DEMOCRATIZATION: Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear!


Jennifer Rubin's glitch: For quite some time, we've been advancing a basic point:

We humans weren't exactly built for this task—for the current assignment.

Nor have we ever been "the rational animal" in any obvious sense. The great anthropologists have noticed this fact—major scientific giants like Brabender, Cummings and Brown. 

The great anthropologists have noted the mismatch. Indeed, it's been more than a decade since we began quoting Norman O. Brown:

BROWN (1960): I sometimes think I see that societies originate in the discovery of some secret, some mystery; and end in exhaustion when there is no longer any secret, when the mystery has been divulged, that is to say profaned.


And so there comes a time—I believe we are in such a time—when civilization has to be renewed by the discovery of some new mysteries, by the undemocratic but sovereign power of the imagination, by the undemocratic power which makes poets the unacknowledged legislators of all mankind, the power which makes all things new.

For the record, we don't have the slightest idea what Professor Brown was talking about. On the other hand, we strongly suspect that he got it right!

Norman O. Brown was very hot at that time. We don't know what he actually meant, but we feel fairly sure he was right.

Were we humans built for democratization—for "the democratization of media," to cite one modern manifestation? We're willing to say that we weren't.

We could start today—we could start the week—with the breaking news about Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the baby bear he dumped in the park. It's a remarkable fact about our democracy that this very strange person has been garnering substantial support as a third-party presidential contender.

We could start with that! Also, we could start with what JD Vance said in his brief remarks at Saturday's rally in Atlanta. As we watched him make an astonishing, inexcusable comment, our thoughts turned to the 1962 version of The Manchurian Candidate.

(Surely, this guy has been brainwashed, a tiny voice said in our head.)

We could return to the crazy statements Donald J. Trump kept making during his endless remarks at that Atlanta rally. We could return to the way the mainstream press corps has dealt with his recent crazy claims that the 2020 election was stolen—and not just in the state of Georgie, but in Minnesota too.

We could start with any one of those recent topics—or with the number of people President Biden's dog had to bite before he was frog-marched away from the White House. (USA Today: "at least 25 biting incidents in less than a year.") Or with the way Blue America's major thought leaders kept ignoring the fairly obvious fact that President Biden seemed to be diminished in some way.

We could start with those incidents and episodes. Any one of them helps us see that democratization (and rational behavior; and adherence to Enlightenment values) aren't exactly Us. 

We could do it, but it would be wrong! Instead, we're going to start with the latest thing Jennifer Rubin has said at the Washington Post.

Rubin has been at the Post since 2010. She was once a favorite of the right. Today, for what seem to be similar reasons, she's a favorite of the left. 

Today, Rubin votes the same way we do! At present, we refer to the opinion piece which appears beneath this dual headline:

The NABJ interview with Trump provides a model for media coverage
No other sit-down this cycle has laid bare as much about the candidate.

Rubin was writing about the recent interview in which Candidate Trump crazily claimed that Vice President Harris had recently "turned black."

It's true! There's a lot to learn about Candidate Trump from that interview. Also, there's a fair amount a person could learn about the "media coverage" the gent has received in this latest election cycle.

Today, we'll start to clue you in concerning one aspect of that media coverage. We'll discuss what we can learn about our upper-end mainstream press corps from the way Rubin ended her piece about that interview. 

This is the passage in question:

RUBIN (8/4/24): The mainstream media now faces a test of sorts. After the June 27 debate, the media spent three weeks flooding the zone with coverage of Biden’s frailty, in effect demanding every Democrat to defend Biden or distance themselves from him, and consulting a host of experts on aging. Failure to deploy similarly exacting treatment of Trump would confirm Democrats’ complaints that there is a bizarre double standard in coverage that allows Trump to escape appropriate scrutiny. It’s long past time to stop using euphemisms and soft-pedaling his bigotry. (As I have noted, the vast majority of outlets also have steered clear of assessing Trump’s mental and emotional state, despite repeated episodes in which his slurred speech, verbal glitches, incoherent ranting, mixing up people and bizarre references are obvious to anyone watching.)

It's true! After the June 27 debate, the mainstream media spent a fair amount of time assessing President Biden's possible "frailty."

(In our view, they should have done so earlier. Fox News beat them to it.)

Arguably, it's also true that Candidate Trump escapes with something resembling "a bizarre double standard," in which his endless array of crazy claims are allowed to pass unnoticed, without serious comment. 

We expect to return to that phenomenon before the week is through. That said, also this:

We almost never read Rubin's work—but for some reason, we did click on this newest column. We were struck by that final, parenthetical passage, in which Rubin says this:

"As I have noted, the vast majority of outlets also have steered clear of assessing Trump’s mental and emotional state, despite repeated episodes in which his slurred speech, verbal glitches, incoherent ranting, mixing up people and bizarre references are obvious to anyone watching."

We're inclined to disagree with the general thrust of that assessment. Instead, we're inclined to think that some outlets in Blue America have tended to overstate, indeed to invent, the alleged episodes to which Rubin refers. 

We think they've done so due to the basic shortcomings which dog the stars of Blue America's major news orgs—basic shortcomings those of us in Blue America tend to overlook.

At any rate, is it true? Is it true that Candidate Trump has generated "repeated episodes in which his verbal glitches are obvious to anyone watching?" 

Based on brutal experience, we're inclined to doubt such claims. For that reason, we decided to click on Rubin's link—on the link she provided beneath the key term, "verbal glitches."

Clinking that link would let us see what sorts of "glitches" she had in mind! It would also let us see what sorts of journalistic standards now prevail in Blue America—more specifically, at a justifiably famous newspaper like the Washington Post.

Skillfully, we clicked the link Rubin provided. It took is to this excited piece at The New Republic, a publication which was once a vehicle of clear-minded liberal thought:

Try to Make Any Sense of What Trump Is Saying Here:
Donald Trump’s glitches are getting out of control.

That's what the dual headline said at The New Republic. The piece had been written by Talia Jane, and it spoke of one lone "verbal glitch."

Long ago—in an earlier century!—we learned a basic fact:

You can't believe the things you're told by people like Rubin and Talia Jane.

Also, you can't automatically believe the things you're told in the pages of the Washington Post. You can't automatically believe the things you're told in newer versions of once reliable orgs like The New Republic.

We learned that back in the 1990s. Now, that learning would be put to the test!

Tomorrow, we'll show you what we found when we reviewed the alleged verbal glitch. For the record, we don't think that "verbal glitches" are any significant part of the obvious problem which is put on display by the endless disordered behavior of Candidate Trump.

Tomorrow, we'll show you what we found when we fact-checked that claim of a "verbal glitch." For now, we'll return to the basic point:

We human beings are built to run in packs. We're built to believe the dogmas of the tribe to which we belong.

On balance, we aren't especially rational. Nor are we especially honest at times of tribal conflict.

Spoiler alert! Quite plainly, Donald J. Trump didn't produce a "verbal glitch" in the example in question. What he said was perfectly clear. For whatever reason, Talia Jane almost seems to have authored a bit of a con.

For whatever reason, Jennifer Rubin extended the con. We'll guess she simply hadn't wasted her time conducting a fact-check of Talia Jane's pleasing claim. 

All in all, this is the way we humans are inclined to behave at fraught times such as these. If we actually care about "our democracy," we need to start folding such insights into the ways we analyze our social and political systems.

All in all, democratization isn't exactly Us! All in all, we humans weren't built for some such assignment.

Today, Jennifer Rubin is one of Blue America's many favorites. Tomorrow morning, we're going to show you every word of the "verbal glitch" she alleged.

Our species wasn't designed for this work. As we'll note all through week, few facts are much more clear.

We need a new secret, Professor Brown said. We'll guess that he had it right!

Tomorrow: You can't believe the things you're told! (Donald J. Trump's alleged glitch)

Later today: The candidate and the bear


  1. "For the second time in less than two weeks, a doctored video of Vice President Kamala Harris has spread widely on Elon Musk’s social media platform X.

    A video known as a “deepfake” that was posted on X on Saturday appears to show Harris repeating herself over and over again, using a crude audio rendering made to seem like Harris is struggling to finish a complete sentence. The altered video uses footage from an appearance by Harris and President Joe Biden following Friday’s historic prisoner swap that freed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and others. The video is obviously manipulated and easily debunked by viewing the unaltered footage (you can watch that here at about the 1:30 mark), which shows Harris speaking smoothly, without repeating the same words and phrases as portrayed in the doctored video.

    The video, whose origin is unclear, was posted by Trump himself on Truth Social on Saturday, accompanied by a rant in which he calls Harris “DUMB!” and “extremely Low IQ.” The video was soon re-shared on X by an account that posts content verbatim from Trump’s feed on Truth Social. That account on X has more than 800,000 followers, and, as of late Sunday, the post containing the Harris deepfake had drawn more than 620,000 views.

    The video appears to be in violation of X’s terms of service, which prohibit the sharing of “synthetic, manipulated, or out-of-context media that may deceive or confuse people and lead to harm.” (It also appears to violate Truth Social’s terms of service, which requires that posts “are not false, inaccurate, or misleading”—a tall order, perhaps, given that platform’s owner.)

    This latest deepfake comes after one shared by Musk himself eight days earlier, which doctored a high-profile Harris political ad titled “Freedom.” In that one, the fake audio using Harris’s voice depicted her calling herself “the ultimate diversity hire” and degrading President Biden. “This is amazing,” Musk wrote in his post sharing the video, accompanied by a laughing emoji. Musk’s post, still online, has received more than 134 million views.

    When asked for comment about the latest video falsely showing Harris garbling her words, Trump spokesman Steven Cheung doubled down on the content, claiming that the obviously phony video was authentic. (“Your phone or computer must be fucked up,” he said.) Cheung did not respond to questions about who may have doctored the video and whether Trump’s post on Truth Social violates that platform’s terms of service.

    Spokespeople for X did not respond to emailed questions about these videos violating the site’s terms of service, whether X is taking any steps to crack down on deepfakes, or why the one posted by Musk on July 26 remains online.

    Other forms of disinformation targeting Harris, including racist and misogynistic content, have proliferated across social media. But the reach personally enjoyed by Musk and Trump through the platforms they own is bigger than that of most.

    As Harris has been steadily gaining on Trump in recent polls, the spread of deepfakes targeting her on X seems no coincidence alongside Musk’s evolving views about Trump. He once declared the ex-president too old to hold office again. Now Trump has Musk’s “full endorsement.”

    Updated 11:01 AM MDT, July 29, 2024

    NEW YORK (AP) — A video that uses an artificial intelligence voice-cloning tool to mimic the voice of Vice President Kamala Harris saying things she did not say is raising concerns about the power of AI to mislead with Election Day about three months away.

    The video gained attention after tech billionaire Elon Musk shared it on his social media platform X on Friday without explicitly noting it was originally released as parody.

    By late Sunday, Musk had clarified the video was intended as satire, pinning the original creator’s post to his profile and using a pun to make the point that parody is not a crime.

    The video uses many of the same visuals as a real ad that Harris, the likely Democratic president nominee, released launching her campaign. But the fake ad swaps out Harris’ voice-over audio with an AI-generated voice that convincingly impersonates Harris.

    “I, Kamala Harris, am your Democrat candidate for president because Joe Biden finally exposed his senility at the debate,” the AI voice says in the video. It claims Harris is a “diversity hire” because she is a woman and a person of color, and it says she doesn’t know “the first thing about running the country.” The video retains “Harris for President” branding. It also adds in some authentic past clips of Harris."


    1. Part-time work has led me to earn more than $13,000 a month. After hearing about the potential online, I decided to investigate. It truly has transformed my life. Learn more by visiting the website provided below.
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  3. Somerby is fascinated by RFK Jr's dead bear cub while there is always more important news to discuss. And he thinks WE are the problem? What does his own choice of topics say about Somerby? Nothing good.

    1. We don't yet know what Somerby will say, but should anyone vote for a man who would take roadkill and put it in Central Park, lying about who did it for a decade while pretending it was hit by a bicycle? The story makes no sense, but it makes RFK Jr. sound like Kristy Noem or Don Jr. in terms of callousness. I suppose someone found out about this and threatened him with exposure so he is getting out ahead of the story, except I think it is disqualifying and he needs to give up his pretend campaign.

  4. I posted this comment this morning and it immediately disappeared:

    "For the second time in less than two weeks, a doctored video of Vice President Kamala Harris has spread widely on Elon Musk’s social media platform X.

    A video known as a “deepfake” that was posted on X on Saturday appears to show Harris repeating herself over and over again, using a crude audio rendering made to seem like Harris is struggling to finish a complete sentence. The altered video uses footage from an appearance by Harris and President Joe Biden following Friday’s historic prisoner swap that freed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and others. The video is obviously manipulated and easily debunked by viewing the unaltered footage (you can watch that here at about the 1:30 mark), which shows Harris speaking smoothly, without repeating the same words and phrases as portrayed in the doctored video.

    The video, whose origin is unclear, was posted by Trump himself on Truth Social on Saturday, accompanied by a rant in which he calls Harris “DUMB!” and “extremely Low IQ.” The video was soon re-shared on X by an account that posts content verbatim from Trump’s feed on Truth Social. That account on X has more than 800,000 followers, and, as of late Sunday, the post containing the Harris deepfake had drawn more than 620,000 views.

    The video appears to be in violation of X’s terms of service, which prohibit the sharing of “synthetic, manipulated, or out-of-context media that may deceive or confuse people and lead to harm.” (It also appears to violate Truth Social’s terms of service, which requires that posts “are not false, inaccurate, or misleading”—a tall order, perhaps, given that platform’s owner.)

    This latest deepfake comes after one shared by Musk himself eight days earlier, which doctored a high-profile Harris political ad titled “Freedom.” In that one, the fake audio using Harris’s voice depicted her calling herself “the ultimate diversity hire” and degrading President Biden. “This is amazing,” Musk wrote in his post sharing the video, accompanied by a laughing emoji. Musk’s post, still online, has received more than 134 million views.

    When asked for comment about the latest video falsely showing Harris garbling her words, Trump spokesman Steven Cheung doubled down on the content, claiming that the obviously phony video was authentic. (“Your phone or computer must be fucked up,” he said.) Cheung did not respond to questions about who may have doctored the video and whether Trump’s post on Truth Social violates that platform’s terms of service.

    Spokespeople for X did not respond to emailed questions about these videos violating the site’s terms of service, whether X is taking any steps to crack down on deepfakes, or why the one posted by Musk on July 26 remains online.

    Other forms of disinformation targeting Harris, including racist and misogynistic content, have proliferated across social media. But the reach personally enjoyed by Musk and Trump through the platforms they own is bigger than that of most.

    As Harris has been steadily gaining on Trump in recent polls, the spread of deepfakes targeting her on X seems no coincidence alongside Musk’s evolving views about Trump. He once declared the ex-president too old to hold office again. Now Trump has Musk’s “full endorsement.”

    This is important because fakes and disinformation have the potential to undermine our democratic election process. Somerby should be concerned about this, but since it aligns with his own preferences, he would rather make lame jokes about Fuzzy Wuzzy (a children's rhyme) and a third party candidate who has no chance of winning and nothing much to say to voters.


    1. This is coping, asshole. Telling people to watch out for these deep fakes being promoted by Musk and the right wing, is coping. It would be better if the law took steps to limit this kind of disinformation. Prosecuting Trump again, years from now, after the damage is done, doesn't work to protect democracy.

    2. Cope harder, Corby. Cope harder.

    3. Bret Stephens, a Republican, is coming around to voting for Harris. Maybe the Republicans need to cope harder? Our candidate is leading. That's why Republicans are getting dirtier in their election manipulation. They know they cannot win a legitimate election, so they cheat and this is part of that cheating.

      Trying coping instead of cheating, troll asshole.

    4. You're not coping, Corby, you're being triggered. Agitated.

      Now, cope.

    5. Triggered is a woke word. Are you guys on the right allowed to use such words?

    6. No, we are not; it's a serious sin. But I already repented and said 5 Hail Marys.

    7. Now say five Our Fathers.

    8. Now go fuck a couch.

    9. A couch can’t give consent.

  5. A for-profit media is almost as bad for a democratic republic as privately-funded political campaigns.

  6. Fuzzy Wuzzy also comes from a poem written by Rudyard Kipling. Is it coincidental that Kamala Harris is being accused of emphasizing her Indian heritage and then turning black when convenient, while Somerby revives racist poems by the British imperialist author of books about India: Kim, the Jungle Books, and the poem Gunga Din?

    Here is an example of what may be evoked by Somerby's allusion today:

    Somerby perhaps thinks he is being subtle. Was he?

    1. The last stanza goes:

      "'E rushes at the smoke when we let drive,
      An', before we know, 'e's 'ackin' at our 'ead;
      'E's all 'ot sand an' ginger when alive,
      An' 'e's generally shammin' when 'e's dead.
      'E's a daisy, 'e's a ducky, 'e's a lamb!
      'E's a injia-rubber idiot on the spree,
      'E's the on'y thing that doesn't give a damn
      For a Regiment o' British Infantree!
      So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your 'ome in the Soudan;
      You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a first-class fightin' man;
      An' 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, with your 'ayrick 'ead of 'air -
      You big black boundin' beggar - for you broke a British square!"

    2. If we start hearing chants of Fuzzy Wuzzy at Trump's rallies, then we will know that this bear story was intentional, to provide cover to MAGA racism aimed at Harris. And we will also know that Somerby introduced fuzzy wuzzy here, deliberately, to further that MAGA racism by pretending it is about a child's rhyme about RFK Jr's bear and not a racist term used by white supremacists to denigrate those "heathens."

      Somerby and Trump think they are clever when they engage in sly digs (let's go Brandon) that are both blatant and deniable. This is ugly stuff and Somerby is doing his part to promote it.

    3. Kamala is a Christian, not a heathen.

    4. Fuzzy wuzzy is the name applied to heatens by Rudyard Kipling. Do you really believe that when MAGAs call Democrats Satan, that they believe we are Christians? Do you think any ignorant MAGA is going to look at Kamala and her family in their saris and assume they are Christians and not Hindu? That photo is being circulated for a reason beyond race, to imply that Harris is not Christian to Fundamentalist voters.

    5. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear,
      Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair,
      Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t really fuzzy,
      Was he?

      Somerby conned you all with a feint at Kipling but his real target is bald-Americans.

    6. Hector, are you sure we shouldn’t be alarmed at MAGA hordes quoting Rudyard Kipling?

    7. Cecilia,

      I'm just happy when they can quote anybody.

    8. Hector, my guess is that most pols prefer to be quoted.


  7. "Today, Rubin votes the same way we do!"

    No, I don't think so. Today you vote the same way Rubin does.

    Rubin has always been, and remains, a hate- and war-mongering neocon. On the other hand, the so-called "liberals", one of whom you are, used to pretend to be peaceniks and allies of the working people. But no more.

    1. Trump gets my vote, when he raises the minimum wage to $45/ hour.

    2. It's easy to raise the minimum wage to $45/ hour, when you zero out the Department of Defense budget, like Trump is promising Republican voters.

    3. Great ideas by Trump, but campaigning on them will lose him more votes from Republican voters who just like that he's a rapist, then he'll gain by making this a big part of his campaign.

    4. Trump never keeps promises.

  8. "We could start with those incidents and episodes. Any one of them helps us see that democratization (and rational behavior; and adherence to Enlightenment values) aren't exactly Us."

    Our misanthropic host bares his ugly yellow teeth. In other news, Trump told a lie.

  9. The prime minister of Bangladesh has fled to India.
