ELEGY: Nazis in Nashville, stabbings and Trump!


Where do these tragedies start? We humans! Our imperfect brains are imperfectly wired to promote Enlightenment values.

They're imperfectly wired to let us sift information. They're imperfectly wired to deal with the types of situations we refer to as "diversity."

All our brains are imperfectly wired, some more so than others. That said:

In today's New York Times, three news reports help us track the tragedies which can occur:

A Stabbing Attack, Viral Falsehoods and Fears of a Summer of Unrest in the U.K.
A judge allowed the naming of the 17-year-old charged with murder, as Prime Minister Keir Starmer vowed a crackdown on riots fueled by far-right misinformation.
What Can a City Do When Neo-Nazis Start Marching Down Its Streets?
The brazen appearance of white supremacist groups in Nashville left the city grappling with how to confront hateful speech without violating First Amendment protections.
Trump Elevates False, Fringe Attacks on Harris to Center of His Campaign
Rivals and critics have for years accused Kamala Harris of shifting her personal identity for political advantage, with those attacks escalating dramatically online since she became the Democratic standard-bearer.

Stabbings in Southport, Nazis in Nashville! And, as always, Donald J. Trump—but also an endless supply of flyweight corporate enablers.

The report about Trump's recent conduct is discouraging to the max. Just for the record, the situation which has him baffled isn't real hard to explain.

The disordered man is baffled, upset, with respect to Kamala Harris' family background—with respect to what we now call her "identity." 

The disordered fellow can't figure it out. Allegedly, it has him angry, upset. Truth to tell, the basic facts of this puzzling matter just aren't real hard to explain. 

"That was your mother," Paul Simon once sang. This was Kamala Harris' late mother, and this is her father as well:

Shyamala Gopalan
Shyamala Gopalan (1938 – 2009) was a biomedical scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, whose work in isolating and characterizing the progesterone receptor gene has stimulated advances in breast biology and oncology. She was the mother of Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris and Maya Harris, a lawyer and political commentator.

Shyamala was born on December 7, 1938, in Madras, Madras Province, British India (present-day Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) to P. V. Gopalan, a civil servant, and Rajam, her mother. Her parents were from two villages near the town of Mannargudi in Madras Province.

Donald J. Harris
Donald Jasper Harris, OM (born 1938) is a Jamaican-American economist and professor emeritus at Stanford University, known for applying post-Keynesian ideas to development economics.

Harris was raised in Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica, attending the University College of the West Indies before earning a Bachelor's degree from the University of London and a PhD from the University of California, Berkeley...He was the first Black scholar granted tenure in the Stanford Department of Economics.

There's much more in each report, but the basic facts aren't hard to fathom—except for those condemned to fight their way through life with disordered, suspicious minds.

It also isn't hard to explain—even perhaps to understand!—why Harris "identifies" as black, to employ the current term. 

At that selfsame New York Times, Linda Qiu conducted a fact-check of Trump's recent inane remarks. Here is the passage in question:

Fact Check
Fact-Checking Trump’s Remarks on Race
The former president falsely accused Vice President Kamala Harris of “only promoting” her Indian heritage, among other inaccurate claims. Here’s a fact check.


Ms. Harris never hid her biracial background during various campaigns. In her 2019 autobiography, “The Truths We Hold,” Ms. Harris wrote that her family instilled “pride in our South Asian roots” in her and her sister, Maya, but that “my mother understood very well that she was raising two Black daughters.”

“She knew that her adopted homeland would see Maya and me as Black girls, and she was determined to make sure we would grow into confident, proud Black women,” Ms. Harris wrote in the book.

Given the lingering tragedy of our struggling nation's brutal history, Kamala Harris' brilliant mother understood the way her daughters would be "identified" within our imperfect culture.

She knew her daughters would be seen as black. Her daughters could choose to identify any way they pleased, but they'd be identified by others that way in this imperfect land.

This week, along came Donald J. Trump—and a vastly disordered mind. He's joined by an American press corps which, for better or worse, has never been willing to consider the possibility that this disordered man may be some (severe) form of mentally ill.

For better or worse, a best-selling book containing essays by 37 medical specialists couldn't convince our major news orgs to explore some such possibility. And so we bungle along at this time, still not knowing how to react in the face of his latest onslaught.

That said, the basic facts of this pitiful matter are easily explained.

Trump is now coming on strong with his latest attempts to spread gorilla dust all around. If history has taught us anything, it has taught us that crackpot onslaughts of this type can be extremely effective.

Are we ready to send a disordered person of this type to the junkyard of history? At present, the answer isn't clear. For ourselves, we're grateful to our youthful analysts for the way they've helped us see where this disorder starts.

On our own, we would have said something crazy! We would have said it starts with people like Sandra Smith, she of the Fox News Channel.

We would have said it starts with what Smith recently did. With the contempt she showed for her Fox News viewers. With the contempt she showed for every member of the world's oldest political party.

With the contempt she showed for Enlightenment values. With the contempt she showed for the basic norms of journalism.

With the contempt she showed for Vice President Harris, who had issued a written statement in which she included the actual name of that political party. 

We would have said the nightmare starts there, with the behavior of people like Smith.  We might even have said that the time has come to stop tolerating people like Smith!

The analysts brought us up short. They helped us see that it wasn't Smith's fault—that she only did what she had to do, given her place in the world.

Let's take a look at the record:

Almost surely, Smith's salary at Fox runs to seven figures. She had to keep that fact in mind, the youthful analysts insisted.

Also, when Smith arrived at Fox, she encountered a very tough crowd. To get an idea of what we mean, just think about who's there now!

Today, her treasured colleagues include the vintage loudmouth, Judge Jeanine—but also the former professional wrestler who seems to know it all. 

Her colleagues include a disordered, 59-year-old man who actually asked this astonishing question during his primetime program last week:

Has Jill Biden started f*cking Hunter Biden yet?

Yes, he asked that question right on the air! In fairness, producers pretended to save the day by [BLEEP]ing his verb of choice.

Back to Smith! Her colleagues include Mark Levin, also known as "The Man Who Screams." Her colleagues include the robotic collection of flyweights who get dragged out, seven mornings per week, to play the fool for four solid hours on the various Fox & Friends vehicles.

("Mornings are better with friends?" Not on this gong-show program!)

Her colleagues include the pair of silly boys who constantly hijack the preplanned nonsense of The Five, thereby making the show even dumber. Her colleagues include the nightmare collection who turned out yesterday, during the noon hour, to heap instant abuse on the prisoner swap. 

As of this morning, the channel has adopted a totally different point of view concerning the prisoner swap. But that collection of flyweights from the scheduled dumbbell program, Outnumbered, showed the world how quickly these flyweight corporate tools are able to generate bombast.

Smith was only 27 when she arrived at Fox. As the analysts have helped us see, she fell in with a very tough crowd when she suddenly found herself mired in this local culture.

They helped us see that it isn't her fault that she heaped contempt on so many people with the silly/dumb thing she recently did. They helped us see that she wasn't showing contempt for the good upbringing she received from her father—the good upbringing she has described in various published profiles.

We would have thought that it started right there, with the inane refusal of people like Smith to say the name of that political party—with that decades-old artefact of idiot tribal culture. We would have thought it started right there, with the instant acquiescence of people like Smith.

The analysts were willing to help us see how very wrong we were. They helped us see that it was just a matter of local culture! Given the millions of dollars at stake, her obedience wasn't her fault!

(Even for us, Wednesday evening's Gutfeld! show was a revelation. We'll probably detail what happened that night, with the termagant on vacation, in tomorrow's report.)

Full disclosure! Within the last week, a new type of thought has begun to worm its way inside our head. Our new thought takes the form of a question:

Can we sensibly think of Fox News as a type of criminal enterprise? 

Granted, they have the First Amendment to hide behind; we're speaking metaphorically here. But could any sane person have watched Wednesday night's Gutfeld! show without thinking something like this:

Except for the First Amendment, wouldn't we consider frog-marching these corporate tools into the countryside for a good, long re-education?

Wouldn't any sane person think that?

In closing, we've long suggested that Donald J. Trump is a piteous figure. We've suggested that he had the misfortune of being born to a deeply disordered father, and that he seems to be (severely) mentally ill.

Who or what is this ludicrous person? Who is the person who's throwing gorilla dust all around as he feigns confusion about the vice president's family background?

We've long suggested that he's the person Bob Dylan described long ago. The term "immigrant" is used metaphorically here. Published in 1968, the lyrics go like this:

I Pity the Poor Immigrant
I pity the poor immigrant
Who wishes he would've stayed home
Who uses all his power to do evil
But in the end is always left so alone
That man who with his fingers cheats
Who lies with every breath
Who passionately hates his life
And likewise fears his death.
I pity the poor immigrant
Whose strength is spent in vain
Whose heaven is like ironsides
Whose tears are like rain
Who eats but is not satisfied
Who hears but does not see
Who falls in love with wealth itself
And turns his back on me.
I pity the poor immigrant
Who tramples through the mud
Who fills his mouth with laughing
And who builds his town with blood
Whose visions in the final end
Must shatter like the glass
I pity the poor immigrant
When his gladness comes to pass.

Will Donald Trump's "gladness come to pass?" That remains to be seen.

We would have thought that it's people like Smith who enable this "poor immigrant." We would have thought the time had come to stop tolerating conduct like Smith's.

We might have bowed to such crazy ideas. Luckily, a group of young analysts came along and made things a bit more clear.


  1. Trump and his supporters are showing us again, that they are racists. Whatever he background, what difference does it make, She has honored both of her parents over the years. To say otherwise is racist, but thet have nothing else to talk about, no policies, no positions on the issues.

    1. People are niggling over the fact she's not African American. But she is "black" and has been her whole life. She went to a black college!!

    2. I think it is possible that if you didn’t know her much 30 years ago or more — when Trump first met her — that you might not think she was Black. Isn’t it possible that there were times when she was emphasizing one background over another? I’ve had biracial friends who have done that.

    3. Of course. Name one person in the world that wouldn’t do that if the option was available to them.

    4. Trump has never “met” Harris, not 30 years ago, not ever. They have never socialized nor worked together.

      Harris has always identified as having mixed heritage, and no one has ever thought she was not Black.

    5. If you say so Sir, Mr. Soros.

    6. 1:10 I apologize for making you all butt hurt.

    7. Stay away from my butt.

    8. 11;28,
      Is your friend's name Dennis Dennison?

  2. "We humans! Our imperfect brains are imperfectly wired to promote Enlightenment values.

    They're imperfectly wired to let us sift information. They're imperfectly wired to deal with the types of situations we refer to as "diversity."

    All our brains are imperfectly wired, some more so than others."

    Whatever Somerby studied at Harvard, it wasn't neuroscience, it wasn't psychology, and it wasn't even anthropology. The analogy comparing neurons to "wiring" doesn't work when talking about complex human behavior. But one cannot blame biology for actions that are far from universal among humans, defined as deviant in nearly all cultures and not part of any human ideals.

    Never mind that Humans developed Enlightenment thinking, which Somerby then says we cannot do. Unravel that one! Somerby, in his ignorance, pretends that the racism invented to justify a fairly modern (17th to 20th century) phenomenon of slavery based on racial inferiority due to skin color, has always existed among people. Never mind that these other cultures and times incorporated both diversity and slavery into their cultures without racism.

    Somerby has no idea how people actually "sift information" because he knows nothing at all about cognition and how our brains work. He has never read a single book on that topic, or it would show in his writing and thinking. Somerby instead uses his own mistaken folk beliefs about thinking to justify a set of pernicious beliefs about humanity, which are not ony insulting to all of us, but are flat out wrong according to experts (NOT including future anthropologists in caves).

  3. “Except for the First Amendment, wouldn't we consider frog-marching these corporate tools into the countryside for a good, long re-education?
    Wouldn't any sane person think that?”


  4. The WaPo is reporting that the DOJ investigated whether Trump accepted $10 mm from Egypt through a shadowy government "research" institute back in 2-017.

    Read it here.

    1. Bill Barr stopped the investigation.

    2. Republican Presidents call AG Bill Barr Mr. Wolf.


  5. Corporate Democrat propaganda annoys me greatly, so I avoid watching it. And I feel fine.

    That was a hint for you, Bob.

  6. " Just for the record, the situation which has him baffled isn't real hard to explain.

    The disordered man is baffled, upset, with respect to Kamala Harris' family background—with respect to what we now call her "identity."

    The disordered fellow can't figure it out. Allegedly, it has him angry, upset. Truth to tell, the basic facts of this puzzling matter just aren't real hard to explain."

    Who says Trump is "baffled" by Harris's ethnicity? Trump is not confused. He is using her biracial identity to rally his racist voters. No one thinks Harris has lied about any of her heritage. That is Trump's excuse to point out and talk explicitly about her minority status so that racists will know that they too can not only disparage her as a DEI "hire" but also discuss openly her racial background.

    This is as obvious as anything in politics, but Somerby pretends Trump is confused, not sure about her ethnicity, as Somerby puts it...baffled. That is an insult to all of us here and signals that Somerby is playing along with Trump's charade that Harris has somehow been unclear about who she is.

    Trump is senile, demented, and is no doubt confused about many things, from how batteries work to bitcoin block chains, but Trump is real sure about who is white and who is black, who matters and who can be stigmatized as immigrant or female. Trump is not baffled about race at all, not anyone's race. Which is why he has focused immediately and so directly on portraying Harris as one of the "mud people" (as Trump's friends call biracial people).

    Shame on Somerby for going along with this race baiting while pretending Trump is not doing this on purpose with malice in order to win white votes.

    1. Exactly. His campaign, the RNC (run by Lara Trump) and the GOP are leaning into this. It isn’t just Trump being confused. It was planned ahead of time as an attack on Harris.

    2. Do you know how batteries work?

    3. Isn’t it possible that back when Trump was socializing with Willie Brown years ago — when he first met her — that he actually sincerely did not know that she was Black, and thought she was Indian instead, or at least more identified with that part of her family?

      And is Trump saying that he STILL is not sure, which everyone seems to be claiming right now? He told that crowd that it was like 15 years ago and longer.

    4. Does anyone here know how batteries work? David might know. I don't think anyone else knows. In particular, I doubt that 10:49AM knows. So If Trump doesn't know how batteries work, we shouldn't show any disdain.

    5. If trump doesn't know how batteries work, he shouldn't go shooting his dumbass mouth off inventing weird scenarios and making himself the hero of the story.

    6. Most people have a general idea about how batteries work. If one is curious, one can spend a few minutes on Wikipedia or YouTube and get a more in depth understanding about batteries.

      Trump never met Harris, and his sole interaction with Brown was one lunch in the 90s when Trump wanted to see if he could grease some hands to help with real estate deals.

      Trump never thought Harris was not Black, he never met her, and Trump lying about all this makes him look weird and creepy.

      Lying about who you’ve met, what your background and identity are, seems to be an issue with right wingers, one can observe here in the comments with the trolls and fanboys often lying in the same way Trump does; it is pathological and a manifestation of their wounded lost souls.

    7. They teach you how batteries work in middle school science classes. They also teach kids how magnets work.

  7. There is no reason for Somerby to place "identity" in quote marks. Each person constructs an identity as they grow up. Those who do not, are considered mentally ill. Somerby would know this if he had any exposure whatsoever to developmental psychology. It is almost malpractice that Somerby was permitted to teach elementary school children without understanding how children develop, but thank God he quit and became a professional clown.

    1. He does the same thing with "race."

  8. Her sainted mother’s observations aside, Kamala Harris identified as Black because it is/was more profitable – easy admissions to colleges, plum jobs landing on your lap and a political story line that suckers in the population drool over.

    1. I think the GOP ought to run with this message. It’s sure to peel away the black vote from Democrats.

    2. I won’t go that far because she always identified as Black and she is Black. But I do think that early impressions of her from the 90s might have indicated otherwise.

    3. There’s only two options in the election and a majority of our votes don’t even count due to the electoral college system. And only wedge issues are at play. It’s not like the corporate coup de tat will be overturned or even addressed. So have fun playing your little game of pretending like you have agency within a political system over which you are completely powerless and systematically abused and taken advantage of.

    4. I’ll be voting for Harris because she’s not a loon like Trump, not because she is Black.

      America is still ruled by racism, being Black in America is difficult and this is made plain when you examine any societal metric.

      Recent polling suggests that Trump will get even less of the Black vote than his previous attempts to run for president.

    5. "Kamala Harris identified as Black because it is/was more profitable – easy admissions to colleges, plum jobs landing on your lap"

      Right. Being Black is "profitable."


    6. Being Black is "profitable."

      That is really what the haters in this country believe. Just ask DiC. He has claimed on more than one occasion that it is better to be black nowadays. Hasn't he invoked his supposed cousin on this very subject?

    7. "That is really what the haters in this country believe."

      As opposed to us good decent persons, who believe that the moon is made of cheese.

    8. 2:25: The idea that being black is profitable is about as plausible as the moon being made of cheese. There are unfortunately more people who believe the former rather than the latter. So, what do you call a person who believes and promotes an ugly, untrue thing about millions of people?

    9. Daughter of two scholars who finished top of her class at Howard, got her law degree, became the AG of the most populated state in the country, became Senator from a State that would be the world's 5th largest GDP if a nation, and selected by Biden to be VP. Pretty smart of her to ID as Black for easy admission and profit; as it sure paid off for her you silly racist knumbskull.

      On the other hand Trump inherited $400M and pissed it all away as he has no business talent and who identifies as a raging racist old white collar criminal wearing goofy make-up.

    10. @12:12 -- It is written as coup d'etat not coup de tat.

    11. Coup d’état.

    12. How do you make an accent using a cell phone keyboard?


    13. There are only two options in the election, and a majority of our votes don’t even count due to the electoral college system. Only wedge issues are at play. It's not as if the corporate coup d’état will be overturned or even addressed. So, have fun playing your little game of pretending you have agency within a political system where you are completely powerless, systematically abused, and taken advantage of.

    14. On an iPhone, don’t just click on e, hold it for half a second. A menu pops up.

  9. "She knew her daughters would be seen as black. Her daughters could choose to identify any way they pleased, but they'd be identified by others that way in this imperfect land."

    How others see us is an essential part of constructing one's own identity, one's own sense of self and understanding of where we fit among other humans in our families and communities.

    Parents also raise female children to fit the social roles available to them in their specific culture. They do the same with boys, who have different opportunities and expectations. Twins and siblings are interesting because they try to differentiate themselves from each other when constructing their identities. Birth order matters in identity construction. Parental expectations matter, but so do experiences, school and friendships, how society is structured. Somerby makes it sound like Harris is unique in her mother's concern over her fitting in, but this is what mothers do, regardless of ethnicity, because they are charged with helping their children become successful and happy in their later lives.

    Somerby should not pretend, along with Trump, that this is something special or different or odd that Harris and her parents did. It is not. It is normal.

    1. What Trump was talking about is that when he first knew her in the early 90s when she was dating Willie Brown he didn’t know she was Black because she didn’t identify as that to him. I wouldn’t have necessarily thought so either at that time — there were and are a lot of mixed-heritage people in California.

      Is he lying? Maybe. But it is plausible that she wasn’t as public about it as later. It’s no big deal either way.

    2. The Trump campaign is using it as a line of attack, 11:47. It shouldn’t be a big deal, but Trump has made it one.

    3. Right, anonymouse 11:02am, every parent on earth routinely faces the fact that their children will be assigned an ethnic identity regardless of their true heritage.

      As a child in the midst of ascertaining gender expectations and despite my dearth of pigmentation, I often had to navigate the culture-wide presumption that I am of an entirely different race.

    4. I identify as American even I look European.

    5. 11:47 yes Trump is lying, he in fact never met Harris.

      Harris’ physical features are predominantly Black, no one has ever thought she was not Black.

    6. “Harris’ physical features are predominantly Black, no one has ever thought she was not Black.”

      Highly doubtful.

    7. To me, she looks a bit like a horse.

    8. She looks like every Asian doctor I’ve ever had.

    9. “Every Asian doctor”…do all your “Asian” doctors hail from India and Jamaica, Cecelia?

    10. Anonymouse 3:12pm, just three of them.

    11. Cecelia, I'm forg-marching David to the re-education camp. This is my first time, so I'm a little unsteady. Could you join us? It would boost my confidence.

    12. Cecelia said: "Right, anonymouse 11:02am, every parent on earth routinely faces the fact that their children will be assigned an ethnic identity regardless of their true heritage."

      You seem to think that being black and Jamaican was NOT part of Harris's heritage. It was her father's ethnicity and Harris is not light skinned enough to pass as white. So there were limits to her identity at the time she was a child. She didn't look exactly like her mother either, and Kamala did not grow up in an Indian village or experience the cultural restrictions of her mother's life in India. But there is no reason to assume she was more Indian than black Jamaican in terms of her heritage, which is biracial. That is like assuming Obama should have accepted a solely white identity because his white mother was abandoned by his Kenyan father so early in life.

      Your remark about Asian doctors is stupid and insulting. Obama's books shared his struggles to form his own indentity as a black man in America. Presumably Harris has done the same type of thinking and she is what she presents herself as, a biracial person with two parental heritages, one from India and one from Jamaica, who grew up solidly in American culture from birth. She is what she has become.

      It is not up to Trump or Cecelia to define Harris's identity, any more than it is within Somerby's power to define the concept of identity out of existence because it is multicultural and he doesn't like that.

    13. Anonymouse 6:23pm, I flunked reeducation class the last time, but I’ll try to put up a good front for you.

    14. No, anonymouse 6:33pm, I think Bob was saying something about the subject of race in our country that you willfully sidestepped in order to minimize him. You didn’t minimize HIS point, you know his statement is true, but it was Bob saying it, so you minimized and stepped around him with an insipid reconfiguration of what he said.

    15. You have no more idea what I know than you have about Somerby’s views.

    16. Anonymouse 8:58pm, yes, I do. Everyone does, but you.

    17. 11:47,
      You have Trump confused with John Barron.

  10. In my opinion Trump’s point is that Harris has taken advantage of her partial ethnicities for political advantage. I think he’s right. Even if you disagree, his point is plausible and sane.

    1. Why didn't the chickenshit racist coward say that straight out, David, you fucking racist prick?

    2. You opinion sucks, Dave, and you do too.

    3. There’s no evidence to back up Trump’s misguided claim, and there is evidence that being a person of color gives you a political disadvantage.

      Trump’s view is not plausible, and Trump expressing this view, instead of being effective, has become an electoral liability for him.

      Like most right wingers, DIC is a poor thinker, due to the conditions that led to his worldview.

    4. "his point is plausible and sane"

      No, it's not. It's neither. There's a long public record in which we can see that Harris has long identified as a Black woman. She didn't "turn Black" as Trump says. What's more, is there is no "political advantage" to being a Black woman in our country. Don't believe me? Just pay attention to what Trump surrogates are saying about Harris.

    5. Trump said this in front of black journalists, David. He suggested that Harris decided to be black fairly recently. He thinks the black audience will turn against Harris if they think she is merely pretending to be black for political gain. Trump is an idiot.

    6. How did she take advantage of her two ethnicities? To flip it the other way: what can she do, besides being of the two ethnicities of her parents? Should she have pretended to be a white person?

      Sometimes your attempts to put lipstick on a pig are partially successful. This one fails miserably. It's completely incoherent.

      There's no great mystery in what Trump is trying to do. He's trying imply that Harris is not black, so that he gets more black votes. Not. Gonna. Happen. This is beyond lame.

    7. David, let's frog-march to the re-education camp. We'll recruit Cecelia along the way.

    8. Arguably, George Santos benefitted more from his lies about overcoming adversity (much like those of JD Vance) and NOT from his skin color or pretend Jewish grandmother.

  11. Not everyone who rapes a child is a Republican.


    1. That mayor has no official party affiliation but it seems like she is more likely associated with Republicans, going by her who her political supporters and enemies are.

    2. It's pretty unusual, an adult woman "raping" an underage boy.

    3. Not really. It is seduction of an underage child and it is typically statutory rape because a child cannot legally give consent. It is not the kind of forcible rape men inflict on female children, but it is still damaging to the child and ruins their future relationships and sense of self, damaging the child.

  12. Gosh, if only Bob was not so appalled by MSNBC, he might have learned that Fox News paid upwards of a billion dollars to settle a slander suit that involved the lengths they went to in helping Trump claim he won the election against Biden. A new legal action coming up may put them over the billion mark. So, can we be shocked at anything much that turns up on Fox? Apparently Bob still can be....

    1. Exactly. He’s spent way more time on Smith saying “Democrat party” than he ever did on fox’s election lies.

    2. Somerby’s backhandedness is notorious at this point.

  13. The key way to diminish the influence of Fox News is via the democratization of media. Duh.

  14. No matter how hard the GOP and Trump ride this thing, Ms Harris is no snowflake and will not be baited by this idiocy.

  15. It’s astonishing, really , that an entire political party and millions of its voters can’t see what Somerby, a lowly, lonely blogger from Baltimore sees, that their candidate is a madman. But they’re off the hook because liberals and the mainstream (read “non right wing”) media won’t tell them that.

    1. Holy Jeebus!! The entire media establishment has been telling us that every freaking day since Trump came down his golden escalator in 2015.

      We just don't care because they are all liberal hacks spewing the party line.

    2. So you completely disagree with Bob Somerby’s thesis, which is as I, 2:33, stated? Good to know.

  16. On the one hand, you have the GOP argument that goes that Harris is a DEI candidate, who is unqualified, and got her position merely by being black and female.

    On the other hand, you have Trump suggesting to a black audience that Kamala Harris is only pretending to be black for political gain. He hopes that will piss off “real blacks”, whose “real blackness” is, apparently, used to further the careers of unqualified DEI specimens.

    Both arguments are guaranteed to alienate black voters.

  17. Trump’s latest interview with Maria Bartiromo was really bad, his brain is turning to mush in the wake of Harris’ campaign efforts.

    One striking statement Trump made was about how effective posts on Facebook are in elections, something we all took note of in 2016, and then was denied by Trumpers for years, but here Trump is endorsing that very notion.

    1. Good for you, 2:59. It’s important to understand our opponent.

    2. Independent media routinely cover Trump’s rallies and interviews, so one can observe his sad decline without having to trudge through the tedium and dreariness of Trump’s entire miserable campaign efforts.

    3. I watch all of Dennis Dennison's speeches, instead.

  18. OT: Democrats are making a mistake limiting accountability for Project 2025 to Trump instead of the Republican party as a whole. GOP candidates down-ballot from the presidency need to be held accountable.

    1. David and Cecelia need to be held accountable. I don't know what "frog march" means, but I'd like to try it on both of them.

    2. Anonymouse 6:18pm, you would soon suffer an intimate and personal union with your bullhorn. Best to reconsider your impulses..

    3. Classy as always.

    4. Read those timestamps more carefully, Cecelia.

    5. It was past the drinking hour for Cecelia.

  19. But could any sane person have watched Wednesday night's Gutfeld! show without thinking something like this:

    Except for the First Amendment, wouldn't we consider frog-marching these corporate tools into the countryside for a good, long re-education?

    Wouldn't any sane person think that?

    Wow, wanting to send your fellow Americans re-education camps because they disagree with you.

    Spoken just like your Nazi and Soviet predecessors. You've made them so proud.

    1. Yes. I guess people who watch too many comedy shows and take them seriously, get radicalized and go nuts.

    2. Why does Gutfeld have couch three ways with JD Vance?

  20. Dylan did not write those lyrics for Trump or about Trump. Trump is not the immigrant discussed in the lyrics. But at least Somerby has learned how to properly credit an author for his work, even if he is still misinterpreting it compared to the author's intent.

    1. You would think that a creative person such as Somerby would be ashamed to borrow so much from others instead of finding his own expression of his thoughts. Oddly, Somerby's expression seems aimed at obscuring rather than revealing his ideas.

    2. The word "concrete" has no application in this situation where the complaint was about Somerby not thinking up his own words.

      It isn't that ignorant people don't know words themselves, it is that they don't know how to use them to communicate meaning. In your case, you can't spell them either, but that is a different problem.

      How do people learning word meanings? By reading and hearing words spoken in context. You haven't read enough books or talked with enough educated people. Somerby scoffed at learning while at Harvard and now he steals other people's creative efforts in order to make himself sound deeper than he is. You can't get educated by reading only the first page or two of a textbook. You have to read the whole book to learn what's in it. Somerby's comedy routines used to be about consumerism (breakfast cereal) and he has nothing to say here, so he babbles about sacred Homer and complains that Einstein was too smart. You are both pitiful.


    3. My stockpiles of delicious word-salads are endless.

      What an asshole Somerby is. My fingers smell funny.

      I am Corby.

    4. I don’t usually defend Cecelia, but she did spell “concrete” correctly.

  21. Anonymouse 8:54pm, and you’ll walk out as a MAGA.

  22. Then it’s a deal, Cecelia! Now we’ll recruit David. This is going to be so much fun. We’ll go frogmarchin’.

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