NORMALIZATION(S): Was the 2020 election stolen?


CNN's Brown never asked: We're not sure that Andrew Gold of the New York Times should have begun his news report this way (headline included):

At News Conference, Donald Trump Says He’s ‘Entitled to Personal Attacks’ Against Kamala Harris

Toward the end of a meandering news conference, former President Donald J. Trump on Thursday insisted he was “entitled” to continue his barrage of personal attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris, even as Republican allies are pushing him to shift his tone and emphasize policy issues.

Saying he was “very angry” at Ms. Harris, Mr. Trump told reporters outside the clubhouse of his golf course in Bedminster, N.J., that “I think I’m entitled to personal attacks,” and that he had little respect for his Democratic opponent.

Was yesterday's meandering event accurately described as a "news conference?" In our view, an intelligent person could teach it flat or round.

In his report for the Times, Gold later described it as a "nearly 80-minute [event]." He said the candidate "sp[oke] for nearly 45 minutes before taking questions." 

For whatever it may be worth, it's clear from the C-Span videotape that the event lasted 84 or 85 minutes. Also, the first question was taken after 47 minutes of preliminary remarks by the candidate, who did meander a bit.

Even when the questions started, the questions were few and far between, given the length of the candidate's meandering responses. In some ways, yesterday's event was more a "public address" with reporters allowed to be present.

Also, who were some of these alleged reporters? As recorded in this CNN transcript—as checked against the C-Span tape—the second question did in fact go exactly like this:

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (8/15/24): Thank you, President Trump. You've spoken very passionately about how God saved your life. And I'm wondering, have you put much thought into why God saved your life? As in, for what purpose has he been shielding and protecting you?

After fifty minutes of meandering, that was the second question asked! So it went at this latest imitation of (journalistic) life, performed within the journalistic culture of our badly faltering nation.

As a matter of basic journalism, should this lengthy event have been described as a "news conference?" You could teach it flat or round.

For ourselves, we might have been inclined to include some information the Times report omitted. We might have been inclined to take note of this remark by the candidate at the 83-minute mark:

CANDIDATE TRUMP (8/15/24): I have some people at ABC that don't like me too much. I find it to be about the worst. George Slopadopoulos—I have a lot of people at ABC, I find it to be the most unfair of all the networks.

Yes, he name-checked George "Slopadopoulos," as is his current wont. Also, as early as twelve minutes in, he referred to California Governor Gavin Newsom as "Gavin Newscum," another of his current standard practices. 

Just over an hour later, he referred to "Governor Newscum" again. 

Typically, news orgs disappear this conduct by this candidate, presenting the governor's actual name when they transcribe such childish remarks. In such ways, the candidate's extremely unusual conduct gets normalized by our faltering nation's C-minus level press corps.

At any rate, so it went as the candidate engaged in his latest "news conference." That said, what about his persistent claim that the 2020 election was stolen?

At yesterday's event, he hinted at that remarkable claim on several occasions. On July 27, up in Minnesota, he bull-horned that remarkable claim. As we've been noting this week, he blared it loud and clear:

TRUMP (7/27/24): We drove from the airport to here, and practically, the whole way, there were just thousands and thousands of people. It's incredible, right? 


It's incredible. If they don't cheat, we win this state easily, OK? They cheat.

They have no shame. They cheat. 


Do you understand that, you crooked people? 

They're the most crooked. 

They cheat. They cheated in the last election, and they're going to cheat in this election, but we're going to get them. 


TRUMP: The radical left Democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020, and we're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024. We're not going to allow it to happen. 

And every time the radical left Democrats, Communists, Marxists and fascists indict me, I consider it a great badge of honor, because I'm being indicted for you.


I got indicted more than [Al Capone]—for what? Saying the election was crooked. 

The election was crooked.  What a disgrace...

"The election was crooked," he told his supporters that day. (For the record, we don't reject the possibility that he may really believe it.)

The radical left Democrats "rigged the presidential election in 2020," he told an enthusiastic crowd at that public event. Also, he told his supporters that "the radical left Democrats"—possibly joined by "the Communists, Marxists and fascists"—are going to try to rig this year's election as well.

As we've noted in the course of the week, such startling claims have largely been normalized by a (roughly) C-minus grade level press corps. By now, the candidate has made these inflammatory claims so often that they generally pass without comment.

To her credit, CNN's Pamela Brown tried to question or challenge the remarks which were made in St. Cloud. She tried to do so three days later as she interviewed Senator Lindsey Graham.

In yesterday's report, we posted the transcription of Brown's full attempt. As we showed you, her first question went exactly like this:

BROWN (7/30/24): All right. I want to get your reaction to something Donald Trump just said about winning Minnesota in November—as you well know, something that a Republican has not done since 1972. Let's listen:

TRUMP (videotape): If they don't cheat, we win this state easily, okay? They cheat. They have no shame. They cheat. Do you understand that, you crooked people? They're the most crooked. They cheat. They cheated in the last election and they're going to cheat in this election, but we're going to get them.

BROWN: Election fraud lies are not harmless. We all saw what happened on January 6th. You were right there in the thick of it. Can you publicly call for Trump to stop spreading these baseless lies?

As we showed you yesterday, the solon's answer was somewhat evasive. To her credit, Brown restated her basic question three additional times, finally going to a commercial break after Graham had run out the clock.

Our view? The spirit was willing that day, but the journalistic skills were perhaps a bit weak. As she spoke with Graham, Brown ignored Trump's factual claims about the last elections—factual claims he has never made a serious attempt to document or support.

(Nor is he ever asked to. For example, no one asked him about these poisonous claims at yesterday's public event.)

Brown focused instead on a fuzzier matter. After simply asserting that the candidate's claims about 2020 are "lies," she kept specifically asking if Trump should be making his prediction about what the Democrats are going to do in 2024. This was her second question:

BROWN: But do you call on him to stop setting the stage about the upcoming election and saying that they're going to cheat if I lose Minnesota, something a Republican has not—

That's a vastly fuzzier matter. It seems like the wrong approach to us. 

What should Brown have been asking? If we had been scripting Brown, her palette of question for the reluctant solon would have gone something like this:

BROWN, REWRITTEN: Claims of election fraud are anything but harmless. We all saw what happened on January 6—and you were right there in the thick of the mayhem that day.

Do you know of any reason to believe that the 2020 election was stolen? Has Candidate Trump ever presented any serious evidence in support of that dangerous claim? 

If not, should responsible Republicans call for Candidate Trump to stop making this unfounded factual claim about the last election?

Those questions would have focused on an unfounded factual claim, not on a fuzzy prediction.

Let's be clear! Graham would have dodged and weaved, no matter what Brown had said. But if she had proceeded this way, she would have been pursuing a more direct line of questioning:

Has the candidate ever produced any evidence to support his inflammatory claim? If he hasn't, is there any justification for the way he keeps making this claim?

That's where we would have told the journalist to go. That said, for the most part, other journalists don't visit this terrain at all. Even as Trump keeps making his claim, those questions never get asked.

In that sense, the candidate's claim about the last election has been thoroughly normalized. Even as the candidate continues to make it, our news orgs avert their gaze.

That said, the unusual behavior of Candidate Trump has been normalized in at least one other major way. We refer to the transparently crazy claims he makes—such crazy claims as this:

Has anyone noticed that Kamala CHEATED at the airport? There was nobody at the plane, and she “A.I.’d” it, and showed a massive “crowd” of so-called followers, BUT THEY DIDN’T EXIST! She was turned in by a maintenance worker at the airport when he noticed the fake crowd picture, but there was nobody there, later confirmed by the reflection of the mirror like finish on the Vice Presidential Plane. She’s a CHEATER. She had NOBODY waiting, and the “crowd” looked like 10,000 people! Same thing is happening with her fake “crowds” at her speeches. This is the way the Democrats win Elections, by CHEATING—And they’re even worse at the Ballot Box. She should be disqualified because the creation of a fake image is ELECTION INTERFERENCE. Anyone who does that will cheat at ANYTHING!

So the gentleman recently tweeted—and yes, the conduct is crazy. But in one fairly obvious way, our journalists have thoroughly normalized this, as we've discussed in the past.

Is "something wrong with" Candidate Trump? That's one of the three million euphemistic ways our journalists have been approaching this matter of late.

They normalize his strange behavior that way. As a turning point in history approaches, we've decided to build our reports around this topic next week.

Yesterday, up in New Jersey, George Slopadopoulos was back on the scene. So was Governor Newscum.

Our C-minus collection of journalists pretty much slumbered and snored. The second question, from a plant, asked the candidate to meander about the reason why he's been favored by God.

No one asked the candidate why he keeps making the world's most inflammatory allegation. In fairness, questions were limited to the people the hopeful chose to call on.

Meanwhile, is there any evidence that the 2020 election was stolen? 

It's an extremely basic question. As she spoke with a slippery solon, a CNN scribe never asked!


  1. Trump says the Medal of Freedom is better than the Medal of Honor, because you don't have to get injured or killed.


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  2. Trump owns Project 2025, or it owns him.

  3. Somerby today is pretending like he knows anything about psychology or behavioral science.

    Brother, please.

    The Harris/Walz campaign seems to have a much better handle on the psychology of electoral politics, producing remarkable results in a short amount of time.

  4. This is essentially the same post as yesterday, where Bob even quoted Graham as answering the very question he prefers.


  5. Trump is down in the polls, his campaign of doom and gloom is crashing, yet he is still driving the stock market up up up...unless it is something else, hmmm.

  6. "Do you know of any reason to believe that the 2020 election was stolen? Has Candidate Trump ever presented any serious evidence in support of that dangerous claim?

    "If not, should responsible Republicans call for Candidate Trump to stop making this unfounded factual claim about the last election?"

    Since this is a post about how journalists should ask questions, I would say that Somerby's formulation is weak because it asks not one but three questions, and this provides multiple opportunities for an evasive answer. It would be better to just ask the first, which I'd formulate as follows: "Do you know of any credible evidence supporting Trump's accusation that the 2020 election was stolen?"

    1. And if Graham dithered but suggested that the answer is "yes," I'd ask: "What is the most powerful evidence that supports this accusation?"

    2. Graham in fact provided an answer for that question, Somerby even quoted it yesterday.

    3. @Anon 3:32

      Did you stop reading at the end of the quoted answer? Our Host added this:

      "By inference—but only by inference—the solon said that the last election actually hadn't been stolen. That said, he hadn't spoken directly, one way or the other, to Brown's request."

  7. "Has the candidate ever produced any evidence to support his inflammatory claim? If he hasn't, is there any justification for the way he keeps making this claim?"

    Judging from past instances where similar questions have been asked, Graham would offer this:

    "It's a fact that many millions of voters believe the last election was not fairly run. President Trump has a duty to advocate on behalf of his millions of supporters."

    Thus, the circle is tightly sealed. Millions believe the election was stolen because Trump told them so. Trump has a duty to give voice to the grievances of his many supporters! Repeat.

    Could the question have been more focused? Sure. Would the result have been any different? No. The only thing that will bring the conversation to any place close to a satisfying conclusion is to insist: "Have YOU seen any evidence...?" again and again and again until the interviewee either answers or flees.

    1. "Have YOU seen any evidence...?" again and again and again until the interviewee either answers or flees.

      Yes! The journalist should formulate a single, simple, clean question and then repeat it until the question is answered.

    2. What a waste of time that would be.

  8. Listening to the NPR program "Here and Now" this morning, I noticed something I'll watch for closely in the future.

    The hosts remarked that Harris has been slow to develop "policy positions" on important matters like inflation, migration, and foreign affairs. They observed that Trump held a press event this week where, according to the presenters, he discussed the economy.

    Did the hosts then examine Trump's economic statements? No, they did not. They proceeded to discuss what all of this means for the candidates' respective poll numbers and potential voter support.

    Is this why the press corps demands more "policy discussion" from Harris? So they can speculate how her statements might play in the diners of the Midwest?

    If that's the case, Harris risks nothing by ignoring their clamor.

    1. Harris is doing well running her campaign the way she wants, not how corporate media wants, and she is having success via her own path, which is driving corporate media nuts, because they are more comfortable, and profitable, when they are able to flex significant influence.

    2. Also from PBS:

      I would keep on not talking to these creeps.

    3. Billion dollar presidential campaigns are paid for by corporations who are more comfortable and profitable when the candidates they are funding do not have to answer any questions or face any scrutiny.

    4. Do you think there is any connection between that, and a media which "reports" who's winning, and how whatever narrative they are pushing will "play" to voters, instead of reporting about policies and their effects on the citizens/ nation/ world?

    5. I’m sorry I don’t understand the question. Isn’t the issue a complaint that Harris has no political positions to report?

    6. The issue isn't that billion dollar presidential campaigns are paid for by corporations who are more comfortable and profitable when the candidates they are funding do not have to answer any questions or face any scrutiny?
      Perhaps I read the comment wrong.
      Because that's perfect for a media which doesn't care at all to report about candidate policies and how they might affect the country. If they did, the corporations who fund billion dollar presidential campaigns would have to deal with a media that would be asking questions about and giving scrutiny to their policies.

      If that wasn't the point 12:23 was making, I apologize for mis-reading their comment.

    7. 7:31 Yes. I see you're point. I agree the media is complicit by not thoroughly reporting on or analyzing candidate policies, which benefits the corporations. If the media were more diligent in questioning and scrutinizing these policies, it could pose a challenge to the corporations funding the campaigns.

  9. Laura Loomer says Kamal Harris is a retard:

    1. Loomer is one of the most broken psyches in the public sphere.

    2. It's not nice to say retard but it is true Harris is not speaking extemporaneously, free of a teleprompter, because for some reason she is really bad at it. She comes across so poorly they have to keep her from doing it for as long as possible. I think she has a problem with alcohol or pills or both. Or perhaps marijuana or pot.

    3. I think 4:51 PM has a fentanyl problem.

    4. 4:51,
      Can you post the link of Harris' rant about the post-birth abortion epidemic in the U.S.?
      Thanks in advance.

    5. Name calling and smears such as the defecations of 4:51 are all they have; nothing of substance.

    6. Let's put it this way: Denying Harris is not good at speaking extemporaneously is the exact same as denying Biden was too old to run. Both are obvious. Both you are free to deny. Both will turn out to be true with me right and you wrong.

      Queue the subject-avoiding sarcasm ....

    7. Yet Harris is wiping the floor with Trump in the polls.
      That's right. Those feelings, of yours, about Harris' struggles speaking extemporaneously? Americans don't give a fuck about them.

    8. Americans don't know about Harris' struggles speaking extemporaneously because it is being withheld from them by not letting her do it. Whether or not they give a fuck about them will remain to be seen. But I never made a claim about what people think about them. It's just an interesting fact. She is really, really badat speaking extemporaneously without a teleprompter. It doesn't help anything to deny it.

    9. It's like Biden being too old. It doesn't help to deny it. It is what it is.

    10. Trump is really really bad at talking about economics because he knows nothing about it, so his staff gave him a list of bullet items. He couldn't even read off that list properly (can he even read?). Next to Trump, Harris is a genius. I think she is a genius next to anyone, not just a moron like Trump. That's why these attempts to portray her as limited are not gaining any traction at all. We all have eyes and ears.

    11. 8:133,
      Or that he's the best President since FDR.
      Only haters deny.

    12. People can deny anything.
      I saw some clown on TV the other day denying Joe Biden won the 2020 Presidential election fair and square.
      What are you going to do?

    13. Trump is really bad at talking about the truth. Trump supporters have no answers for the number of lies and fabrications that he spews. Their critiques of Harris are petty and insignificant by comparison. His running mate is about as authentic as a three dollar bill. Trump is a cognitively impaired old man who brags about passing a dementia test. The American public is turning the page. Cult members are welcome to stay aboard the sinking ship. When 40 out of 44 Trump appointees say that they would not vote for him, the cult, in unison hold their hands over their ears. Harris is not a perfect candidate. Trump is judged by panels of historians to have been one of the worst presidents in the history of the United States. Thank god we will be officially done with this mentally decrepit, angry old man in roughly 3 months. The Republican party will still have to contend with him, thankfully. They deserve it.

    14. Harris is basically Sarah Palin. A ditzy, unqualified, insufficiently skilled puppet propelled into the mix because of desperate and bizarre circumstances.

      They are not going to expose the public to her shortcomings for as long as they can. That’s why she has not done one single appearance without a script and a prompter.

    15. 12:55,
      It's true. Harris can win this election without once making a speech extemporaneously, without a script or teleprompter.
      That shows you how much the Republican Party screwed the pooch when they overturned Roe v Wade, and pissed-off 50% of the country.


  10. “we don't reject the possibility that he may really believe it.)”

    Then if he’s that demented, you’re certainly not going to get an answer from Trump. Why even ask him questions?

    “Graham would have dodged and weaved, no matter what Brown had said.”

    So you’re asking the journalist to basically do the impossible, get a straight answer from someone like Graham.

    The GOP is following Trump’s playbook: change the subject, obfuscate, shamelessly lie, attack the reporter, and in the face of direct unrelenting questioning, accuse the media of liberal bias and hating the Others.

    Add to that that gop candidates have complete freedom to lie unchallenged on Fox and other right wing “news” outlets, and you begin to wonder if any amount of appropriate mainstream journalism can hold these people accountable.

    I always point out that the legal cases against Trump are/were a way of holding him accountable, but Somerby disapproved of that.

    1. Excellent point, agree.

    2. You can't have an honest debate with someone who won't make their statements in good faith.
      Agree with them until they cry "Libtard".

    3. The phrase is bob and weave (from boxing). Dodging is for bullfighting or dodgeball.
