More on the nickname the droogs have been pushing!


A point we should have made clear: After one echocardiogram and six biopsies, we returned to our sprawling campus eager to add a key point.

We'll also describe our reaction as we watched yesterday's edition of The Five.

First, this:

In this morning's report, we commented on a blockquote in Kevin Drum's latest post. The blockquote in question is no longer a blockquote. Apparently, the assessment was simply Kevin's own work. After a lot of earlier googling, we don't know if his various statements are accurate.

Here's that key additional point about the nickname the droogs have been pushing all over the Fox News Channel:

As told by Gutfeld and Watters and them—with help from the unending stream of reliables—the attack in question turns on the claim that the state law passed by Governor Walz says that tampons must be placed in all boys' bathrooms in Minnesota public schools.

Is that claim accurate? After a fair amount of googling, we can't say that the basic facts of this matter are clear. But that's the foundation of the attack—an attack which recalls the attacks which took down Candidate Dukakis in 1988 and one or two (or maybe three) other nominees after that.

Ugly, stupid attacks can be very successful! As Mark Twain didn't quite say, an attack can get halfway around the world before the mainstream press corps starts to get its boots on.

(In the case of one or two of those previous candidates, the mainstream press was the principal agent of the endless attacks. The liberal world just sat there and took it, secure in the inaccurate belief that the mainstream press was competent and was our friend.)

Concerning The Five:

Last evening, we turned on The Five in the middle of its second segment. We haven't had a chance to watch the whole show yet.

We watched the usual belly-achers whine and complain and heap pity on themselves all through that gruesome, stupid segment. We imagined sitting some young people down and delivering some good sound advice:

Whatever your political views may turn out to be, don't ever end up like them!

We think it's time to start saying their names. Also, we think it's time for major mainstream news orgs to start describing the things they do—to start describing the ways they behave on a nightly basis.

A final aside:

A few hours ago, our men's relay team dropped the baton—again! Obviously, they're all superlative athletes—but how very Blue American!

These idiots never drop the baton: Yesterday's lineup went like this:
Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Watters, Judge Jeanine, Katie Pavlich
These idiots never drop the baton! They're paid by Fox for their perfect teamwork, and their perfect teamwork rarely exhibits a flaw.


  1. This idea that the mainstream press does not push back on right wing lies is wrong.

  2. "Is that claim accurate? After a fair amount of googling, we can't say that the basic facts of this matter are clear."

    One could read the actual law. Then you'd know for sure. Drum is correct.

    1. Here you go:

      "Section 1. [121A.212] ACCESS TO MENSTRUAL PRODUCTS.
      A school district or charter school must provide students with access to menstrual products
      at no charge. The products must be available to all menstruating students in restrooms
      regularly used by students in grades 4 to 12 according to a plan developed by the school
      district. For purposes of this section, 'menstrual products' means pads, tampons, or other
      similar products used in connection with the menstrual cycle."

    2. So I guess the question would be: "Would you expect menstruating students to use a boy's restroom?"

    3. Boys have vaginas and menstruate so why not?

    4. Don't forget the boobs that boys have.

    5. Boys actually have nipples, which is strange when you think about it.

    6. The law was written to help girls, obviously, with rare excetions. Do you throw it out because there is a transmale who is helped or a girl who doesn’t have a period? That seems bizarre but conservatives perhaps can be that vindictive over other people’s behavior that should be none of their business.

    7. The effort to label Walz with the tampon moniker occurred several days ago, it did not stick, and everyone has moved on.

      Trump held a convention for the walking dead at his country club and drooled (and literally spit) his way through an angry tirade of a presser.

      Somerby continues to harp on the tampon thing though, suspiciously so.

      However Somerby does make a good point when he talks about how Blue America dropped the baton, which surely is a metaphor for the state of Dems during the Clinton and Obama admins, when they dropped the baton from the FDR/LBJ era and instead governed as Third Way neoliberals dropping their historic stance of helping those in need (obviously not dropping it as much as Repubs, everything is on a spectrum).

      Biden picked up that baton, and now Harris/Walz are sprinting ahead.

      Trying to map reality via storytelling was not working out for Somerby so perhaps he is moving on to sports. Either way, it is so much easier than having to learn about science-based understandings of human nature.

    8. Trumplicans nominated a man for VP who was in favor of and argued in the Senate for local law enforcement to have the power to monitor women's menstrual cycles. (this is what Dickhead in Cal would call "smaller government") This would allow states where abortion is illegal to monitor women who may have escaped their clutches to get an abortion in another state. That is the creepy weirdo the Trumplicans are supporting.
      But what do his army of little nazis get their panties in a wad about? The Governor of MN signing a law making tampons available for free in public schools.

    9. Magats are used to having a field day over woke overreach and institutional hypocrisies that don’t address serious structural problems.

    10. 10:41, apparently you think woke can mean whatever you hallucinate it means. Take that "woke overreach" and shove it back up your troll boy ass.

    11. Just an overreach on identity politics and misguided DEI efforts. Stuff like that.

    12. Democrats don't care for the white working class.
      They care for the working class, and leave the identity politics to the Right.

    13. 12:33, which has fuck all to do with the topic under discussion. Fuck off.

    14. It’s just that things like hypocracy by candidate telling us for months that president died and was sharp as it and things like this. Come back to us.

    15. No one is saying that Harris cannot recover from the liability issue.

  3. Outwardly, they are putting on a brave face, but behind-the-scenes, the Harris campaign is in panic mode.

    1. Tell us more. What does Kamala eat for breakfast?

    2. Same thing as lunch. White wine and Xanax.

    3. No wonder she's such a happy warrior!

    4. I think the term is, checks notes, joy.

  4. At least 28 states and the District of Columbia have some type of law regarding menstrual products in schools. The Minnesota law is in no way unusual. Fox's repeated mentions of it are just smutty children snickering about vaginas.

    1. Fox Bros do not really care about tampons or trans issues, they would weaponize their mother's love if it would help with their empty goals.

      Somerby is just putting his thumb on the scale to muddy the waters, using his now notorious backhandedness.

    2. At this stage, anyone commenting with the suggestion that tampons are required in boy's restrooms in Minnesota schools can be viewed as a dishonest troll.

    3. Then how will menstruating boys get the products they need?

    4. At a pharmacy.
      Same as menstruating men, like Mao.

  5. I disagree with Bob in likening Joe Concha to Watters and Gutfeld.

    I don’t watch tv much at all anymore ( I have developed an aversion to noise that isn’t music, live people talking, or birds chirping ) but Concha is very smart and has a talent for ascertaining the gist of things and pithily summing it up. Likewise for Jennifer Griffin. Those two aren’t partisan cheerleaders. At Fox, they’re some of the adults in the room.

    1. You’re wise, giving up TV. I’m watching it more now, and it’s taking a toll on my mental health. I come to the Howler for therapy.

  6. Kevin says Trump was not lying about Willie Brown.

    1. Drum said Trump hallucinated an untrue story that he appears to believe. Trump mixed up Jerry Brown and Willie Brown and added fabricated details that never happened.

    2. Drum's supposition on this subject is not merited.

      Trump has a decades long history of making things up and telling them as if they really happened, because his nature is exploitative and he views others as merely tools for satisfying his needs.

    3. Option A: he is lying so he is unfit for office.
      Option B: he is hallucinating-things so he is unfit for office.
      Really can't argue with that.

    4. Now I am arguing with myself:
      Option A: he is lying so he is unfit for office.
      Option B: he has a lifelong history of making things up to cover what he does not know, to shift blame to others, and cover for misdeeds and misjudgements, so he is unfit for office.
      Option C: he is hallucinating-things so he is unfit for office.
      Really can't argue with that. Plus the Felon DonOld is an adjudicated Rapist and lifelong Fraudster - so he is unfit for office.
