NORMALIZATION(S): The hopeful's inflammatory claims!


Perhaps a "bizarre double standard:" We became aware of the candidate's comments on Tuesday evening, July 30.

He had made the (inflammatory) comments three days earlier, speaking from a platform off in the clouds.  

We became aware of the candidate's comments when CNN's Pamela Brown played a brief tape of his remarks, then attempted to challenge them. For the most part, the candidate's comments were so routine—had become so "normalized"—that they had received little coverage and had occasioned little comment.

The hopeful to whom we refer is Candidate Donald J. Trump. On Saturday, July 27, he and Candidate Vance had addressed an enthusiastic crowd at a rally in St. Cloud, Minnesota.

For the record, Governor Walz hadn't yet been announced as Kamala Harris' running-mate. Here's a further bit of disclosure:

Minnesota's 2020 election hadn't been especially close. Trump had come much closer in 2016, losing the state to Hillary Clinton by less than two points. But here were the most recent numbers:

Minnesota presidential election, 2020
Joe Biden (D): 1.72 million (52.4%)
Donald J. Trump (R): 1.48 million (45.3%)

Four years ago, Candidate Biden won Minnesota by more than seven points. In his two elections, Barack Obama had won the state by 10 points and then by eight.

Still, Candidate Trump seemed to believe that Minnesota might be in play this year. If President Biden had stayed in the race, that very well might have been true.

It was in that context that Candidate Trump offered some inflammatory remarks—remarks which have been so thoroughly normalized that they produced little reaction.

Speaking to a roaring crowd-—a roaring crowd full of our fellow citizens—the candidate spoke and spoke and spoke this day, and then he spoke some more. As he approached the half-hour mark, he offered some very familiar remarks—extremely familiar remarks which were almost surely untrue:

TRUMP (7/27/24): You know what's a friendly rally? This is a friendly rally!


TRUMP: By the way, I feel so bad. There are 25,000 people outside that cannot— 

If you people all go and vote— Now look—


There's no way we lose this. There's no way we should lose this state.




TRUMP: They don't show the crowd size. I love crowd size. We've always had the biggest crowds in history—there's never been anything like this. 

No, you ought to see. We drove from the airport to here, and practically, the whole way, there were just thousands and thousands of people. It's incredible, right? 


It's incredible...

For C-Span's videotape of the full speech, you can just click here.

In that passage, we've edited out some brief, extremely familiar claims about the tiny size of Candidate Harris' crowds. Also, about the way the press refuses to tell the truth about the tiny size of those crowds.

Those remarks were plainly bogus. But in the passage we've transcribed, you see some extremely familiar remarks. For starters, you see a truncated claim about the 25,000 people who couldn't gain admission to this jam-packed rally this day—to the jam-packed event in the clouds. 

By now, no sane person would be inclined to believe that familiar type of claim. On this day, the hopeful added an absurd claim about the way crowds had lined the streets, all the way from the airport to the hall, just hoping to see him pass.

By now, this is a highly familiar type  of remark. But the hopeful now started to make his way down a dangerous roadway.

"There's no way we should lose this state," the candidate said to the roaring crowd. And now, as the candidate continued, he went to a dangerous place:

TRUMP (continuing from above): We drove from the airport to here, and practically, the whole way, there were just thousands and thousands of people. It's incredible, right? 


It's incredible. If they don't cheat, we win this state easily, OK? They cheat.

They have no shame. They cheat. 


Do you understand that, you crooked people? 

They're the most crooked. 

They cheat. They cheated in the last election, and they're going to cheat in this election, but we're going to get them. 

"They cheated in the last election," he said. "and they're going to cheat [again]." Love has no pride, but "they" have no shame, the angry candidate said.

He seemed to be saying that "they" had cheated in Minnesota itself, in the 2020 election which he had lost by seven points. As he continued, he fleshed out his accusation:

TRUMP (continuing from above): They cheat. They cheated in the last election, and they're going to cheat in this election, but we're going to get them. 

They used COVID to cheat. And this time, they'll try and find something. But we think we have them blocked. They have no shame whatsoever.

"They" had used Covid to cheat, he said, without explaining what he meant. This year, though, "they" were going to try to cheat again!

By any traditional standard, these were highly inflammatory remarks. The candidate seemed to be saying that he had been cheated out of victory in the last election, apparently right there in Minnesota itself.

He was also clearly saying that the unspecified "they" were going to try to cheat him again—that "they" were going to try to cheat him, and that they were thereby going to try to cheat the thousands of Minnesotans who were attending the rally. 

Judged by traditional norms those were exceptionally serious claims. As he neared the end of his endless remarks, the hopeful went there again:

TRUMP: It's no wonder the Democrat [sic] Party and their thugs are so desperate to stop us. They know that we are the only ones who can stop them.


I've had a lot of rallies here. We had rallies—what I've done for your upcountry, with the iron ore, and those people, they loved us, and then these guys came back [after 2020] and they changed everything. It's just disgraceful what they did. But I think—

I'm telling you, if we have an honest election, we're going to blow it out in Minnesota. Just look at the crowds, look at the people back there.

The radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020, and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024. We're not going to allow it to happen. 

And every time the radical left Democrats, Communists, Marxists and fascists indict me, I consider it a great badge of honor, because I'm being indicted for you.

Never forget, our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. I'm not gonna let it happen.


I say this—I got indicted more than Al Capone! 

You know, he was the meanest, most vicious guy—Scarface. Many movies made about Alphonse. He's a fine gentleman. If he didn't like you at a dinner, you were automatically dead before you got home to your lovely wife and family. 

"What happened to Dad?" "Well, he had dinner with Al Capone, never made it back. He was in the foundation of a building down the road." 

I got indicted more than him—for what? Saying the election was crooked. 

The election was crooked.  What a disgrace...

So it went as a roaring crowd heard some remarkable claims—remarkable claims which are so familiar that they no longer occasion a great deal of comment.

Among major observers, it was Jerry Lee Lewis who noticed it first. He reported his finding in April 1957.

"Whole lotta shakin' goin' on," he famously said at that time. In the modern American discourse, the same observation could be made about the degree of normalization lodged within our unimpressive public discussions. 

In yesterday's report, we noted the way ludicrous conduct on the Fox News Channel has been normalized through a culture of "benign neglect"—benign neglect on the part of an array of major news orgs from a higher class.

Today, we note the way Candidate Trump's remarkable claims about stolen elections have been almost wholly normalized.

We became aware of his remarks at this St. Cloud event on Tuesday, July 30. Tomorrow, we'll look at what happened when CNN's Pamlea Brown—to her credit—attempted to question Trump's claims.

All in all, claims like these by the former president no longer occasion much comment. They're now a normal part of the soil out of which our imitation of a public discourse is somehow expected to grow.

The last election was stolen, he said. By now, he has said it so many times that no one notices—no one except the roaring crowd before whom he appeared in St. Cloud.

Last Tuesday, we discussed a somewhat surprising claim by the Washington Post's Jennifer Rubin. Even as she herself extended a standard type of Blue American journalistic con, she said a "bizarre double standard" now obtains with respect to the coverage of Candidate Trump.

Before his exit from the race, President Biden had been subjected to a very high degree of scrutiny, she correctly said.

She also said that Candidate Trump was being given a vastly wider berth. Even as she herself extended a familiar type of con, is it possible that Jennifer Rubin's surprising claim was accurate?

The last election was stolen, he said! Have such claims been normalized by an indolent national press?

Tomorrow: CNN tries to push back


  1. Here Digby compares the quote being used to accuse Walz of stolen valor, compared to the actual words Walz spoke in video. The edited quote (used by Republicans to attack Walz) leaves out the part where Walz clearly explains he was in Iraq as a member of Congress and not as a member of the national guard.

    Meanwhile, what is Soemrby talking about today? It would be nice if Trump were the only problem with the right wing, and if journalists ignoring Trump's lies were the only problem with this election, but it is the Republican establishment and the right wing in general that is now telling lies, and in this case attempting to swift-boat Walz, just as they did John Kerry long before Trump was on the scene.

    1. Somerby is lost.

    2. Walz is strange according to Somerby, in some unspecified way. Also, according to (perfectly normal and not strange) JD Vance.

    3. VD Vance is not necessarily strange, he wears eyeliner because couches find it appealing.

      Don't blame Vance, blame the couch.

  2. "Among major observers, it was Jerry Lee Lewis who noticed it first. He reported his finding in April 1957.

    "Whole lotta shakin' goin' on," he famously said at that time. In the modern American discourse, the same observation could be made about the degree of normalization lodged within our unimpressive public discussions. "

    WTF? Jerry Lee Lewis was driven out of rock and roll because he had sex with and then married his 13 year old cousin. Somerby just pops his name into the middle of a discussion that has nothing whatsoever to do with Lewis. Why? Nor does the song have any connection to anything.

    This is beyond weird. His cousin left Lewis in 1970 because he never did stop his booze, pills, and womanizing. He was a talented musician but a horrible person. Is that perhaps Somerby's point? If not, why did he throw this in?

    1. She was his first cousin once removed. She was the third of his seven wives.

    2. She was in middle school at the time.

    3. Roy Moore was jealous.

    4. When Trump raped a 13yo, he did not even have the decency to marry her, he just threw her some money in case she needed an abortion.

      Compared to Trump, Lewis is a saint.

    5. “This is beyond weird.”

      Great balls of fire!

  3. Trump insists he got indicted for calling the election crooked. That is another huge lie.

  4. Why is Somerby discussing a rally from 2020 that was held in St. Cloud MN, as if it were recent? Somerby omits that Trump keeps claiming he won MN when he didn't.

    Is that lie being normalized because Somerby does not discuss it? By his logic, yes. Note that the mainstream media has debunked it (see link above). Has the mainstream media debunked Trump's big lie about the 2020 election? Of course it has, repeatedly. So why is Somerby whining about Trump being normalized? Because his actual target here is the so-called blue media (by which Somerby refers to the mainstream media, which is not blue at all). This is Somerby's odd and eccentric way of attacking Blue America while pretending to be against Trump and for Kamala/Walz (without a good word to say about either of them except Kamala has a nice smile). Biden was too too old, Somerby explained while the NY Times and Washington Post tried to flush Biden down the toilet.

    This blog has become surreal, while Trump edges closer to psychosis, and Somerby can find nothing positive to say about Democrats and no issue to discuss beyond evoking the ghost of Jerry Lee Lewis, a self-destructive man who preyed on very young women.

    1. "Why is Somerby discussing a rally from 2020 that was held in St. Cloud MN, as if it were recent?"

      The rally was held on July 27, 2024.

    2. Somerby says Trump lies about crowd sizes, fair enough, but no other candidate in history has sexually assaulted as many women as Trump. Let's give the man his due.

    3. Anonymouse 12:58, you should give Trump his props after he’s dead. He may have 40 or 50 more accusations against him by then.

    4. 2:25 haha sexual assault is so funny, haha!

    5. Anonymouse 2:28pm, except when it’s an anonymouse such as the one 12:58pm.

    6. 12:58 wasn’t joking, Cecelia.

    7. Anonhmouse 2:33pm, he made an ironic quip and you didn’t mind that until I did it too.

    8. Aw, poor baby. (The comment at 12:58 wasn’t irony, either).

    9. Anonymouse 3:18pm, the anonymouse said that Trump may not draw the crowd numbers he claims,, but his rape total is unparalleled.

      No irony there…

    10. Irony is saying the opposite of what you mean. 12:58 says exactly what he/she meant.

    11. What’s ironic is Trump claiming Harris is faking her crowd sized via AI, but he’s the one waving to nonexistent crowds at airports that are later photoshopped in.

    12. Anonymouse 3:50pm, and what he meant was ironically stated. The reason you didn’t object to that comnent from that anonymouse is because she’s in your militia.

    13. She's the senior non-commissioned officer in my militia.

    14. Don't use the word irony if you don't know what it means.

  5. Football coaches frequently tell the team that it has a good chance to prevail, even when the other team is much stronger. If you’re super technical, you might call this a lie, but it’s just ordinary motivation.

    1. Do football coaches routinely tell their team they really won, even if they lost, and that the other team were cheaters? Asking for a friend.

    2. No, Dickhead in Cal, no fucking sane person who isn't a depraved fascist maggot, would ever say the coach is lying. What the fuck is wrong with you/

    3. Yes. And coaches also tell the team that there are tens of thousands of imaginary fans who can't get in the stadium. And that the other team and the referees and the league conspired to cheat them of their legitimate victory in the previous meeting between the teams.

      Happens all the time.

    4. A really bad analogy, DiC, because your hypothetical coach's statement is about the future, and his team understands that, whereas Trump was talking about what has happened or not in the past.

      He's simply lying.

    5. Or despite the team having zero athletic competence the coach guaranteed they would win a trophy because he owned the field and the referees were his employees.

  6. Somerby's blog deleted another of my comments.

    1. That happens a lot.

    2. Somerby reads the comments and even engages in the comments through sock puppets.

    3. I am not a sock puppet.

  7. "She also said that Candidate Trump was being given a vastly wider berth. Even as she herself extended a familiar type of con, is it possible that Jennifer Rubin's surprising claim was accurate?"

    With the recent huge push to get Biden out of the presidential race, isn't it obvious that Trump has received different treatment? Why then refer to Rubin's claim as "surprising" and why wonder about its accuracy?

    Somerby refers to Rubin as running a con, but he hasn't really explained what her con supposedly is. Perhaps it is just because she is a journalist, but accusing someone of a con seems pretty serious to me, and Somerby really should explain what he means by it.

    When I look up Rubin on Wikipedia and other sources, she is described as a conservative commentator at the Washington Post. Lately she has been anti-Trump. Is that the con? Or is the con that she was considered conservative? If Somerby ever explained what he thinks is her con, I don't remember it. But calling people who accurately detect Trump's cons and talk about it "cons" themselves strikes me as wrong. More and more Republicans are turning against Trump. Somerby needs to get used to that phenomenon. And why is someone who is supposedly a liberal talking down a Republican who is telling the truth about Trump's flaws, not just the media favoritism given to Trump over his age while Biden was being forced out of the race.

    1. And for God’s sake, it was Somerby himself who wrote post after post about how the media refused to discuss what was to Somerby Trump’s obvious mental illness/personality disorder.

    2. Rubin supports Democrats now. She has very publicly renounced the GOP and adopted the Democratic Party.

    3. Corporate media blows in the wind, chasing profits.

      This seems to really confuse Somerby, bless his heart.

    4. "Somerby refers to Rubin as running a con, but he hasn't really explained what her con supposedly is."

      Actually, he linked to his post last Tuesday where he explained the con in some detail. Just click his link.

    5. Somerby's explanation was not sufficient to persuade anyone other than his Loyalists.

    6. Many corporations focus on profits, but apparently not all, for example check out that DJT stock, oof!

      Some could find Trump Media's disinterest in profits endearing, but apparently not stock investors, ungratefully dumping Trump's stock at a rapid rate.

    7. "Somerby's explanation was not sufficient to persuade anyone other than his Loyalists."

      First, you falsely state that Somerby did not provide an explanation. When corrected, you don't apologize for making a false statement; instead, you start name-calling. I guess that's how you roll.

    8. 1:23 I did not make a claim about providing an explanation(I am not the original commenter), but I did at 12:53 say it was not sufficient, and yes I was using your style of formulation in a mocking way.

      Sure, let's examine it though: Somerby posted that he generally agrees with Rubin's take but took issue with her claim about a "glitch"; however, if you look at the tape, anyone can clearly see Trump did in fact glitch there, as he does in every rally speech - this is well documented by independent media. Trump routinely glitches, just as Rubin reported, but Somerby tried to falsely make a federal case out of that aspect, ignoring that Trump glitching is routine and widely reported.

      So no, Somerby did not explain Rubin's con in detail, and in reality Somerby actually agreed with the general thrust of Rubin, he went on to also nitpicked a minor point, but Somerby was wrong on the nitpick.

      1:23 your comments are always devoid of substance; they are just angry attacks on those who dare to criticize Somerby, the guy you hero worship so much, you are blind to his flaws. You are a good and decent person, but you are on a bad path.

    9. Well, it is hard to tell Anons apart. And I disagree with your analysis, but more than that I can tell you that your repeated statements that I am "angry" are very much mistaken. Instead, I find your ilk's absurd attacks on Somerby to be somewhat amusing.

    10. 2:14 your sad projection betrays your anger.

      I hope you are able to find peace from your inner demons some day.

      1:48 offered more a description than an analysis, it was PP that tried to float a misinterpretation of the circumstances.

    11. To say something is "projection" is just a more sophisticated way of slinging the schoolyard taunt: "I know you are, but what am I?"

    12. Not really, PP. The psychological concept of projection is important to an understanding of certain types of thinking.

    13. Oh, please. Hold the pedantry! The first Anon falsely stated that Somerby gave no explanation. You found the explanation given was not persuasive. You've decided to call names and psychoanalyze. There -- it's all summed up.

    14. I am not @3:15 but I agree that psychoanalysis has value in examining everyday thought, not just disorders. Projection is a defense mechanism used by people regularly in daily life to protect self esteem. I see this kind of analysis as useful and not name calling. I found Somerby's explanation so unpersuasive that Somerby seemed to be name-calling Rubin without justification, as I believe he does frequently, especially targeting female journalists.

  8. “the way Candidate Trump's remarkable claims about stolen elections have been almost wholly normalized.”

    They have been normalized by Fox and the GOP. A majority of Republican voters now believe the claims.

    However, the mainstream media, beginning after the election in 2020, and including Rachel Maddow and MSNBC, have spent a lot of time debunking all these claims. It’s just that Somerby ignored all of that to focus on the media calling it election “lies”, since he is so upset at the use of that word. He focused on what he believed to be Trump’s mental illness / sociopathy / (insert phrase of choice) and that Trump seemed to truly believe the election was stolen, so he wasn’t really lying. He ignores the Fox legal judgment which found that Fox did knowingly spread false information, another event widely covered by the mainstream media but barely mentioned by Somerby.

    At some point, “lie” is the correct word when you have an entire right wing media and political effort to spread these false claims, despite the judgment handed down against Fox.

    In reality, the mainstream media has done just about all it can do to debunk these false claims, but that cannot prevail when right wing media and the GOP are intent upon lying to their voters. But we were assured yesterday by some right wing commenter that Fox doesn’t condescend to its viewers. Right. They don’t condescend to tell them the truth. That’s contempt.

    1. The main stream media has repeatedly asserted Trump's stolen election claims are false, but has done little to debunk them, which would mean examining them in their detail, and providing the counter-evidence that shows they're false.

    2. Media has discussed Trump's claims, and that they were adjudicated and found to have no merit.

      The burden is on Trump to prove his case, and he has failed to do so; this is what media has reported.

    3. 1:55 exhibits the current right wing predilection for shamelessly making shit up and asserting it as if it were fact.

    4. And yet your rebuttal to my post offered not a single fact and misidentified me as right wing.

      0 for 2.

    5. 4:14: did you offer any facts to back up your assertions? Can you use google?

    6. The question at issue is not whether I can discover by my own research what happend in the 2020 election but whether the msm has done much in the way of debunking claims of a stolen election.

      For the most part, the msm throws around terms like 'debunked' without actually doing it.

    7. That is untrue, 5:30.

    8. Among the facts given by the media is that none of the election lawsuits were successful and no evidence of election fraud sufficient to sway the results were found in any investigation or court case.

    9. When you can't even persuade the corporate-owned media that there was election fraud...

    10. I actually tend to agree with 5:30. They should invite Rudy Guiliani and Dinesh Desouza on to present their case and have election officials on to debate the case. And then have a neutral referee, maybe Clarence Thomas or Sam Alito.

    11. 1:55,
      You want the media to debunk Trump's kidding, now?

  9. normalization = a whole lot of shaking going on

    And this makes sense to Somerby?

    1. There is also "kickin' in the barn" where "we got the bull by the horn."

      He ain't fakin'.

  10. JD Vance's guiding principle for investing in a company was that it should not only turn a profit, it should also help American communities.

  11. Trump praised Musk for supposedly firing all the workers who were striking at his company.

    Trump, Hero of Labor.

    1. Republican voters don't care at all about that.
      They care about bigotry and white supremacy.

  12. Amazing to see a group of prominent Republicans in Arizona publicly supporting Harris.

    1. Reuben Gallego, currently a U.S. congressman, is seeking to replace noted potted plant Kyrsten Sinema as U.S. senator against noted crank Kari Lake.

    2. But a very stylishly dressed potted plant, for various definitions of style.

  13. There’s another remarkable omission at this blog: The gop plans to refuse to certify or otherwise overturn the upcoming election in case Harris wins, heavily covered by the termagant Rachel Maddow.

    1. Does the termagant speculate on this topic or does she uncover actual 'plans'?

    2. She gives you the details. It isn’t as if the Republicans didn’t try similar stuff in 2020, all of which is documented in the public record.

    3. You didn't answer my question. What does she gives you the details of? Plans? Or speculation?

    4. She’s been showing you what the Republicans have done and are planning to do for 4 years. You can Google, can’t you?

    5. Sounds like speculation rather than plans. Thanks.

    6. Are you aware of the gop efforts in 2020 to overturn the election? They are well documented.

    7. Here:

      “What To Know About the MAGA-Run Georgia Board Trying to Delay Election Certification”

    8. Plans contingent on Trump losing. we assume the plan would not be used if Trump were to win. Is he stupid enough to overthrow himself?

    9. Praise God. 7:38 actually brought some facts to bear to the discussion, and the link provided does come as close as we can probably come to finding a 'plan' to refuse to certify or overturn the election.

      What I found puzzling in the article was, if one role of the Georgia State Election Board is to certify election results, why did it not already have the power to conduct a 'reasonable inquiry' into 'discrepancies in the voting process'. That would seem to be the essence of what it means to certify an election.

    10. What the fuck does "reasonable inquiry" mean? It is meant to be intentionally vague and undefined.

      This is already happening in dozens of places where some maggot is refusing to certify election results for no reason forcing delays and costly court litigation to force these motherfucking lunatics to do their job.

      “All of our decision-making was driven by our interpretation and application of the law, which is not always going to be the same. Lawyers disagree all the time,” Ghazal says. “Slowly but surely the makeup has changed.”

      That shift was highlighted at a Saturday campaign rally in Atlanta when Trump praised the state election board’s three Republicans by name.

      “They’re on fire. They’re doing a great job,” Trump said. “Janice Johnston, Rick Jeffares and Janelle King, three people are all pitbulls fighting for honesty, transparency and victory.”

  14. USA Today's Rex Huppke on Tusk's Trump "interview:"

    "He [Trump, who else] was rambling, babbling on about crowd sizes and immigration and President Joe Biden and whatever else seemed to pass through his mind. He was also badly slurring his words, raising questions about his health, and doing nothing to knock down rising concerns about his age and well-being.

    He sounded like a disoriented, racist Daffy Duck."

    1. Over 2 million people listening despite the DDOS attack(which has inspired no media curiosity).

      I’m so old that I remember when a DDOS attack had only one “D”.

    2. There was no attack. It’s called “technical incompetence.”

    3. Anonymouse 2:59pm, and there’s no Antifa.

    4. I await evidence of an attack. As I recall, DeSantis tried to launch his campaign via Twitter and that was a disaster as well.

    5. Anonymouse 3:07pm, wonder why? So that information is exculpatory to you?

    6. Oh, I see. It can’t be technical glitches. Must be something sinister, despite musk firing much of his technical staff. The claim comes from musk, who isn’t known for the accuracy of his claims. Experts are questioning his assertion here. Now why might he make shit up?

    7. Anonymouse 3:21pm, maybe the problem was what Musk claimed, rather than Musk being a sinister conman.

    8. Who will ever know for sure? You just want to take his word?

    9. Besides, musk is asserting a malicious attack. He ought to provide evidence to back that up, that can be examined by independent experts. Otherwise, it’s another one of those nefarious claims, like “Biden stole the 2020 election” that simply get forwarded without evidence, and that damages the discourse. Musk is supporting trump, and musk is not known for his factual assertions. So consider the source.

    10. If you believe Trump was in a helicopter with Willie Brown that went down, then you might believe whatever the latest thing is that Musk says.

    11. Annonymouse 3:44pm, wouldn’t the specifics of a DDOS attack take time to trace and confirm as to who was behind it?

      An online service could know that they were under attack and what sort of attack it was without immediately knowing the details of who was behind it. In fact, after learning that info, it would take time to put the specifics together before making a public accusation.

      In fact, they would keep specific details close to the vest until you could go public.

    12. Anonymouse 3:48pm, that’s not an argument, it’s “anonymouse reasoning”.

    13. Then why did Musk immediately announce it?

    14. Anonymouse 3:55pm, he announced that they were under a DDOS attack. This is likely a title for a specific category of attacks (plural). The details of who and why would come some time after an investigation.

    15. As to immediately announcing it, Musk did it because that is what was happening. Whoever was behind the attack would know that Musk knew what it was. Saying what it was has the advantage of turning a lot of extremely smart people into sources for Musk.

    16. “That is what was happening.” So you aren’t going to wait for evidence. Skepticism not in your playbook, I see.

    17. Anonymouse 4:11pm, are you asking if I assume Musk is lying. No, I do not.

      Did I start this conversation by asking why the media isn’t trying to find out more? Yes, I did.

    18. It’s all over the media.

    19. I mean, how do you think I found this out “ Experts are questioning his assertion here.”?

    20. Anonymouse 7:05pm, most of us heard about Musk’s claim in the media. That doesn’t make iit “all over the media”.

    21. Experts, asked by the media to comment, disbelieve musk’s claim, and they give specific reasons. Musk is a known liar.

    22. ‘Elon Musk admitted Tuesday that X committed “unforced errors” and “mistakes” that helped delay his interview with Donald Trump — after initially blaming the embarrassing glitch on a server attack.
      “Given the prominence of this conversation, there was of course a 100% probability of DDOS attacks,” the social media platform owner said, referring to a “Distributed Denial of Service,” an online site breakdown that occurs when fake users flood its server and block incoming traffic.
      “We also had some unforced errors ourselves,” Musk wrote on X just after 3 a.m. in response to complaints.’


      “Elon Musk’s cyber attack claim in Donald Trump interview was fake, claim insiders”

    23. Another topic that has been mentioned in the media, but is not widely covered, is the recent incident in which protesters in Ferguson, Missouri critically injured a police officer during the 10-year anniversary of Michael Brown's death.

      The media sensationalized this event a decade ago, promoting the false narrative that Brown was shot with his hands raised.

      They’re at it again and the Ferguson PD chief let them have it.

    24. Anonymouse 7:39pm, referencing “experts” and calling Musk a liar is not real argument. It’s an anonymouse “argument”.

    25. I gave you reports about musk’s claim, Cecelia.

    26. Anonymouse 7:45pm, so Musk says that the probability of an DDOS attack on X online interview with Trump is high and although there were tech issues on their side, they are looking at things that they think indicate a DDOS attack.

      That’s controversial? That’s a “lie”?

    27. Look at the way Cecelia just makes up a bunch of shit and calls it true. And yes, making up an attack to cover up technical incompetence is lying.

    28. Not a rodent, what did I call “true” and what did I call a “lie”?

    29. “And yes, making up an attack to cover up technical incompetence is lying.”

      You don’t know if that’s the case. So who’s jumping to conclusions? Who has this matter boxed and stamped one day after it happened?

    30. You are. You’re jumping to conclusions, assuming musk was 100% correct. As I have been saying, his track record is such that skepticism is pretty much the default position.

    31. Obligatory, "That cop was no angel" post.

    32. 10 years have passed, and we still don;'t know why the cop who shot Michael Brown lied about the incident.

    33. Anonymouse 9:05pm, on the contrary, I’ve never said that Musk is wrong or right. I’ve just countered anonymices who have said that he’s lying.

    34. Anonymouse, the Obama Administration AG knows the truth. His office cleared the officer.

    35. Not a rodent, you don’t know what happened. You're the one who is completely convinced that you do. That’s why all other considerations are shite to you.

    36. There is no question Antifa is against the Republican Party.
      For chrissakes, they put it right in their name.

    37. Cecelia,
      The report never stated WHY Officer Wilson lied about the incident.
      Us liberals, who understand basic mathematics, know 30 (feet) minus 10 (feet) does not equal 150 (feet).
      We don't need to read that report to see that fact.

    38. I don't believe Wilson lied.

    39. True. It could be his use of Right-wing math, where

  15. Two trust fund-baby ghouls and some spittle on Twitter last night.

    Elon: I have some misguided but principled stances

    Trump: Ashually I hash jush the opposhit shview

    Elon: uh uh uh no no no you are totally, totally are totally right...uh uh uh

  16. DiC - What do you think about the Trump-Vance war on Fed independence? It would be likely to cause higher inflation, don't you think?

  17. "Among major observers, it was Jerry Lee Lewis who noticed it first. He reported his finding in April 1957."

    Big Maybelle noticed it firster. She recorded the tune two years ahead of Lewis. And did a better job of it too.

    1. Here’s Big Maybelle herself:

    2. Somerby seems to prefer White male artists.

    3. Anonymouse 1:58pm, help me get it straight. Bob prefers the musical stylings of 13-year-old brides and the youthful grace of white male hillbillies?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I call attention to Big Maybelle's version only because I recently stumbled across it--and was knocked out by it. Until then, I also had thought it was Jerry Lee's baby.

    6. I’ll smack you around, boy.

  18. Don’t worry Dems. At around 3am EST November 6, 2024, some 2 to 3 million votes will materialize across PA, GA, MI and WI. These votes will be 100% for Harris, 0% for Trump. At 3:15 am, Harris will be declared the winner after trailing all night. After all, we have seen this movie before.

    1. Sending thoughts and prayers.

    2. Maybe the Trump team should have brought out all the evidence for these shady happenings and filed, I don't know, 60 or so cases in courts around the country and presented all the evidence to judges, some appointed by Trump himself.

      Then the Dems' cheating would have been exposed. Wonder why that didn't happen?

    3. How come whenever lying MAGA fraidy-birds allege problems with the 2020 election and get challenged, you never hear from them again?

      Why are they such lying MAGA fraidy-birds?

    4. When Trump lost the popular vote to Clinton he was so riled up that he organized an Election Integrity panel consisting of Republicans and headed by a proponent of the election fraud narrative, I believe Steve Scalese. After roughly one year of work they disbanded ignominiously without anything of substance to report. This will always be a Republican theme as long as they continue to lose. Very often the perpetrators of election fraud are Republicans, in point of fact.

    5. The Venezuelan election few weeks ago had the same pattern when Maduro was declared the winner. He suddenly jumps into the lead and the counting is over.

    6. Quite conclusive.

    7. Trump has never understood how absentee ballots work.

    8. Glad you mentioned the stolen Venezuelan election @4:49. It brings up a real challenge for the Biden/Harris Administration. What will they do about it? Shouldn’t they be taking some effective action?

    9. What do you suggest David?

    10. The rumor is that Trump will flee to Venezuela after losing the election.

    11. It's 8:00 am.
      Do you know where the passport of the guy out on bail promising to flee to Venezuela is?

    12. He'll be turned away at the border.

    13. If Don, Junior was my kid, I'd want to be separated at the border from my children.

  19. Would love to hear Bob analyze Rubin’s “con.” Since for the entire Trump era Bob has been one of the con artists.
