FATUOUS: Was American journalism ever great?


Cronkite then, a nightly garbage can now: Labor Day is drawing on fast. With it comes the apocryphal start of the general election campaign.

Given the withdrawal of President Biden from the race, a special burden has been placed on American political journalism this time around.  To wit:

The Democratic Party's nominee only entered the race in late July. Given the foreshortened time frame for this year's campaign, can our journalistic establishment rise to the task of covering this year's contest?

More broadly, what is the state of American journalism as Labor Day approaches? Also, what there ever a time when our political journalism was more capable than it is today? Can we imagine the following challenge:

Can we imagine trying to make American journalism great again?

Let's journey back to 1960. As we noted yesterday, Candidate Kennedy didn't announce until January of that year. Was this nation's political journalism actually great at that time? 

It's hard to make an objective assessment. But let's take a look at the record.

There's no such thing as perfect journalism, and our journalism wasn't perfect back then. In his iconic book, The Making of the President 1960, Theodore White describes appalling conduct on the part of major reporters as they flew around the country, with the candidate, on the Kennedy plane.

Late in his book, White describes a fairly obvious type of glad-handing aimed by Candidate Kennedy at his traveling press. To our ear, White was perhaps a bit oblivious to the degree of inappropriate conduct he went on to describe:

WHITE (page 338): There is no doubt that this kindliness, respect and cultivation of the press colored all the reporting that came from the Kennedy campaign...By the last weeks of the campaign, those forty or fifty national correspondents who had followed Kennedy since the beginning of his electoral exertions into the November days had become more than a press corps—they had become his friends and, some of them, his most devoted admirers.

Good God! White continues:

WHITE (continuing directly): When the bus or the plane rolled or flew through the night, they sang songs of their own composition about Mr. Nixon and the Republicans in chorus with the Kennedy staff and felt that they, too, were marching like soldiers of the Lord to the New Frontier.

Good God! But so wrote White, in one of the most famous books ever written about American electoral politics.

In fuller context, White never quite seemed to recognize the depth of misconduct he was describing—and he insisted that the Nixon reporters, who enjoyed no such camaraderie with the (justifiably?) suspicious candidate, were experienced professionals who struggled to be fair in their reporting.

So it may have been. But even then, when America was still great, White was describing gross journalistic misconduct as the summer gave way to the fall. 

Experienced journalists flew about, singing satirical songs about Nixon with the Kennedy staff. That said, it's hard to believe that the actual state of our political journalism had achieved the depths it now achieves every day—every day and every night, for example on the Fox News Channel.

There were no "cable news " channels in 1960. These was no such thing as cable, and therefore no "cable news."

There was no Internet; there was no "social media." Talk radio barely existed—and it didn't start to emerge as a national phenomenon until something like ten years later.

By way of contrast:

As Labor Day approaches this year, we have the Fox News Channel opening the garbage can it opens each night at 10 p.m. Eastern. (That's 7 p.m. on the coast.)

On a nightly basis, the garbage can opens with Greg Gutfeld directing his array of baldly misogynist insults at the liberal and Democrat [sic] Party women with whom he disagrees.

Last night, his second joke involved an insult about the way the 84-year-old Nancy Pelosi currently looks in a bathing suit (recent photo provided). By 10:03, his jokes about sex with children were done, and he had started his issue-based "monologue."

When he did, he quickly directed an insult at the women of The View, who were said, on this occasion, to resemble a bunch of horses. By 10:05, it was back to Pelosi, this tome with an insult built around the theme that she has had too many face-lifts or has used too much Botox. 

Nothing resembling this garbage can existed in 1960—and this garbage can airs every weekday night, with a rerun on one weekend night. As we've noted in the past, our finer, higher-class news orgs almost wholly ignore the existence of this garbage can—although a very unusual bit of reporting occurs in today's Washington Post.

The report appears beneath this dual headline. 

The report concerns a remark by the slippery Jesse Watters on Monday evening's edition of The Five. In our view, it was a rather typical comment which had the rare effect of occasioning instant pushback from two of the Fox News Channel's many obliging female propagandists, who are generally prepared to ignore almost anything.

On this occasion, two women objected. Dural headline included, Jeremy Barr reports:

Jesse Watters addresses backlash over provocative Kamala Harris punditry
“People are misconstruing my comments to mean something inappropriate,” the Fox News host said Tuesday.

Fox News host Jesse Watters attempted to explain himself on Tuesday after he received backlash for a comment he made one night earlier about Vice President Kamala Harris.

During a discussion on the talk show “The Five” about Harris’s role in the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan in the summer of 2021, Watters appeared to use crude language to speculate on how a President Harris would handle foreign policy.

“We don’t know who she is. We don’t know what she believes,” he said on Monday. “She’s going to get paralyzed in the Situation Room while the generals have their way with her.”

Watters said on Tuesday’s edition of the panel show that he didn’t mean anything untoward by the comment, which drew significant blowback on social media.

Along with external backlash, Watters’s comment drew a sharp rebuke in the moments after he uttered it from his two female co-hosts, Dana Perino and Jeanine Pirro.

“Jesse Watters!” Perino exclaimed, while Pirro said, “I don’t like that,” and told him to “take it back,” even as Watters protested that he was speaking “figuratively.”

We happened to see the remark in real time. To our ear, it seemed like extremely typical fare from the slippery "silly boy" Watters—possibly even somewhat milder than his normal "silly boy" fare.

What made this event stand out was the instant pushback from Perino and Pirro, a pair of Fox News Channel stars who are typically prepared to ignore any amount of misogynist insult, no matter how blatant.

This morning, the Post reports on the Monday evening's instant pushback—on the pushback from Perino and Pirro, but also from social media. That said, this general kind of garbage-can conduct is broadcast to millions of viewers on a nightly basis. 

This generates almost no reporting or commentary from our finer, higher-end news orgs. 

Nothing resembling this garbage can existed in 1960. Reporters may have been singing partisan songs with one candidate's staffers, but we the people weren't being exposed to denizens of the garbage can like the extremely direct Gutfeld and the much more slippery Watters.

In our view, what has happened on MSNBC in recent years has been bad enough. What has happened on the Fox News Channel involves garbage-can conduct as part of braindead, birdbrain pseudo-discussions—pseudo-discussions conducted by panels like the one assembled for Gutfeld last night.

Last night's four-member Gutfeld! panel included two (2) D-list comedians, plus a former professional wrestler and a former VH-1 veejay. With the help of this ridiculous panel, he program's garbage-can host conducted the evening's pseudo-discussions. 

Nothing dimly resembling this gong-show existed back in the day, when America was still great—when we were able to conduct our White House campaigns in what would now be record time.

In our view, what has happened on MSNBC has been bad enough. What happens each night on the Fox News Channel is a journalistic, intellectual, moral and societal disaster—a product of cultural squalor.

That said, our finer news orgs largely ignore this nightly cesspool / gong-show. Judging from appearances, no one is eager to tangle with Fox.

This brings us back to the larger question we're attempting to raise this week. What's the nature of the campaign reporting which emerges from our higher-end orgs? Is it possible that such reporting tilts toward the fatuous, as we're suggesting this week?

Sad! We're going to wait until tomorrow to review the recent "interview" with Candidate Trump conducted by CBS News. For today, we will direct your attention to a letter which appears in today's New York Times.

Three letters concern last Sunday's column by the paper's Maureen Dowd. The second letter describes the state of affairs we've been citing this week:

To the Editor:

While I usually enjoy Ms. Dowd’s views, in Sunday’s column I saw something that has been reoccurring in all newspaper, television and social media coverage: a demand that Kamala Harris explain her policy positions. (“She has to show she has what it takes once she steps away from the teleprompter,” Ms. Dowd wrote. “Can she manage to get through a minimum of policy stuff with no viral blunders?”)

But no similar demands are made of her deranged opponent. He insults, name-calls and carries on in myriad ways, and it’s usually waved off as “That’s Trump!” He isn’t asked serious policy questions by the press, and he responds to the questions he is asked with lies, a change of subject or various other non-responses. In subsequent reporting, it’s meekly acknowledged that he lied, changed the subject, etc.

When is the national press going to expect the same level of competence from Republican candidates that is demanded of Democratic candidates?

J— I— / Phoenix

Even in blistering Phoenix, this Times reader has managed to notice an oddity in current attempts at campaign press coverage:

Sensibly enough, our journalists say—and say and say and say and say—that Candidate Harris should submit to "serious journalistic interviews," during which she'll be forced to answer "difficult questions."

Judged by traditional norms, that expectation is perfectly fair. But along the way, our brightest journalistic lights fail to notice an obvious fact:

The other candidate, Candidate Trump, hasn't answered anyone's difficult question either—and he's been in the race for several years! This fact has been noticed in Phoenix, but apparently nowhere else!

Tomorrow, we'll show you, in painful detail, what happened when that candidate pretended to answer some rather peculiar questions in a brief interview session with CBS News. 

We'll show you the questions asked, and we'll show you the "answers." We'll show you the embarrassing way the interview was reported within the chambers of CBS News. 

It's easy to see that "cable news" has opened a type of garbage can which didn't exist when America was great. Greg Gutfeld emerges from the garbage can first, with Watters performing a similar role in a much more elusive manner.

It's easy to see that this garbage can now exists. It's also easy to see that our finer, higher-class orgs don't want to discuss this fact.

That said, is it possible that the performance of those high-end orgs might possibly tilt toward the fatuous? This afternoon, we'll touch on a guest essay and a front-page news report in this morning's New York Times. 

Tomorrow, though, we'll visit CBS News.

Walter Cronkite took over as anchor there in 1962. 

"And that's the way it is," he would say each night. In 1963, his voice broke—he had to stop and gather himself—when it fell to him to report the murder of President Kennedy.

That was CBS News back then. Last week, CBS News got to interview Candidate Trump. 

CBS News got to interview Trump! Tomorrow, we'll show you what happened.

Tomorrow: All the way down


  1. Not great, but better before it was run by a small group of corporations.
    Competition remains the engine of Capitalism.
    Enforce anti-monopoly/ anti-trust regulation across the board, and watch a lot of things get better.

    1. Agree, although I think "competition" is the wrong word for the concept, which is something more like diversity of options, or even democratization.

  2. Here is an example of capitalism gone awry:

    "A Pro-Trump business is sending packages through the mail purporting to be from the Kamala Harris campaign, marketing them as a "prank" aimed at MAGA friends.

    The $14.99 dark blue bubble mailers have a Harris for President logo on them and a fake receipt inside that falsely claims the recipient has signed up for a "diamond membership" committing to a $250 recurring monthly donation to the Harris campaign."

    This could be a phishing scam to encourage people to try to stop the recurring donations by giving bank or credit card info. It is definitely fraud and an example of the way in which Trump supporters follow his lead by breaking laws and thinking doing so is hilarious.

    1. Sounds more to me like the Trump campaign gone awry.

  3. "Sensibly enough, our journalists say—and say and say and say and say—that Candidate Harris should submit to "serious journalistic interviews," during which she'll be forced to answer "difficult questions."

    A lot of words today that cannot quite conceal that Somerby has done exactly the same thing, demanding that Harris be interviewed and only belatedly agreeing that Trump should be held to the same standard after it was pointed out in comments. I can remember writing comments here saying that Trump should be held to the same standards as Hillary. And we have all heard Somerby decry the prosecution of Trump for his various crimes, and Somerby complain about Trump's impeachment, for committing crimes for which he must be held to the same standards as anyone else.

    First Somerby tried to smear Kamala Harris, then he is willing to demand that Trump respond in a serious interview, without acknowledging that Trump's failure to be held to the same standard is largely because he cannot do it -- it would reveal what a sham candidate he is, and that would spoil the horse. The first mistake was ever treating Trump like a serious candidate, back when he first declared for office in 2015. He has always been unfit and this is just another instance showing how grossly unfit he is. This isn't about interviews it is about the press and Somerby himself telling the truth about Trump.

    1. typo correction: spoil the horse race.

    2. Spoil the horse’s ass.

  4. Here is an example of how Somerby wastes everyone's time trying to shift the blame from Trump to CBS, which has every right to consider someone running for office to be an actual candidate:

    "Tomorrow, we'll show you, in painful detail, what happened when that candidate pretended to answer some rather peculiar questions in a brief interview session with CBS News.

    We'll show you the questions asked, and we'll show you the "answers." We'll show you the embarrassing way the interview was reported within the chambers of CBS News."

    Why do this? It isn't the interviews that are wrong -- it is Trump and the various people riding his coattails for their own gain. Every report should be about the total unfitness of Trump to run for any office. It should be about his crimes and editorials should be asking why he isn't in jail yet. We should not be laughing about what JD Vance says about cat ladies. We should be asking why anyone takes Trump seriously after appointing such a goon as his VP.

    And Somerby is just as bad as CBS or anyone else with this stuff. Trump hatched an insurrection and Somerby is arguing that we should be taking him MORE seriously by demanding that he be interviewed. On what planet does that make any sense at all?

    1. One could balance White with Tim Crouse’s “The Boys on the Bus” (72) which exposes the ass kissing of Nixon in the corps that followed him. And didn’t we go thru all this again with McCain’s “Srsight Talk Express?”

  5. JD Vance says Trump’s tariffs brought lower prices:


    1. There is speculation that Trump plans to replace Vance with RFK Jr.

    2. Vance said that teachers who have not borne natural children brainwash the kids in their classrooms. I assume that includes the male teachers too.

    3. For a few days Vance tried not wearing his eyeliner, but this turned out to have not been a winning electoral strategy, so he is back to wearing it.

      Vance seems like the worst VP pick, but the association with RFK jr may be even worse, as few human beings are as weird and grift-y as RFK jr.

    4. It is very difficult to find a photo of JD Vance where he isn't frowning. That is part of why he is hard to relate to.

    5. It is hard not to frown when you are suffering from intestinal blockage and carrying an excessive amount of shit in both your rectum and your brain.

  6. It is interesting that Somerby blames Kennedy for being more likeable than Nixon. From the quoted passages, it wasn't proximity that converted the press into admirers of Kennedy, without the same thing happening on Nixon's campaign. Nixon was lacking charisma and he was a nasty guy, which the press observed but suppressed in their reports due to "professionalism." Somerby seems to think that was good reporting whereas the Kennedy press was being subverted by Kennedy's character. Isn't that character part of what the press was there to observe and report on? Yet Somerby implies they are biased and says a journalistic crime has occurred when they did that! Nixon turned out to be a corrupt president. Perhaps his press should have been less objective and reported their actual experiences, preparing the public for his excesses.

  7. JFK stood strong against his own Generals, deescalated the Cuban missile crisis and prevented WW3. Can you imagine Comma La doing anything like that? This airhead who seems drunk half the time is going to get us into deep shit if she ever gets into the Whitehouse. That’s what Jesse Waters was referring to. If you think it’s about sex, you have a dirty mind.

    1. Wait a minute. Trump's dream of fucking his own daughter isn't about sex?
      What's it about, then? Power?

    2. Kamala stood strong against demands that she meet the press and she stood strong against demands that she talk Biden into stepping aside. She has negotiated with world leaders over Gaza and over the border. She was a prosecutor of criminals which prepared her to ask tough questions during the Trump impeachment hearings in the Senate. Calling her drunk is stupid. I cannot see her appointing a Dr. Feelgood like Ronny Jackson to dispense drugs to the White House and Trump. And Watters definitely made a lewd sexual remark.

    3. I'm drunk with joy over Kamala.

    4. As a military insider, I can report that generals are now lining up to get in the war room, who wouldn't want their way with Kamala? Trump is pretty open about how he gets a little stubby from how hot he thinks Kamala is. Of course Trump prefers to have his way with younger girls, ones that resemble his daughter, particularly when she was a teen, and he is always showing how much he cares, offering money for an abortion after he rapes a girl, aw such a sweetie.

    5. Jesse Watters was reminding women that no matter what they have accomplished in their lives, any man can have his way with her due to physical strength. That is a metaphor for women being second class citizens because any man is better than she is because he can dominate her that way.

      This is the same as the idea that no matter what a black man has done in his life, any white man is his superior because of race. These are the ideas that white men use to feel better about themselves, to nourish their egos.

      No woman is fooled about what Watters said. That's why I'm glad that the Fox cohosts spoke out when he said it. But Trump encourages this kind of sexist hostility toward women via his own misbehavior. So, Watters is appealing to Trump's incel fan base, reassuring them that they are superior to women. By making Harris the embodiment of male fears of domination, Watters is helping Trump's campaign, just as emphasizing Harris's race and ethnicity evokes replacement fears among bigots.

      This stuff is obvious to women, which is why women are not voting for Trump or Vance of anyone else who wants to shove them back into submission.

    6. Sexualizing powerful women is how men reduce them to lesser beings. It reveals that they feel threatened by them, scared of them, diminished by them. These are men's insecurities and not anything Harris is doing to them. When you see a man making an inappropriate sexual allusion like that, he is revealing himself in an embarrassing way. Women aren't frightened by it -- we avert our gaze and feel sorry for him, for revealing his fears in such a public way. Watters made his fears naked to everyone's view, poor guy. Kamala can't help doing that to weak men, because she is actually a powerful, competent and qualified leader who is likely going to wash Trump into the gutter in November.

    7. Maybe you should join some other species, one that’s less dimorphic.

    8. Next you'll argue that left-handed people shouldn't be dominated and forced to be second-class citizens because it's just biology. Maybe black people should join some species where everyone has the same skin color if they want to be treated as equal human beings.

      Some woman laughed at Watters sexual equipment and he has hated women like Kamala every since. What IS she laughing at? Doesn't she know that any man can have his way with her?

  8. "Tomorrow, we'll show you, in painful detail, what happened when that candidate pretended to answer some rather peculiar questions in a brief interview session with CBS News. "

    Who decides whether questions are "peculiar" or not? Apparently, Somerby does. Trump gets a lot of softball questions, because he is incapable of answering tough ones. Is that what Somerby means by peculiar? That wouldn't be my definition.

    Perhaps Somerby will talk about the way the press fishes for reactions and statements that will make headlines, rather than systematically exploring the details of policy or a candidate's experience for office, or asking reasons behind previous statements (such as "Why do you consider Hannibal Lecter to be a great man?"). Trump says colorful things because he knows it will get him headlines. If the press didn't indulge that, he would do less of it, seeking attention in the ways the press (and public) rewards.

    Trump says a lot of peculiar things. Perhaps that is why the questions are peculiar (to Somerby)?

  9. Is there anyone who doesn't already know that Trump is a peculiar guy? Why do we need questions about Trump's positions and not questions like "Why do you think you should run for president with 34 felony convictions?" or "Should a rapist be president when he will be asked to ensure the welfare of the 50% of the nation who are women?" or "How good can your judgment be when so many of your last administration's appointees have gone to jail?"

  10. I agree with Bob that FoxNews is biased and awful. However, the rest of cable news and the mainstream news are all biased against Trump. As are the New York Times and many other newspapers. Facebook has also proved their bias by censoring true stories about Hunter’s laptop and printing inaccurate stories about Russia and Trump.

    1. Both FoxNews and the rest of the cable news and mainstream news are all biased against Hillary Clinton. Their "reporting" during the run-up to the 2016 Presidential Election proves it.
      Imagine spending six months pretending to care that Republicans were pretending to care about her email/ server protocols. That couldn't have been too easy.

    2. Hey Dickhead in Cal. Donald j Chickenshit was just indicted yesterday on four felony counts in D.C. Tell me where you can find that reporting on the front page of the liberal NY Times, you jackass.

    3. And then compare the front page of the NY Times in Oct. 2016 reporting on Comey reopening the fraudulent investigation into the emails.

    4. I get 2dead tree papers on weekdays. San Jose Mercury. Trump’s indightment is on the front page of both.

    5. Dickhead, yeah it's on the front page of the NYTimes. Where exactly can you find it?

    6. https://www.frontpages.com/the-new-york-times/

      Take a look at the very bottom, below the fold. This is why Dickhead in Cal is such a lying bastard.

    7. The fucking presidential nominee of the Republican Party, convicted felon, indicted on RICO charges in GA, liable for business fraud and sexual assault and defamation (twice), just indicted on four felony counts related to his attempt to subvert the 2020 presidential election, and you would excused for missing that story on the paper of record. LOL
      They must really hate him, huh David?

    8. https://www.frontpages.com/the-new-york-times/

      Take a look at the very bottom below the fold. LOL

    9. anon 1:44, calling him "dickhead" all the time doesn't enhance your argument. there's no excuse for it, it's stupid.

    10. Actually, David in Cal's trolling is a good excuse to call him Dickhead because he is behaving like one when he does that. You don't find it annoying because you perhaps agree with the propaganda David repeats here, no matter how many times he is fact-checked and refuted.

    11. I am being polite by calling him a Dickhead. He just comes him to do his drive-by and then disappears for a while. Never seriously engages with any intellectual honesty. A total hypocrite with no core values. And will crawl on his belly thru broken glass to cast his vote for a felon who tried to steal the last election. That is who David is.

    12. @David
      What is proper placement of the story in your opinion? What was the proper placement for the FBI reopening its investigation of Clinton's email server days before the election?

    13. Those are good questions, Quaker. I really haven't thought about either one.

      One point to note: for me, the new indictment against Trump makes it urgent to vote FOR him. It's banana republic behavior by the Dems. This indictment was brought only because Trump is running for President as a Republican. Furthermore, there seems to be a legal question as to the Special Prosecutor's proper Constitutional power. He brought charges before the Constitutional question was cleared up purely for political purposes.

    14. The Dems have been engaging in banana republic behavior for years now. Remember they tried to get Trump taken off the state ballots etc. Then all the horseshit lawfare. Making January 6th into something into an "insurrection". They will do anything they can to prevent him from winning. They will not let him be president again. Worse case, they kill him, but he will not be president again.

    15. I predict plane or helicopter crash.

    16. www.frontpages.com

      Great site! Thanks.

      You can see the lawfare story is above the fold on WSJ, Washington Post and L.A. Times.

    17. How would that work, Dickhead in Cal? If the coward wins does that mean he doesn't have to answer the charges in a court of law? Four felony counts returned by a federal grand jury? What the fuck, Dickhead? And no, there is no constitutional question about the SP? That was just some lawless bullshit trump's hack judge in FL made up, contradicting more than a century of precedent. Go fuck yourself, Dickhead.

    18. Is the accusation that Comey wanted Clinton to lose, so he reopened the investigation? He got lucky by Weiner getting caught sending explicit photos to a 15-year-old girl that August which gave him pretext to tank her election chances? Is that the accusation?

    19. 5:58 It seems like desperate lawfare to me. A party desperate to avoid having to win with political ideas that relate to real values.

    20. " ... political ideas that relate to real values."

      What's that got to do with Trump? If you mean Project 2025, pull the other one.


    21. What are the values the Democratic party promotes to potential voters?

    22. You can look them up in the Democratic Party Platform. I posted links to it several times in the past few days’ comments.

    23. The point is that is all boilerplate marketing. It means nothing. The party isn't representing or communicating ideas that truly connect with real values of citizens. How could they? They represent corporations and other power centers, not citizens. This is why they want to beat Trump in other means so they won't have to go through the charade of pretending to believe whatever is in the platform. A square fight with Trump would force the issue into the sunlight much more than they prefer. Who could blame them?

    24. 6:52,
      The Democrats only represent corporations, because Democrats are Commies who hate corporations and want to rescind the HUGE tax break Trump gave them.
      Try to keep up.

    25. @5:51
      "Remember they tried to get Trump taken off the state ballots etc."

      Can't speak for the challenge in Maine, but here in Colorado it was a group of Republican voters who sued to have Trump barred from the primary ballot.

      Not Dems.

    26. @David 5:20

      That's one of your worst arguments ever. First of all, it's not "Dems" who brought the indictment. It was a special counsel. Second, the original indictment was brought before there was any question about the Special Counsel's authority. The Constitutional issue was raised by Trump's defense team in response to the initial indictment.

      No one here has a time machine or a crystal ball.

    27. Just yesterday, Gym Jordan, who has been abusing his chairmanship of the House Judiciary Committee acting as adjunct defense counsel for Trump's myriad legal troubles, issued a subpoena to a company connected to the daughter of Judge Merchan. Repeat: A company connected to The daughter of the judge who presided over Trump's fraud trial.

      This is just another in a long line of abuses of governmental authority, shall we call it "lawfare", coming out of the republican control House committees to harass and intimidate judges dealing with Trump's various crimes.

      Every right wing accusation is a confession.

      Dickhead in Cal is hopeful that Trump wins this election so he can escape all consequences of his criminality and then use all levers of his presidential powers to go a revenge tour attacking any and all persons who dared to try to hold Trump accountable. That is what David means and looks forward to when he encourages people to vote for Trump.

    28. The company in question does political work for Biden and Harris and may benefit from the prosecution and conviction of Trump. This calls into question the impartiality of Judge Merchan.

    29. Judge Merchan doesn't work for that company, fuckface. Do you really want to go down this road?

    30. Sure! His daughter works for them. What the problem?

    31. typo: What's the problem?

    32. His daughter is the president of the multi million dollar Democratic leaning fundraising agency.

    33. Her company raised millions for their clients off of Trump's prosecution. Speaker Jordan merely wants them to sign a sworn affidavit that there was no communication between the company and judge. What's the big deal?

    34. If the roles were reversed, you would be all gung ho, dumbass. What leads a person to be consumed with subjective partisanship? It's very bizarre.

      Ok - now you can start in with your childish idiotic vulgarities and insults that avoid the subject.


    35. He is one congressman, representing a ridiculously gerrymandered district in Ohio, out of 435. He wasn't elected to act as trump's personal lawyer.

    36. Horseshit. Gentleman Gym Jordan is not trump's fucking lawyer. He has no fucking business using his governmental subpoena power to harass a company that doesn't have a fucking thing to do with trump's crimes for which he has been convicted unanimously by a jury of his peers. This is the very definition of lawfare you fucking maggots are always crying about.

      Her company raised millions for their clients off of Trump's prosecution. did you pull this out of your ass? Any evidence?

      Speaker Jordan merely wants them to sign a sworn affidavit that there was no communication between the company and judge. Who the fuck died and made this fucking right wing hack the judge and jury to stick his nose in trump's legal woes and harass private citizens.

    37. If you're so interested in this matter, why would you not familiarize yourself with its basic documents? Jordan documented how her company raised millions for their clients off of Trump's prosecution. He's totally within his rights. This is not "lawfare", idiot. You're fucking so dumb. Fuck you.

      "In April 4, 2023, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg indicted President Trump
      with 34 counts of falsifying business records. Since the indictments, two of Authentic
      Campaigns' top clients—Representative Adam Schiff and the Senate Majority PAC—.have
      raised "at least $93 million in campaign donations" while referencing the indictments in their
      solicitation emails. Notably, according to one report, Representative Schiff's campaign for U.S.
      Senate has received "S20 million in aid since he began soliciting donations off the presumptive
      GOP presidential front-runner's unprecedented 34-count indictment last April." The Senate
      Majority PAC similarly has "pocketed $73.6 million since it also began firing off fundraising emails".

    38. LOL, that's really persuasive evidence, punk.

      LOL, you people are so fucking stupid.

      What does this have to do with the jury's 34 unanimous guilty verdicts, asshole?

  11. Today Somerby asks "Did I ever have a salient, coherent point to make in the last decade?"


    1. For you to answer that question, implies you've been reading a blogger for a decade who has never made a salient, coherent point.

      Lot of time on your hands?

    2. It depends on whether you think the Right-wing talking points and grievances Somerby repeats are salient.

    3. One can quickly skim Somerby's posts, as he usually phones it in, repeating the same misguided notions and claims over and over; the action is in the comments, where right wingers and trolls provide a case study for how a traumatized brain operates, and others make interesting and insightful points.

    4. I just troll here. I never make a point.

    5. @1:36 - given your objective, you're very good at it.

  12. "Donald Trump tried to clean up the mess after his widely criticized visit to Arlington National Cemetery, where two of his staffers allegedly engaged in an altercation with an official trying to enforce rules against photographing gravesites.

    The former president and Republican nominee posed for photos and videos alongside the families of two service members killed in an August 2021 bombing attack, and many critics questioned why Trump posed with a grin plastered on his face and his customary thumbs-up gesture. A spokesperson for the cemetery said two campaign staffers engaged in a verbal and physical altercation with an official there."

    This is yet another incident in which Trump and the Republicans show that they believe rules do not apply to themselves. Trump has lived his life as if he is above any laws. A reporter should ask him how he thinks he can uphold the laws of our nation without following them himself.

    1. DavidinCal's comment(s) that the Arlington National Cemetery is biased against Trump in 5, 4, 3, ....

  13. ""I just — I have to wonder what was the vetting of J.D. Vance because this is simply insane," she [Sanders Townsend] concluded."

    These statements about cat ladies and childless teachers are not the weirdest part of JD Vance's background. He changed his name 4 times. He wrote an autobiographical book in which he lied about where he himself grew up, but also about where his hillbilly grandparents lived. He doesn't smile. He called Trump "America's Hitler". There is so much that is odd about Vance that it seems like he was chosen only for his current political support of Trump. He is worse than DeSantis in terms of ability to relate to crowds, but DeSantis challenged Trump whereas Vance is an obvious grifter willing to sacrifice his integrity for Trump. Lack of respect for truth also seems to be a prerequisite, a feature not a bug. Trump should have picked Santos -- at least people like him.

  14. https://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/2024/08/cnns-jennings-slammed-for-calling-walz-harriss-emotional-support-animal-over-interview/?utm_source=Iterable&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=campaign_10898332

    Here is an example of the double standard against Harris, enacted by Republican Scott Jennings, who called Walz a support animal because Harris will be interviewed together with her running mate, as is traditional in the first interview after a nominating convention.

  15. Favorable movement toward Democrats. The more Republicans attack Harris in spiteful and stupid ways, the more motivated people will be to turn out for her in November.

    "Pollster Tom Bonier noted what he called “the Harris Effect”: the 13 states that have updated their voters files since July 21—when Biden said he would not accept the Democratic nomination for president—have seen “incredible surges in voter registration relative to the same time period in 2020, driven by women, voters of color, and young voters.”

    The registrations of young Black women have almost tripled compared with the same period in 2020. The registrations of young Hispanic women are up by 150%. “Black women overall have almost doubled their registration numbers from 2020,” Bonier wrote.

    These changes benefit Democrats, Bonier noted. “Democratic registration has increased by over 50%, as compared to only 7% for Republicans. These new registrants are modeled as +20 pts Dem, as compared to +6 during the same week in 2020.”

    The Cook Political Report today moved the electoral votes of Minnesota, New Hampshire, and North Carolina, and the governor's races in North Carolina and Washington, toward the Democrats. Minnesota, New Hampshire, and the Washington governor have gone from leaning Democratic to likely Democratic wins; the North Carolina governor’s race has gone from Toss Up to Lean Democratic; North Carolina has gone from Lean Republican to Toss Up. "


    1. I love the spiteful and stupid Republican attacks on Harris. They strengthen my determination to vote for Donald Trump and make America great again!

    2. America is already great. Don’t let some loser convince you it needs to be made great again.

  16. Both Bob, The Press, and the Dems missed Trump’s shocking reversal on the ACA.
