DEMOCRATIZATION: Acyn said it, they believed it!


Blue America's leaders at work: Blue America, how about it? 

Did Candidate Donald J. Trump really commit a "verbal glitch"—a verbal glitch which would have been "obvious to anyone watching?"

So said Jennifer Rubin in the Washington Post, in her most recent column. 

The column was posted this past Sunday. But the alleged glitch in question actually happen?

Within the past week, we've begun to think of the journalism on most of the Fox News Channel as (metaphorically) part of a (metaphoric) criminal enterprise. We'll have more of that in the weeks to come.

For the next few days, we'll be noting this fact:

The journalism in Blue American is nothing to brag about either. It's part of the way "our democracy" continues to fail as we continue to undergo our so-called "democratization of media."

A quick review from yesterday's report:

In the main, Rubin was commenting on the bizarre claims by Candidate Trump at last week's convention of The National Association of Black Journalists.

Not every claim was ludicrous, but quite a few plainly were. That included the ludicrous claim that Vice President Harris has only recently "turned black"—that Trump never knew, until recently, that Harris identifies as black. 

It was easy to see the sheer absurdity of that ridiculous claim. In our view, Rubin also made a decent point about the work of the mainstream press right at the end of her column

RUBIN (8/4/24): The mainstream media now faces a test of sorts. After the June 27 debate, the media spent three weeks flooding the zone with coverage of Biden’s frailty, in effect demanding every Democrat to defend Biden or distance themselves from him, and consulting a host of experts on aging. Failure to deploy similarly exacting treatment of Trump would confirm Democrats’ complaints that there is a bizarre double standard in coverage that allows Trump to escape appropriate scrutiny. It’s long past time to stop using euphemisms and soft-pedaling his bigotry. (As I have noted, the vast majority of outlets also have steered clear of assessing Trump’s mental and emotional state, despite repeated episodes in which his slurred speech, verbal glitches, incoherent ranting, mixing up people and bizarre references are obvious to anyone watching.)

Truth demands the free press pull no punches, even if that appears to be “taking sides.” (Taking the side of truth is the media’s job.) The NABJ journalists showed how it’s done. Now we wait to see whether others will follow their lead.

It's true! The press corps did "flood the zone" with discussion of President Biden's bizarre performance at the June 27 debate. In our view, that was completely appropriate.

Rubin followed that observation with a perfectly sensible challenge. We're inclined to agree with what Rubin says here:

Failure to deploy similarly exacting treatment of Trump would confirm Democrats’ complaints that there is a bizarre double standard in coverage...

It's true! The press corps deployed "exacting treatment" of President Biden in the aftermath of that disastrous debate. Failure to treat Candidate Trump in a similar way would suggest the existence of a double standard.

In our view, such a double standard actually does exist! But then, we came to the following claim—and we sagaciously clicked a link:

Trump’s mental and emotional state, despite repeated episodes in which his slurred speech, verbal glitches, incoherent ranting, mixing up people and bizarre references are obvious to anyone watching.

Because we've routinely been mugged by reality. we decided to "trust but verify." Beneath the term "verbal glitches," Rubin had supplied a link!

Alas! As with Anna Sergeyevna's husband in Lady with Lapdog, we "believed but we didn't believe." We decided to see if Rubin's link led to an actual verbal glitch—to a verbal glitch which would have been "obvious to anyone watching."

Almost surely, you know what we found.

When we clicked the link in question, we were taken to a pleasing post at The New Republic. No paywall blocked our path.

The post appeared on June 27; it was written by Talia Jane. Dual headline included, this is the way it starts:

Try to Make Any Sense of What Trump Is Saying Here:
Donald Trump’s glitches are getting out of control.

Donald Trump’s glitches are getting worse: During an appearance at a Turning Point USA rally in Arizona on Thursday, Trump incoherently declared, “When I’m president, I will use title 42 to end the tri—” before glitching to “and we have to do this.”

[Video: 9 seconds in length]

It’s not clear what exactly he was trying to say, but Trump’s mental rainbow wheels of death have become more prominent in recent months. He froze for more than 30 seconds during an NRA convention in May, and has been caught slurring his words at numerous campaign stops. Clips of Trump’s glitches, the verbal equivalent of watching a train crash unfurl in slow motion, have circulated widely among critics questioning his cognitive fitness...

According to Talia Jane, the (verbal) glitches of Donald J. Trump were getting out of control! The post included a brief bit of tape which showed Trump saying this:

 “When I’m president, I will use Title 42 to end the tri—and we have to do this.”

According to this journalist from our own Blue America, Trump's declaration had been incoherent. It wasn't clear what he'd been trying to say!

Like that famous fictional husband, we believed the New Republic, but also we didn't believe. We decided to search for the speech in question, just to see, for ourselves, what the candidate might have said.

The full speech was fairly easy to find. C-Span's videotape of the full speech can be suffered through here.

To see what the gentleman actually said, you need to jump to the 49-minute mark of the lengthy address. If you do, you'll see Candidate Trump making a statement which is perfectly clear:

What Donald Trump actually said:
“When I’m president, I will use Title 42 to end the tri—and we have to do this—to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all children to their families in their home countries, and we will do it immediately. We have to do it." 

We're sorry, but that's what he said. As you can see on the videotape, the meaning of his statement was a million percent, wholly clear. There was nothing confusing about it.

"It’s not clear what exactly he was trying to say?" That statement was baldly inaccurate! 

Alas! If Talia Jane had simply played 16 seconds of the speech instead of cutting it off at 9, everyone in the New Republic's readership would have been able to see what Trump actually said.

She went with 9 seconds instead of 16. Six weeks later, there was Rubin, linking to what the New Republic had done, saying that the verbal glitch would have been "obvious to anyone watching." 

This episode had the obvious stink of Acyn to it, and sure enough, there he was! Talia Jane had borrowed her 9-second clip from Acyn Torabi, the mysterious Internet personage who has been driving this fraudulent conduct along all through the course of this year.

As usual, Acyn had been a bit more colorful in his own fraudulent conduct. You can see his original post here—and here's the enjoyable way he transcribed Trump's inscrutable "verbal glitch:"

Text of original Acyn post:
Trump: I will use title 42 to end the tryyyyyyyy

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh boy, that was good!

That's the way Acyn transcribed what Donald J. Trump had said. He did so secure in the knowledge that people like Talia Jane would take his doctored tape and would run.

Go ahead! If you google Acyn's doctored text, you'll see some of the other giants of Blue America who took his bullshit and ran. To see Alternet's gong-show, just click here

For Yahoo News, click this.

We've already linked you to The New Republic; they published this bullshit too. Six weeks later, along came Rubin, and this piece of fraudulent flyweight foofaw jumped to the Washington Post.

Just a guess:

Acyn committed a fairly obvious act of fraud. We're willing to guess that nobody else actually fact-checked his work.

Talia Jane ran with it at the New Republic. Six weeks later, Rubin came along and saved some time by failing to fact-check the New Republic.

Because we've seen this bullshit a thousand times, we did fact-check Rubin's claim. We decided to click the link she provided. We've shown you what we found.

The fraudulence of this conduct is obvious. Even worse is the undisguised dumbness. 

Dearest darlings—ladies and gents—let's visit the facts of life:

At that June 27 debate, President Biden did seem to be suffering from some sort of cognitive challenge. To date, the mainstream press has made little effort so speak to medical specialists concerning what the apparent condition might entail.

That said, it seemed obvious that something was wrong. A good deal of commentary followed.

In our view, Candidate Trump is a badly disordered person—but no, Virginia, the nature of the problem he seems to exhibit isn't the same as with Biden. As thirty-freaking-seven medical specialists discussed in a best-selling book in 2017, it's entirely possible that this extremely strange person is suffering from a clinical "personality disorder"—indeed, from a severe personality disorder.

We'll guess that he could be diagnosed with "antisocial personality disorder"—colloquially, as a sociopath. In theory, that would be a very serious mental health issue—but no, it isn't the same disorder as the one which may be afflicting Biden.

Watching the Fox News Channel, we increasingly think that we're watching a (metaphorical) criminal enterprise. Watching people like Acyn, Talia Jane and Rubin, we occasionally get the sense that we're observing the laziest, but also the dumbest, people on earth.

The upper-end press has agreed from the start—Trump's possible psychiatric condition must never be discussed. People like the three we've mentioned are too dumb or too compliant to strike out on their own, and they're dumb enough to think we can win by pretending that Candidate Trump has been behaving the same way as President Biden.

Acyn makes the bullshit up; the other speak-chuckers advance it. With people like this as our tribal "thought leaders," is it really any surprise that our tribe can't quite seem to win?

The "democratization of media" has opened the world to people like Acyn. His clowning jumped to Morning Joe, but also to The New Republic and now to the Washington Post!

Tomorrow: When Trump claims Minnesota was stolen, CNN tries to object!


  1. Geezus there are a ton of Trump glitches to find on the internet. Many might convince you that he is a self proclaimed sexual assaulter, a man out on bond in three jurisdictions, a convicted felon, a man fined over $625 million for defrauding or raping others, and a man who worked with his team to overthrow American democracy. A whole big pile of glitches.

  2. Kamala Harris is a DEI hire based on skin color and plumbing (spare me contrived arguments why it isn’t so). To balance, she tries to pick a white male as VP. She didn’t pick the most promising guy – Shapiro – because he is Jewish and antisemitic far left of Democratic party won’t allow it. So she picks a bland white Christian guy. That’s how end up with two mediocre DEI hires at the top and bottom of the ticket. This is the problem with DEI – once you start, it begets more DEI.

    1. If you round up, the number of unqualified DEI hires is zero.

    2. Looks like voters really like DEI hires.

    3. What? You’re saying Tim Walz is a DEI hire? That idea is so strange that David and Cecelia will agree with you.

    4. 4:27 Thanks for alerting us to the scandal that demographics factored into the the VP pick. Never happened before, I am certain.

    5. The problem for the republicans is that when you allow a mentally impaired old man who is racist to pick his VP without consideration of electability, you end up with a far right spokesperson for Peter Theil. Good luck with that, LOL. If you don't recognize that your ticket is cooked, LMAO.

    6. Harris is not a "hire", DEI or otherwise. She's an elected official. I am glad that I could clear this up for you.

    7. Harris seems not that smart or together. I guess it doesn’t matter.

    8. Ilya: Obama had charisma, ran a disciplined campaign and won fair and square. Biden was installed by the Dem party cabal as the party nominee in 2020 when in a matter of few days all the major candidates mysteriously dropped out and endorsed Biden. He promised to select a black woman as VP candidate and picked Kamala – Biden picking her is DEI hiring, even if people voted for the combined ticket later. This time around, the party cabal stabbed Biden in the back, forced him out and installed Kamala as their new puppet. There was no mini-primary because bypassing a DEI hire is sacrilege to Dems.

    9. Just say DEI a few more times 7:11. It makes you look ridiculous. Meanwhile, Harris is impressive.

    10. "He promised to select a black woman as VP candidate"

      Nope. He promised a woman, not a black woman.

    11. 7:11 Biden stabbed himself in the back, as Trump will be routinely doing until November. Arguably the most experienced and accomplished Republican VP pick in the last 20 years was “deficits don’t matter” Dick Cheney, a complete disaster (except for among his cronies at Halliburton) who helped spearhead the Iraq war. So no worries about the Democratic side here. Maybe you should be concerned about your own lane because Vance adds nothing to Trump’s ticket except a negative approval rating in that region of the country that knows him best. Shapiro, Kelley, or Walz all would easily outperformed him. As Harris will Trump. Don’t think his scuttling a bipartisan border bill won’t be a major issue, if he wants to blame Harris for the migrant crisis. He is toast.

  3. Jennifer Rubin TDS-addled neurotic shrew. To make matters worse, WaPo considers her a conservative who supposedly contributes to the diversity of opinion. If you want to keep her please do, but don’t call her Republican or conservative.

    1. Did you hear that, Cecelia,
      4:40 says If you aren't goose-stepping to what Trump is selling, you aren't a true Republican.

    2. Then 4:40 is right. That’s today’s Republican Party.

    3. Anonymouse 4:54 pm, there’s people like that in every party. Bob has a virtual looney bin full of them here at his place. Take a bow.

      I can’t “fix” that here or in either political party.and wouldn’t if I could. That’s what distinguishes regular folks from anonymices.

    4. The GOP could fix its obsession with lunatics, but you wouldn’t call for that. It might make you an anonymouse.

    5. Rubin considers herself a radical centrist but she was a Republican and writes a conservative opinion column called "Right Turn." Some Republicans might like to outrun their pasts or disassociate themselves from MAGA craziness, but that doesn't make them lefties.

    6. Anonymouse 7:40pm, so you think Rubin is a lunatic that I should want banned from the party?

    7. No, Trump is the lunatic.

    8. Anonymouse 8:52pm, oh, no. Trump is the nominee. It’s Rubin who is the outlier and she would be the logical person that I must boot out of the party. Not a guy some democrat(ic) doesn’t like.

    9. "Not a guy who hates democracy."

    10. Trump is the nominee and a lunatic. That Trump is a lunatic has been a running theme here. It ought to be up to your party to keep him away from the White House. But you always insult, no matter what.

    11. No Cecelia, Trump is the orange rapist that buried his dead wife on his golf course with top secret docs.

    12. To avoid paying taxes.

    13. Cecelia,
      Can you explain how all Dems/ Anonymouses don't think the same?
      Because you've been going on and on about how you get kicked-out of the club if you stray from the their dogma.
      Was that yet another lie you like to tell at TDH?

    14. 5:40 pm there’s people like that in every party.

      It's not some "people" in your party, Cecelia. It's your party. And most prominently, it is the megalomaniacal orange abomination your party nominated for the 3rd time in a row. You remember? The one who wanted to hang his prior VP?
      Or how about this recent demonstration from your Fuhrer.

      “If you want to understand the problem Trump created for himself in Georgia, today on the radio, 9 out of 10 callers are women, and they’re all mad at him for attacking Brian Kemp’s wife,” Erickson tweeted.

      That is the madman you will run to the polls to vote for.

  4. Kamala Harris has picked a VP nominee.

  5. News flash: a sign of “antisocial personality disorder” is:

    “Deceiving others—repeatedly lying, using aliases, or conning others for pleasure or personal profit”

    But please, don’t call Trump a liar.

    What a maroon Somerby is.

    1. Anonymouse 7:25pm, sounds like your job description.

    2. Somerby makes the accusation, but rejects the definition of the the thing he accuses Trump of. But why don’t you insult me, Cecelia, instead.

  6. Actually — speaking of Trump misquotes — he also never said that he’d “recently” learned she was Black. It was clear that he was talking about 15 years ago or so. He apparently also knew her 30 years ago through Willie Brown, which explains the photo she sent him.

    Bob also a few years ago showed that Trump never said that he grabs pussies whenever he wants to because he’s famous. And it’s true — that’s not anything close to what Trump was saying.

    He said that when you’re famous “you can do anything — grab ‘‘em by the pussy, anything.”

    Not the same thing at all.

    1. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Trump the innocent lamb. Keep polishing that turd.

    2. Trump didn't know Willie Brown any more than he knew Kamala Harris 30 years ago.

    3. How do you know that Trump didn’t know Willie Brown?

    4. The problem with Trump's pussy quote is that he has been accused of many forms of sexual assault that are entirely congruent with his statement. He kisses women at will and without warning much less consent, whether he knows them or not. He grabs their breasts, shoves them against the wall, immobilizes them and then inserts his fingers into their vaginas (as he did with E. Jean Carroll, but she was not the only one). He harasses women and then forces them sign NDAs (as some on his campaign staff have alleged). Most recently, he kissed the black woman who engineered that Chik-fil-A photo op, in front of his rally, then said he might not go back to Melania, while the crowd applauded him. Whether she approved afterwards, he certainly didn't ask for consent. This is apparently what Trump means by "do anything" and it includes physical forced intimacy. What do you suppose Trump meant when he said to Billy Bush that he "moved on her like a bitch...even though she was married"?

      The idea that this is some sort of verbal misunderstanding is ludicrous.

    5. This report says Willie Brown took Kamala Harris on a trip to Boston where he was meeting Donald Trump.

    6. In the entire article, which appears in full in Politico, it points out that Willie Brown also mentored the careers of Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and Gavin Newsom, appointing Newsom to a commission as he did Harris. It describes the circumstances of the meeting between Brown, Harris and Trump (in the 1990s), which was about real estate and not politics. The article goes on at length about Brown's opinions of Trump, his kingmaking (such as introducing Harris to Obama), his relationships with major Democratic politicians (such as the Clintons) and his ongoing connections during Biden's decision to step aside.

      Anon 8:14 is being played if all he read was the excerpt of a much longer article that explains fully the relationships among Democratic politicians over the years. The short version supports the right wing meme that Harris slept her way to the top, but did Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom also do that? Inquiring minds want to know.

    7. Someone explain how garnering a majority of votes in the countries most populous state for State AG and US Senator involve sleeping your way to the top. That would require an enormous amount of screwing. Not even Cecelia could manage that many millions of fucks, and how do she get the women to vote for her?

    8. The Boston visit was when Trump wrote a $30,000 donation to Harris’ campaign. Trump was trying to pull strings for a development in Los Angeles. Trump’s jet flew Harris and Brown from Boston to Trump’s location. They were in Boston for a different purpose.

    9. 7:43 PM said Trump didn’t know Willie Brown. 7:43 PM was wrong.

    10. He didn’t know him. He arranged a meeting with him to clear obstacles to a planned development in LA where Brown had a lot of influence. Trump knew Jeffrey Epstein.

  7. "Tri" is not a word in the context of the sentence Trump was speaking. He glitched, the interrupted himself with an aside, then continued in a different direction with his sentence. Somerby is inclined to give him the benefit of all doubt by using the remained of his sentence to elucidate the first part, where it is NOT clear what he meant to say because he didn't finish the word at all. How long the "try" or "tri" lasted is a matter of perception, but since he does not complete the word in any excerpt (not even CSpan's), no one knows what he meant to say.

    This is a trivial example of a real glitch. Trump recovered to the point where Somerby thinks he never glitched at all. He doesn't always do that very well. His several glitches in Atlanta were much worse.

    Try to discredit acyn on the basis of this single example doesn't fly either. Somerby offers no proof any tape was altered, nor that an altered tape was created by acyn. Enough of these things are being created by the right wing to discredit Biden and now Harris that this seems like a MAGA problem, not something the left does. And that may be Somerby's main point -- that you cannot trust the left when we criticize Trump, even for glitching, because acyn supposedly doctored a tape (without evidence he did so).

    This morning, Somerby pretended Rubin did something wrong. I couldn't read any Washington Post article due to a paywall, and Somerby doesn't tell anyone what might undermine his own presentation. Now he presents Rubin as a hero. This has to be one of Somerby's stupider posts, since we have all since Trump glitch on many occasions and it is very obvious that only Democrats care about that, not the mainstream press and not anyone on the right. So Trump gets a pass on worse cognitive problems than Biden ever showed, even DURING the debate.

    1. A glitch like that is normal in spontaneous speech.

    2. Not to the extent that Trump does it. Experts have commented that Trump's ongoing language problems with word-finding are symptoms of dementia and not part of normal aging. Doctors ought to know.

      Pauses and filler words are normal while people are thinking about what to say next. Ummm, let me say this about that..., the thing is. It is not normal to substitute wrong names or places, to not realize what time period is being discussed (Biden was going to start WWII, Trump said), to substitute non-words and misc sounds for words, to stop and then go off in an entirely different direction without completing the sentence.

      US News says:

      "Speaking at a rally in Atlanta on Saturday night, the former president slurred and mispronounced "wrecking" as "reckting," "mobs" as "marbs" and said "place" instead of "police" before correcting himself."

      This is not normal speech. It is also not doctored tape presented by acyn.

  8. The Lady with the Lap Dog has nothing to do with Trump's glitches.

    1. Anonymouse 8:07pm, however,, a quote from the book encapsulates Bob's emotions.

    2. These are random quotes that have no connection to what is being discussed. There is no reason for Somerby to inflict these on us, as if they make sense, if they are deeply personal and never explained. That is weird.

    3. Cecelia, if you ever bothered to read the story, you would know that it is about a lady with a lapdog who comes to a resort. A rake who has been preying on married women falls in love with her, but she will not leave her husband and will not fulfill his longing. The irony is that he meets a woman he cannot have and is as emotionally tortured by this as the women he has been seducing and then dropping before meeting her. Tell me how that has anything to do with Trump's glitches. This is craziness on a par with the weirdness coming out of Trump's mouth.

    4. Anonymices, I have read the story. In fact, unlike you, I read it for enjoyment rather than for “opposition research”.

      Your arguments are idiotic. With your reasoning no one could quote a line from any sort of medium unless they were in the precise situation as the character who spoke or thought the line.

      Bob write: “Like that famous fictional husband, we believed the New Republic, but also we didn't believe. We decided to search for the speech in question, just to see, for ourselves, what the candidate might have said.”

      That reaction/emotion is not specific solely to a man having an affair with a lady who owns a lapdog.

      You harebrained harpies.

    5. I read it to try to figure out what Somerby was talking about. It didn't help.

      The business about believing or disbelieving has nothing to do with the story either. The husband does not appear in the story except as an obstacle for the rake's romantic goals.

      Somerby's cognitive reaction is not an emotion. You need to look those words up, because thinking something is not the same as feeling.

      Somerby made up a connection but it doesn't exist in the story and makes no sense in terms of the plot. The story might be an apt metaphor, but not for what Somerby is saying about verifying Trump's speech. I don't know why he grabs these references but it isn't rational at all.

      You rush to support Somerby with this. Shouldn't you verify too by going back and looking through the story for the part where the husband doesn't believe? Don't take Somerby's word for this.

    6. No, I don’t have to the story and look anything up. That’s the silliness that you get paid to do. I’d as soon question someone for saying, “ Like McPherson, I believed and did not believe.”. The fact that you do this whether it’s Homer or Chekhov indicates to me the unseriousness of your motivations. They aren’t to learn more to understand more. That would require some sense of good faith and you don’t have that. You merely have zealotry.

    7. You're wrong, and it's quite simple.

      Because Rubin provided a link, Somerby was inclined to believe her that Trump had indeed had a glitch, yet he disbelieved her enough to click on the link to double check by looking at the tape himself.

    8. Anonymouse 9:33pm, we humans glitch a lot. Bob found it highly likely that Trump had “glitched”. He had no trouble believing that. In fact, Bob believes in glitches so throughly that he thought it was just as likely that Rubin had glitched by characterizing a mere glitch, as being something representative of cognitive decline.

    9. There was a glitch. Somerby is working overtime to deny it. And why this one, when there are so many undeniable glitches?

    10. In Cecelia’s upside down world it is the unserious folks who look things up. I think she is too drunk or lazy to care what is what.

    11. Anonhmouse 9:51pm, you’re calling it a sign of cognitive decline because Trump started to say a word that started with the sound “Tri…” he then interrupted himself with an aside about how we have to take care of this (sex trafficking) and then resumed his sentence with the word “trafficking” which could account for the “tri..” sound.

      Rubin could be an anonymouse.

    12. Anonymouse 9:54pm, you’re utterly unserious in your pose as being some sort of truth seeker as to Somerby or Chekhov.

    13. Cecelia, it’s funny you should mention McPherson, because Laura McPherson is an associate professor of linguistics at Dartmouth. She has a glamour headshot on her webpage.

    14. It is possible to make sense of Trump’s glitches (with mental effort) but the fact remains that this is not normal speech, especially for an experienced politician at a rally. Tri doesn’t sound like tra. That glitch may be why he stopped in the middle of the word. If he meant trafficking butcouldn’t produce the right sound, he may haveconfused himself. But that is not normal because in normal speech people make the sounds they intend to say. Trump can’t do that any more.

    15. Anonymouse 11:08pm, wow. Uber desperation.

    16. 11:08 is disrupting the desperation industry.

    17. Who’s desperate? 11:08 or McPherson?

    18. McPherson had a little pocket baseball game to help when his emotions were high. Anonymices just get more and more frenzied.

    19. Laura Hunt had a real baseball, which she didn't play with but kept in her desk. So I guess she wasn't desperate. The book never offered any explanation for the ball, and the movie didn't mention it at all.

    20. The pocket baseball game wasn't in the book, either.

  9. Cori Bush has lost her primary.

  10. Replies
    1. The WaPo continues to spit truth.

      "With Trump, it’s never clear whether he is truly ignorant about these issues or if he assuming he can skate by because he thinks his audience is ignorant. But it’s clear he earned Four Pinocchios."

    2. I've noticed more people talking about Trump's contempt for Republican voters, lately.

  11. You really are a useless pile, Bob.

  12. Trump lies when his lips move. I don't need to try and parse all of his statements to find out if he stumbled accidently into saying something truthful. After all, his documented lies are at least 40,000.
