We're thrilled with what Candidate Harris is doing!


Say it to her face: Just to establish the record, this is what the gentleman said at yesterday's interview session:

TRUMP (7/31/24): I’ve known her a long time, indirectly, not directly very much, and she was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. 

I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. So I don’t know. Is she Indian, or is she Black?

I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t. Because she was Indian all the way, and then all of a sudden, she made a turn, and she went—she became a Black person. And I think somebody should look into that, too.

So spoke our leading buffoon.

According to CNN's Daniel Dale, "Trump’s comments prompted immediate bipartisan criticism." 

As we noted this morning, that wasn't true on this morning's Fox & Friends, where a trio of propagandists spent ten minutes pretending that nothing had been said.

So pretended the Fox & Friends 3. Elsewhere, Trump's absurd perambulation raised this obvious question: 

Why did he make such a silly, dumb statement?

A second question quickly arose: 

How will Harris react?

Regarding Trump's inanity, we'd assume he was simply trying to make his way as he always does—by throwing gorilla dust.

It was Candidate Perot who made that expression famous. In the current context, here's how gorilla dust works:

You stir up the gorilla dust and you pray for a frantic reaction. More specifically, you hope and you pray that various people will take loud, overwrought offense.

In the process, you try to create factual confusion and emotional turmoil. You hope and you pray that the other side will become upset and will overreact.

Let the word go forth to the nations:

That isn't what Harris did!

Good God, she's been a sensational candidate! Let's start with a brief recollection:

Harris announced her initial White House campaign on January 27, 2019. We watched her announcement event that day, live and direct from Oakland. 

As we noted at this site, we thought the event was quite strong.

We thought she delivered a well-composed speech—and we loved the way she knew how to smile. The smile is a very powerful weapon, in show business and in politics.

From there, her campaign was genuinely bad, bordering at times on awful. Over the past four years, she's constantly been kicked around while holding her current office.

Having said that, Good God! She has been a sensational candidate over the past two weeks.

She smiles and she smiles, then she smiles some more. She just continues to smile, even as she brings it: 

Say it to my face, she says. She smiles as she offers the challenge. 

I know Donald Trump's type, she says. She seems amused, entertained, as she says it.

And no, she didn't take the bait in this latest instance. She didn't fly off the handle last night in the face of all that dust. 

She offered a brief remark in which she stressed the way we the people all lose out when public figures behave like that.

She offered that brief remark, then brushed Trump's comments aside.

This candidate still has a long way to go. It's still not clear that she'll make it.

But we almost think we see a process unfolding—a process by which bullies have traditionally been swept aside, brought to heel. 

People get tired of breathing their dust. At long last, people are finally able to see—people are finally helped to see—that it's finally time to move on.

So far, she's been a sensational candidate. We're going to leave you with this—with this, the most important message:

Stop taking the bait by taking offense! That's exactly the type of reaction the other candidate wants.


  1. We are not all running for president. When we take offense, it is because offense was given, and usually intended, just as Trump intended to offend Harris and portray her as someone using identity to promote herself as something insincere. This is, after all, how the right took down Elizabeth Warren, who made an innocuous remark about a Cherokee ancestor. And it is Trump's way of underlining to voters that Harris is of suspicious ethnicity, not white, not "one of us." JD Vance is busy telling voters that his wife is not white too (her parents are Southeast Indian whereas she was born in San Diego, CA). If that is non-white to Vance, it is non-white for Harris, no matter what the other half may be.

    Yes, Trump is baiting Harris. The response to that may vary depending on context. Harris doesn't have to ignore such remarks always and everywhere, as Somerby pretends. It is her right to object and to take offense when she is treated rudely. She doesn't sacrifice that when she runs for office, nor does anyone else. But if SHE chooses not to make a big deal over it, that is HER CHOICE and not dictated by politics or Somerby's approval. As we have seen before, Somerby has continually objected to people calling racists "racist" when it is appropriate. He thinks white people who behave in racist ways should not be put on the spot, because they don't like it. Apparently, he thinks white privilege should be respected, above the dignity and respect deserved by those they name-call. And so we see Somerby once again arguing that Trump must be excused for his bad behavior while Harris MUST take the high road.

    I am please that Harris is brushing aside racial taunts. I assume she is doing it to win an election, but she is definitely not doing it because race no longer matters, racism is no longer a thing, racism is over, or any of Somerby's reasons (expressed here over the years). She has better things to talk about than Trump's racism and she wins whenever she refuses to make this election about Trump instead of her plans for America's future and the good work she's already done toward achieving them.

    1. Where does Bob say Trump should be excused for this? You’re also wrong about why Warren’s campaign declined — it had little to do with the Cherokee claim.

    2. Warren didn’t make an innocuous remark. Harvard claimed her as an example of their diversity.

    3. She didn't claim that herself at Harvard. She checked a box on a form for another purpose that was propagated by others inappropriately. Such things happen. Warren believed herself to be of distant Cherokee heritage because her relatives told her so, and her later DNA test supported that claim. She did not claim to be a tribe member or to have a strong Cherokee identity, but only an ancestor, as is true for many people in OK. She did not use that identity for job-seeking or grant-seeking purposes.

    4. When Somerby says it is right for Harris to brush aside Trump's remarks, obviously intended to harm her, Somerby is excusing what Trump said and placing the responsibility on Harris to respond correctly, in the way he thinks she should.

      Two kids are fighting and one slaps the other in the face. The adult arrives and tells the crying child to suck it up and stop crying, turn the other cheek. That is excusing the behavior of the child who did the slapping by ignoring it and placing all of the focus on the child who is crying, telling him his tears are wrong and he needs to behave better by not crying.

      Somerby lets Trump off the hook for his taunt and instead focuses only on Harris's response to Trump. Yes, he lauds her, but in doing so he is praising her for letting Trump get away with bad behavior.

      You read the same essay I did. It is all there. It is not Harris's job to laugh off Trump's racist attacks on her. And Somerby does not acknowledge the wrongness of what Trump said. Someone who truly supported Harris for president would at least research how Harris campaigned back before Trump claims she turned black. Yes, that would take some work, but Harris was wronged by Trump's lie. Somerby lets him get away with lying while telling us Harris is right to ignore racist taunts. I DID point out the previous essays where Somerby has stated that we are supposedly post-racial now and racism is no longer a thing, so Democrats need to stop calling people racist. It was an ongoing theme for a long time here at TDH.

      And no, I will not look up or quote what Somerby said before, because no matter how explicit the quotes the Somerby fanboys will not accept them as evidence of anything. Part of the gaslighting function they perform for Somerby.

    5. It's the same punk cowardly shit trump pulled on Obama. Yesterday the punk said, "somebody should look into it" - the question of is black, The same expression he used back in his early political years as a racist Birther. "somebody needs to look into his birth certificate", the fucking coward punk repeated.

    6. You're right, the gaslighting has to stop. It's time to speak the plain truth: you're an idiot.

    7. Namecalling is not gaslighting.

      Gaslighting definition:

      "Gaslighting is a type of emotional or psychological abuse where someone manipulates another person into doubting their own reality, perceptions, and memories. The goal is to gain power and control over the victim by making them question their judgment and intuition."

      It is more than telling lies. It is using lies to convince someone they cannot trust their own experience.

      Anyone here can use Somerby's search function to look up what he said in the past about racism and about the use of the term racist to apply to people who behave in racist ways. Because we all have access to the same archives, there is no attempt being made to convince you, or anyone else, that Somerby didn't say what he plainly said. But when it comes to interpreting those words, there is a lot of disagreement. That doesn't mean anyone is lying about what Somerby said and no one here, not even Cecelia, knows what he meat because he does not speak plainly about anything.

      I have no intention of backtracking on my own understanding of what Somerby has been preaching here for decades.

    8. I didn’t know Somerby had a search function. How do you invoke it?

    9. Anonymouse 7:25pm. I don't take offense to anything you're saying, as we all are aware that your role is to oppose Bob no matter what he says. This constant manipulation happens regularly, making it impossible for you to give an unbiased evaluation of Bob's statements or the statements made by his supporters.

    10. Hey, Merriam-Webster: So Somerby said, “Racism is no longer a thing!” — but, by gum, you won’t tell us where he actually said that.

      Sort of makes me wonder whether you’re just making shit up.

    11. One place was where Somerby was arguing that black college students have no experiences of racism from their own lives so they have to invent microaggressions to complain about, because racism is over. Perhaps search on “microaggression” to find that discussion. Another was when Somerby accused a female Asian NYC Attorney of exaggerating when she talked about an increase in hate crimes against Asians in NY resulting from calling covid Asian flu. She said she worried about her elderly mother. Somerby denied that was happening. That one should be easy to find.

    12. I put in “microaggressions” in the Search function, read the first few posts, and none said that racism was no longer a thing. I’m done checking, I’ve got better things to do. But now I’m more persuaded than ever that you just make shit up.

    13. He said the college students had no actual racism to complain about, hence the microaggressions. No racism = racism is no longer a thing.

      I said these fanboys would not accept evidence and here is PP proving my point.

      Somerby's technique for dismissing the importance of microaggressions is to point out that there remains a performance gap between white and black children in New Haven CT, which presumably no one notices or cares about except him (Somerby). How dare those college students experience racism! Kids are starving in Africa! As long as no one is siccing dogs on them, those privileged Yale black students have nothing to complain about!

      PP doesn't see what Somerby is saying, but there is nothing new about that. That doesn't make the rest of us who do see the flaws in Somerby's arguments wrong about him.

  2. It’s amusing that Pres. Trump was asked if he thinks VP Harris is a candidate because she’s black. A more pertinent question is does the MEDIA think Harris is a viable candidate because she’s black and female. THAT has been their SOLE focus. Every narrative as to her character, experience, and wisdom has been predicated upon the effects of her race and her gender. Tell us something else.

    1. Yes, I find it getting tedious. His comments about her being Indian back when he knew her were only being made in reference to that question — he didn’t just start flinging accusations around if you only see the clips. They asked him if she was a candidate because she was black, and he said I don’t know, is she even black? It was more of a response joke than a claim.

    2. The original question was does he agree with his spokespersons and surrogates who attacked her immediately all in unison by calling her a DEI pick. That's what the fucking question to Donny J Chickenshit was. And like the fucking double-talking ginormous bullshit artist he is, little Donny started playing his accordion while avoiding the question. It was only after several attempts that the questioner asked him flat out if he agreed she was chosen because she was black.

    3. Cecelia, I think it was a very pertinent question. After all, this is actually mainstream Trumplican belief. Magas seem to believe that blacks are a privileged class in the USA. Isn't that right, DiC? David here talkes constantly about affirmative action and DEI. DEI is the new catchall excuse for corporate greed and malfeasance such as the Boeing plane accidents being blamed on DEI. So what's your fucking problem. Simply recognizing that she is the first female black candidate for presidency does not equate to saying the media "think Harris is a viable candidate because she’s black and female." The same bullshit we heard when Hillary Clinton was the candidate. How many times did I hear "I won't vote for her just because she has a vagina"?

    4. What Trump spokesperson said that? She’s running because Biden had to be sidelined and as the VP, she’s next in line to run.

      If she was chosen for her race and gender, it would be via the Biden peeps. I’m sure that both traits were a factor in their decision to make her VP, because those two characteristics are routinely touted by supporters. Perhaps start playing up her other assets?…

    5. My impression is that her supporters have repeatedly and routinely touted her experience, training, expertise and knowledge, readiness for the job, effectiveness in her past positions, and her plans to benefit the people of our country instead of the billionaires.

      It is the right wing that has been playing up her color and gender and calling her a ho who slept her way to the top and so on. The Left showed its support of her by selecting her as their candidate. She was around in 2016 and they didn't do that then, even though she was just as female and just as black then. Democrats DO tend to look at those other assets ahead of qualities that might advance social justice and provide role models for minorities seeking representation. Fortunately, Harris is both an impressively qualified candidate AND a symbol of the ideals of our nation.

    6. Anonymouse 3:21pm, Democrats didn’t run Harris because they weren’t sure of all the vast experience and talent that they currently claim for her. Biden was a known factor and far more likely to prevail in the election. She land some blows as to Joe’s past friendships with segregationists and with busing. Race was her go-to there.

      Although she had to drop out of the primary fairly early, Biden did choose her for his running mate. That was a mop-up on Aisle 3 move. . Again- if she’s more than a D.E.I. hire start touting those qualities rather than calling her critics racists.

    7. "His comments about her being Indian back when he knew her"

      Trump never "knew her". They never worked together nor socialized. This is so weird.

      Trumpers want to focus on her identity because for one thing it is very tough to get elected in America if you are a woman or a person of color, and for another thing they are racists and they know that their voters are motivated by racism.

      Trumpers are truly the weirdest people ever.

    8. Cecelia, Harris has more experience than Trump and Vance combined. What was Trump's great experience in 2016 because being a fucking racist birther? Oh, right, his great business talent for committing fraud and he was an actor on a reality tv show. Trumplicans are weird.

    9. Cecelia, next to Biden, Harris had the strongest poll numbers against Trump. That's why he put her on the ticket. Why were her numbers strong? She performed extremely well in Senate Judiciary Hearings and earned respect and visibility from that exposure outside of CA, something it was difficult for many of the other candidates to achieve nationwide. Her experience as a prosecutor contributed to her effective committee questioning and her ability to keep those testifying on-topic during the impeachment hearings.

    10. Anonymouse 3:50pm, Trump has experience now. I suggest her peeps go with your take as a campaign ad (but with some details).

    11. Cecelia, what was his greatest achievement. Handing 3 SC picks to an unelected right wing christo-fascist organization, who then proceeded to lie in their confirmation hearings and overturned Roe the first chance they got? How about trying to gaslight the country about Covid and his catastrophic management of the pandemic? Of course nothing will top his plot to steal the election and his attack on the US Capitol. "I only need 11000 vote, come on guys, give me a break." It is nice that this conversation was recorded so he can't fucking lie about his attempt to get SoS of GA to change the results. All in all, I think he spent more time on one golf course during his first term.

    12. 250 days in 4 years at resorts, many playing golf. 17% of his term. At the expense of the US taxpayer. You know, the candidate who wasn’t going to play golf during his presidency.

    13. Given his vast experience as President, what were Trump's five greatest legislative accomplishments to help the middle class and poor in this country? What were his five greatest international accomplishments? Finally, what is the emoluments clause, and what were the five biggest emoluments crimes the Trump crime family committed while in office?

    14. Cecelia, 40 out of his 44 administration appointees have gone on record that Trump should not be re-elected. "Experience" does not equate with competency. You are shooting blanks here if you think that being panned by over 90% of his "best people" equates with laudatory leadership experience.

    15. You can take your "peeps" dogwhistle and shove them up your *ss.

    16. Remember when the Right lied about not seeing color, and the media printed and published it?
      I bet a blog which muses about the media, and doesn't just repeat Right-wing grievances, does.

  3. I don’t know, I was looking forward to seeing Trump be completely unhinged there because everyone said he was, and then when I finally saw it I was disappointed that he wasn’t. He was actually pretty calm and collected, and that first questioner was indeed way too hostile — the other two made an effort not to be like her at all.

    And is there any truth to his claim that Kamala Harris said she was going to be there via Zoom, and then bailed out?

    I would love to have seen Trump go bananas there but he didn’t. If you watch the whole thing he was actually fairly restrained during most of it, and pretty funny at times. His comments about her being Indian were more sarcastic than accusatory. And I’m no Trump supporter.

    1. Why shouldn't some journalists be hostile to Trump when he has done nothing whatsoever to help black people? There is a long tradition of advocacy on behalf of black people expressed by journalists going back to before the civil war. It was Trump who called this "hostile" when the questions themselves were legitimate and expressed the dismay some of the organization's members felt that Trump had been invited to speak to them.

      Trump's comments about her being Indian were majorly offensive. Yes, they were sarcasm, which is part of the offensiveness. He is accusing her of being a hypocrite. And yes, you are a Trump supporter if you think his sarcasm was justified by anything Harris has said or done in her career.

      I lived in CA during the years when Harris was DA for San Francisco, State Attorney General and then Senator. She did not campaign as an Indian nor did she emphasize her Indian heritage any more than her black heritage. CA has a larger black population than Indian, so it would make no sense for her to court that vote, nor is she light enough to pass for white. Trump's remark about Harris was pure hostility, pointing out that she is non-white but opportunistic (i.e., uppity). Calling them sarcastic doesn't excuse what Trump said. The unhinged part is that he thinks he can get away with saying such things without turning every single damned person of color against him in the general election. And it is unhinged when someone who supposedly wants to win deliberately alienates voters after agreeing to appear at their event.

      I suspect the purpose of Trump's remarks was to rally his base by showing his racist side to them and demonstrating that he knows what's what racially speaking and isn't going to show respect to any black person, no matter how jumped up their position (such as presidential nominee for example). He is playing to his base.

      If you found his performance funny and restrained, you may need to examine your own reactions on the topic of racism. You are reacting like a member of his base and not someone who understands what he was doing.

      And you are right to question whether the claim about Harris bailing out was correct or not. Trump lies and it would be out-of-character for Harris to cancel such an appearance without sending a surrogate in her place. I suspect it is a made up statement by Trump (i.e., a lie).

    2. I was a Trump supporter, voted for him twice, but my eyes have been opened, and sorry but no he was not calm he completely lost his cool and said crazy and weird things, 2:23 your gaslighting attempt is wasted here.

    3. A question formed by repeating Trump's exact words is way too hostile? Agreed. Convicted Felon Trump is a nasty racist whose words are way too hostile for a diverse society. Far past time for the insurrectionist America hater to step down as candidate.

    4. She was invited. Said schedule is too busy now, how about later. Seems the two of them on stage together was never a thing but another of the endless Trump lies. https://thegrio.com/2024/07/30/harris-wont-attend-nabj-convention-as-group-faces-backlash-over-trump-invitation/

    5. There is nothing more hostile to a Right-winger than repeating their words back to them.

    6. “And yes, you are a Trump supporter if you think his sarcasm was justified by anything Harris has said or done in her career.”

      That’s so silly and condescending. And false.

  4. Race changes have been common for SF schools. Classes are balanced ethically. If you want to move your child to a different school, your child might need to switch to a different ethnicity.

    This practice was common, so a rule was passed limiting a child’s number of ethnic changes.

    1. You're aware that many people are of more than one ethnicity, yes?

    2. David says ethically but he means ethnically.

      David echoes Trump's insinuation that Harris is merely using her ethnicity for personal and political gain, much as parents use ethnicity to get what they want. There is no recognition of what identity means to most people, beyond being a bargaining chip for privileges (that white people seem to claim without being any ethnicity).

      To Trump, everything is transactional, but many people care deeply about culture, heritage, community and the things that go along with being a particular ethnicity. Republicans dismiss the value of such ties, even while asserting that patriotism and being an America are important to them. So it seems to come down to accepting some ethnicity (white American) as valid while invalidating the ethnicity of people who are different. It always seems to come down to that for Republicans.

      I remember the essays Somerby wrote a while back where he speculated that multicultural nations could not persist and that being different instead of homogeneous was bad for America, resulting in division. That may be part of the source of his evolving fear of immigration and his support for Trump's harsh treatment of so-called illegals.

      When Kamala Harris chooses to play down her own ethnicities, she allows these nativists to continue their campaign to eliminate sources of difference in our culture. And that is not a step in the right direction, in my opinion, even if it makes it easier for Harris to get elected.

    3. Anonhmouse 3:15pm, Kamala Harris may play down play her ethnicities, but her supporters don’t. Neither did the WH. The post you wrote sounds like a political screed/defense of D.E.I., rather than one for an individual with her own history and experience that isn’t a sob story. But just try criticizing her without her “ethnicities” being the first line of defense and the vehicle for smearing every critic as a racist.

    4. Cecelia: Me good, you bad.

    5. I find the whole idea of ethnic balance repugnant, whether in schools or in politics. People are individuals. Trump would still be Trump if he were black.

    6. David, the idea of ethnic balance is to prevent racist white people from creating schools that exclude others on the basis of race. How do we know they would do that? Look at history.

      Trump would not be Trump if he were black. He would be Oprah.

    7. Jesus Christ DIC you are so fucking weird.

    8. @3:55 - regardless of the original purpose of ethnic balance, it has become a goal in itself in many spheres.

    9. It is a technique for avoiding racist admissions, not a goal. They still happen when people do not avoid bias in admissions.

    10. @DiC

      How recent is your acquaintance with SF school policies? This paper seems to tell a different story.

    11. "If you want to move your child to a different school, your child might need to switch to a different ethnicity."

      Why this maroon is the king of bad faith.

    12. David,
      You do know that not "centering" white people is "woke", right?

  5. "Good God, she's been a sensational candidate!"

    What? Our Host actually approves of a candidate's behavior?

    Mark down this day. We are unlikely to see another like it.

    1. I think what is more likely is he is flailing about trying to find new techniques to manipulate others with.

    2. Quaker:

      Somerby's misanthrope mask slipped.

  6. Joyce Vance fills in the part that Somerby has left out of his own essay today, about Harris's actual response to Trump:

    "Earlier in the day, immediately following Trump’s abrupt departure from the stage at NABJ, the Harris campaign was quick to give a long-form response:

    "The hostility Donald Trump showed on stage today is the same hostility he has shown throughout his life, throughout his term in office, and throughout his campaign for president as he seeks to regain power and inflict his harmful Project 2025 agenda on the American people.

    Trump lobbed personal attacks and insults at Black journalists the same way he did throughout his presidency – while he failed Black families and left the entire country digging out of the ditch he left us in. Donald Trump has already proven he cannot unite America, so he attempts to divide us.

    Today's tirade is simply a taste of the chaos and division that has been a hallmark of Trump's MAGA rallies this entire campaign. It's also exactly what the American people will see from across the debate stage as Vice President Harris offers a vision of opportunity and freedom for all Americans. All Donald Trump needs to do is stop playing games and actually show up to the debate on September 10."

    Trump did not try to walk his comments back. He doubled down on social media."


    Obviously, this is not the brush off that Somerby claims was Harris's reaction to trump.

    Vance also says:

    "On Twitter, Trump supporters tweeted things like, “show me the racist part," and “I don't see what's racist about it.” The rest of America shook its head in disgust."

    That is the reaction of Somerby and his fanboys today. If that is your reaction, you just might be a racist too.

    1. As Somerby says, some progressives just love to toss those R bombs.

    2. And off comes Pied Piper's mask.
      It was going to eventually happen.

    3. Just keep throwing those R bombs, it’s what you’re good at. It makes you feel so nice and morally superior, right? And — it’s so persuasive!

    4. PP,
      That's all these liberals do, throw R bombs.
      Remember when they said the photoshop meme of Obama with a bone through his nose was racist?

    5. According to 3:52, the reaction of Somerby to Trump’s statement was “show me the racist part.” That is not at all what Somerby wrote. (He called it “Trump’s inanity.”). But 3:52 felt compelled to call Somerby a “racist” based on a reaction that 3:52 just made up.

    6. There was no racism in what Trump said...these are not the droids you are seeking...

    7. PP, right he called it "inanity". TDH did not agree that it was racist. Can you ever recall TDH agreeing that something Trump said or did was racist? I can't. The problem is, if Somerby recognized Trump's racism, he might have to face the unpleasant reality that trumplicans are also racist or don't find it a deal breaker. You know.


  7. "Say it to my face" sounds stupid, in this situation. After all, he wasn't spreading rumors, he did say it openly.

    So, she had no response. That's fine. But why not just say "I have no response to it"? Because when he does eventually say it "to her face", then what? Will she have a response then? Or is she threatening to physically attack him at that point?

    1. As quoted above, she had a response.

    2. She didn't have a response. A response could be, for example: "I was Indian when it was expedient, and when it became more convenient to be black, I turned black. So sue me." Or: "I always identified as black, check my employment records".

      She had chosen not to respond. Which is fine. But "say it to my face" sounds stupid.

    3. Or she could have said, “My black daddy abandoned me, and my Asian mama nurtured me, so I’m black.”

    4. In context it was debate me and say it to my face. So your reasoning is wrong.

    5. She is biracial, which includes black, white and Southeast Asian (Indian).

    6. South Asian, not Southeast Asian.

    7. Right, sorry.

    8. It doesn’t really matter.

  8. Trump should have said this: Kamala Harris is a DEI hire. Biden promised to to pick a black female as VP and put a black woman in Supreme Court, just so that he can win the Democratic party nomination. Black women are about 7% of the population. So 93% of the population was excluded from his VP consideration based on skin color and plumbing. Kamala was the best he could find of the 7%. The racial spoils system by which she was selected in un-American. And, if you find her cackling endearing, you are the weird one.

    1. What does Trump's laugh sound like? No one has been able to tell me.

    2. Trump’s laugh sounds like a white man.

    3. Harris top of her class at Howard, law school, AG of the most populated State in America, Senator from the State with the 5th largest GDP in the world (if it were a country), now VP running for President.

      Trump inherited $400M and pissed it away. Bankrupted his investors 7 times. Never ran for office before getting his start in politics as a racist lying about a birth cert. Defrauded Vets and fined $25 million for Trump University. Admitted sexual assaulter. Since being President fined for defrauding a Children's cancer charity, fined for defrauding the State of NY, convicted felon on 34 counts, awaiting sentencing, out on bail in three jurisdictions, adjudicated rapist fined another $100M. Only thing he ever succeeded at other than killing everything he touches was reading teleprompters on a stupid reality show.

      Now who the you calling a DEI hire you nasty racist?

    4. 100% of black women have been excluded from consideration since the founding of our country, so it is right that Biden corrected that oversight in 2020.

    5. 4:51 assumes that a black woman is automatically less qualified than a white man.

    6. Trump is going to lose.

    7. Say what you want about Trump. He won his nomination by getting more votes than anyone from members of his party. Kamala got 0 delegates in 2020 – she got selected for VP based on skin color and plumbing. Now she is the nominee for President with 0 votes. Democratic party is not democratic.

    8. Correct, the Democratic party is a party. The leader of the Party with enough elected delegates to be renominated by the party for President, has stepped down due to concerns over age, and endorsed his Vice President. The elected Party delegates have reviewed the new nominee and about 100% of the parties elected delegates are now voting for Harris. Why is the maths so hard for conservatives?


    9. "Biden promised to to pick a black female as VP"

      Nope. He promised to pick a female.


    10. "Trump is going to lose."

      If you don't believe at 6:07 PM, ask Putin.

    11. 6:12,
      Sure, Biden won the 2020 Presidential election fair and square. What moron is saying he didn't?

  9. Intel will cut thousands of jobs and cut dividends.

    1. Ie America has officially lost the Chip Wars.

    2. This is what happens when the executive team blows their money on lattes and avocado toast.

  10. Here is Yastreblansky's debunking of the whole identity issue and DEI hire nonsense:

    "On the amply covered question of whether Kamala Harris "suddenly became Black" after a lifetime of being "Indian" I'll just note that the panelists understated how false that is when they mentioned that she "went to a Black college": her identification with the Black community goes back to the beginning of her life:

    As her mother had no relatives in the country, the Black community in Oakland became her family, even after she had divorced from Ms. Harris’s father, a Jamaican who came to the United States to study economics. Ms. Harris and her younger sister sang in the children’s choir at a Black church and studied the arts at Rainbow Sign, a pioneering Black cultural center. After school, they spent time at a child-care center run by a neighbor in the basement of their apartment building, learning about Black leaders such as Frederick Douglass, George Washington Carver and Sojourner Truth.

    As a first grader, Ms. Harris joined the second elementary school class in Berkeley to be desegregated by busing, making her an early test subject for a contentious liberal policy. It was a part of her history that exploded into controversy during a Democratic primary debate, when she challenged Mr. Biden’s past stance on busing and his warm remembrances of working with segregationist senators.

    Trump is too stupid to understand that people can have complex identities, and he also expects everybody to be as dishonest as he is (his father started pretending during World War II that the family was of Swedish rather than German descent, so as not to spook Jewish tenants in their developments, and Donald carried the deception on for decades).


    1. Sounds like she shouldn’t have any problem winning over black voters.

  11. Yastreblansky also said this:


    I was invited here and I was told my opponent, whether it was Biden or Kamala—I was told my opponent was going to be here. It turns out my opponent is not here. You invited me under false pretenses, and then you said you can't do it with Zoom. Where is Zoom? She is going to do it with Zoom and she is not coming. And then you are half an hour late, just so we understand. They could not get their equipment working or something was wrong with the video feed. A very nasty question.

    Obviously the NABJ couldn't have known when the issued the invitation that Biden wasn't going to be the Democratic candidate. The "false pretenses" accusation is an absurd lie. I don't know why or when NABJ rejected Harris's offer to join the show remotely from Houston, where she was helping the Sigma Gamma Rho sorority celebrate its 60th anniversary, but it's reliably reported that they did.

    In fact the program began not 30 but 70 minutes late, which was pretty awkward, with no explanation, just mildly funky hold music as the attendees milled around the auditorium for the cameras. A report came out on Bluesky, just before it finally started, that Trump's people and the organizers were quarreling over the plan to have Politifact do live fact checking of the event...[Bluesky tweet omitted from original]

    When ABC's Rachel Scott at last called Trump onstage, she announced the Politifact fact checking and gave us a hashtag (#nabjfactcheck) so we could follow it. But it didn't in fact happen at all, on Xitter or at Politifact's website.

    Which convinces me that the rumor was correct, Trump had won his battle to stop Politifact, nobody had told Scott, and everything Trump said in that passage was a lie. I'm inclined to suspect he's responsible for NABJ's rejection of Harris's Zoom offer, too, NABJ management, which has really not covered itself with glory in this sorry episode, is helping him cover it up with their silence.


  12. The prisoner swap deal apparently was a bad deal, that would not have required a swap according to Trump, if he was in power. Only he was and did absolutely nothing when he had the opportunity.

  13. Is Trump a rapist or a grifter?
    You can only be one thing.
    I'm not a moron.
