SATURDAY: How does Harris pronounce her name?


Linguistics professor explains:  The irony lies in the author's identity line. 

The author in question is John McWhorter. Beneath his latest column for the New York Times, his identity line says this:

John McWhorter is an associate professor of linguistics at Columbia University. He is the author of “Nine Nasty Words: English in the Gutter: Then, Now and Forever” and, most recently, “Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America."

He's a professor of linguistics! His column appeared on August 1—and it starts like this:

What Trump Means When He Mispronounces ‘Kamala’

Since Vice President Kamala Harris became the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Donald Trump has been invoking her name a lot. Well, something close to her name. Harris pronounces it “KA-ma-la.” Trump, however, has often been pronouncing it “Ka-MA-la” or even “KUH-ma-la.” He did it again yesterday at the convention of the National Association of Black Journalists...

We won't even finish that first paragraph. Instead, we take you directly to this:

Is that really the way Harris pronounces her name? Because as we've noted in the past, she made a point of addressing this question in her 2019 book, The Truths We Hold: An American Journey.

She addressed this point right in the preface to that book. As we've noted in the past, this is what she said:

The Truths We Hold: An American Journey


This book is not meant to be a policy platform, much less a fifty-point plan. Instead, it is a collection of ideas and viewpoints and stories, from my life and from the lives of the many people I’ve met along the way.

Just two more things to mention before we get started:

First, my name is pronounced “comma-la,” like the punctuation mark. It means “lotus flower,” which is a symbol of significance in Indian culture. A lotus grows underwater, its flower rising above the surface while its roots are planted firmly in the river bottom.

That's what Harris said about the way her name is pronounced. Even as he comments on Trump's nefarious motives, McWhorter seems to say something different.

Or does he? How would a range of people pronounce that first syllable—"KA?" Is it possible that different people would pronounce it different ways?

At any rate:

However various people might pronounce the name in question based only on McWhorter's transcription, would anyone end up with "comma-la?" We'll guess that no one would!

(In short, she says puh-TAY-to; he says puh-TAH-to. Trump says whatever he wants.)

As a general matter, we tend to agree with McWhorter's work. Watching him on interview shows, it seems obvious that he's a good, decent person.

That said, McWhorter is a linguistics professor. That seems to lend a bit of irony to this latest discussion.

McWhorter is a linguistics professor—and he writes for Blue America's most highly regarded newspaper. Presumably, some editor at that newspaper read his column before it was placed in print.

Say her name, the sages have said. Given the ways of our floundering culture, that's easier said than done!


  1. Cope, moonbats. You good decent Democrat weirdos need to get over it already, methinks. Do you have nothing better to rage and rave about? It's getting real creepy.

    1. This is a perfectly worthless comment.

    2. A couple of days ago. You can check because I use a nym.

    3. @PP 5:38 PM
      Indeed, it was. Just outta curiosity: what compelled you to type it and click "PUBLISH"?

    4. I like that comment, too.

  2. The irony.

    Maobat scared of the weird and creepy.

  3. The pronunciation of Harris' name is deliberately distorted in order to denigrate her as a candidate. We know this because it has been done similarly to others with much less obscure names. It is a tactic. Failure to recognize that, as Somerby exhibits here today, marks him as partisan to those doing the mispronouncing, which is a childish and petty Republican attack. Because people do sometimes mispronounce names accidentally, this attack flies under the radar among the credulous who believe claims of innocence. Somerby should know better.

    When a network mispronounces a name, it is deliberate or it shows a lack of professionalism. Anyone on-air is expected to learn how to pronounce the names they will read or say. Baseball announcers, for example, do a fine job of this for a wide variety of unfamiliar names. That is because they care enough to get it right and fans would object if they didn't. With Harris, the right cares enough to get it wrong, as a statement about her and her candidacy.

    McWhorter is a linguist but that doesn't mean he knows the pronunciation of names in foreign dialects, such as the language spoken in Harris' mother's village. The name should, out of courtesy, be pronounced the way Harris herself says it should. To do less is disrespectful, but disrespect is the name of the game for Trump, Republicans, Fox News, and Somerby. And it is intentional.

    1. Somerby must've never heard of Lee Atwater. Or, he's being deliberately obtuse. And "... he writes for Blue America's most highly regarded newspaper." Come back 30 years ago, Bob.

    2. anon 3:22, as someone noted yesterday, you're an idiot.

    3. Cogent rebuttal.

    4. McWhorter is a right winger, so it is unsurprising that Somerby tends to agree with him.

      The NY Times does not represent Blue America, historically and to this day the NY Times is a corporate entity that supports a neoliberal pro corporate/Wall Street view and is primarily concerned about making profits.

      Kamala is not hard to pronounce and the only ones mispronouncing it are right wingers.

      Somerby is yet again putting his thumb on the scale, muddying the waters in order to manufacture ignorance.

    5. Somerby has visited this topic before. He has pointed out Democrats or liberals mispronouncing Harris’ name and implied that even WE cannot pronounce it, so no harm, no foul. He contradicts the clearly deliberate mispronunciation coming from the right, cause even WE do it.

    6. “Somerby is yet again putting his thumb on the scales, muddying the waters in order to manufacture ignorance.”

      A rare triple in mixed metaphors!

    7. Metaphors are made to be mixed. They should be shaken, not stirred.

    8. You always were a cunning linguist, 9:28.

    9. Yes, linguistics is all about sex, especially the acts enjoyed by women. Women just love these kinds of dirty jokes where men feel all hairy and competent while women feel uncomfortable and look at each other or at the ground until the juvenile laughter stops and adults can go back to talking about the subject at hand. Asshole. And you weren't clever enough to make this one up, just repeating it like a parrot.

    10. I’m guessing you’re not a big James Bond fan.

    11. But, I apologize. I did not mean to make you feel uncomfortable.

  4. Trump…Vance…. If you’re reading this and have read the above crap , for goodness sakes, ignore it and quit enabling it.

    Comma-la is to the left of Joe Biden. She escaped a primary where she would have had to address that stuff. Start talking about her positions.

  5. In American English, “comma” is pronounced “KA-ma”. McWhorter is, of course, correct. Somerby is, as usual, ridiculous.

    1. In American English, “comma” is pronounced “comma.” Somerby is, of course, correct. 3:38 is, as usual, ridiculous.

    2. There is a standard dictionary way of representing pronunciation that indicates the sounds, not the spelling. The word comma is represented as ˈkɑː.mə

    3. I hate to be the one to tell you, but we all know how to pronounce “comma.” And it’s not KA-ma (unless you’re from Boston, maybe).

    4. McWhorter was just showing that the first syllable is stressed — KA-ma-la. Harris herself was showing the same thing — comma-la.

    5. In American English, the o of ‘comma’ is pronounced ‘ah’.

  6. Cecelia, her positions will win. Come join us.

    1. This reminds me of The Shining

    2. I doubt you’ve ever seen The Shining.

    3. Anonymouse 6:17pm, Russian subtitles.

    4. The Shining is a great film, but this is completely unlike it. Just vote for Kamala.

    5. Anonymouse 9:14pm, I’m afraid not. Go in peace.

    6. CC - I know you won’t vote for Harris, but I’m curious — Are you going to vote for Trump?

    7. I will vote for whoever says KA-ma.

    8. If Cecelia doesn't vote for Harris, she IS voting for Trump, no matter who she writes in or which 3rd party candidate she chooses, and she is helping put Trump into office even if she stays home and doesn't vote. That is the sad reality of this upcoming election. That's why vote suppression is part of the right wing plan to win in 2024.

      Is PP a child? Most adults understand this, whichever party they support. Voting for Nikki Haley or staying home is just another way of electing Trump.

    9. Most adults know that voting for Haley or staying home is not the equivalent of voting for Trump.

    10. Just vote for Kamala.

    11. Trump defeated Hillary in states like WI because Democrats were convinced to vote for Jill Stein and black voters were convinced to stay home, via closely targeted social media campaigns aimed at people in specific districts in 3 Northern states. The margin in Wisconsin was 12,000 votes, which was enough to give that state's electoral college votes to Trump. It matters whether people show up to vote.

      I repeat, look at the voter suppression tactics in red states. If staying home didn't matter to voting results, Republicans would not invest so much effort into making it difficult for blacks and other traditional Democratic voters to cast their votes, and they wouldn't oppose measures that make it easier for everyone to vote, such as mail-in voting and early voting.

      Every person who does not vote for Harris IS casting a vote for Trump by making the number of votes Trump must get to win each state lower than it otherwise would have been. Enabling Trump to win with fewer votes makes it more possible for him to win in swing states and can put him back into office, as it did in 2016.

      I won't call you a child, but I do suspect that your ignorance is motivated, since it is like the lying Republicans do to discourage Democratic voting, such as lying about where polling places are or making phone calls telling people the wrong voting date, or telling people they are not eligible to vote when they are. When you support these tactics, as you are lying today about the impact of not voting on election results, you make yourself appear to be more than another clueless troll and instead part of the Trump cult, not just part of Somerby's fanboy club.

    12. I’d have to be a fool to continue arguing with an idiot.

    13. Look, I apologize, sincerely. I shouldn’t have called you a name. But if you want to believe that staying home is the same as voting for Trump, then God bless.

    14. Just vote for Kamala.

    15. The difference between staying at home and voting for Trump, is if Trump wins the media won't blame the Trump voter.

  7. Somerby puts a finger on the scales when he claims that the NY Times is part of Blue America (after just shoving aside Biden on behalf of billionaires). He does the same when he hints that if McWhorter is a professor, he too must be part of Blue America. McWhorter is a well-known conservative.

    McWhorter is not listed as a NY Times columnist, nor as a guest essay, but as a subscriber-only newsletter writer, behind a paywall. Somerby doesn't say what McWhorter's conclusion was, so we don't know what he was advocating. That is another way Somerby puts his finger on the scales -- by omitting the words of whoever he is discussing and leaving only his own or competing quotes. That is dirty pool.

    McWhorter is black, but that doesn't make him an expert on pronouncing Indian names, nor does it make him automatically sympathetic to Harris, who is a Democrat.

    Somerby keeps mentioning that McWhorter is a linguistics professor, as if that makes him Blue or an expert on accents or pronunciation of anything (linguistics professors tend to specialize). But Somerby does state that McWhorter is a linguistics professor at Columbia University. In reality, here is McWhorter's work history:

    "McWhorter taught linguistics at Cornell University from 1993 to 1995,[12] then became an associate professor of linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, where he worked from 1995 until 2003. He left that position to become a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank.[12]

    Columbia University
    Since 2008, he has taught linguistics, American studies, and classes in the core curriculum program at Columbia University. As Columbia's Department of Linguistics had been dissolved in 1989, McWhorter was initially assigned to the Department of English and Comparative Literature. The Program of Linguistics (including a revived undergraduate major as of 2021) is currently housed in the Department of Slavic Languages.[11]"

    There are two problems here. One is that he is no longer a linguistics professor but is teaching American Studies, since linguistics was abolished at Columbia. The other is that he remains an Associate Professor, which means he was never promoted to Full Professor at Berkeley and was not hired as such at Columbia. That suggests he didn't make important contributions to his field in terms of research, and that he got more involved in politicis than his department valued when it came time to promote him.

    I would express it as spending too much time as a political hack and too little time actually doing linguistics work as a professor. His stint at a conservative think tank suggests he was let go unexpectedly, before he could obtain another academic job. He is famous enough that Colubia thought he would add stature to their department that studies American culture, called American Studies.

    Somerby either does not understand these nuances of academic hierarchy, or he is deliberately overlooking McWhorter's current career, but trying to hype him as a Blue American linguistic expert is inappropriate given that he gave up working as a linguist and has never been a liberal. There are conservatives who work at universities, even Berkeley.

    So, Somerby makes himself sound like an idiot with this BS about McWhorter being Blue.

    1. McWhorter is an associate professor of linguistics:

    2. Read about McWhorter’s political views. He’s not a conservative:

    3. He worked for a conservative think tank for 5 years. Of course he is a conservative.

    4. McWhorter is well known for his right wing neoliberal views.

    5. But he calls himself a liberal Democrat.

    6. 3:40 - You criticized Somerby for not including information that you felt he should have included. But you yourself quoted Wikipedia, but carefully omitted the part where McWhorter said he was a liberal. It seems to me you’re guilty of the very sin you accuse Somerby of committing.

    7. "It seems to me you’re guilty of the very sin you accuse Somerby of committing."
      Ironic. Considering it's usually Somerby who is guilty of the very sin he accuses others of committing.

    8. Calling yourself a liberal doesn't make you one, if you don't support liberal issues and candidates. McWhorter is black and he knows that most black people are Democrats. He also perhaps realizes how foolish and corrupt black Republicans appear to other black people, who are selling out their own interests as a community.

      PP seems to have forgotten that Republicans lie a lot. McWhorter finds it easier to pass for a liberal than to be honest about his political views. Conservatives know he is conservative and that he helps them out with his public editorials and positions. It is ignorant and foolish to take McWhorter at his own word, just as it is foolish to accept that Somerby is a liberal, just because he claims to be one, when he does not support liberal candidates or issues.

    9. McWhorter supports Democrat candidates.

    10. 9:54 — You get caught deceptively omitting facts to make your point but nevertheless feel free to baselessly accuse a black man of lying about his political affiliation.

    11. PP, this isn't McWhorter's first essay for the NY Times. He has been doing this for decades.

      Here is what he said about Hillary Clinton:

      He did support Obama, but that is consistent with placing his black identity ahead of his conservative political views. When Clinton ran against Obama, black supporters of Clinton switched to Obama and it was very difficult for black supporters of Hillary to stand with her against Obama because of strong community peer pressure. Attacking Clinton in 2016 is support for Trump.

    12. Here we see McWhorter supporting the Supreme Court's decision to abolish affirmative action:

      McWhorter's book "Woke Racism" is an attack on the progressive left and its ideals. Not every Democrat is progressive, but writing a book that attacks the left is not what someone does who claims to be a Democrat and public intellectual.

    13. And I’m wondering — You must be the Anon who has been self-appointed to judge who can be called a liberal, right?

    14. In the past, you’ve even told me I’m not a liberal, right? How wrong you are!

      So I know not only that you’ll disappear relevant info to make your point, but also that your judgment is seriously impaired.

    15. No one considers McWhorter to be liberal except McWhorter and his Republican friends. It isn't just me.

      And YOU are definitely not a liberal. You are a troll helping Somerby defend himself while he refuses to be accountable for anything he says. You are a Somerby fanboy.

      It seems to me that Somerby is the one who disappears info and YOU are ignoring the evidence I posted above about McWhorter's right-wing liberal bashing.

      McWhorter made a name for himself by defending ebonics as a legitimate language variation, which was controversial at the time. However, he has opposed social and political efforts by the left, such as teaching in an ebonic dialect in schools. He is supportive of black culture but NOT of broader left wing candidates or political positions and issues. He is against the left's anti-racist efforts.

      He is routinely described as a conservative by interviewers and other pundits. The Manhattan Institute, where he was a Senior Fellow for five years is described as follows:

      "The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research (renamed in 1981 from the International Center for Economic Policy Studies) is an American conservative think tank focused on domestic policy and urban affairs."

      McWhorter can say up is down, but that doesn't make it true. He behaves like a conservative and that makes him conservative.

      The same standard applies to you, PP, and to any of the other trolls here who pretend to be something they are not. And it applies to Somerby, who does nothing much here to advance liberal views but always advances the Republican talking point of the day.

      Yesterday, the right was still talking about Kamala's phony adoption of black identity and the weird way she pronounces her name. Somerby is right on the spot pushing that same message. And he is NOT discussing anything relevant to Harris or the left. Somerby helped push Biden off the ticket, but he is doing nothing to promote Harris, just as he never discusses any issues important to the left (except to be critical of them, as when he attacked Rachel Maddow over Flint's water problems).

      And no, calling Trump crazy doesn't count and it doesn't make Somerby a Democrat or liberal, when Somerby at the same time supported right-wing arguments that Trump was selectively prosecuted and called Stormy Daniels a grifter and liar.

      "Impaired judgment" is something we all try to avoid, but it is not voluntary, like lying is. You, Somerby, Trump and so many other Republicans are blatant liars.

    16. “Nobody considers McWhorter to be liberal except McWhorter and his Republican friends.”

      NPR, 11/6/21 — “McWhorter is a black liberal.”

      So, is NPR also a secret Republican outlet? The conspiracy grows bigger and bigger! What are we to do?

  8. Turns out Kamala’s husband cheated on his first wife and made a baby with their nanny, and the marriage ended up in a divorce ( today). Kamala the homewrecker then found her partner, another person with equally loose morals. Don’t “But, Trump” this. Trump is a narcissistic a*hole. Admit Kamala Harris is one too.

    1. Kamala had nothing to do with it. She met Doug years later.

    2. How was she responsible for any of that? This is a pretty stupid smear attempt.

    3. Stupid is all they’ve got.

    4. Stupid is all they’ve got.

    5. 5:16,
      You going to vote for the rapist instead?

  9. Doug Emhoff committed adultery during his previous marriage. I’m a lifelong Democrat, but now I must vote for Trump.

    1. Why? He wasn’t a rapist like Trump.

  10. Is there a kid in the world who hasn’t experienced an adult on the telephone (sounding like the preacher’s wife) holding their hand over the receiver and telling everyone to “shut the hell up, I’m on the phone”? Generally thru their teeth.

    1. No matter how often it happens, it isn’t good parenting, nor is telling that story at his kid’s expense.

    2. Anonymouse 7:23pm, on the scale of abject horror and awfulness, is Vance approaching Bob’s level or are you saving that for further along in the fall?

    3. Adults should care about their kids, not tell them to shut the hell up. Perhaps he says that to his wife too. It shows disrespect and is abusive. Now tell me about Vance’s awful mother so I can feel pity instead of disgust. Vance shouldn’t try to impress Trump with his manly toughness by shouting at his kids.

    4. Anonymouse 7:54pm, it’s impossible for you to feel any acceptance, human commonality, or basic positivity toward anyone who doesn’t share your politics. Let alone an opposition candidate. You can’t. You don’t have it in you. There’s no there there.

    5. Vance suffered childhood trauma. That leads him to be hateful. Trump suffers from insanity/personality disorders and deserves our pity. Thus saith Somerby. Conservatives as a rule apparently are mentally diseased in some way, thus saith Somerby. We pity you Cecelia, though we cannot abide you and wish you would get the professional help you so desperately need.

    6. Abuse tends to be cyclical and generational.Vance was abused as a child, which is a hard chain to break, and he appears to be failing at breaking that chain, so it is unsurprising that he is the boy toy of tech bros like Peter Thiel and also the worst choice for VP in modern history, thus relieving Dan Quayle of that moniker and making Dan's day for once.

    7. Anonymouse 8:25pm, you reassure me every day about more things than politics. Truly.

    8. Anonymouse 8:41pm, You may not have told your child to shut the hell up. I’ve advised mine that she better shut up without adding the “hell” part. However, I utterly know that you are not a perfect parent. I’m certain of this to the point that the thought of you being one makes my heart hurt.

    9. So you’re not a childless cat lady like Bob?

    10. I wouldn’t mind the costume.

    11. You know absolutely nothing about me.

    12. What should a man do when he’s on an important phone call and his kid won’t be quiet?

    13. Does it involve 2nd Amendment rights?

    14. If the kid were carrying, the dad would be polite.

    15. @11:24 Take the phone into a different room and close the door. Just like when you get angry at your kid, you remove yourself to a different room (perhaps the bathroom) until you have calmed down and can deal with the kid without yelling or hitting. That is Parenting 101.

      I am also concerned that Vance bragged about this to Trump. It seems like Noem's puppy shooting story, an attempt to show strength to Trump and make him regard you as a strong person. But yelling shows weakness to kids, not strength. If you have yelled, you have lost control. That's another reason why doing it is a bad idea in terms of parenting.

  11. Stop these silly arguments. Let’s be friends. Vote for Kamala.

  12. Will mainstream media report this story?
    Kamala Harris's husband Doug Emhoff cheated on his first wife with daughter Ella's nanny Najen Naylor - and got her PREGNANT
    Doug Emhoff cheated on his first wife with Najen Naylor, now 47
    Naylor also taught at their children’s pricey Los Angeles private school

    1. No, Dave, the media have not reported this important story. Only you know about it. Don’t tell anybody. Keep it under your hat, on the QT, hush-hush.

    2. Does anyone remember way back before time (2 weeks ago), when the media pretended they cared about the age of Presidential candidates?
      Good times!

    3. I do sort of remember that, vaguely. It seemed to be pretty important, right?

    4. I will get around to that story after finishing the one about the millions of dollars Trump pocketed while president from countries including China, Russia, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and others ($ 8 million is a fraction of the total amount, with Comer blocking a full accounting). I'm sure it's not as relevant in assessing the candidates as the one about a spouse's prior misbehavior.

    5. Of course, you could have answered your own question by searching the name Emhoff. Instead you suggested via your comment that the media was ignoring the story for partisan reasons. This kind of behavior is rooted in dishonesty. CBS, CNN, , FOX, The Washington Post, NYT , AP and others have covered it, but you would like us to think otherwise, apparently.

    6. Now show us the media fretting over senior Presidential candidates, since 2 weeks ago tomorrow.

  13. Thy name is B-Ah-b, and thou art not liberal. KA-ma! KA-ma-ma! A-bra-KA-da-bra! Thou art EVIL incarnate.

    I am Corby. KAR-bee. Fire walk with me!

  14. Why are you playing into this non issue? Who cares?
