DEMOCRATIZATION: "Say his nickname," the bosses said!


The revolt from below on Fox: Late yesterday, in the 5 p.m. hour, the termagant kept it up.

As we've noted, the two of us went to high school in the same sunny western land. We ourselves graduated from Aragon High. He graduated from Serra, a Catholic high school located about a mile down the Alameda.

(About a mile down the Alameda de las Pulgas—a mile down "the road of the fleas.")

As a 13- and 14-year-old (and thereafter), we'd walk past Serra on our way to the house and home of our friend—to the house and home where we'd encounter this remarkable, somewhat scary man. 

That remarkable person suffered no fools, even if they were 13! Even if you were only 13, you had to be at your absolute sharpest when you entered that house and that home.

That said, this all occurred in a sunny and promising land—a sunny land from which the angry and weirdly coarse termagant unaccountably emerged. (It would be our guess that clinical personality disorders can emerge from any land.)

At any rate, yesterday afternoon, there he was! There he was, on The Five, very much keeping it up. 

The night before, he'd delivered the hint hint hints on his eponymous Gutfeld! program. In yesterday's report, we showed you the transcripts from that night's grisly performance. 

Tuesday evening, on that show, he had seemed to be delivering some possible hint hint hints. 

Yesterday afternoon, on The Five, he of course went there again. He started the hour by mocking "Tampon Tim." (More on that nickname to follow.) 

Now, at 5:27 p.m., he returned to one of his themes from the night before. Hint hint hint hint hint hint hint, the angry small termagant said:

GUTFELD (8/7/24): I get a weird vibe off of Walz. I feel like he's the husband of a missing spouse in a Dateline special. You know what I mean? 

And like (affecting the tone of a broadcaster), "He's the beloved

JUDGE JEANINE: Is he a suspect?

GUTFELD: —"the beloved high school coach who held mandatory showers before practice." 

He just has a weird vibe.

What kind of coach makes the boys shower before they practice? The termagant seemed to be at it again. He's paid to do this by Fox.

As we noted yesterday, the termagant's subtext was fairly clear: Hint hint hint hint hint! And sure enough! Three hours later, on Jesse Watters Primetime, there they went again!

In this case, it was Watters himself, joined by the block of protoplasm-adjacent Joe Concha. The pair went on and on, then on and on, about the strange way Walz had hugged his wife—or had failed to hug his wife—at the Philadelphia kickoff event.

Also, by way of contrast, about the highly enthusiastic way he had hugged second gentleman Doug Emhoff.

Watters introduced the protoplasm. Hint hint hint, Watters instantly said, adding yet another nickname to the rapidly growing mix:

WATTERS (8/7/24): The Great Walz of China has a lot of red flags, but one is glaring—his body language. Here is Twitchy Tim on stage, waving profusely, in a very unsettling manner—very unsettling. 

Men should not move this way. It is not the way we move, and the handshake is probably the most telling.

This is Walz and his wife, shaking hands like business associates, followed by a weird hug. Now let's compare that to Walz's interaction with Kamala's husband, Doug. 

Interesting! What's going on here?

To watch this garbage, just click here. To his credit, the major block of protoplasm knew what he should do:

CONCHA (continuing directly): Jesse, you know I'm a D-list cable guy. The point being, I sometimes get invited to speaking events across the country, like you are. And when I'm done—

My wife usually comes with me, because it's like a mini-vacation. And I will give her a hug and a kiss, because you've met Mrs. C. and I'm a lucky guy. I'm not shaking hands with her like I'm at a state farm convention, right? But that's what we saw here with Tim Walz.

Some may call this weird. That's the only adjective that comes to mind. 

WATTERS: And the hug is not the way you hug your wife. You hug your wife from the body—you don't hug like this. Different than he hugged Doug!  

CONCHA: It was very sumo wrestling-like, almost. But boy! He liked Doug there!

There are many conclusions a person can draw. We would start with this observation:

Under current arrangements, this is the way these idiots behave during a "prime time" program on a major "cable news" channel!

Before the "democratization of media," people like these would never have gotten within a hundred miles of a prime time TV news program. Now, they primp and they prance across the screen night after night after night after night, helping us see that "democratization" may sometimes arrive with some downsides.

We would also draw this second conclusion:

Be careful who you call weird! Once you've introduced that term into our nation's pseudo-discourse, it's very easy for others to turn the game around—to turn your framework against you.

Continuing, we'd say this:

Is it possible that these idiots really were engaged in the business we're describing as hint hint hint? 

You'll have to judge that for yourself! But no large modern nation can seriously hope to function under the arrangements which have brought us to this point.

Meanwhile, the last few days present several obvious questions about the work of the mainstream press, and about the challenges which will be facing the Harris campaign itself.

One obvious question is this: Will Candidate Harris be able to win November's election? 

We'd say that's completely unclear. As it turns out, the selection of Walz has unleashed a bevy of attacks:

Attacks about tampons in public schools. Attacks about alleged "solen valor." Attacks about allegedly being in thrall to the Chinese Commies. 

But also, attacks about the way Walz hugs his wife. Attacks according to which he doesn't move the way we men do.

Also, attacks about the way he makes a certain disordered being think about high school coaches who make the boys take showers before they practice! Attacks about thoughts like that!

Mark Twain is said to have said it, though he probably didn't:

A lie gets halfway around the world while the truth is just getting its boots on.

In this case, we're dealing with the speed with which an attack line can move through the communication networks which now exist thanks to the "democratization od media." 

The arracks have come thick and fast on the corporate propaganda entity known as the Fox News Channel. At present, there's no way to know whether these lines will take hold.

Full disclosure! As we recently noted, more people watch the Fox News Channel than watch MSNBC and CNN combined. Here were the primetime viewership numbers for the month of July:

Average primetime viewership, July 2024
Fox News Channel: 3.45 million
MSNBC: 1.18 million
CNN: 856,000

"Cable news" is only one part of our current communication system. But it's an important part. 

Through their mannered idiocy, Watters and Gutfeld dominate The Five, then host hour-long, primetime shows of their own. Many more people watch these peculiar performers than watch Blue America's stars.

For now, two final points:

When mainstream media try to push back, how skilled are the people in question? 

Tomorrow, we'll take a look at that question. Again, we'll suggest that Jennifer Rubin may have been right when she said that a "bizarre double standard" exists with respect to the coverage of Candidate Donald J. Trump.

Our last final point would be this:

Last night, we saw Walz mocked as "Tampon Tim." On The Ingraham Angle, we saw him described as "Totalitarian Tim" (and as "the Manchurian Candidate") because of the way he's obviously owned by the Chinese Communists.

As we've shown you, he was also mocked as "Twitchy Tim" because he doesn't move the way men do. Also, he seems to like hugging Emhoff more than he likes hugging his wife!

 Hint hint hint hint hint! On last evening's Gutfeld! show, the relentlessly horrible Charly Arnolt kept this age-old theme alive, describing Harris and Walz:

ARNOLT (8/7/24): Really, when you look at the two of them, I mean they are truly just made for each other. You have a cackling, ugly-pants suit wearing, former mistress alongside a low-key soy beta, and it really just makes that much sense.

"A low-key soy beta?" Frankly, we had to google the term. This is what came up first:

Soy boy

Soy boy is a pejorative term sometimes used in online communities to describe men perceived to be lacking masculine characteristics. The term bears many similarities and has been compared to the slang terms cuck (derived from cuckold), nu-male and low-T ("low testosterone")–terms sometimes used as insults for male femininity by online communities.

Soon thereafter, this:

SOY BOY BETA CUCK - Classy Novelty Shirt


We'll guess that we're getting the picture! At any rate, this is the revolt from below, and it's not going to stop. Also, this is the actual shape of our flailing nation's prime time "cable news" universe.

We have one more final point:

The finer people at our finer news orgs don't report or discuss what happens on Fox.

The highly educated folk at the New York Times are much too fine for that! In such ways, ugly revolts have found a way, through the annals of time, to succeed from way down below.

Tomorrow: Stolen valor / stolen elections


  1. Working part-time, I make more than $13,000 every month. I was intrigued by the stories of online earnings, so I decided to explore it. It’s real and has completely changed my life. For more information, visit the website below.
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  2. The most striking thing about choosing Walz was NOT choosing Josh Shapiro. Shapiro was the obvious choice. He's the most popular pol in the key swing state of PA. His experience is ideal. Impressive law degree from Georgetown. He's considered more moderate than Harris, thus helping her move toward the middle.

    The apparent reason for rejecting Shapiro is that he's Jewish. There are various reasons why his religion may have led to his rejection
    1. Although Harris isn't antisemitic, she might believe that a too many voters are antisemitic
    2. Harris may be antisemitic
    3. The extreme left is antisemitic. She may have succombed to pressure from the extreme left of her Party.

    1. 4. DiC is full of shit.

    2. We need Shapiro in Pennsylvania. He’s a Democrat who can win there. Any Democrat will win the governorship in Minnesota.

    3. @Anon 11:47: I will go with (4). Having said that, I, myself, wouldn't have picked Shapiro because he's a Jew -- and I say this as a Jew myself! For one thing, Harris will be vying for the marginal cracker vote and you need a person on the ticket to reassure them that "the great replacement" is not underway. Another words, it's a nod to right-leaning independents.
      Secondly, I don't know what would make Shapiro the "obvious" choice. There's no such thing. Walz has more experience as a governor and more experience in politics.

      PS: Besides, Marxist Maoist from Minnesota does have a pretty good ring to it.

    4. This is the same shit Dickhead in Cal posted yesterday and at least 4 or 5 people replied to him which he completely ignored. Don't tell me David isn't a nasty troll.

      If Dems are so anti-semitic, I wonder why we keep electing Jewish politicians to office.

    5. So go lick his ass, 11.47. U no u wanna.

  3. DiC - Harris picked Walz because she thought he was the best candidate, and really, that’s all there is to say. Everything else is idle, and pointless, speculation.

    1. Fair point, PP. I am speculating. But, it's not idle. I am worried about the far left.

      Most Dems are reasonable people. Not the far left. They organized illegal college demonstrations that in some cases were almost pro-Hamas as well as anti-Israel. They tend to be antisemitic and anti-American. They embrace nutty ideas, like defunding the police.

      Rejecting Shapiro may be a hint that far left will have considerable influence in a Harris Administration.

    2. Walz is far left? Let’s see: teacher, football coach, served in the national guard for 24 years, big supporter of veterans, won a seat in a Republican district.

      So, far left it is.

    3. What country's behavior has called into being an organization like Hamas?

    4. If those are your concerns, you might be interested to know that Harris: opponent sat for a long interview with this nice young Jewish man.

      Meanwhile, that same candidate's running mate has kept a two-year conversation going with a Holocaust denier.

      I'd say your concerns about fringe radical elements being mainstreamed in this election are justified.

    5. The Ottoman Empire?

    6. Manchin endorsed Walz. Walz can't be that far left given that Manchin is so centrist he left the Democratic party.

  4. Even with 3.45 million viewers, it still means that about 99 percent of the country isn’t watching Fox. Just to keep things in perspective.

  5. When one divides TV stations based on bias, Fox News is the only conservative. Libs include NBC, CBS, ABC PBS as well as the cable networks

    1. Dave, let’s go for a frogmarch. Cecelia will come with us. You’ll understand everything after re-education.

    2. Only CNN and MSNBC are cable “news” networks like Fox “News.” The others aren’t comparable.

    3. David, are you counting the roughly 200 local tv affiliates that have been swallowed by the Sinclair squid monster?

    4. 4. She chose Walz for his backstory, more experiece (Congtessman, governor), compatibility , and demographics ( blue wall voters). He is equal or better the candidate as Shapiro, but of course, not choosing the Jewish Governor smacks of antisemitism. There were three final candidate for the position. Choosing either of the other highly qualified candidates per Shapiro would have been antisemitic. What if there had been 5 finalists, would choosing any of the other 4 been, likewise, antisemitic? Pure nonsense.

      There are 10 Jewish senators. All caucus with the Democrats. There are 27 Jews in the House. 25 are Democrats, 2 Republicans. Looks like the Republican party is not very inclusive, or as DIC would say, flat out antisemitic. DIC is FOS, as usual.

    5. Gotta wonder why Trump chose his running mate over the Jewish Republican candidate. Oh yeah. There was none.

    6. 1:39 correction: per=over

    7. In Trump's news conference, he said that Shapiro is even worse than Walz.

    8. Trump, disappointed that Harris didn’t pick Shapiro, was ready to brand Shapiro an anti semite for criticizing Netanyahu.

  6. Who would disagree that strapping young teenage boys need ample stocks of tampons in their bathrooms at school so they can insert them in their odorous, secreting vaginas?

    1. Who doesn’t agree they help stop the bleeding when someone shoots up their schools using their 2nd Amendment rights?

    2. 1:24 if accommodating other people's differences bothers you, you have chosen the right party. I am a straight white male. What other people identify as sexually has no bearing on me. Apparently the sexual orientation of strangers is a sore subject for you. That is weird. Why don't you make a list of all the things that complete strangers to you do or are affiliated with that you think is your business? See a doctor if this issue is a manifestation of your own sexual inadequacies.

    3. I think we are on the same page. It is an important and authentic issue to accommodate and address the rampaging countrywide epidemic of a lack of absorbent sanitary products for teenage boy’s to insert into their menstruating vaginas.

    4. This is such an important political issue. Just think of all these young boy’s menstruating vaginas trapped in uncaring public institutions that will not provide them with so much as a panty liner.

    5. Yeah, just go ahead and see a doctor.

    6. It fits. People like 1:24 are just weird.

    7. Hi, for one, I’m not going to sit by idle as Trump and his minions continue to neglect the issue of young boys and their menstruating vaginas..

    8. 4:03, you’re weird and creepy. But please continue, since you think it hurts the Democrats.

    9. Teenage boys and their vaginas is bipartisan issue. It affects us all. Remember what President Ben Franklin said: ask not what teenage boy’s vaginas can do for you, ask what you can do for teenage boy’s vaginas.

    10. @4:15, I guess you've never been a teenage girl who didn't have a tampon and discovered that the dispenser in the girls room was empty (since predicting this sort of irregular demand can be difficult for custodians, not just teen girls). With this law, not only are intersex teens protected and tampons demystified for boys (who will likely become husband who shop for such things for their wives), but a girl can ask a friend to go get a tampon from the boys room, where there are highly to be some still available.

      Or you could just be an asshole who lacks empathy for anyone not himself and lacks the imagination to understand how this might benefit everyone, even teachers.

      This is ultimately what hostility toward women looks like.

    11. Marines and trauma doctors do use maxi-pads to stop bleeding in emergency situations. With as much fighting as occurs in boys' bathrooms, perhaps having emergency supplies at hand might be a good idea.

    12. Give the Right credit for caring about tampons in the boys bathroom. I was afraid they were just pretending they cared, like they do about the border.

    13. 4::15 This obsession with the sexuality of teenagers will require the kind of self reflection that involves a mental health professional. I hope you can sort it all out. In the meantime, and speaking of activities in public restrooms, keep your feet inside the stall. Weirdo is a euphemism for your kind.

    14. 5:40 we are talking about boy’s vaginas not girl’s.

    15. As I said, if someone is born with genitalia of both sexes, what business is it of yours and why should they be subjected to this kind of invasive treatment at high school, especially at a time when it would be most embarrassing for them? It can even risk the life of a teen because some boys are not particularly tolerant of difference, especially sexually threatening differences. And if they cannot handle having gay kids among them, how would they react to an intersex teen in the bathroom? Walz worked with high school kids as a coach. I respect his suggestions about how to make things easier for young boys and girls at a difficult time in their lives.

      @6:28 sounds like he wants to beat up some kids himself, not like anyone who wants to help them.

    16. Waltz has the right focus. He is asking to become a part of an administration that will lead a government that is currently spending $1 trillion a year servicing the debt it carries from its bloated, out of control spending, a situation that is quite obviously unsustainable. In this context, it is very, very important to concentrate on all of the young men across the country, sitting in classrooms with bloated and bleeding vaginas And how to provide these young men with some sort of sanitary mechanism that the lads can insert into their vaginas that will provide some mere modicum of comfort and relief. This is every boy’s right. I think it was Jimmy Carter, who said of contemporary politics “ It’s the teenage boy’s vaginas, stupid.”

    17. Are you there God? It’s me, Biff.

    18. I’m here, but I have no time for your nonsense. Try Satan.

    19. Making a big deal out of something that helps people, even a small number, makes you a first class asshole.

    20. If a strapping young man’s menstruating vagina falls in the forest, does it make any noise?

    21. The right wing bullshit never ceases. The bill in Minnesota didn’t mandate tampons in boys bathrooms.

    22. “Or you could just be an asshole who lacks empathy for anyone not himself and lacks the imagination to understand how this might benefit everyone, even teachers.

      This is ultimately what hostility toward women looks like.”

      I’m not sure how failing to provide tampons for boys in the boys room is hostility toward women.

    23. 10:21 Tampax or whatever it is, I didn’t know the brand name.

    24. Requiring that tampons be available in boys' bathroom is a way of legitimizing the trans theory -- that people can simply decide their gender, regardless of genetics or body parts.. Allowing males to compete as female simply based on their own say-so is destroying women's sports.

      BTW note that liberals are happy to support science, when the science supports their current beliefs. E.g., the fact that the globe is warming. OTOH liberals are happy to ignore science when science doesn't support their current belief. E.g., no science supports it idea that people have some sort of internal gender which cannot be objectively discerned.

    25. As usual, DIC brings his usual serving of misinformation to the table for general consumption. In order:
      1) The law does not require tampon dispensers to be installed in boy's bathrooms. Go ahead and show us, verbatim, the law.
      2) The statement that there is no scientific evidence supporting physical properties associated with transgenderism is false:

      There is this thing called the internet. It allows free access to information. Try it out. Or don't. But unless your octogenarian brain, with what likely would show significant cortical thinning on an MRI, cannot wrap itself around the idea of fact checking your statements before blithely defecating them into this comment section, expect that you will be excoriated for your efforts (or lack thereof). And incidentally, there are many liberals as well as a person named Renee Richards, who have serious reservations about transgender athletic competitiveness, so you don't get to call that a " liberal thing", as much as your personal biases force you to do so. As always, you are FOS.

    26. David, thank you for providing these salient points.

  7. Somerby's childhood encounters with an artist who lived down the block from Gutfeld's high school have nothing whatsoever to do with anything Gutfeld is now saying on his show. Why mention him at all?

    Somerby keeps referring to his friend's "house and home". What is the point of that? Song lyrics have said that a house is not a home under certain circumstances. Is Somerby referring to that, or does he mean anything with that construction? Or is he just trying to fill a page with words, without caring how his readers understand him? This kind of thing is majorly annoying, independent from the huge errors Somerby makes daily concerning politics and the media.

    Does anyone believe that Gutfeld is the way he is because he attended Serra High School and was perhaps Catholic? Why then does Somerby repeat these facts every time he discusses Gutfeld? I know a whole lot of Catholics who are nothing like Gutfeld and many of them came from California too. What is the point of this defamation of innocent bystanders by association with an asshole like Gutfeld?

  8. Bob watches this garbage only because he thinks MSNBC is worse. Does that not make Bob the worst fool of all? Also very uninformed
    on a lot of key stories.

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