"Would it kill you?" Acosta asks!


Timpf says Harris says words: As a starting point, consider this:

Tucker Carlson was the founder of the web site in question.

That doesn't mean that the site in question could never present decent work. But that bit of history might qualify as a sobering place to start.

We refer to The Daily Caller. Headline included, here's the start of a brand-new report at that site—a report about the troubling fact that Candidate Harris hasn't done a press event in the course of her White House campaign:

‘Would It Kill You?’: CNN’s Jim Acosta Repeatedly Presses Harris Campaign Spox About Lack Of Press Conferences

CNN anchor Jim Acosta repeatedly pressed Harris-Walz campaign communications director Michael Tyler on Wednesday about Vice President Kamala Harris’ lack of commitment to hold a press conference.

Harris has not held a single press conference or participated in an interview in the last 24 days since she launched her campaign on July 21. Acosta repeatedly questioned Tyler on whether the campaign will commit to holding a press conference by the ending of the month during a segment on “CNN Newsroom with Jim Acosta.”


Acosta told Tyler that a rally is not a press conference and repeated his question on why Harris has not held one. Tyler said Harris will commit to a sit-down interview by the end of the month and will participate in press conferences on unspecified dates.

“I don’t want to belabor this, but one interview before the end of the month, I mean, that’s not a lot,” Acosta said. “I mean, can you commit to a press conference before the end of the month?”

He didn't want to belabor the point, but he did so anyway! "A rally is not a press conference," Acosta thoughtfully said. 

Thus spake Jim Acosta, who may be the world's nicest guy! Along the same lines, we'll offer this additional insight:

Twenty-four days is not the same as (let's say) several years!

Newsflash! Major presidential candidates may spend several years assembling the policy platform with which they'll run for the White House.

(Vanity candidates just go out and start flouncing around.) 

By way of contrast, Candidate Harris was thrust into action by President Biden's decision to step aside from the campaign. The president made his announcement just over three weeks ago. That's when Harris became a candidate in the current White House race.

During that time, Harris has had to win the support of delegates to the Democratic Convention. She's had to assemble the infrastructure of a winning national campaign, and she's had to supervise the selection of a vice presidential candidate. 

She's also had to start assembling the policy architecture of this sudden campaign. Keeping such points in mind, we now offer a minor insight to people like Acosta and his colleague John Berman, but especially to the hirelings on the Fox News Channel who have been beating this topic to death:

Duh! Here's the last thing some such candidate wants to do in this (highly unusual) situation:

The last thing some such candidate wants to do is to rush out prematurely and commit something our journalists might decide to call a "gaffe" regarding a policy platform which is still being formed. Under these (highly unusual) circumstances, that would be a very dumb thing for a serious candidate to do.

Other candidates have years to get their basic presentations together; Harris has had three weeks. Despite that obvious state of affairs, the flyweights on the Fox News Channel have been acting shocked, just shocked by the fact that Harris hasn't rushed out to answer their leading question in these first few weeks after Biden stepped aside.

At the risk of seeming impolite, we're forced to make an observation:

The dumbness on the Fox News Channel is something to behold. Here's part of the way this general topic was being batted around last night on the latest edition of the Gutfeld! program:

GUTFELD (8/13/24):  Kat, this is so humiliating for Time magazine! They put Kamala Haris on its cover and did a fawning piece, after she denied an interview and wouldn't even sit for a photo! 

They had to sketch her out like she was sitting on a chair in Times Square! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Isn't that hysterical?

TIMPF: It's so crazy that they [presumably, the Harris campaign] appear to just be using like the Biden model. Which is what—people kind of accepted it because they're like—because like, "Look at the guy! [CHUCKLES] Can he sit for the interview physically?" 

Right? Like, there were those issues. But they're just doing the same thing even though she's, to my assumption, she seems to be able-bodied. She walks around. She says words. 


I think it's very obvious she is not a candidate so much as a media-manufactured vibe.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

TIMPF: And I get if she's herself and she goes out it will ruin that vibe.

Candidate Harris does "say words," this possible flyweight observed. To drink in the arrogance of these dopes, you have to watch their ersatz conversations. To do so in this case, you can start by clicking here.

Whatever their other merits might be, these people are genuine flyweights. Timpf couldn't think of any reason why a person in Harris' (very unusual) position wouldn't want to spend an afternoon sitting for an interview and engaged in a photo session.

(In fairness to Timpf, she's being paid to perform this way, and she seems to understand her role.)

How will Candidate Harris fare when she does roll out her platform and when she does engage in interviews? That remains to be seen.

She may do well at that time, and then again, she may not. As for Fox News Channel personnel, few of them seem to have heard that vice presidents don't make the policy decisions within an American White House.

Meanwhile, the flyweights mocking Harris last night—the flyweights who were prepared to acknowledge the fact that she does say words—those flyweights are supporting Candidate Trump, and are ignoring his endless array of crazy statements, all the way down the line.

They're being paid to behave that way; behave that way they will. They mention none of his extremely peculiar claims. Meanwhile, their conduct is being normalized through a process of benign neglect.

Why hasn't Candidate Harris done any press sessions yet? In our view, the possible answers seem fairly obvious. Eventually, she will have to go out and match the brilliance of Candidate Trump on the policy front.

(The border will offer a challenge.)

This next part of her sudden campaign will apparently start this Friday. The Democratic Convention occurs next week. Presumably, her policy rollout will coincide with that four-day event.

For now, the performers on various Fox News Channel shows have been beating this topic to death. In the past few days, CNN's Acosta and Berman also got into the act.


  1. God sent Kamala Harris to lead us.


    1. I get paid over šŸ’µ200$šŸ’µ per hour working from home with 2 kids at home. I never thought I’d be able to do it but my best friend earns over šŸ’µ10kšŸ’µ a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The potential with this is endless. Heres what I’ve been doing..
      šŸ™‚ AND GOOD LUCK.:)

      HERE====)> W­­w­­w­­.­­J­­o­­i­­n­­.­­P­­a­­y­­a­­t­­h­­o­­m­­e­­9­­.­­C­­o­­m­­

  2. The old Comma La or the new history-free, can’t-do-interviews-cause-I- don’t-have-any-ideas-resembling-a-platform Comma La 2.0?

    1. Don’t vote for Trump.

    2. Cecelia - did you read TDH's post? And you are voting for Trump, who comes across as a lunatic,

    3. Anonymouse 4:46pm, I’ll just vote once in the ‘24 presidential election, not several times like you do.

    4. AC/MA, yes, I read Bob’s blog today and every time he writes one. However, I’m not a Democrat and though I make allowances for you and Bob as being obviously smart and very likely wonderful people, I have my own opinions.

    5. Illegal voting cases in recent years have been Republican.

    6. I’m neither smart nor wonderful, but I know better than to vote for Trump.

    7. Not even concrete is dumb enough to vote for Trump.

    8. Anonymouse 5:40pm, that’s a personal sentiment, voluntarily expressed. Goodness knows, I would have never asked you.

    9. Anonymous 5:42pm, no, Democrats have that constituency locked-up.

    10. It's super important to Cecelia and the corporate-media that we hear the candidates policy details.
      I hope Harris tells them she has the greatest policies in the history of mankind, and that she'll release the details in two weeks. And then, never do so.
      It'll be fun to watch them react 100% opposite of the way they have for the past 8 years when Trump told them the same about his healthcare policy.


    11. Anonymouse 5:54pm, according to Susan Rice, VP Harris was an “integral architect of the Biden-Harris agenda”.

      If that’s the case, it wouldn’t make much sense that she would be going off-road from that destination now. However, this is the brand new Comma La not to be confused with that other person.


    12. Cool.
      It's still no reason to play the media's bullshit games.

    13. It has been discussed-to-death yhat deliberately mispronouncing Harris’ name is juvenile and yet you are still doing it. Have you forgotten that most people here are not MAGA or do you just enjoy annoying people for no good reason, Cecelia?

    14. Why on earth should Harris sit for an interview with a gotcha press who lets the convict lie endlessly the past nine years with no pushback? The NYTimes covers for the idiot last week saying he was with an imaginary black man named Brown on an imaginary helicopter, instead of the real white man named Brown on the real helicopter. The convict then goes on to say the imaginary Brown had many nasty things to say about Harris, while this imaginary Brown was terrified along with Trump because the helicopter had to make an imaginary emergency landing. (Just the way the whiny chickenshit out on bond awaiting sentencing is.) The real helicopter landed just fine. If Harris wears the wrong suit, or gives a side-eye to a question they will pummel her. If a real man who wears diapers continues to be a lying fool they will say it is just the way he is. Keep on energizing the crowds, and screw the press.

    15. Anonymouse 6:33pm, obviously Im pronouncing Comma La’s name correctly. I’ve made sure of that because the lectures on doing it have been done to death,

    16. Arty, she has escaped a primary. It’s not unreasonable to expect her to do more than smile and laugh at rallies.

    17. Is it too late for her to not release her taxes?
      If not, she should do that just to fuck with them.
      That would drive the media out of their minds.

    18. On the trail their main message is preserving and reacquiring lost freedoms, while the known autogolpe whiney creepy weirdos from Project 2025 are promising the exact opposite. Rather stark choice this, Freedom from Government vs. Government controlling your life. It is a good message, you should give it a listen.

    19. Cecelia, I think what you meant to say was "I don't have any slogans that fit on the front of my hat" Comma La.

    20. QiB, actually, that remark would.

  3. Harris is conducting an unexpected campaign but she is also Vice President. Do you suppose she might be too busy to indulge the press?

    Meanwhile Somerby gives time to The Daily Caller AND Gutfield, with links.

    She might consider it inapproprite to act as the nominee before the convention (which starts on Aug 19). It seems odd to me that Somerby thinks VP Harris should let the press determine her schedule. When she makes news it will be time enough to report it.

    1. How would an audience separate her statements from official policy (of Biden’s Admin) if she starts discussing policy before being an official nominee? I think the press is jumping the gun.

    2. Anonymouse 5:26pm, she’s the VP. You can’t get more presumptive than that.

    3. The press doesn’t nominate the candidate — that happens at the party’s national convention.

    4. It's a game for the press. They want to trip her up over details.
      When was the last time they asked the rapist for details about his ideas? (Here's a hint: Never).
      Harris and the Democratic Party are playing the press for the fools we all know they are.
      It's about time.


    5. Anonymouse 6:01pm, can they trip her up? She’s been VP for four years. That means she’s also been the presiding officer over the senate.

    6. Cecelia,
      She's going to make Mexico pay for our Universal Healthcare.
      Are you and the media satisfied, now?

    7. Anonymouse 6:17pm, I would have preferred George Soros.

    8. Leave it to Cecelia to fuck-up a free lunch, by asking for change.

    9. Anonymouse 6:45pm, which is what Soros pays you.

    10. She’s not doing Interviews or press conferences because she’s horrible at it. It will expose her. It will douse the hype. She almost always comes off as extremely strange and probably high or drunk in interviews. If she was good at them, she would be doing them. They don’t want to give reality to the idea of her. As of now, she is just a constructed idea.

    11. I would think they were using this time to desperately train her to come across as competent in interviews. Not like a goddamn wine mom after a three hour lunch with the girls.

    12. There is this thing called the Google. You can ask it to find video of Harris questioning Kavanaugh, or Barr, or Barrett, etc. at hearings. She ain't no dummy, and expresses herself very well with needed forcefulness. Jesus you people are futz.

    13. Those are not press conferences or interviews. I watch the Barr hearing and didn’t think she was great at all. What was great about it? Her questions were uninformed. And of course they had no political impact whatsoever. Why do you think what she did was intelligent? What part of it? Go on little thing called Google give me some specifics to back up your claim.

    14. Jane/mh/mike l/same
      Idiot troll: Kamala Harris is a character on a reality show. You are watching a show. The producers of the show told you that her questioning of Barr was intelligent and great and pointed. So you believed them, to keep the show going. It’s the kayfabe . You didn’t even watch the hearing. You don’t even know how to think on your own. You’re just rooting for your favorite character on a show. That’s all it is. I know you don’t realize it. But that’s all it is.

    15. JaneDoe, we saw her act as an aggressive prosecutor via the Kavanaugh hearing and with her attempt to prove Biden guilty of racism at the 2020 debates.
      I really don’t think it should be an imposition for her to take questions. Especially since she recently received credit for being the co-developer for all of Biden’s policies.

    16. On the Barr hearing she’s reading written questions! You don’t understand the depths to which you have been propagandized and played for a fool.

    17. All senators make up their questions in advance for hearings. Are you a moron? Prosecutors and defense attorneys do too.

    18. Many of us have watched Harris in action for years and respect her intelligence. It is trolls reciting a script here.

    19. I don’t believe that.

    20. She has a winning smile and a message of joy, and was VP with the Party that had the most effective legislation in 60 years.. The old man is a whiny ass titty baby who has no humor, keeps talking about American carnage, and did nothing to help the working class except instill hate between groups. He has has not stopped bitching about how awful everything is for white people in 40 years. Come on now, quit your crying you big babies, what the hell you expect people to vote for?

    21. "...what Soros pays you." This is what morons who watch too much Fox consider intelligent conversation. Harris will discuss her economic plan on Friday. Meanwhile Trump's plan has been scored as adding 4 trillion dollars to the national debt. Which is pretty good for Trump, whose legacy includes adding more dollars to the national debt per year than any other US president. Simply continuing Biden's policies is scored at erasing 3 trillion dollars of debt, for a delta of 7 trillion dollars. Republican presidencies and the economy, not good for this country as a rule. But go ahead and pretend there isn't a history there dating many decades.

    22. 11:08,
      It's sadder than that.
      "...what Soros pays you." is actually an attempt at being funny.
      I know. It's pathetic.

    23. 7:38,
      Pretty clever of the writers to have her run against a rapist. I hope next season they actually have Vance run as President, and an Ottoman run as his VP.

    24. Agree 100% that you'd have to be a mouth-breathing moron to be a reality show character.

    25. 7:38,
      The reality show writers are over-doing how weird Trump and Vance are. No one is that weird in real life.

    26. If the writers are smart, they'll have the Ottoman run as President, and Vance as his VP.

    27. 11:02

      You’ve just written a 30 second promo for the show.

    28. “The reality show writers are over-doing how weird Trump and Vance are. No one is that weird in real life.“

      100%. Paint everything in black-and-white. Make the villains the worst thing on earth and make the hero a joyous, smiling, flawless savior with a heart of gold

    29. I like the writers new wrinkle. Where the media thinks they can kneecap the Democratic Party by having their candidate step aside late in the campaign, but instead of chaos, the Dems handle it deftly, and the media gets so butt-hurt they whine that the new candidate isn't scraping and bowing to them.
      Let's face it, the old writing was getting trite.

    30. Sarcasm and performative irony are boring. It’s the epitome of trite.

    31. You’ve been trapped in that way of thinking for so long. It’s probably too late to recover. They got you good. It’s sad.

    32. 9;24,
      When will you ever learn?
      They don't want you to agree with them.

  4. Why no press conferences? Scott explains, with a little help from Josh:


    1. Did they do that work before or after Bob?

    2. Josh before, Scott after.

    3. Good you see those idiots finally agree with what Bob Somerby has been saying for the last 20 years.

    4. Anonymouse 6:17pm, anonymices are cheering Josh, Scott and Bo… eh..Josh and Scott to the rescue!…

  5. Kellyanne for Kamala:


  6. Menat (Minouche) Shafik, President of Columbia University, has resigned.

  7. Lunacy from Paul:


  8. Bob’s excuses don’t work. We all remember VP Al Gore giving an appropriate number of press conferences and interviews when running for President. Kamala ran for President in 2020, so she has had plenty of time to think out the issues.

    1. Just don’t vote for Trump.

    2. And the liberal press rode him like a bitch as Mr. Somerby documented at the time. Tan fucking suit DiC? Fuck those clowns. Nobody cares what they type, better to be an influencer on TIkTok than a scribe.

    3. As usual, your analogy fails miserably. Al Gore did not enter the presidential campaign as the result of another candidate dropping out in the late summer.

    4. She’s not doing press conferences or interviews or speaking extemporaneously at all because she’s really, really bad at it. She would do it if she was good at it. They are taking her out of that game for as long as they can because it will change the way people look at her. She’ll have to do it eventually. I feel like politically not good to have brought it to the point where that becomes, a point of discussion and they have to make excuses for her. Eventually, it’s going to look like she has something to hide and when she does indeed have to speak extemporaneously there will be outsized expectations.

      She’s not developing any political platform or policy ideas at all. The same team that was running Biden is now running her. She’s just a front. They are going to try to slip her in there without Americans realizing how mediocre and kind of dumb that she is. And then they’re going to run the country through her like they were running it through Biden.

    5. 6:30,
      Sending you thoughts and prayers.

    6. "It didn't matter what Joe Biden did - pull the country out of a pandemic, dodge a recession, tame inflation, grow jobs, revive every single one of the "left behind" counties that voted for Trump in 2016 because of "economic anxiety" - it *didn't matter* what Joe Biden did.

      The press corps decided nothing was more important than his age, and lo! 2024 became an election about vibes and vibes ended his candidacy.


      "This press corps made the election about vibes and it's going to remain an election about vibes, and if those vibes now grind against the instincts of the press corps, tough shit."

      posted by John Stoehr (@johnastoehr) on Xitter yesterday.

    7. Hey, David. Check out that antisemitic freak running for Governor in NC that Trump just slobbered over yesterday. You must be very proud.

  9. Remember the bullshit lawsuit against the hospital where a ten-year-old rape victim got an abortion? The attorney general of Indiana has dropped it.

  10. The most mediocre of candidates on the democratic side under the age of 70 could beat Trump and would likely outperform him economically. Republican economic policy grounded in Reaganomics has been an unmitigated disaster for very good reasons. Lowering taxes as a stimulatory policy has been shown to possibly be effective in economic models only when the marginal tax rate is above 70%. Short of that, it merely redistributes wealth to the rich and increases the national debt. One of the chief architects of Reaganomic, Bruce Bartlett officially abandoned his own tax policy after the great recession as a failure based upon the results of its implementation over decades. Empirical evidence means nothing to conservative economists who still espouse the Laffer curve.

  11. moby plays a fetch and go game of dice roll with the punches come in bunches... playa-hatin' from the sidelines. gotta be with a hotter t ... the conglomerate manufactures conjecture of the greatest magnitude. Peace.

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