which increased public discussion of lead.

    2. Yes, I said that. But Somerby has always been confused about where the lead-crime hypothesis came from, attributing it to Drum (who popularized it) and not the researchers who developed it. This is akin to the way Somerby disregards the artistic achievements of others when he borrows their words without giving them credit. A person with a college education (from a place such as Harvard) would have been routinely taught how to credit others for their accomplishments. Somerby perhaps blew that off, or maybe he considers it elitist to honor what others have done, but it is wrong to give Drum credit for the accomplishments of actual scientists. Drum is and has been a journalist. Journalists do not do or create the things they report on.

    3. 10:00 agree, it is inappropriate of Drum not to clarify that he is merely reporting what researchers have worked on.

      This is undoubtedly due to negative traits of Drum's personalty.

      A recent meta analysis demonstrates that the correlation between lead and violent crimes is relatively low but not insignificant.

    4. Drum did say so. This is Somerby’s mistake.

    5. In Massachusetts, and probably in other states, if a landlord rents to a family with a child under six the landlord is required to undertake the expensive process of deleading the unit. It's illegal for a landlord to refuse to rent to a family with a child under six on the basis that the rental unit has lead paint. Apparently, every home prior to a set date had lead paint. Millions of children under age 6 lived in those homes. Theoretically, there should be huge numbers of people over a certain age who have lead poisoning. Is there any evidence that this is the case? How many kids chew on paint or paint flakes anyway? I guess some. But I'm a little skeptical of Drum's claim that the reason crime has decreased in recent years is related in any significant way to laws that prohibit lead paint in residences.

    6. Not just lead paint in residences. Leaded gasoline in cars, too.

    7. AC/MA, the evidence is the crime stats and school performance. That is the point of the studies. Some kids put everything in their mouths. There is a difference between being skeptical and being ignorant.

  4. "with a certain savage nickname added to the mix"

    Somerby goes a bit overboard today as he repeatedly calls the name Tampon Tim a "savage" nickname. But women not only menstruate but we use tampons too, and is it savage that we do that? We don't think so. It is part of our biology and the products we use to deal with it are not awful or horrible or savage or anything so icky that using the term to mock a man is beyond horrible. Somerby's abhorrence of normal female body functioning is noted. This is akin to his calling Gutfeld a termagant, as a form of horrible insult because a termagant is an icky name applied to women (who are angry or shrewish) not to men.

    Grown men who have wives occasionally buy menstrual products at the market. They do not sneak around and slyly purchase them without anyone noticing. They put them among their other groceries right out in public. Some men feel proud to buy them, because it shows others that they have a woman who cares for them. Just as men are not shy about buying condoms because it shows the public they have sex.

    Tim Walz perhaps does not find the nickname Tampon Tim to be savage but perhaps he is proud to have signed legislation that will help girls who are dealing with menstruation for the first time and perhaps less adept at planning for their periods, which may come unexpectedly when they are unprepared.

    Women get this. Somerby thinks anything related to being female must be the ickiest thing ever, and thus a savage attack when applied to a man.

    1. You take away the power of such an attack when you own it.

    2. "Tampon" is a friendly nickname. Just call me "Tampon Anonymouse".

    3. Remember the good old days of the turbulent 60s when rioters used to stick a tampon in a coke bottle filled with gasoline and hurl it at the cops?

      Here are 101 alternative uses for tampons that even a man might not be ashamed of doing:

    4. "Somerby thinks anything related to being female must be the ickiest thing ever"

      If you have a point to make, why don't you just make it instead of using this kind of childish, Trumpish rhetoric?

    5. Walz didn't put a tampon on his ear like Trump.

  5. Here is a more important lie that Somerby might have addressed today:

    "Trump’s press conference today featured a tale about riding in a helicopter with California politician Willie Brown feeding him dirt about Kamala Harris, whom he formerly dated. Trump said, “Well, I know Willie Brown very well. In fact, I went down in a helicopter with him.” and went on to say this about that helicopter ride:

    We thought maybe this was the end. We were in a helicopter, going to a certain location together, and there was an emergency landing. This was not a pleasant landing. And Willie was — he was a little concerned. So I know him, but I know him pretty well. I mean, I haven’t seen him in years. But he told me terrible things about her. But this is what you’re telling me, anyway, I guess. But he had a big part in what happened with Kamala. But he — he, I don’t know, maybe he’s changed his tune. But he — he was not a fan of hers very much, at that point.

    Now you know Trump — even without checking the story, it’s gotta be false. (Of course no reporters challenged him about it while he was telling it.) But the New York Times’s Heather Knight and Shawn Hubler have the goods on Trump’s lies.

    Trump never rode in a helicopter with Willie Brown. He rode with then-governor Jerry Brown. That is, Trump confused the two Browns. Knight and Hubler contacted both Browns to confirm this.
    There was no emergency landing. Jerry Brown has confirmed this.
    Nobody on the flight discussed Kamala Harris. This has been confirmed by both Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom, who also was on the flight.
    Willie Brown was and remains a big fan of Kamala Harris. Knight and Hubler confirmed this with WIllie Brown.
    During the flight Trump “repeatedly brought up the possibility of crashing”, according to Gavin Newsom.
    Yes, the Great and Powerful President Trump apparently is not a big fan of helicopters.

    It was just after his helicopter flight to inspect the results of wildfires in Paradise, CA, that Trump, inspired by his visit, said that the way to solve California’s wildfire problems was to rake the forest floors — an idea he also promoted in his losing 2020 presidential campaign."

    Did it really seem likely to Somerby that Willie Brown said horrible things about Kamala Harris in a helicopter ride with Trump?

    1. Trump didn't say that the discussion of Kamala was on the helicopter flight.

    2. Here is the quote from Trump's press conference where he says so:

      "We thought maybe this was the end. We were in a helicopter, going to a certain location together, and there was an emergency landing. This was not a pleasant landing. And Willie was — he was a little concerned. So I know him, but I know him pretty well. I mean, I haven’t seen him in years. But he told me terrible things about her. But this is what you’re telling me, anyway, I guess. But he had a big part in what happened with Kamala. But he — he, I don’t know, maybe he’s changed his tune. But he — he was not a fan of hers very much, at that point."

    3. Thanks for the quote. That doesn't say that the Kamala discussion happened during the flight. "I haven't seen him in years" suggests that Trump saw Brown more than once.

    4. Yes, it does. It says "But he told me terrible things about her." in the context of describing that helicopter flight. Context matters. Trump also continues: "...he was not a fan of hers very much at that point." The words "that point" refer back to the helicopter ride.

    5. Trump does not "know" Willie Brown, nor Kamala Harris.

      Trump is just lying like he always does.

      Trump met Willie Brown once in the 90s, to discuss possible real estate deals in California.

      Trump has not "met" Harris, has never worked with her, nor socialized with her.

      Trump inserts himself into circumstances via lying in the same way that the fanboys and trolls here do, lying about who they are, who their relatives are, their identity, etc.

      These sad folks are not just lying in attempt to win an argument, it is also to soothe their feeling of being lost in society.

    6. Trump does not "know" Willie Brown, nor Harris.

      Trump met Willie Brown on one occasion in the 90s for a brief meeting exploring possible real estate deals in CA.

      Trump has never met Harris, never has spent time with her, knows nothing about her.

      Trump lies about these things in the same way the fanboys and trolls here lie about their circumstances, they lie about who they are, who their relatives are, what their identity is, etc, not just in attempt to win an argument via bad faith, but to attain some feeling of dominance.

    7. The funny thing is the orange bullshitter made up the entire story. Brown was never on a helicopter with the lying sack of shit. So I think we can safely disregard the entire fucking load of bullshit he spewed.

    8. Willie Brown did not talk to Donald Trump about Kamala Harris during that helicopter flight which did not occur.

    9. Willie Brown told Trump terrible things about Harris, but Trump won't repeat them due to Trump's famous decorum.

  6. Daily Kos compares the way Trump's lies were previously treated in 2015 with the way the press is currently debunking his lies, with examples from yesterday's press conference:

    This addresses Somerby's contention that the media ignores it when Trump lies.

    1. Paul Campos has some thoughts on this subject. Reporting Trump's crazy talk doesn't matter. Normies already know he's crazy, and his cultists don't care.

    2. The same week the convict is reported to have taken a $10M bribe from Egypt, our brave press corps cannot be bothered to ask DonOld about it.

  7. "The chimps and the apes have been leaping around, exactly as their types have done down through the annals of time. "

    I find it ugly when Somerby calls human beings chimps and apes. It demeans the chimps and exhibits a kind of hypocrisy in which it is wrong to call Walz Tampon Tim but OK to call namecallers animals. Calling any human an animal name is part of the kind of depersonalization and Otherizing that Somerby used to deplore. It is enough to call them unimaginative namecallers who reveal more about their own psychological problems than they harm Walz with their fetishes about boys' bathrooms.

    1. And it's unfair to chimps, who can't choose not to behave like that.

    2. Today Somerby uses the phrase "spear chucker" which is a nasty racial slur.

    3. It's a nasty racial slur against black people. Is it a nasty racial slur when used against a non-black person?

    4. Yes, just like calling a White person the n word.

      That Somerby uses the phrase, regardless of the target, suggests he is familiar and comfortable with racial slurs.

    5. The only Spearchucker I know about is a character in a 1970 movie, "Mash". He was an outstanding surgeon and athlete. I've never heard anyone use this term as a racial slur.


    7. 1:38, I guess you're stupid then. No surprise.

    8. A very good illustration on how to miss the forest for the trees. Thank you, anonymi!

  8. Remember when Phyllis Schlafly was able to derail the ERA by threatening that women and men would be required to share bathrooms? It seems horrible then (to some people) but now it is routine for many public places to have a unisex bathroom, which eliminates the whole concern over what to stock in vending machines.

    As I said six months ago, I visited several cities in Mexico recently and it was routine to have a shared unisex restroom with sinks and amenities surrounded by a series of cubicles with locking doors and floor to ceiling walls where men or women could use a toilet as available. There were no urinals and also no long lines of women waiting while men had no such lines. Much fairer and more convenient.

    But the point is that yesterday's unthinkable way of doing things may become normal with the passage of time, without the dire consequences freaks like Schlafly predicted. Kudos to Walz and his state's legislature (who wrote and passed the bill for him to sign) for using common sense.

  9. Putting tampons in the boys' bathroom is a bad idea on two grounds
    1. Virtue-signaling is at best a waste of resources. It solves no problems. It just makes people feel good about being virtuous

    2. Sex-change treatment is not even virtuous. More and more people are realizing that hormone treatment and surgery for children do more harm than good. E.g., Britain recently instituted a ban on conversion therapy
    A new law to ban all forms of conversion therapy in England and Wales will include practices aimed at transgender people, the government says.

    The ban will outlaw attempts to change someone's sexuality or gender identity.
    Mental health groups have warned all types of conversion therapy are "unethical and potentially harmful".

    1. No one is doing surgery for sex change on children. That like the fake belief among Republicans that Democrats are allowing babies to be killed after birth. Hormone treatment covers a lot of ground, including growth hormones to help kids who are unusually small for their age and puberty blockers which delay onset of puberty. Children are not receiving hormones for transition the way an adult might. These laws are banning practices that are not occurring. THAT is a waste of resources intended to make conservatives feel good about being virtuous, but it is based on falsehoods about what happens with kids who identify as a different gender than others prefer for them. If a child is born with two sets of genitalia and their parents (or doctor) picks one, is it wrong to give them gender-congruent medical treatment to help them grow into the genitalia assigned at birth? This kind of law would prevent that.

      Beyond that, this bigoted targeting of transgender people is as ugly as other forms of bigotry. At the heart, it is about people interfering in other people's lives for no good reason. I continue to wonder why Republicans cannot mind their own business without all of this "panty-sniffing" (as Somerby puts it).

      All the boys who do not want or need tampons can just ignore the machine, as they presumably do with the other types of hygiene products.

    2. Two sets of genitalia? That never happens. Maybe you’re thinking of ambiguous genitalia.

    3. @11:25 wrote, "No one is doing surgery for sex change on children." Can you find evidence supporting this allegation, @11:25?

      It didn't take much effort to find a counter-example, Seattle Children's Hospital advertises that they provide this service.
      Surgical Gender Affirmation Program
      What is gender-affirming surgery?
      Surgery that supports a person’s gender identity is called gender-affirming surgery. This term covers a wide range of procedures for people of all genders. Often, it means surgery for a transgender, nonbinary or gender-diverse person to relieve lasting gender dysphoria.

      People who choose gender-affirming surgery may have only 1 type of procedure, or they may have many, sometimes over several years. Their choices depend on their gender-related health goals. Each person is unique, and so is their treatment plan.

      What age patients does the program treat?
      The Surgical Gender Affirmation Program treats teens and young adults.

    4. David, can you not read. A child born with genitals of both sexes (called intersex) will have surgery to choose one sex, in order to be more normal in later life. They do this to babies, much as they do circumcisions and repair circumcision accidents. Children do not get surgery except under extremely rare circumstaces, with parental consent. When a person becomes 18 they can make their own medical decisions (or at whatever age the law allows). They are teens until they are 20. Young adults are people over legal age.

      Compare this to cosmetic surgery. It can be performed on very young children to repair accidents or birth defects, deformities that will impair their lives. They also get cosmetic surgery as teens to improve their looks with parental consent. As adults they do or not do whatever they want to their bodies. In some cultures, girl babies have their ears pierced soon after birth, others in middle school, without parental consent.

      The actual number of sexual surgeries is extremely small, to the point of most hospitals saying they do not perform them. I think it remais no one's business except the child, parents and doctor, just as women's health should concern only the woman and her doctor. It is wrong to inflict conservative values on the entire population which includes so many people who do not hold the same opinions as you.

    5. Sorry, @12:00, this is a big issue to me. There is no objective way to determine whether a child is really trans (except in a few rare cases.) The evidence for hormones or surgery is a child's own feelings. Chopping off a boy's penis or a girl's breasts based on immature feelings is terrible thing to do. Children often don't know enough to be sure of their sexuality.

      Here's one case to think about. Suppose a boy is attracted to other boys rather than to girls. Does that indicate that he's likely gay or that he's likely trans? How is the boy supposed to know the difference?

    6. You should be relieved to know that these surgeries are extremely rare and confined to appropriate cases.

      Gay refers to romantic objects (who turns you on) whereas trans refers to how you think about yourself. Even a young child knows whether he is thinking about himself or someone else.

    7. Bottom surgery for minors is illegal.

      Gender affirming top surgery for minors is only legal after following protocols that generally include guardian permission and therapy, and is very rare, about 700-800 per year in the entire country.

      Much more common for minors is to get top surgery for other reasons, such as breast reduction for pain and enhancement for esteem. These surgeries are routine and get no notice from disingenuous right wingers.

      Right wingers do not really care about transgender issues, what they are looking for is a feeling of dominance.

    8. @DiC: I always tell my boys that after they write a school essay to put it aside for an hour or so and then to come back and re-read it. I wonder if you did this with your comments you would notice that they are sophistic gobbledygook?

    9. My grandson has an extra Y chromosome that can lead to all sorts of issues in hs life. Hope he never has to deal with a nasty uniformed bigot like DiC.

    10. Anonymouse 3:51pm, There are numerous medical conditions that deviate from the norm. We don’t view the norm as an anomaly due to that fact.

    11. The norm is one Y chromosome and one X chromosome. Two X and no Y cause many problems. People in that condition are to be treated with compassion, but they are an anomaly.

    12. 3:51 here - what the hell are you talking about Cecelia? Followers of Christ have compassion for all living creatures, anywhere in the spectrum of life. Also, why don't you creeps mind your own damn business and quit punching down on minorities?

    13. Where in the gospels does Christ enjoin compassion for all living creatures?

    14. These can be found in 1 Peter 5:11, Jude 1:25 and Revelation 1:6.

    15. Native American religion enjoins compassion too.

    16. "Virtue-signaling is at best a waste of resources. It solves no problems. It just makes people feel good about being virtuous"

      Sending thoughts and prayers after a mass shooting is nothing but virtue-signaling.
      Also, when the discussion is virtue-signaling, it's a good time to talk about the playing of the National Anthem at an NFL game.

  10. It was nice to hear the press ask Trump questions that we all are wondering about, such as how he was able to stop bandaging his horribly wounded ear after just two days:

    "Former President Donald Trump explained why he stopped wearing a large bandage on his ear soon after the Republican National Convention.

    At a press conference at Mar-a-Lago Thursday, Trump was asked if he had completely healed after a bullet nicked his ear during an assassination attempt.

    "I'm a fast healer," the Republican candidate insisted. "It's a hell of a shot. But I'm a fast healer."

    Trump said he had "pretty much recovered" from the injury.

    "It just hit the lobe, as they call it," he explained, adding that there was "not much" of a scar."

    He stopped wearing even a small bandage days after the event. According to the internet, that is unusually fast:

    "The time it takes for a cut to heal depends on several factors, including its size, depth, and whether it's open or closed:
    Small cuts and scrapes: Usually heal in 1–2 weeks
    Larger wounds: May take 2–3 months or longer to heal
    Open wounds: Tend to take longer to heal than closed wounds
    Surgical wounds: Usually heal faster than other wounds because they're treated with sutures"

    Trump's description of his wound has never matched the cut on his ear. Another lie or exaggeration for effect when had a bullet actually grazed his ear, it would have resulted in something visible to observers that wouldn't have disappeared as soon as Trump got tired of wearing that fake bulky bandage (or judged that he'd already received the benefit of being wounded, among his supporters).

    1. We saw him bleed.

    2. Yes, he had some blood on his face. That doesn't mean he produced it. He was surrounded by secret service who were hit by flying debris. It looks like he decided to capitalize on that opportunity, not like he was actually hit, even by glass fragments. Where did the bandage go, after Trump got tired of wearing it? Why was there no medical report after the incident? Why won't Republicans come clean about what happened. Trump says he was "hit hard" and yet he needed no bandage after the first day of the convention. That is just plain odd.

    3. On a phone call with RFK jr, Trump said it felt like a mosquito.

      If Trump was hit by anything, it was shrapnel, just like the four policemen that were nearest to him.

      Unfortunately for Trump, the assassination attempt failed to generate an increase in support, primarily because he was not really wounded, and because the shooter was a Republican.

      Largely unrelated, Tina Turner (and Ike) released an album titled "Funkier Than a Mosquito's Tweeter" which features an electrifying version of LZ's Whole Lotta Love, which itself features one of Page's greatest riffs, one of the greatest riffs ever.

    4. At this stage of his life, Trump could get run over by a semi and not feel it. He is OLD! The GOP is cruel to run him again instead of allowing him to nestle in a mirrored cocoon where he could live out his final days in adoration of himself.

    5. Anonymice were unimpressed by the fact that Trump was grazed by a bullet or by fragments of a bullet that flew past his head. They considered this trivial and blustering.

      The only thing that would impress them is if Trump was dead and buried or lying in a hospital with a bullet in his brain.

    6. I'd be pleased, not impressed.

    7. I agree with 6:40. I like presidential candidates who don't get shot, okay. What kind of loser lets himself get assassinated?

    8. I believe it was a bullet, not “shrapnel”. But I still intend to vote Harris-Walz.

    9. Anonymouse 6:51pm, dead ones.

    10. Trump is claiming stolen valor.

    11. "'It just hit the lobe, as they call it,' he explained,"

      Well, add "ear lobe" to the list of words Trump doesn't understand. Go check out the photos of Trump at the GOP convention. His bandage wasn't covering his ear lobe.

    12. Anonymouse 8:51pm, it wasn’t an ear injury that signaled valor or any possible wound the shooter could have inflicted. It was the fact that in the aftermath, Trump stood straight up and pumped his fist and told the crowd to fight.

    13. That didn’t take valor. He had barely been scratched.

    14. Anonymouse 1:31pm, if someone had shot at you and was still able to shoot at you again, you wouldn't be standing up telling people to fight. You’d be hiding under a bleacher writing a post that blamed Somerby and David.

    15. Cecelia, who was the orange abomination waving his fist at? Fight who? He had already been told the shooter was down. So, no, the right-wing gun nut was not able to shoot again.

    16. Was Trump signaling to the Right-wing Republican shooter, that the Right-wing Republican shooter missed him?

    17. I could never vote for a candidate who doesn't know which part of the ear is called "earlobe".

    18. Anonymous 6:18pm, sure.

      Right after dropping to the ground, after the shots, Trump was notified that the shooter was in custody and the entire area had been checked for threats. They work fast… We saw Trump and the SS standing at arms length apart and then slowly ambling off the stage with Trump walking ahead, leading the procession.

      One of the agents called out, “It’s all over, folks! Drive safely!”

  11. Yesterday, Anonymous 10:51 chided me, "you vote to allow religious fanatic rednecks decide for the woman or the girl."

    The phrase "religious fanatic rednecks" is an ugly stereotype. It's comparable to attributing some negative characteristics to any group.

    1. You should give @10:51 a stern scolding, but the rest of us haven't picked up or used that name ourselves. In contrast, the MAGAs do whatever Trump does and they have adopted Tampon Tim widely as a term of derision because men should never be associated with anything those icky women do.

    2. Oh, no. Anonymices can call you that, but you’re the one who’s hateful for not ascribing to their policies and doctrines. In the case of the anonymouse in question, you’re all those epithets for agreeing with the SCOTUS decision.

      “Religious fanatic rednecks” makes “ Tampon Tim” pale in comparison (not to mention Putin Puppet Trump and MAGATS).

      Don’t waste ten seconds on their umbrage. They hate you and call you far worse.

    3. Anonymouse 11:49pm, conversely women in general should not be associated with sperm counts, prostates, and erectile dysfunction.

    4. I am summarizing the position expressed by David, not stating my own opinion when I said that. So you should address your own reply to David, since you too are addressing his statement.

    5. David is expressing outrage that a woman of color has come along and stolen the election from Trump.

      He is very upset!

    6. "religious fanatic rednecks" is an ugly stereotype.

      Why, Dickhead? I am sure they have no problem being religious fanatics.

      When you magas say, we leave it to the states, what that in practice means is that a lot of ridiculously gerrymandered state legislatures decide this very personal issue for every single person in their state even when they don't represent the majority will of the people.

      There's a very good reason why Roe was decided in the first place. Women's rights should not be capriciously granted depending on what state the woman lives in.

      Now you can go fuck yourself, you fucking fascist hypocrite.

    7. Cecelia, what part of "Religious fanatic rednecks” do you find most offensive? Do you disagree with "religious"?

    8. "Tampon Tim" might be funny for an immature middle school boy just coming in to puberty.

    9. Dickhead in Cal @ 11:29:

      I wrote that today, this morning. And as usual for you, you avoid the main point of my short post dealing with your bullshit claim to be in favor of "smaller government".

    10. I would think repeatedly lying the absurd claim that Democrats murder newborn babies is but one example of a way more inflammatory smear then "religious fanatic rednecks." The rfrs I know are proud of who they are.

    11. Anonymouse 1:53pm, of “leftwing anti-American subversives”, which term do find agreement with?

    12. I’m left wing, I’m anti-American, and I’m subversive. Yes, I can have it all!

    13. Anonymous 6:59pm, damn right! This is America! (Oh, sorry..)

    14. Putting tampons in boys rooms makes as much sense as having men vote about women's reproductive choices.

  12. I thought Bob and Kevin were friends rather than online acquaintances or blog followers.

    1. They live 2600 miles apart.

    2. Drum is one of the few people who still lists Somerby on their blogroll.

    3. In the early days of blogging, the Daily Howler was excellent. Bob is no longer cognitive. He should retire.

    4. Anonymouse 11:43am, I assumed they were online email friends, etc.

    5. Anonymouse 11:52pm, Somerby is in his 70s and you were never as cognitive as he is right now. Neither is Drum, who I respect.

    6. Somerby is an ass.

    7. Drum is still highly cognitive. Bob isn't. Sometimes life is hard.

    8. I read "I thought" and then I stopped reading.

      Brother, please.

    9. Anonymouse 1:52pm, no, you didn’t stop. You read every word.

    10. Yes, I did stop.

  13. Tampon Tim is proud of his nickname. It commemorates the time when a boy had an unstoppable nosebleed during a wrestling match. The quick-thinking coach grabbed a tampon from the boys' locker room and used it to stop the bleeding, allowing the championship match to continue. Since then, it has been common practice to keep such products handy because who knows when someone might need one.

    Somerby's use of the word "savage" to describe this stupid nickname is itself weird. Just like Somerby assumes that women care whether Trump or Gutfeld or anyone else thinks they're fat or not. Body shaming is so yesterday.

    1. Anonymouse 11:45am, Bob is quoting conservative Liz Wheeler who described the nickname as being savage.

    2. And notice how he never says so. That leaves those who don’t follow Liz Wheeler thinking it is Somerby’s term, which it becomes when he uses it without attribution.

    3. Liz Wheeler approves of the nickname. She thinks it’s swell.

    4. Anonymouse 12:19pm, he quotes Wheeler in bold print. Try reading rather than scanning for something you can criticize and slander.

  14. Walz was governor of Minnesota. Part of a governor's job is to sign bills that have been passed by the state legislature. In the instance of the bill in question, Walz did his job.

    Yes, he might have chosen to allow it to become law without his signature or he might have rejected the bill. He would need a good reason to do so. He didn't do either of these things. He signed the bill after the legislature passed it.

    BUT! This bill had something to do with...tampons! So this otherwise unremarkable law becomes material for an adolescent snickering campaign by overpaid cable TV performers.

    It's a stupid world we live in.

    1. It shows that he does not care at all about trans issues.

  15. DiC and Cecelia…keep doing what you do, showing us the ignorance, lies, and cruelty of the right wing Trump lovers. It’s delicious.

  16. Republicans have no issues. Just resentment and silliness.

    1. And their campaign strategy is to lie, and be as ugly and derisive as they can be.

  17. “ the facts of the case may never emerge.”

    Facts do not matter to the right wing.

  18. Florida, led by Ron DeSantis, transfers risk from insurance companies to pension funds.

    1. What an ignorant article! Cat bonds have been a common way to effectively provide property reinsurance. They increase the supply of reinsurance, thus bringing prices down. They make economic sense because they allow investment funds of all sorts to diversify their.

    2. Thanks for looking at it, David. I couldn’t analyze it myself.

    3. Diversify their what?

    4. @8:48 -- Diversify their risk. Property reinsurance has the risk of an unlikely, but huge, loss. The reinsurance company needs a lot of capital to be sure they have the resources to pay the loss. A big part of the cost of reinsurance is the cost of capital. But, the same capital can be used to take on several types of risk, as long as these types are independent.

      A portfolio of stocks and bonds has much different risk. Changes in interest rates. Corporate failure risk. Such a portfolio can take on hurricane and earthquake risk with a small capital charge. But portfolios like this are generally barred from selling reinsurance. They can only invest in bonds and, sometimes, stocks.

      Some clever finance person figured out a structure that has the same economic impact as reinsurance, but which legally is a bond. Thus an investment fund can effectively provide property catastrophe reinsurance to an insurance company with a smaller charge for use of capital.

    5. Hey, Dickhead, will they be diversifying their profits also? You know, sharing the profits with these people who have nothing to do with their business and unknowingly have been drafted to share their risks?

    6. Insurance companies (Capitalists) are bailing from DeSantis' Florida faster than you can say "Jackie Robinson".

  19. The premise at this blog is that the savage mockery perpetrated by the right wing as evidenced by the savage nickname that wheeler just ♥️ and their devotion to a degenerate conman is all the fault of liberals.

    1. Because Olympic runners dropped a baton.

  20. Medium Matters is an online advocacy blog.

  21. And a media fact checking blog.
